I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 174 Let’s wait until you become a hunter

Something like the divine word suddenly appeared about four hundred years ago?

What does this mean?

Kurapika asked: "Did a certain person or group at that time pioneer the system of divine characters?"

"Maybe." Biyou said noncommittally.

Jing Yang said: "Four hundred years ago, that happened to be the time when King Zhenwu was active. You just thought that King Zhenwu might have knowledge of divine characters that is beyond your understanding... Is there any connection between the two?"

"Probably." Biyou said.

Jing Yang said depressedly: "Sister Tu, you are too perfunctory. How hurtful are you?"

"If I remember correctly, we actually don't have a deep friendship." Biyou said calmly, "This is precious information. If you really want to know, wait until you get the hunter's license and become a real professional hunter. .”

Jing Yang smiled and said: "It's just a hunter's license, but you still need to take the exam? You should get it! It all depends on whether we have time... What's your expression? You're not thinking of making the exam more difficult then, are you?"

Biyou did not answer this question, but said: "Since the divine characters are called words, there is the so-called number of characters. The number of divine characters currently mastered by the Hunter Association is already the largest and most complete that I know. But even if In this case, no one dares to say that these are all the divine words."

After a pause, she continued: "President Nitro once said jokingly, 'Assuming there is a general lexicon that collects all divine words, then the divine words we have may not even account for one-tenth of this lexicon. There’s not enough to fill it all’.”

Jing Yang was thoughtful.

Kurapika suddenly asked: "One-tenth, how did you get this number?"

Bi You glanced at him and said, "Maybe the president just said it casually."

Kurapika nodded.

Xiaodi was squatting on the ground, still observing the line of divine characters that Biyou had carved out after analyzing and restoring the broken divine characters on the head of the Buddha statue.

Indeed, as Biyou said, this line of divine characters is not complicated.

Jing Yang also remembered that in the Greedy Island chapter of the comic, there was a boxer with a release element next to Leza. In order to perform boxing that could move through space, he carved densely packed divine characters on the ring, which almost took up more than half of the ring. The rope Yun Gu tied Xiaojie had only one function, that is, it would break on its own when Xiaojie used "Tangle". In addition, no matter how hard he tried, he could not untie the rope and could not cut it...

The more complex and powerful the mind ability is, the more divine characters need to be inscribed for assistance.

The spatial telekinesis ability is undoubtedly the most complex type in any system of supernatural abilities.

"Since the divine characters in the Buddha's head are not used for positioning and spatial transmission, what are they used for?" Jing Yang reached out and touched the line of divine characters on the ground. Because he had never really learned the relevant knowledge of divine characters, At the moment, he can't even tell how many "words" there are in this line of divine words. "In addition, this black jade Buddha statue does have the ability to position and teleport, there is no doubt about it. Are there other divine words in the Buddha statue that we have not discovered?"

Xiao Didi said: "It's also possible that the divine characters that were actually used to assist space teleportation have disappeared on their own."

Jing Yang thought of the divine space that trapped Kurapika. With Kurapika's escape, all the divine characters instantly disappeared, as if they had a self-destruct device, and he couldn't help but nodded in approval.

Kurapika said to himself: "The person who made this Buddha statue obviously has many secrets and doesn't want us to know."

"But he did leave us something." Jing Yang said.

The most important thing is undoubtedly the Nitolomi preserved in the divine word space.

As for these Nitolomi, it is unknown whether King Zhenwu saved it for himself to enjoy in the future, or whether it was really hidden in a secret place in the mountains for a destined person - or a destined black mist lion, as Jing Yang joked before. .

Biyou looked at the three of them and asked strangely: "In this matter, it seems that you have some secrets that you haven't told?"

Jing Yang said seriously: "If I remember correctly, we don't actually have a deep friendship. This is precious information. If you really want to know, you should wait until we are free one day to get a hunter's license and become a real professional hunter. Say it again."

After being blocked with her own words, Biyou still looked calm and nodded slightly, her bunny ears hair accessories swaying accordingly.

She took back her "circle".

She has collected all the information about the black jade Buddha statue, and she feels that this trip has been fruitful.

Finally, Bi You taught Jing Yang and the others the line of divine characters recovered from the head of the Buddha statue, and then left in style.

Before leaving, she warned: "It's better not to let anyone see this Buddha statue casually, and it's best to delete all the photos on your phone. I don't think you have the network technology to prevent hackers, right?"

Jing Yang expressed his understanding and watched Sister Rabbit leave from the gate of Eternal Library.

In this world with supernatural abilities, the technical level of potential network hackers is also difficult to estimate... In this world, you can become invincible by boxing, you can become invincible by playing chess, who knows? A certain computer technology genius, eating hot pot and typing codes, suddenly awakened the super hacker technology and other mental abilities, and became invincible in the online world?

There is even a kind of hunter in the Hunter Association, called a hacker hunter.

Specialized in hunting hackers!

Jing Yang has suspected more than once that the so-called international server in this world, which stores the identity information, bank and medical records of almost everyone in the world, is the product of Nian ability. Even if the items are not directly made by telekinesis, it is very likely that they were designed by some telekinesis programmers and engineers.

"Are you still thinking about the divine characters?" Kurapika couldn't help but ask when he saw that he had been dazed in front of the bookshelf for a long time.

Xiaodi usually wouldn't interfere with Jing Yang's thoughts. Seeing Jing Yang in a daze, she picked up a book and started reading casually.

Jing Yang said: "I was thinking that the online world is too dangerous, and the data on the mobile phone may not be very safe, let alone repairing the computer."

"But when you mentioned the divine characters, I do have some ideas." He changed the subject, "If the divine characters used for the ability to teleport through space disappear with the disappearance of the divine characters' space, then what's left is What is the use of the divine characters that have not disappeared?"

Kurapika browsed the brand new books on the bookshelf, "Do you have any clues?"

"A little bit, indeed."

Jing Yang pulled out a book with a huge black spider on the cover and the title "The Mysterious Phantom Troupe".

"Why does the Patriarch focus on the fiery red eyes?"

Jing Yang casually opened the book and read, "It's not enough to have two pairs of flaming eyes. I even set my sights on the third pair on your face. Not only that, I will sacrifice my own life in order to get your eyes." , the remaining thoughts after death are still saying that he will return, that he will become a god, and so on."

The content of the book is a bit disappointing. It is basically written with subjective conjecture. It summarizes some various speculations about the Phantom Troupe on the Internet, including the theory that these spiders may actually come from Meteor Street - but This is not surprising, because the vast number of fanciful netizens have basically guessed everything they can, thinking that the Phantom Troupe is from the Cajun country and is people from a certain unknown secret island. There are quite a few, and some people even think that they are a team of thieves composed of a group of professional hunters.

The most realistic parts are that the members of the Phantom Troupe all have spider tattoos on their bodies, and the other is the chapter related to the massacre of the Kuluta tribe. The rest are far from the Phantom Troupe that Jing Yang knew.

Kurapika glanced at the book in Jing Yang's hand, "Fiery Eyes, Kuluta Clan, God, Resurrection... Which of these divine words do you think corresponds to one of them?"

Jingyang closed the book with a snap and wanted to put it back, but Xiaodi took it away.

"God, resurrection, even if it can be achieved, cannot be achieved by these two lines of divine characters. It can basically be ruled out." Jing Yang said, "Then the only ones left are the Fire Red Eyes and the Kuluta Clan. These two seem to be the same. thing."

Kurapika said: "Unless my ancestors had contact with King Zhenwu of Kajin, it is difficult to imagine that the divine words left by King Zhenwu would be related to this."

Xiaodi flipped through the book and said, "Maybe it's not about the flaming eyes, but about the seven beauties in the world?"

"Seven beauties?" Jing Yang shook his head, "The flaming eye is the most difficult color to find now. Mr. Leader has time to try his luck to find the flaming eye. It would be more practical to spend some money and energy to get the other six colors."

He looked at Kurapika.

Kurapika said: "I don't know whether the Kuluta clan had any contact with King Zhenwu and Kajin three or four hundred years ago..."

This is also natural. More than two years ago, when the Kuluta tribe tragedy occurred, he was only about 11 years old. Even if the tribe had any stories and traditions, he had not had time to learn and be exposed to them all.

"If the special characteristics of the red eyes were removed..."

Jing Yang said to himself thoughtfully.

"Could it simply be related to the eyes?" Xiaodi said while reading "The Mysterious Phantom Troupe".


"Then the patriarch saw some kind of hallucination when he was tinkering with the Buddha statue?"

Jing Yang and Kurapika looked at each other, "Let's go and give it a try."

Just try it.

But it’s not like just scribbling random words in the library.

Jing Yang and the others went straight to the nearest park and found a secluded open space with few people. According to the techniques taught by Biyou, they concentrated their thoughts on their fingers and slowly wrote three identical lines of divine characters on the ground.

They condensed their thoughts and stepped on the divine characters they drew on the ground.

"Since it's vision, then..."

Jing Yang concentrated his thoughts in his eyes and waited for a long time. Several park pedestrians passed by in the distance behind him. There was a gentle breeze and nothing happened.

The same goes for Kurapika and Xiaodi, and they get nothing.

Jing Yang thought for a while and said, "Get your feet away."

Xiaodi removed her foot, revealing the line of divine characters she was stepping on. Jing Yang stretched out his hand to gather Qi at his fingertips, recalled for a moment, and followed the method used by the Black Mist Lion Elder to write blood letters after dancing, and successfully wrote a line of divine words, which is likely to be contained in the small jade Buddha pendant. The ability corresponding to the divine word.

He followed suit and drew two more.

"Try again now." Jing Yang clapped his hands and stood up.


Xiaodi stepped on two lines of divine characters with her left and right feet respectively.

Kurapika's eyes narrowed, and Qi gathered in his eyes.

Jing Yang felt as if there was a "buzz" in his head, and the scenery of the park in front of him suddenly shattered, and he seemed to be in a doomsday-like scene of destruction.

He saw that the sky was gray and purple lightning loomed.

He saw the earth cracking and black waves rolling up. Human beings were as small as ants in front of it.

He saw that in this apocalyptic storm, ant-like human beings were like candles, rushing forward desperately, and then being smashed to pieces.

He saw the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara weeping blood and tears, the body of the Thousand-foot Tathagata being broken, God's head cut off, angels' wings broken, and saints singing lamentations... But all of them fell into the endless abyss and were destroyed in the sea of ​​fire.

The light goes out and darkness comes.

A huge sense of helplessness and despair surged into my heart uncontrollably, making people want to go crazy and go crazy.

The gods are dead and everything will end...


Jing Yang let out a sharp breath and stumbled a few steps.

Without the two lines of divine characters under his feet, all the illusions in front of him disappeared like fragments, and the familiar peaceful scene in the park returned.

Jing Yang panted and touched his forehead, only to find that he had broken out in a cold sweat.

Looking at Kurapika again, he fell to the ground, holding his forehead with one hand, silent, as if he had been greatly shocked and was doubting his life.

What exactly is that?

Just an illusion?

Doomsday disaster, world destruction?

Is it a prophecy or something that happened in the past?

The fall of gods is like dropping dumplings... But do gods really exist?

Jing Yang couldn't help but frown, Zhenwu Wang Laowei, he is also a legendary king after all, he wouldn't do some special effects to fool people, right?

And it was specially sealed with divine characters!

Kurapika came back to his senses and said to himself: "Probably, that's how the patriarch gradually fell into madness. Is this what King Zhenwu left behind his record of history or a prophecy of the future?"

Jing Yang said: "Why are you following the demon? Unless Lao Wei is actually an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, how could he have witnessed that scene. And if it is a prophecy, unfortunately, I am not very good at it. Believe in prophecies and that kind of thing.”

The most important thing is that in the hunter world, the so-called prophecies do not seem to be tragic prophecies like Oedipus, that is, just because you listen to these prophecies and try your best to prevent the prophecies from coming true, the result is that the prophecies will happen. Happen... The prophecy of the Hunter World is more like a guess about all the probabilities of what may happen in the future, pointing out the probability event that is most likely to happen.

This is the prophetic effect of the special telekinesis ability of Nyon, the daughter of a certain gang boss. Her prophecy can be used as a warning. As long as we work together to avoid it, we can prevent the prophecy from coming true.

Even if King Zhenwu really predicted some kind of doomsday scene in the future...

Let’s not mention whether there are gods in this world. Whether the prophecy will happen as scheduled is another matter.

The main reason why Jing Yang did not completely deny the prophecy was because of the Dark Continent.

Later in the comic, the Black Whale took thousands of people to the Dark Continent, and a group of people including the Hunter Association insisted on exploring the Dark Continent... Let’s not talk about the comic story, let’s talk about the real moment. Jing Yang himself is also thinking about the future. Going to explore the Dark Continent. The Dark Continent not only has the longevity rice that brings "hope", but also various "disasters" that accompany it. If the doomsday in the illusion that I just saw happened because of the Dark Continent, it is actually not impossible...

Jing Yang had a lot of thoughts for a while, and then he realized that Xiao Di was still standing there, stepping on the two divine words and looking blankly. He seemed to be still immersed in the doomsday illusion, like a normal person.

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