"Run! Forrest, Run!"

In the Eternal Library in another city, in front of the bookshelf in the quiet hall, someone suddenly shouted, causing others to cast reproachful glances and raise their fingers to boo him.

Feel sorry! The tool man mouthed something to the others, then put the book he was holding upside down back down, turned around and left with a slumped face.

Damn Phantom Troupe, dare to kill... The tool man pulled up his hood and gritted his teeth.

He quickly went to the front desk lady and took a look.

As soon as the latter saw him, he smiled and said: "Sir, the package you mentioned before has really arrived. Look, is it the mark you mentioned?" She took a document bag-sized express delivery from her hand and pointed There is a "DIO" text mark on the list.

The tool man picked up the express and left. Not long after leaving the Eternal Library, he discovered that someone was following him.

It seems like the guys here are getting wet too.

Anyway, it all depends on the fucking Phantom Troupe!

I'm Jing Yang, the most... not the fastest person in the world, but I'm lucky!

The moment he saw the explosions of fire coming from the wedding garden hundreds of meters away, Jing Yang knew he had to run.

An explosion of that level would definitely take away many people. Once he absorbs too much death energy and his heart cannot withstand it, if he undergoes a rapid growth here on the spot, it will be a trivial matter for his intelligence secrets to be leaked. The worst thing is that he will fall into a coma and can only be slaughtered by others. In case he is reduced to A small burden would kill both of them.

So he must run!

[Jing Yang, hurry up and leave. 】Almost at the same time, Xiaodi's heartbeat came from the Yi Zi Jie, "I'm here to kill her." 】

【Let’s kill together! 】

Jing Yang sent a message, and his feet were already rushing out in the opposite direction of the explosion. The results of the special training in the past few days are still useful. He sprints as fast as the wind!

Did he really run away?

When Babu saw this, he immediately threw the other "bubbles" around him towards Xiaodi.

The small bulging-eyed fish cannot absorb living people and creations of mind, so it can only use the same trick again, throwing out a few "bubbles" that come towards it with a chain saw of mind.

However, there were too many "bubbles". The attack method of the chain saw was not as accurate as Jing Yang's magic power. Xiaodi only exploded less than half of the "bubbles" coming from the front and left and right, and the rest flew over the exploding ones. The firelight came towards her.

There was also a part of the "bubble" that circled behind her and blocked the way back.

Xiaodi dodged to avoid it, and a group of "bubbles" blew to the ground where she was standing, but did not explode. They rolled to the ground and continued to chase her.


Xiaodi waved his hand and used the chain saw to whip out, and then exploded a bunch of them with a rumble.

Xiaodi fought and hid, and even in a hurry, he could only use the bulging fish to block and slap away the incoming "bubbles".

In just a few seconds, these "bubbles" chased me around several times. The open space in front of the villa was blown up like some kind of frontline battlefield, with potholes everywhere and wisps of black smoke rising. Xiaodi was quickly cornered by these "bubbles". Several piles of "bubbles" surrounded her from different angles, making it difficult to dodge!

Is it difficult to dodge? This is impressive.

The sapphire-like glimmer in Xiaodi's eyes flashed, and her movements immediately seemed like a different person. When all the "bubbles" rushed towards her, she patiently waited for the last and most dangerous opportunity, twisting her body at an incredible angle, Flying out of the "bubbles" almost close to the ground.

There was a rumbling explosion behind him, and "Jingdi" flew towards Babu. The results of the special training in the past few days are still useful. He sprints as fast as the wind!


Jing Yang, who was as fast as the wind, ran in the opposite direction for ten or twenty seconds. On the way, he activated the star on Xiaodi's leg and projected his consciousness.

He was estimating that the time and distance were almost there when he faced a tall wall. The inertia was too great and he had no time to brake. He hit the wall and smashed it into pieces. When he looked outside, it turned out to be a small river. Finally, his reaction was astonishing and he stepped on one in time. He jumped over, rolled around on the other side, got up, and fell to the ground again.

There are almost two death auras.

Jing Yang's eyes crossed the river, passed through the wall hole, and moved to the rock bird in the sky more than a thousand meters away, overlooking the bloody scene in the garden. Jing Yang didn't know exactly how many people had been killed by Babu's detonation of the "bubbles" hidden in the garden, but a few moments before he started to retreat, there were two deadly auras chasing him. He bit it, and the strange cold-hot breath penetrated directly into his heart.


This time, Jing Yang felt that kind of heart palpitations. He knew that if he absorbed a few more death energy next time, he might pass out again.

Next time you transform, how old will your body be?

The last time he transformed was the last time. During this period, perhaps it was because my strength was getting stronger and my heart's threshold for absorbing death energy had also become higher. After accumulating it for so long, I was afraid that my little heart was going to give me a big one... I couldn't just beat it for me. After adolescence, fast forward directly to retirement, right?

An eight-armed black shadow appeared near Jing Yang. Like a paralyzed old man, he was lying on his side on the grass by the river.

Jing Yang rarely smiled bitterly.

Xiaodi, it’s not a big problem to support my brother until he’s old, right?


When Babu saw the girl with glasses running straight towards him, she thought to herself that she had really been underestimated. Did she think that she could fight better if she got closer?

She dodged, went around to the side, and struck the girl's lateral carotid artery with a knife.

"Jingdi" obviously didn't see her movements clearly, but as if her body was automatically sensing it, she narrowly got out of the way at the last moment and turned forward with one hand on the ground.

In the process, the sapphire glimmer in her eyes dissipated.

Xiaodi regained control of her body, and immediately took advantage of the situation and raised her hand. The three chain saws turned the sharp gears and swiped towards Babu who was close in front of her.


Babu blew a breath and flew out a few "bubbles" to blow up the chain saw.

The heavy base behind the vacuum cleaner broke through the explosion of fire. With no expression on his face, Xiaodi picked up the bulging fish and hit Babu on the head.

Babu is not a rich man, so she certainly won't accept such a direct attack.

However, when she stepped back, "Jingdi" followed closely and reached out to grab her abdomen.

A drop of blood from the explosion was hanging on the fingertips of "Jingdi", and it was twisting towards the shape of a five-pointed star under the control of mind energy...

"You want my blood?" Babu misunderstood, but somehow she remained highly vigilant about her body being touched.

A powerful thought energy suddenly erupted from her body, and a push separated "Jingdi's" hand, and the blood drop hanging on her fingertip was blown away before it could form a pentagram.

It's "practice"...

"Jingdi" knows this very well. The star mark is very effective when used as a sneak attack. When the enemy is on guard, it is difficult to succeed in frontal combat. ——Of course, the premise is that the enemy is strong enough, sharp enough, and experienced enough. And the explosive girl from the Phantom Troupe in front of her is strong enough, sharp enough, and experienced enough.

All I can say is that it is indeed a spider.

"Wo Jin" and this woman are the strongest opponents he has ever encountered so far. Back on the airship, Chrollo and Madge had never fought each other, and since I was weak at the time, I didn't feel much about the strength of those two people. Paris Stone is probably also very strong, but the male publicist who laughs all day long is even more unfathomable and unpredictable.

The two spiders I encountered this time were very intuitive. There was nothing else but strength! Combat skills and experience, as well as the use of Qi, are not at the level of ordinary telekinesis users. Any one of them can easily defeat the master of the Sky Arena, Zi Yuan. And the thing that leads them the most from Jing Yang is Nian Liang!

Jing Yang estimates that the total amount of thoughts of either of these two people is probably more than twice or even more than his own!

Breaking all laws with one force is not always possible in the hunter world. In the world of Nian, there is no lack of ability to defeat the strong with the weak. However, the great advantage that the crushing of total thoughts can bring is also undeniable.

Facing the combat power of these two spiders today, Kurapika is in the former position. As for Jingyang and Xiaodi, it seems that the latter is the one who was crushed by Nianliang.

call! call!

Babu exhaled forcefully, and a series of "bubbles" flew out and breathed towards "Jingdi"'s face.

"Jingdi" ducked under the iron bridge, but "Bubble" turned at a right angle and chased downwards.

"Jingdi" twisted her waist and rolled to the side.

"Bubble" chased after her, and Babu ran over and kicked the glasses of the girl with glasses, hitting her face hard... huh? Barb caught a glimpse of a familiar thing out of the corner of his eye.

That octopus mind beast?

Why did it appear again?

Boom! The vacuum cleaner was picked up and swung behind its head, exploding a series of "bubbles".

At the same time, the little drop on the front did not resist much. He only tilted his head slightly. He was kicked by Babu and flew to the grass not far away. He rolled a few times. When he got up again, there was a drop of nosebleeds. She wiped it with her sleeve without expression, leaving a pink blood stain on her mouth and chin.

The "reflection" transferred to Xiaodi by Jing Yang showed strong hostility towards Babu because of Babu's attack on Xiaodi, with its eight arms dancing uneasily.

"This thing must eat my blood to be effective, right?"

Babu directed the remaining "bubbles" in the air to gather around him and spread out into a circle, then glanced at the "reflection" that was staring at him eagerly.

She's not blind. Lie Ying suffered a loss because of this thing before.

Judging from the process, once the octopus reaches the ability conditions, there is no way to resist, and it will be forced to rob part of the mind.

"Don't worry, before you die, I won't have any scratches on my skin." Babu said, "I won't shed a drop of blood."

The nosebleed has stopped, and even the wounds in the nasal cavity have healed. He is holding the bulging fish vacuum cleaner in one hand, and turning his Qi into a chain saw in the other hand, he said calmly: "But it can distract you, that's enough."

Babu said nothing, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled larger "bubbles" one by one.

Until her last breath, she exhaled sideways.

A ball of "bubble" shells as big as a fist seemed to spray towards Jing Yang.

Do you think you didn't see the boy who came back? Babu sneered inwardly.

Jing Yang turned sideways and patted the ground to avoid the bombardment of the "air mass". He did not slow down at all when he was running. He flew past a distance of more than ten meters and punched Babu in the nose.

No bleeding!

Babu turned around, and Jing Yang's fist almost brushed the tip of her nose.

She lifted her vagina and kicked her leg out from the side, but Jing Yang also twisted her around.

In the end, the two punched almost simultaneously and collided in the air.


Babu's foot cracked the ground without moving at all, while Jing Yang was blown away and fell to the ground. He took two staggering steps and touched his cheek that was blackened by the explosion. However, the skin was not broken.

You fucking Qiu Qianchi, right? ! Jing Yang didn't expect that this female spider could spit on him during a fist fight.

"Didn't he run away? Why did he come back to die?" Babu glanced at Jingyang and Xiaodi, and then glanced at the dolphin bookshelf that was still floating in the low sky, as if it was indifferent to the world. A trace of doubt passed through it. Isn't there a book missing?

She finally looked at Jing Yang and thought to herself: "The movements of the girl with glasses just now always become more precise and sharp from time to time, as if... this kid is wearing the skin of this little girl. It seems that he is indeed what the knight guessed. That operating system, and can switch the perspective of the target controlled by his mark with almost no side effects.”

She thought about it for a moment and understood. In the previous quick fight, there must have been details of this kid trying to control himself with his operational ability.

"This must be the reason why this kid hasn't come back until now - he has always been there, just with the help of this girl's body. Since he deliberately avoided himself, he wanted to use this girl to paralyze me, and tried to sneak attack with the operation system ability , then I guess, he has also guessed that we have guessed which operating system he is."

In an instant, Babu restored almost all the details correctly and saw through Jing Yang's plan.

However, what she didn't expect was Jing Yang's next words.

"It's quite tiring after playing for so long, isn't it?" Jing Yang smiled and raised his hand, and a ball of thoughts popped out of his palm, "Let's play a little game, how about throwing and catching a ball?"

The mind ball rotated above his palm, and a number appeared in it, saying "100".

Lie Ying slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he felt was that he was tied up by heavy iron chains.

What he saw was a huge canyon that was split open by gusty winds. And he was hung here by the heavy iron chains extending from the cliffs on both sides, locking his limbs and body.

Lie Ying wanted to struggle, but found that the chains did not move at all.

Not to mention using telekinesis to transform, I couldn't even feel a breath of energy and couldn't use it!


Was I forced into ecstasy?

"What, spiders are still trapped in spider webs?"

In the howling wind of the canyon, Lie Ying muttered to himself. He remembered what happened before, so where was the blond boy?

As if he knew he was awake, the heavy chains that bound him began to loosen and he sank down.

Lie Ying, who was bound by the iron chain, fell towards the darkness below. When the iron chain was tightened again, he could see clearly what was at the bottom of the canyon where the wind howled.

It is the ruins of a village.

The blond kid was sitting next to a pile of charred tents in the ruins. Because his back was to Li Ying, his expression at the moment could not be seen clearly.

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