I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 197: The sea is dry and the stone is in ruins

The five roundabouts and the small island in the center don't look like the runway island that Jing Yang originally thought, but more like an archery target placed on the sea.

Since discovering this place, Jin Fulis has come to take a look every year and try to see if he can pull out the arrow in the center of the "archery target".

After Kate was taken out of the slum by Kim, he came here once. At that time, he didn't quite understand the brain circuit of his teacher, so he asked him, why did he want to pull out the arrow so much? Why do you think this is a giant arrow that was submerged under the island and sank to the bottom of the sea? Why does the teacher firmly believe that this giant arrow must leave the island one day?

After hearing this, Jin was filled with questions.

"Are you stupid?" He gestured to the cheap student, pointing his bow and arrow towards the sky, "Of course the arrow must be shot!"

To be honest, after listening to Jin's explanation, Kate still didn't understand it.

But today I can understand some of it.

He held down the hat on his head and looked up at the giant island arrow rising into the sky. Master must be here to witness the majesty of this moment, so he never tires of staying here every year. It doesn’t matter how many times you are disappointed, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail...as long as you can see this scene with your own eyes!

Is this Jin’s hunter’s heart?

It hadn't been long since Kate officially obtained his hunter's license, and he didn't think he was already a hunter, so he wanted to learn and imitate everything from his teacher.

Kurapika didn't know about this pair of masters and disciples. He looked at the giant arrow rising into the sky, and all he could think of was the countless divine words engraved on the body of the huge stone arrow... The special island in the center and the giant arrow were damaged or After disappearing, the black mist on other Gojo Islands is quickly receding... is the thought contained in it disintegrating? Or is it that all the thoughts and energy scattered in this archipelago were drained out in order to let that giant arrow fly into the sky?

King Zhenwu left this place, laid out complicated divine characters, made many Buddha statues, and made treasure maps pointing here... Everything he did was to make this giant arrow shoot out?

Xiaodi didn't know what these people were thinking. She only glanced at the giant arrow as it shook the ground and slowly rose into the sky. She was more concerned and worried about Jing Yang.

Where has he gone?

Could it be that...it flew away with that arrow?

Xiaodi couldn't help but look at the sky again. The giant arrow rose to the sky, and it no longer looked as huge as it was at first. The stone arrow drew an arc in the sky, rushing towards the higher clouds, upward, forward...

"Wairui, what is that?" Someone suddenly exclaimed. The voice was like Jing Yang's, but his voice was deeper.

Xiaodi and Kurapika looked at the sound fiercely.

I saw one who looked exactly like Jing Yang, but was two heads taller than Jing Yang, and looked slender in limbs and stronger in physique. Although his facial lines and facial features still looked young, they could no longer be misunderstood as immature, and My hair has also grown a lot, not only long, but also messy...

He stood there with disheveled hair and bare feet, looking up at the flying arrow in the sky like everyone else, showing surprise. In his hand, he held a gas-shaped sharp blade that seemed to be integrated with his Qi, and the clothes on his body were in tatters, with the hems, sleeves, and trouser legs hanging one by one, swaying lightly in the wind...

This is just a wandering beggar with a sword who appeared out of nowhere...

"Jing Yang?"

Kurapika breathed a sigh of relief, but was also extremely surprised.

Although I heard from Jing Yang that after he absorbed too much death energy, his body would change, but he was still shocked to witness such changes with his own eyes.

How could a boy of thirteen or fourteen, who was about the same age as him a second ago, become so big as soon as he turned his head? How old are you, twenty?

It should be considered a blessing to not become middle-aged or even elderly in one breath...

"You are?" The lucky man looked at Kurapika in confusion.

Kurapika's eyes widened, and an exclamation mark and a question mark immediately popped up on his forehead, Jing Yang, you didn't say before that you would lose your memory after transforming!

Xiao Di walked toward Jing Yang, and Jing Yang stretched out a hand and cut Xiao Di's head, just enough to hit his neck.

He smiled and said: "Hey, am I taller than you now?"

This guy has no amnesia at all! Kurapika was speechless and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah." Xiaodi responded softly, raised her head and met Jingyang's eyes, and asked curiously, "How old are you now?"

"Twenty...one, two, three, four, five, six?" How did Jing Yang know that after his body was filled with death energy, it would not have a physical age mark, and he had never looked in the mirror, let alone After understanding the situation, he simply said, "Let me test you, how old do I look now?"

As expected, Xiaodi pondered and looked at Jing Yang's face. If you take a closer look from a distance, you will feel that Jing Yang has changed a lot, but if you look closely at his face, you will feel that he has not changed much from before... She said: "Twenty?"

"Then nineteen." Jing Yang agreed, "I'm only nineteen, so I'm still young."

"Yeah." Xiaodi agreed softly.

Jing Yang smiled and took Xiaodi into his arms with one hand. Xiaodi leaned on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a while. It seemed to be very steady and strong so far... One hand?

Xiao Di turned her head to look at the sharp blade that extended from Jing Yang's breath and held it in his other hand. She looked up at him in confusion.

"You ask this?"

Jing Yang shook the air sword in his hand, and then Kate came over and asked, "Are you Jing Yang?"

"Ang." Jing Yang said.

"You..." Kate hesitated.

"Me?" Jing Yang was also confused, "What's wrong with me?"

Kate looked him over, "You look different."

Jing Yang lowered his head and looked at himself, "I don't think there has been any change!"

It’s much smaller than the transformation from a man to a female Ant-Man in the comics, right?

Kate pondered and said no more.

He guessed that Jing Yang's change was either related to his telekinesis ability or to his experience after disappearing just now. Since Jing Yang didn't want to reveal it, he couldn't ask more questions.

Jin's eyes fell more on the air sword in Jing Yang's hand.

After training, those with telekinesis ability of the transformation system can change the form of Qi into a sharp blade, and add sharp characteristics... But the Qi sword in Jing Yang's hand, Jin Intuition is not that simple.

He was looking at Jing Yang, and Jing Yang was looking at him.

Jing Yang blinked. He originally wanted to mention the things he had met and talked with Blanchett on Ghost Island, and to get close to Jin, the mysterious person with the world's top five telekinesis abilities. But in this way, "the body will become bigger." "Jing Yang" was connected with the young man Jing Yang on Ghost Island... So when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

"Do you have something to say?" Jin asked. Seeing Jing Yang shrugging, he pointed to the Qi sword in Jing Yang's hand and said with a smile, "Would you like to chat about what happened after you disappeared? This sword looks like It’s fun to go up there, and…”

He glanced at Jing Yang's side, "Where is your guardian spirit beast?"

You know so much! All the guardian spirit beasts know... Jing Yang cursed secretly, raised his sword and pointed at the small black spot in the sky that was almost out of sight. It was the giant arrow that flew out, "Of course we can talk, but what is that thing? You look like you know a lot of things."

"Really?" Jin smiled and looked at the arrow shadow that had turned into a black dot in the sky and receded into the distance. "It's nothing. It's just an arrow left here by Zhenwu King Wei Hugo."

That's it?

Kurapika thought to himself, judging from the size and the divine characters scattered all over that arrow, it can't be carried by more than just two characters, right?

"Why did it fly away?" Jing Yang shook the air sword, "It's so good, where is it flying to?"

"I guess..." Jin smiled, "It flew to the Dark Continent."

High in the sky, the cold wind howled, and a thousand-meter-long giant arrow pierced the clouds.

The mottled and simple stone arrows are engraved with dense black divine characters, which seem to complement each other, glowing with a dark and deep light, leading the huge stone arrows across the ocean, passing over cities, mountains, and villages on the mainland, as it flies Going faster and faster, straighter and straighter, rushing out of the edge of all the continents on the map plate, still flying towards the farther and more boundless sea...

The fishing boats were undulating on the seashore, and the black waves were like ink lapping against the weathered rocks of the island, stirring up cold waves and soaking Pariston's suit trousers.

He didn't care, he materialized a business card box, took out the top card, crushed it into pieces and threw it away.

The business card disintegrated inch by inch in the sea breeze and disappeared with the wind.

Palliston went against the sea breeze, recognized the direction, and without hesitation looked in the direction of the island away from the human world. Not long after, he saw a figure standing on the sea in the distance - no , that majestic and tall back was not standing on the sea, but stepping on a rock, and the whole person was as motionless as a statue tempered in the waves.

"The place where you are standing is the farthest place on the map, right?" Pariston stood on the shore and said with a relaxed smile, "It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of the world."

The tall and burly man had messy black hair, which was tied into a bun with a wooden branch. When he heard the voice behind him, he did not turn around. He still stood like a statue, looking ahead, further away, and more unknown. A more dangerous, darker ocean...

Paris Channel: "Mr. Byande, I'm curious, since you want to go to the Dark Continent so much, why don't you set off now?"

Biande still didn't look back, but spoke, "Boy, how did you find this place?"

Pariston smiled and said: "Is it because your father, Isaac Nitro, has imposed any restrictions on you, Mr. Byande Nitro?"

Bi Yangde suddenly turned around and stared at the blond young man on the shore. The latter showed no fear on his face and still had a smile that made people want to punch him.

Biyande's bearded face seemed to be showing a smile. He stepped on a rock near the shore and suddenly took a step further away - just as he took a step to leave the island, leave the human world, and go to the dark world. At this moment in the sea area, sudden changes occurred.

Wisps of black thoughts were born out of thin air behind Biyande's back, transforming into black arms that seemed to be drawn with a brush.

Biyande's foot was hanging in the air, and he couldn't really move forward even though he tried his best. A steady stream of black arms emerged from behind and wrapped around his body, grabbing his shoulders, pulling his head, wrapping their arms around his waist, and pulling his arms...

Woohoo! Woohoo!

The waves became more intense, the wind became colder and more eerie...Bi Yang De was covered in black arms. When he broke one, two new ones appeared behind him, and when he broke two, four more appeared... The dense black arms sprouting from behind, accompanied by the gloomy wind, seemed to be crying and exhorting, saying that the sea of ​​​​suffering is boundless, but turning back is the end.

Biyande retracted his feet, and the countless arms on his body retreated like a tide, stirring up a whirlpool and disappearing.

"Did you see it?" Biyang De said angrily, "This is the farthest place I can go."

This will happen as long as he takes a step in the direction of the Dark Continent.

"It's really the end of the world." Pariston said to himself on the shore.

"Huh! It doesn't matter!" Biyang De stared at the dark sea in the distance, still standing tall on the sea, he smiled and said with bright eyes, "I will wait! Even if it has to wait until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotting!"

Paris Channel: "The kind of power just now can only be achieved through strong oaths and restrictions. Mr. Biyande, you voluntarily reached this oath and restriction with your father."

He said it like he was speculating, but his tone was very firm.

Biyangde ignored this and asked: "Where did you hear about me?"

Few people in the world know that he is the biological son of Isaac Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association. In theory, the only one who knows where he is now is his father Isaac - Biande doesn't think his father would mention him to such a yellow-haired boy.

Parrish Passage: "I've been to Cajun and had the pleasure of meeting people who knew Mr. Byande."

"As for why I can find it here? Haha," he said with a smile, "it's not too difficult to find, right?"

Bi Yangde snorted coldly.

Pariston said to himself: "Mr. President Isaac Nitro used this method to bind you to the human world and prevent you from setting foot in the Dark Continent... So what is the price? Mr. Biyande, you Doesn’t he look like he will obey his father’s orders?”

"Hey, there's something over there." Biyande suddenly interrupted him, pointing to the undulating black sea ahead.

Pariston looked around, and sure enough, hundreds of meters ahead, something seemed to be floating in the sea...

"Sea monster?" Pariston identified it. "It doesn't look like a human being in distress."

"There's still energy left," Biyangde said, "Go get it over here, I'm hungry."

"Although I'm happy to help..." Pariston pointed forward, "but the other party doesn't seem to need my help."

The thing floating in the sea hundreds of meters away seemed to have noticed them, and also discovered the small island. It seemed to be dying, but suddenly became fierce, causing a wave of waves to swim towards them like a sharp arrow.


It broke through the sea like a missile and pounced on Biyande, "Hiss!" The terrifying and ferocious mouthparts kept opening and closing.

Pariston raised his head and observed, "Ant?"

Facing the ferocious giant ants, Biyang De sneered, and the rich energy in his body suddenly exploded, rising into the sky.

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