I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter Six: What are operational characteristics?

Bisji looked at the new line of words under the paws of the Miserable Moon Tiger, and he couldn't say he was too surprised.

Comparing the image of "Zhen Yuanzi" learned from Yun Gu, he can indeed be regarded as a "little genius", and if he is really a "wild man who became a monk halfway", then it is true. It is a "rare rough jade" - and what Bisiji loves most in her life is gemstones, which is why she is determined to become a gem hunter.

She not only likes bright and beautiful rare treasures, but also loves the process of carving out gems. It is a kind of supreme enjoyment and top-notch spiritual pleasure.

If this Jing Yang is indeed as Yun Gu said and even praised by President Netero, then it is indeed worthy of careful carving.

The other party has arrived at your door, so you can’t play with it hehe...

After pondering for a moment, Bisji said bluntly: "Then tell me, what confidence do you have that you can say that you can definitely help me get the blue planet?"

Misery Moon Tiger also pondered for a moment, then raised his claws and said, "It's a long story..."

"Then let's make a long story short."

"I know someone who must have a Greed Island game console in his hand."

"Isn't this a simple matter? What's the long story?" Bisiji looked at Misery Tiger and said without changing his expression, "Why, you are planning to kill people and get goods, so it's not convenient for you to tell me?"

The tiger's claws moved quickly, "How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? The thing is like this..."

Seeing that he was struggling to do it, Bisji suggested: "Although I have the patience to wait for you to finish writing word by word, communicating like this is really inefficient. Well, think about your plan first." Think about how you can convince me that you will succeed. It would be more convenient to have a video call at night."

She called out a number and asked Jing Yang to remember it. Then she waved her little hands and walked away with the princess dress in hand. She was so fast that Jing Yang couldn't see clearly with her tiger eyes.

No matter what, the friendship with Aunt Bisiji is stable!

Jing Yang told Wu Er that he must be very close to Bi Si Ji, and then he said happily.

This is the west coast of the Nuo Amili Continent. Across the ocean to the west is the Sansame Continent. Then we sweep westward to the west of the Sansame Continent. The rooftop of the emergency center of a hospital in a small town near the coast is the scene. The place where Yang and Xiaodi are at the moment. What has long been confirmed is that even if we cross an ocean continent, the time difference is almost non-existent. At least Jing Yang, who stretches out on the rooftop and looks up at the sky, cannot tell the difference between the sky here and the color in Wu Er's eyes just now. There's no difference in the weather outside, it's almost one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

"I actually heard someone up there..."

"Isn't it someone's family member who just jumped off the building because he couldn't think of it?"


A muffled voice came from the stairs behind the passage.

Jingyang and Xiaodi looked at each other.

Soon the two security guards walked up to the rooftop quietly and walked around without finding anyone.

In his "absolute" state, Jing Yang restrained all his aura and calmly hid with Xiao Di in the blind spot of their sight. Two security guards stood on the edge of the roof looking down. Jing Yang turned his head and saw that Xiao Di slowly raised his hand to the backs of the two people... Jing Yang quickly pulled off her hand to stop her, and led her away from the corridor without anyone noticing.

At night, after Jing Yang took a shower and changed clothes, he sat down in front of his laptop and clicked on the video call.

Xiao Di rubbed her wet hair and walked over. While putting on her glasses, she heard the little girl's surprised voice coming from the screen in front of Jing Yang: "Why are you so tall? Are you sure you are Jing Yang? It's Yun Gu who said Zhen Yuanzi?"

When she came into the mirror, the delicate "little girl" in the video wearing a nightgown and with loose blond hair also glanced at her and frowned, "Is your name Xiaodi?"

Xiaodi nodded, "Yeah."

This little drop is exactly the same as Yun Gu's description, and the voice is also very similar to the one heard on the phone at the Xianshuishan Hotel at that time.

Of course, telekinesis abilities come in all kinds of weird ways, and it’s not uncommon to disguise their appearance and voice.

But if someone pretended to be Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi whom Yun Gu knew, then how could they disguise a boy who was just over 1.5 meters tall into a tall and tall young man who was nearly 1.9 meters tall? And he's so handsome, as if he might not attract anyone's attention. How can there be such a stupid thief?

In response to Bisji's question, Jing Yang was in a very stable mood and said, "Xianshui Mountain happened more than half a year ago. In the past six months... I may have eaten better and grown a little faster."

He gestured to his body and the top of his head, "I grew up like this without knowing it, and I have no control over it."

In the conscience of heaven and earth, I am telling the truth and have not told a single word of lies!

Bisji nodded in the video screen and said no more. After all, Jing Yang's words are indeed true. It is common for teenagers to grow so tall during puberty that they almost become unrecognizable after a month's absence. Moreover, Bisji, who considers himself to be good at lying, also has a pair of eyes that can see through lies - at least what the young man across from him said just now is not a lie.

"Then let's get down to business..."

The two people on the video call quickly changed the topic from these minutiae to how to achieve a common goal and realize the demands of both parties.

What Jing Yang wants is to get Bisiji's guidance on practice.

Although he can now rely on the death energy panel of "The Shangqiongbi falls into the underworld" and is no longer shackles by the increase in the amount of thoughts, but for a long time, the accumulation of the amount of thoughts has been slow. This incident undoubtedly proves that he is There is an urgent need for correct guidance in the practice of mindfulness.

What Bisji wants is the rare gemstone of the Blue Planet.

Blue Planet is only on Greed Island.

Then you have to enter the Greed Island. If you want to enter the Greed Island, you have to find at least one Greed Island game console - it is also possible not to use the game console. After all, the Greed Island is a real island, but it is not Jingyang Xiaodi had already experienced the result of landing on the island in a legitimate way with Paliston, and was directly expelled by Lezha's narrow-eyed dog management card distribution teleportation.

"Actually, it's easy to say," Jing Yang said, "I don't need to find the Greedy Island game machine, but let the Greedy Island game machine come to me. As far as I know, that person must have the Greedy Island game in his hand. A person who has a computer has a relative or friend who is seriously ill. As long as he hears that I can cure this kind of serious illness, he will probably come to my door and ask me for anything I ask for, even a game console."

Bisji said on the computer screen: "People who have the Greedy Island game console in their hands will definitely not be short of money. There is a high probability that they are either telekinesis users themselves or have the means to hire telekinesis users. Such people do not know how to use telekinesis." Lack of connections and means. Such a person who lacks neither money nor means can't cure a serious disease, but you seem to be very confident?"

Jing Yang said modestly: "Recently, there are indeed attempts to develop mind-enhancing abilities such as field-enhancing therapy..."

Bisji frowned and asked, "What type of mind are you from?"

"Operation department. You already knew that, right?"

"I am an operation type, but I want to develop the strengthening type of telekinesis ability...it is still a very rare treatment type..." Bisiji's face darkened visibly to the naked eye. It seems that the boy opposite really needs to be polished. It needs to be polished. "Let's not talk about whether you have the possibility of success. Even if you successfully develop it, how can it be compared with the real enhancement system, the enhancement system ability that is really good at healing? The person you are talking about is not as good as Instead of looking for you, it’s better to look for a hunter like that. Oh, maybe they’ve already looked for it, but there’s still no way. It’s a disease that even intensive healers are helpless to deal with. Do you understand the difficulty?”

Jing Yang responded with 100% understanding to Bisiji's question. After all, she didn't know that her ability to manipulate telekinesis actually comes with unparalleled healing ability. She could even use the death energy panel to limit her enhancement system. Expanding to the same level as the natural strengthening system.

"I know how difficult it is, but I still think it's necessary to give it a try." He smiled and said, "Besides, I think it's hard to say whether I am 100% proficient in the operating system."

Judging from the dead energy panel, even if you don't talk about the enhancement and other systems that still need to be added, your current operation system and trait system are already 100%.

So, are you an operational system or a trait system?

Bisji seemed to see something, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile: "What kind of system are you in? Just a glass of water and a leaf, won't you know if you try it?"

The overloaded pig brain rested for a while and became semi-paralyzed.


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