As long as Qi is shaped into a sharp blade, generally speaking, it can't be said to cut gold and cut iron. It can also be said to cut iron like mud.

After all, to be precise, shaping Qi into a sharp blade is the domain of the transformation system, and it is a result that requires active development by people with telekinesis abilities. The guessing game developed by Xiaojie, the protagonist in the comic, is on the side of the transformation system. "Scissors" are the purest air blades.

However, Jing Yang's "Drinking Sword" slashed through the unconscious patient on the hospital bed, but it did not cut the skinny body in half. The air blade densely packed with Hemp God characters could be vaguely seen on the surface. It was as thin as a cicada's wing and invisible to the naked eye. It sliced ​​through the opponent's body like a phantom, cutting through the green skull-shaped thought that was parasitic on the opponent's body - the skull's energy. , part of which was absorbed by the Yin Nian Sword that had been chopped off.

This small amount of Qi was transformed into pure "attributeless" Qi through the divine characters on the Drinking Nian Sword, and fed back to Jing Yang who was holding the Drinking Nian Sword.

And because Jing Yang was in perfect condition at the moment, with no losses and no need to recuperate, the energy swirled around him, just like a glass full of water shaking slightly - it was not spilled and wasted. , but turned it around again and returned it to the sword body, which seemed to be stored in the Yin Nian Sword.

Looking at the densely packed sacred characters on the thin air blade, the strokes of one of the sacred characters became much clearer, and Jing Yang understood.

Damn, it even has a charger...

No, this should be called "inflating"?

I don’t know how much energy this good baby needs to eat to be full, and how many divine characters it can light up in total...

As for the fact that this Drinking Nian Sword can only cut Qi, but cannot cut the human body or any actual material, Jing Yang has known it for a long time.

This is normal. After all, this thing is not an ability developed by myself, and I have not really mastered it. I just store it in my mind - if this thing can cut the human body, then the first person to be "white" by it will "The knife goes in and the red knife comes out", it should be you who is trying to "receive" it into your body.

As a telepathy ability picked up for free, 1. it can weaken the enemy's energy in battle and feed back to oneself; 2. it can store energy in peacetime and use it as a special "energy pool"; and...

You can also eliminate thoughts like this!

Jing Yang swung the sword several times in succession, and the air blade of the Drinking Nian Sword accurately cut through the green skull parasitizing the patient's body every time, draining away the residual energy from the skull bit by bit, while the ethereal energy on the Drinking Nian Sword's body The divine characters slowly and finally lit up one.

"Is it almost clean?" Jing Yang raised his sword to observe.

The scrawny guy on the hospital bed, who seemed to be dying at any moment, was breathing much harder now, and you could actually see his chest rising and falling visibly - several family members gathered around the end of the bed and the wall of the room were excited. Some of them covered their mouths, and some bit the backs of their hands fiercely, not daring to make any noise.

Xiaodi came closer to the hospital bed, her eyes behind the mask focused her thoughts, and she looked at the man who had been slashed thirty-two times by Jing Yang. The latter's skinny chest originally had a green skull like a parasitic worm, but now it was gone. It disappeared, at least with the small drop of "condensation", no residue can be seen.

"Okay, then withdraw." Jing Yang pretended to do a sword dance, and then remembered that no one present except Xiao Di could see the Yin Nian Sword in his hand...

"Ahem!" The man on the hospital bed coughed twice and slowly opened his eyes.

Before the others gathered around excitedly, Jing Yang and Xiao Di had already escaped from the ward. He was impatient to be thanked because he felt that he was not really a good person.

"Although it is true that this method can be used to eliminate thoughts, it seems a bit too troublesome and not very efficient."

After leaving the hospital, Jing Yang looked at the Drinking Nian Sword in his hand, "I can only wear away the 'alien thoughts' bit by bit without being disturbed."

Xiaodi looked at one of the sacred characters that was obviously brighter on the sword and asked curiously: "How much energy did you store after eating that green skull?"

Jing Yang tasted: "A rune, I estimate...about 1,000 qi? According to the size of this sword, it is more than enough to fill in about twenty runes. In other words, conservatively estimated, the 'qi pool' can at least Store more than 20,000 Qi in case of emergency."

Xiaodi looked back at the hospital building and asked curiously: "Has the eradication of thoughts really been successful?"

Jing Yang couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. After thinking about it carefully, he turned around.

Just because it seems that the parasitic residual thoughts on that person are gone, it doesn't mean that I have really eliminated the thoughts.

Perhaps, the skull-headed remnant sensed danger, cut off its tail in order to survive, and hid deep inside the man's body.

Maybe there are still some residues of the skull remnant, and it can still be recovered bit by bit.

Because the thoughts transformed after being swallowed by the Drinking Nian Sword were too "pure", Jing Yang couldn't tell whether the energy he had chopped off was all the energy of the skull's residual thoughts.

If you can't kill the thoughts accurately and eliminate the roots, then your move cannot be called as eradicating the thoughts. Whether thoughts can be eradicated is something worth confirming. You must know that looking at the entire hunter world, mind-erasing masters are an extremely rare species...

Someone is following.

Jing Yang casually swung his hand, and the Drinking Nian Sword disappeared in a whoosh. It was absorbed into the depths of his own Qi and appeared on the legs of the hexagonal figure on the Death Qi panel.

He and Xiaodi, who was also wearing a mask, did not need to make eye contact, and they had a tacit understanding and accelerated their pace together.

"Hey, wait."

The female reporter not far behind hurriedly started to run. However, no matter how she speeded up and followed her like a parkour, the backs of the two people always remained at the farthest point of her sight, as if they were deliberately hanging on her. As if following her...


A woman wearing a long-sleeved short-sleeved denim jacket hurriedly ran in from the door of the store. The female reporter looked around after entering the door and soon spotted the masked duo already sitting leisurely at the table by the window. She rolled her eyes and walked over.

"Since you are willing to be interviewed, why don't you run so fast?" The female reporter was still out of breath. She complained and put down her bag, then sat down across from the two of them and asked curiously, "You guys really You cured that person, how did you do it?"

"Has the interview started?" Jing Yang asked, "Time is limited, are you sure you want to ask this kind of question that I won't answer at all?"

"Exclusive secret recipe, okay, I understand." The female reporter nodded, took out a recording pen, thought about it, put the recording pen back in the bag, and replaced it with a pen and paper for shorthand, showing her sincerity, "I have a curious question, How are you going to drink coffee and eat desserts when you are wearing a mask?”

She teased with a smile, but the other person was not very polite, "So, before our coffee and desserts are brought, you'd better leave after the interview and don't disturb us to lift up our masks and enjoy the drinks."

"Okay, first question," the female reporter opened her notebook and seemed to have memorized some interview outlines. She asked very quickly, "You don't know how to be ashamed after being off the news for so long..."


"Oh, sorry, it's not this page." Hua Hua Hua, the female reporter turned the page again, "Quan Qin... isn't this page either."

"Your time is really limited."

The female reporter simply turned the book to a blank page, raised her head and asked: "What is written on your mask? I don't think it is a meaningless pattern, right?"

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