The moment the explosion occurred in the ward at the corner of the corridor, a burst of death energy struck Jing Yang's heart.

The number on the chest of the little man sitting upright in the death panel jumped from 0 to 1.

The line above shows Jing Yang’s total thoughts at this time, 30906. This number originally fluctuated slightly, because Jing Yang didn’t bother anyone at the moment, and suddenly he was inexplicably in the corridor of a hospital that was not very eye-catching. The ups and downs of emotions caused by bumping into Hisoka also became more intense. Originally it was just single digits swinging up and down, but now tens digits are also jumping.

Why is this pervert here? He looked over. Why is he smiling? Wcnm is indeed smiling very pervertedly. Why is he throwing his hat over? Why is wc a nurse hat? What on earth was this pervert doing before? Ning really put his own Becoming a clown...

Jing Yang turned slightly to avoid the nurse's cap thrown by Hisoka.

Hisoka is a person with telekinesis ability. He can change his energy into the same properties as chewing gum.

His telekinesis ability "Stretchy Love" can use his gas to stick his gum everywhere like Spider-Man flinging his webs. It should be noted that Hisoka's gum gas is extremely sticky and tough -

Jing Yang couldn't even think of anyone who had dealt with Hisoka in the comics who could get rid of this dog-skin plaster or forcefully break it after being stuck by Hisoka's energy. It can be seen that this The difficulty with this thing.

Jing Yang, who knew Xisuo Nian's ability, certainly wouldn't want to be stuck with his dog-skin plaster.

But it was still stuck.

The moment he dodged the nurse's hat that was thrown at him, he didn't know where Hisoka hid his thoughts in the blind spot of Jing Yang's sight. It was like Spider-Man's webbing, and it stuck to Jing Yang's chest. .

Xiaodi looked curiously at the strange slightly pink thought energy connecting Jing Yang's chest and the tip of Xisuo's raised finger a few meters away.

Being able to change Qi into this shape is undoubtedly a move of the transformation system.

And since it is adsorbed on Jing Yang's body, the nature of this pink thought energy must be strange.

Always practicing with Jing Yang, Xiaodi also developed the habit of thinking and analyzing everything he saw.

As soon as Hisoka used this move, she could use her "condensation" to see all the details - of course, Hisoka, a birdman, has always been indifferent to exposing his abilities. Even after one finger stuck to Jing Yang's chest, he was kind enough to help these three people - oh, two people. The young Chilu boy next to him was now frightened by the malice emanating from Hisoka when he took action. His face turned pale and his legs were trembling. ——He explained his chewing gum-like ability to change minds, and at the end he smiled evilly, "Haha, chewing gum is hard to clean..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw an air blade stretched out from the hand of the masked man, and with a sword he cut off the spider-like thread of chewing gum stuck to his chest... A long thread connected to Hisoka's fingertips The piece of gum shrinks back due to its elasticity, and the small piece hanging on Jing Yang's chest quickly dissipates without a trace after being disconnected from Hisoka's body.

As a transformation system far away from the release system, Hisoka's mental energy cannot be used well outside the body.

"Who are you clown? Do I know you and you just do it?" Jing Yang pressed the mask on his face, and the energy in his body was vigorously released, directly entering the "hard" that was both offensive and defensive, "It's so rude. !”

Before he finished speaking, he flicked his fingers, and a mind ball as big as his head flew out, and it was directed at Hisoka's face with circus clown makeup.

Hisoka knelt down and dodged lightly.

Even if this guy draws a big five-pointed star pattern on his cheek, he only needs to touch his own Qi to instantly print the star mark and directly control this pervert... But for parts like the face, even Hisoka He didn't know anything about Jing Yang's star mark, and he wouldn't be hit by his opponent casually.

The first kill failed! Jing Yang felt a little regretful in his heart.

Hisoka looked back and saw that the mind ball that the man popped up hit the wall of the crowded hospital corridor, but it did not cause an explosion or even leave a dent. It seemed that it did not contain much destructive power... It was just a feint to bluff people. A trick?

Hisoka turned around to observe, seemingly exposing a flaw to his opponent. At the same time, a thread of spider silk popped out from the tip of his upturned shoe... and a thread of chewing gum popped out, successfully sticking to the back of Xiao Di's raised hand.

Xiaodi glanced curiously at the pink chewing gum-like Qi on the back of her hand. Without hesitation, she raised her hand and threw out a Qi Qi saw chain, twisting the chewing gum Qi thread into several sections. The pink Gum Qi Qi shrank in the air. , disintegrate, flutter, dissipate...

"It seems that I'm actually not lucky?" Hisoka had an expression of orgasmic pleasure on his face. He took out a playing card from nowhere, posed cheerfully with his hands on his hips, and looked at the small drops on his hand playfully. "It's rare to meet two masters who have the ability to restrain my telekinesis. Hehehe, what do you think? Do you want to... have some fun?"

"are you sure?"

Jing Yang pointed his fingers together and cracked his knuckles with his palms together, "One against three, are you so confident?"

He and Xiaodi worked in perfect harmony to unleash their greatest "hardness", and their momentum increased steadily.

Among Hisoka's abilities, apart from poker and boxing skills, Hisoka doesn't have any strange rules-based telekinesis abilities. Jing Yang and Xiao Di both have star marks on their bodies, which is equivalent to half a spring of recovery. Ability, there is no way he is afraid of this pervert.

The encounter was about to break out. Jing Yang was holding the Drinking Nian Sword, and his momentum with Xiao Di became stronger and stronger.

Hisoka seemed to be a bit overwhelmed, but in the end, this guy's face became more and more cheerful, as if he was intoxicated by the unfavorable situation, as if he was about to go crazy in the next second, but he controlled himself - squinting his eyes softly He smiled and said, "Forget it. For capable opponents, I prefer one-on-one duels."

With a flick of his wrist, the playing cards were thrown to the opposite side like darts.

"Just think of it as a business card~"

Poof, playing cards with clown designs on them were nailed to the wall. Hisoka had already turned around and left.

Jing Yang ignored the playing cards nailed on the wall and felt baffled. Where did this guy Hisoka come from? Did he happen to be passing by?

"This person is very strong." Xiaodi commented.

"Yes." Jing Yang nodded. Although it was just a glimpse, he could feel how powerful Hisoka's perverted energy was - although it was impossible to compare with the old monster Nitron who showed his power on the top of the fairy water mountain, but It is definitely much stronger than the current level of 30,000 Qi.

Of course, in the battle between those with telekinesis ability, telekinesis is not the only, or even the most important criterion of strength. People with average telekinesis may not necessarily be weak, but people with strong telekinesis must be very strong.



Just how angry Hisoka is, Jing Yang speculates in his mind, "However, my enhancement system is now at 100%. In terms of fist and foot close combat, I have an advantage over his transformation system."

Gathering the same level of energy, using the same technique, and throwing the same punch, the change-type Hisoka can only hit 80 points of power. In the past, the operation-type Jing Yang and the embodiment-type Xiaodi could only hit 60 points. points, and the enhanced type can score 100 points!

This is why Yungu’s so-called enhanced system does not require special special moves, because the ordinary punches and kicks of the enhanced system are other systems that require special development of telekinesis abilities to make up for the “congenital defects.” , compared to the "thinking ability" of catching up.

After calming down the outgoing energy and maintaining it at normal "Tang", Jing Yang clenched his fists, glanced at the chaotic crowd nearby, reached out to pick up Chi Lu, who was frightened by Xi Suo's abnormal power, and joined Xiao Di He pushed open the hospital window, jumped out, and left easily with the help of Xiaodi's saw chain.

Perhaps because he is a person with the ability to read, the pores in his body have been opened, and his eyes and ears are extremely transparent. Therefore, Chilu's perception and understanding of danger are far superior to ordinary people with blocked six senses. He is also faced with malicious displays. Hisoka, the panicked ordinary people in the hospital thought the clown who ran away from the circus was a bit scary at most, but the wild young man Chilu was frightened to death. The malice that struck the depths of his soul... Even though Hisoka only appeared in surprise when he took action, Chi Lu was shocked. He didn't come back to his senses until he led Jing Yang and Xiao Di back to the door at night.

"Are there all monsters like that in Nian's world?" Chi Lu asked.

He actually included Jing Yang and Xiao Di. These two people were able to confront each other in front of the clown. They were obviously not normal people... It was these two people who were on his side before and did not target him. Otherwise, if the momentum of the three masters came over at the same time, he would probably have to directly Scared to the point of losing his life.

Jing Yang patted him on the shoulder, left a small rose gold star mark under the other person's collar, and said, "Why are you thinking so much? Are they all monsters like that? Aren't they all the same to you?"

"Which one is the same?"

"It's the same when you die."

Chi Lu was speechless. He opened the door and took the two of them to see his father, who had been bedridden for many years, and begged them to save him.

The room smelled of medicine, musty, and a faint smell of feces and urine.

Jing Yang frowned a little and Chi Lu looked embarrassed, but Xiao Di looked as usual and looked at the furnishings in the room curiously. Finally, he and Jing Yang walked towards the middle-aged man lying on the hospital bed. Although he was covered with a quilt, he could barely see Not much thicker, Chi Lu's father has become as thin as a stick after being bedridden for many years.

The man's face was thin and his eyes looked big. He turned around and looked at Jing Yang and the two of them blankly, and finally his eyes fell on his son Chi Lu.

Chi Lu wanted to speak but stopped.

On the way here, Jing Yang had already heard him briefly describe his father's illness, which was a problem with his spine. He was hit at a construction site many years ago. After the dislocation, it grew longer and more crooked. It compressed the nerves or something. In short, he ended up paralyzed. .

"I've been pretty good at fighting since I was a kid. In order to collect medical expenses for my dad, I used to go to the Sky Arena to try my luck." Chi Lu sniffed, "I fought until I reached the 200th floor. I heard there was no bonus for winning the arena there. I just left. This super power...this telepathy ability also came back after I got seriously ill after going to the 200th floor. I recovered from the illness."

It seems that he was blown away by the 200-layer Qi, and he survived by luck, and awakened his telekinesis ability along the way. Jing Yang understood clearly, and because he had never actually fought on the 200th floor, he naturally knew nothing about Nian abilities...

"Don't worry, it can be cured." Jing Yang lifted up the smelly quilt and pulled Chi Lu's skinny father to sit up.

Jing Yang named his enhanced telekinesis ability "A Delicate Ash". Just like Killua's transformation system "Super Speed" has two application techniques, Jing Yang's "A Delicate Ash" also has two directions in theory. One is the "Nine Yang" used for healing, and the other is the "Nine Yin" used for combat that is still in theory and needs to be further developed.

Pure white thoughts with gleaming green light condensed in Jing Yang's palm. After pressing Qi Lu's father's shoulder, which was all bones, streams of Jiu Yang Qi full of vitality passed through, and Qi Lu's father's withered yellow body His face turned red almost instantly, and he looked healthier.

The crux, however, is the spine.

Jiuyang's true energy circulated in the body of Chi Lu's father, who seemed to be able to break it with a snap of his fingers. Jing Yang quickly found out the damaged part of the opponent's spine.

The healing ability of "Nine Suns" is derived from the star mark, and its self-healing effect is very strong.

However, this man's spine has been deformed for several minutes, and it is extremely difficult to heal on his own when mistakes are added to mistakes.

Jing Yang asked: "Are there any sleeping pills?"

"Ah?" Chi Lu was stunned and shook his head.


This is even more impossible. Chi Lu shook his head repeatedly.

"Then I have no choice but to apologize." Jing Yang said, looking at Chi Lu's horrified eyes, he gently patted the bulging spine segments, and could even clearly hear the sound of the bones being broken by Jing Yang's pats. ... Chilu's father let out a hoarse scream and soon passed out from the pain.

It's easier to deal with if you faint from the pain.

While injecting Jiuyang Qi, Jing Yang repeatedly smashed his deformed spine. With the healing mechanism of "Nine Yangs", there is no need to worry about damaging the nerves in the spine. It is better to break them and then restore them to a healthy state on their own.

In the end, this treatment cost Jing Yang a full 3,000 Qi, and he finally "cured" Chi Lu's father. He now has a strong and intact spine, which is transparent and smooth up and down. From now on, there will be no more painful torture. He wakes up and gets used to it, and he will probably be able to walk in the morning.

Chi Lu looked at her sleeping father, so excited that she didn't know what to say, and knelt down to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang didn't stop him from kowtowing.

"Are you done?" Jing Yang said, "That's it, let's go."

He greeted Xiaodi and stepped out of the way.

Cultivation is a process of repeatedly consuming mind energy and water grinding. Therefore, Jing Yang didn't think it was a big deal to spend 3,000 energy on treating Chi Lu's father. The more you work, the more you use it, the smoother it will be, and you will be able to control it like an arm. The newly developed ability to strengthen the memory system should also be tested on various injured patients and summarized.

Chi Lu chased him out and asked unspeakably: "Can you teach me more telekinesis abilities? I want to become more powerful..."

Jing Yang was not surprised and nodded: "It's up to you. Anyway, we happen to be free recently."

He himself is still thinking about getting Bisiji's guidance, so of course he won't have double standards for this kind of thing. Teaching and learning are mutually beneficial. The process of instructing others is also a process of summarizing and sorting out one's own practice. Jing Yang does not object to this.

Early the next morning, Xiaodi bought a newspaper and picked up Jingyang's hot milk.

Jing Yang opened the newspaper and took a look. The front page was an exclusive interview with two strange doctors, "Chaotic Kindness" and "Medical Practitioner for the Heaven". He bit into the hot bun Xiaodi bought and nodded with satisfaction.

Two hours later, a sense of star sign came.

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