On the airship, the door of the more comfortable first-class cabin opened, and a skinny tiger with pale fur came out shakily.

Juezi Juela and the bodyguard captain on the airship were surprised. This miserable moon tiger was brought here by Jing Yang and the others. It was fine when they boarded the plane half an hour ago. It was fat and strong, with smooth and supple hair. You look so energetic, but why did you lose hundreds of pounds in a short period of time and become like this?


The scrawny tiger's tail was caught by a hand behind the cabin door and dragged back forcefully, and the door slammed shut again.

Juezi Juela looked at each other and asked forward, "Did nothing happen?"

Jing Yang's voice came from the first class cabin: "Oh, it's okay, we are playing games with it."

Is this called playing games?

The bodyguards in black suits complained, but these people were the boss's most distinguished guests. As long as they didn't dismantle the airship in mid-air, they didn't bother to say anything. They just ignored the weak voice of the tiger coming from the closed door. Didn't see or hear.

There was a strong aura coming from him, what on earth were they doing to that harmless tiger... Juez Juela thought to himself, subconsciously holding down his intact arm. As a one-star bounty hunter of the Hunter Association, of course he recognized the person who boarded the plane with Jing Yang Xiaodi at a glance. It was Bisiki Kuruka, a two-star gem hunter.

This girl who looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl is actually a senior hunter who may be older than herself. She is the disciple of Netero, the president of the Hunter Association and the head of the Shingenryu. It's not strange that Bi Siji and Jing Yang Xiaodi were walking together, but it was very strange that she was hanging around them when they were practicing on weekdays. How come she couldn't touch them when she was practicing before? Plant a good thing? With a master like Bi Siji giving guidance from the side, it's no wonder that Jing Yang and Xiaodi are so powerful at such a young age.

"That's wrong, that's not the case!"

Jing Yang sat on the floor and looked at the skinny tiger.

Wu Er's thin body surface, the aura surging uncertainly, obviously, according to the reality standard of the embodiment system, Wu Er is extremely unqualified, ordinary people can see something wrong with the naked eye. Moreover, Wu Er also failed to transform successfully, which probably did not even count the manifestation system.

He looked at it and shook his head, "I asked you to transform, how come you became thin? This is not the same as the form we conceived..."

Wu Er lowered his head, and heard two strange chirping sounds next to him. It turned out to be the little gray bird Rock Bird, seeing the Misfortune Tiger's unlucky look, it couldn't help but cover its wings and laugh.

"You're so ridiculous. I'm considered half a telepathic person now. What about you?" Jing Yang reached out and frightened the rock bird to flutter its wings and shift position. It landed on Xiaodi's shoulder. He turned around and met Xiaodi. Their eyes met, and they were frightened by the clear eyes that showed no emotion at all. They stumbled away and landed on Bisji's outstretched fingertips.

The Qi in Wu Er's body surged twice, and his body expanded like a balloon, returning to its original strong physique weighing nearly a ton.

"Transformation is indeed in the field of materialization... right?" Jing Yang looked at Wu Er and groaned.

..."What do you always see me doing?" Bisji stretched out his hand to push his head back, "Don't worry, the idea of ​​transformation is correct. But whether it can be done is unknown, oh haha Haha..." She covered her mouth with her small hands, looking gloating.

"Aren't you always staring at us today?" Jing Yang continued to ponder.

Bisji smiled slightly and said, "Your requirements are too high."

"It's impossible. I've already lowered my standards a lot. I've been struggling for two days. I shouldn't have made any progress at all, right?"

"That is, even after the requirements were lowered, they still seemed too high." Bisiji said, "I guess when you were practicing Nian yourself, you always felt that Qi was an easy thing to use. Over time, you became less able to use Qi on ordinary people. This feeling is completely incomprehensible. What’s more, this tiger is an animal, not even a human being.”

There was a sense of déjà vu as if he was told why not eat minced meat... Jingyang had mixed feelings for a moment, and he looked at Xiaodi and thought, well, Xiaodi also has a small part of the responsibility! Her qualifications are also very high, and she is "hardly to blame" for her own cognitive misalignment.

Bisi Ji said: "The practice of mindfulness should be done step by step, starting from the basics. If you practice together in a hodgepodge, with a little bit of everything, only you can practice without problems. Embodied What kind of abilities or rules are attached to the mental ability? This must at least be considered after it is successfully embodied. And if this tiger wants to be successfully embodied in the form of the tiger skin skirt you conceived, it must be Start from the very basics, gradually master Nian, and be proficient in using Qi.”

"Well, that makes sense..." Jing Yang nodded repeatedly and added, "That's called a tiger skin skirt, not a tiger skin skirt."

Isn't it the same? The little dripper raised a question mark.

"Anyway, let's start with the first step of the Four Elements." Bisji raised a finger.

"Okay." Jing Yang turned around and said, "Wu Er, do you hear me? Get entangled!"

The star mark under the Misery Moon Tiger's belly was activated in response, and the naturally escaping Qi from Wu Er's head was immediately restrained, and a stable "energy liquid ball" was quickly formed on its surface.

Bisji: "..."


During the special training given by Jing Yang to Wu Er, time passed by unknowingly. The airship crossed the mountains and rivers, and it was unknown how far it flew. It finally began to descend in altitude, shuttled in the surging wind, and finally landed slowly. In the vast courtyard of a strange sanatorium in a strange city.

Jing Yang followed Jue Zi Jue La and a group of bodyguards off the airship. In front of him was Misue Hu, who was walking on cat steps. He was accompanied by Xiao Di and Bi Si Ji. There was a whoosh above his head, and a small gray shadow sharp arrow seemed to escape from a cage. The people in black who had been waiting for a long time to pick up the plane were surprised in front of the courtyard, and several of them pulled out their pistols reflexively.

"It's just a little sparrow, don't be so nervous." Jing Yang said.

boom! Taking advantage of the crowd's strength, the rock bird dog flew over and staggered the leader of the few people who were picking up the plane. It swayed twice in the air triumphantly, flew back to Jing Yang's shoulder and squeaked, but was flicked away by Jing Yang's finger. .

Is this a little sparrow? The bodyguard who was caught off guard and almost hit his head rubbed his numb chest. Batra, who came up from behind, patted his shoulder. He stepped out of the crowd and walked to the front. He nodded to the Juezjue people and looked at them. After Bisiji, Xiaodi and the miserable Yuehu who could not be ignored paused for a moment, they looked at Jing Yang.

Batra asked in a deep voice: "You are... the miracle doctor, 'Chaotic Good', Mr. Jing Yang."

Jing Yang solemnly replied: "You are... the rich man who came to me specifically to spread his wealth, Mr. Batra."

Batra smiled bitterly and said sincerely: "It's me. As long as Mr. Jing Yang can save my lover, it doesn't matter if I spend all my wealth." His eyes were bloodshot, and there were traces of water on his temples. It was obvious that these days I didn't sleep well, so I washed my face with cold water before coming here, which made me sober.

"That's what you said." Jing Yang turned around and said, "I didn't force him. Okay, that's easy. Don't delay. Where is your lover?"


Batra cheered up and quickly personally led the way for Jing Yang and his party.

Yi Chihuo reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

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