The suspended seat connected to the console of the Greedy Island Master's system program was like King Frieza's floating wheelchair. It was quite soft and comfortable. Ida lay on the console with her hair disheveled and dozed off.

It has been about nine years since Greed Island was produced and released. From the beginning, there was an influx of players, but now the number of players on the island is basically saturated. In fact, no one has come to the login entrance of the Greed Island game for ten and a half days. As the entrance receptionist and one of the game designers, Yida comes here to check in every day, so she naturally plays with her mobile phone, catches up on sleep, and is lazy.


The console suddenly emitted an electronic prompt. Yida rubbed her sleepy eyes and propped herself up, "Is there a new person logging into the game?"

She reached out and found something empty next to the console, then rummaged around and finally found a helmet-like hat under the seat. In fact, she didn't like this thing very much. Not to mention the strange shape, the decorative pattern was also very weird, but Jin, the willful ghost, said seriously that if you don't wear it, it will look too much like a real person. If you wear it, it will look too much like a real person. It looks strange and exotic, and can give new players a sense of immersion in the game...

But in fact, Yida felt that anyone with telekinesis who could enter this game, as long as they were not particularly stupid, should experience it for a few days to understand that this was actually not a game world, but a corner of the real world. If you were a little smarter, or a little luckier, you might have figured this out before you came in——

The reason is very simple. If you want to open up a real game-like virtual world and drag outsiders into it, such a high mandatory priority must be the telekinesis ability of the operating system or at least the characteristics of the operating system. Greedy Island, a game that ten of them worked together to create, uses a login method that releases telekinesis abilities, so naturally it cannot be that extreme.

In fact, it is not impossible to use the compulsory operating system to create a purely virtual game world based on their technology. This is indeed a plan that was initially considered by Jin, but this plan After a final vote, it was vetoed by Jin, who finally gave up.

In the end, most designers agree that the game is made for players to play. Of course, we should try our best to allow all players who have access to this game to enter this game equally. Whether you are a rookie or an expert, you can all be here. Take risks without any worries and experience the joy of gaming.

If the telekinesis login method of the operating system is used, it is no longer suspected of infringing on the player's privacy, but it is undoubtedly invading the player's personal safety. This is really not good... and will make many knowledgeable people worried. , even if they get the Greedy Island game console, they are not willing to "take advantage of it" and enter it, leaving their personal freedom and safety in the hands of the game designer.

Yida put on the strange-shaped helmet, straightened her head, straightened her back, put her hands on the floating console, and sat upright on the chair, with a serious expression like a robot NPC. Then she pressed a button, and the door directly in front of her slowly opened.

She took a closer look and almost lost her composure.

It turned out to be a little gray bird that flew in with its wings flapping impatiently...

Moreover, there was a huge, crystal-white tiger outside the door that was quickly closed. If she admitted it correctly, this was the Miserable Moon Tiger that only inhabits Cajin and Ghost Island, right?

"Quack?" The little gray bird flew in and ran around the room.

At first, Yida suspected that this was the transformation of someone with the ability to manifest telekinesis, but seeing that she was not very intelligent, she gave up her suspicion. After she asked a few questions in detail, the little gray bird seemed to listen. He can understand human language, but he can only squeak and bark, and he really can't communicate.

After looking at the game ring on the little gray bird's ankle, Yida clicked on the monitor again and looked at the door of the entrance passage, and she probably had an idea in her mind. This is the group login! What’s more, they lead the birds and the tigers. It’s such a grand scene...

She clicked her tongue in her heart, with a calm face. She followed the procedure, said a few words to the dumb bird, and pressed a button on the console. The bird was teleported out of the landing point and thrown into the The Greedy Island game area outside the house...

The door at the entrance of the passage opened again, and the miserable moon tiger who was blocked by a light screen looked back.

Jing Yang and the other three appeared out of thin air not long after it and the rock bird came in, but just like it, they could only enter one by one, otherwise they would be turned away and had to wait in line.

"You go in first, and don't run around then." Jing Yang waved his hand, "Also shout to the rock bird, don't let it fly around."

Both Taker and Iwajak have stars on them, so even if they go through the entrance guidance process and actually enter the game, there is no need to worry about meeting other players. Carrying a star mark is equivalent to being half immortal...

Misery Tiger nodded, waited for the entrance door to open, and walked in slowly.

The door closed, Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Bi Si Ji were all looking around. This is a dome-shaped cylindrical building. The interior decoration style is exactly the same as the Greedy Island comic in Jing Yang’s memory. They are all large black rectangles with clear lines, which are rough and somewhat mysterious...

But Jing Yang always felt that these pictures gave him a strange sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen them elsewhere besides Greed Island.

"Is this the divine word?"

Xiaodi moved closer to the wall and carefully examined the black lines. It turned out that the large black spots were made up of divine characters the size of rice grains.

Bisji walked with her little hands behind her back, looked up and looked around, and commented: "Such a big room is filled with divine words. I wonder who is so patient?" She said and denied it, Didi Gugu said, "I think there is some convenient way to mass-produce such combinations of divine characters. Looking at these patterns piece by piece, in the shape of regions, it is estimated that modular combination has been achieved... The designer of this game is really sharp……"

The Greedy Island game console outside is indestructible, and it obviously has divine characters embedded inside, and its function corresponds to the divine character array in this room.

Not long after, the entrance door opened again.

"So fast." Xiaodi said.

Before she and Jing Yang could decide who would enter first, there was a "swish" sound, and Bisij turned into a streak of yellow lightning, and Yima rushed in first.

Jing Yang sighed: "The old lady still has a childlike innocence!"


Before the door closed, a white glove flew out. Because it is entangled with thought energy, it is very powerful.

Jing Yang grabbed it with his hands and curled his lips: "I can catch even bullets!"

Bisi Ji was slower this time. Jing Yang and Xiao Di waited outside for more than 40 minutes before the door reopened.

The two discussed it and let Xiaodi go in first.

After waiting for another 50 minutes, Jing Yang sat cross-legged outside, almost falling asleep, before the door reopened.

He yawned, stepped inside with great interest, and walked along the narrow corridor with the same two walls covered with sacred characters, towards the other door at the end. The door automatically opened as he approached, and suddenly, Jing Yang entered another open room. What remained unchanged was that the large black rectangular patterns on the wall and floor were still densely scattered. What changed was that there was a floating pattern in the center of the room. There was a small wheelchair that looked like King Frieza, and sitting on it was a pretty, fragile-looking girl, looking at him with a business smile.

"I don't want to break the level, and I don't want any cards. I just want the blue planet. Can we discuss it?" Jing Yang raised his hand first and asked politely, "Or you can take me to Du En or Leiza. . Or just call Jin and send it all, buddy! It’s just a gem, what’s the big deal, I’ll spend money to buy it?”

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