"I said, it's almost time for you to come out, right?"

Bisji put his hands on his hips and looked at the strange creature in front of him speechlessly.

An erect striped tiger. His facial features and expression all looked dull, not very smart. The most peculiar thing is that there is a pocket on the white downy belly like a kangaroo.

Bisji has been traveling around the world for fifty years and has extremely rich experience. Of course he recognized this endangered beast called Tu La A Meng. He didn't expect to suddenly encounter it in the wilderness of Greed Island and stuff Jing Yang into its belly. in the pocket.

The bag pulling A Meng's belly squirmed twice, and a palm emerged from it, followed by a whole arm.

The outstretched hand was raised high and flicked before dragging the word "king" in A Meng's forehead.

"Whoever wakes up from a big dream first will know it in my life."

Drag A's dream rolled around and fell down. Jing Yang was reciting poems while his whole body got out of its belly pocket, and it was nothing.

With a bang, dragging A's dream turned into a card, "No. 22, dragging A's dream, A-15. The endangered beast has the animality to stuff objects into the bag in its belly. In many cases, it will stuff a variety of super... valuable items. 〗

"You're lucky, it's the designated card." Bisji went over and picked it up.

"Long time no see!" Jing Yang went over and picked up Bi Si Jiju.

Bisji didn't struggle. When he had enough trouble, he put himself on the ground, hooked his fingers at him, and punched him away.

"Nothing big or small." She blew into the white-gloved fist, "You're dizzy, why haven't we seen each other for a long time?" After saying that, she became a little curious, "In that tiger's pocket, is it possible to sense time?" Will there be a disorder?”

"It seems so!" Jing Yang climbed up nonchalantly and patted the dust, "A tiger actually has such a magical pocket. Doesn't this have the ability to read? It is also the manifestation system! No, if it is a pocket that is born with it, It also involves space, so it should be...the release system?"

There was sweat on Bisji's forehead. Is this guy addicted to letting animals test his telekinesis abilities?

She turned back and pointed to Xiaodi: "There seems to be something wrong."

At this moment, Xiaodi was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a crescent-white tiger skin skirt wrapped around her waist. She spread her right hand, and a ball of telepathy appeared in the palm of her hand, forming a vague human shape that was constantly twisting.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "You don't remember what that guy looks like, right? I know it!"

"I knew you asked the little girl to come?" Bisiji rolled his eyes at him, "Go and get it yourself."

Jing Yang then went over to take over, and Xiao Di took off the tiger skin skirt that Wu Er had transformed from around her waist, and wrapped it around Jing Yang's waist.

"Seventy-two Transformations", Wuji's cooperative telekinesis ability. After Jing Yang put on the tiger skin skirt, he immediately felt that the skirt and his thoughts seemed to be integrated into one. He spread his right hand and a ball of thought energy emerged from his palm.

The tiger skin skirt continued to swallow Jing Yang's Qi. At the same time, a human figure outlined by the Qi emerging from Jing Yang's right hand gradually took shape, and the squinting face finally became vivid, until the moon-white tiger skin skirt had seventy One of the two stripes lit up, and this transformation was completed.

Looking up and looking ahead, a city was not far away. The houses in the city were gathered around a hill, and a castle building stood prominently on the hill. That was the destination of their trip.


The three of them entered the main city together. Jing Yang looked away and found that the front was not much different from other towns on Greed Island.

They are all buildings of a similar style, and there are NPCs everywhere, playing various roles in the main city, providing players who enter here with a sense of immersion in the game - of course there are players here. Jing Yang and the others can think of asking the NPCs where the city lord is, and other players can naturally think of it too.

Jing Yang and the others crossed the street and headed towards the hill in the city, heading straight for the castle.

"Another self-righteous smart guy wants to take shortcuts, haha."

"There will be no results, turn back!"

There were one or two laughs from the crowd, obviously from other players.

Jing Yang was walking unmoved when suddenly three people came around from the streets on both sides and blocked their way.

"BOOK." One of them muttered, and the game card book was instantly released from the game ring. "You are really lucky. When you first came here, you met a drag A dream. That is an A-level card."

Xiaodi and Bisji glanced behind them, and saw three people following them, blocking their way back.

"Why don't you take out your card collection book?" one of the three people blocking the way said, "Are you a novice? You can pick up an A-level card when you are a novice. I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky. It seems not If you need to trade, just grab it.”

While they were conspiring loudly, Jingyang and Xiaodi Bisiji were also assigned. Bisiji and the others stayed where they were, while Jingyang and Xiaodi jumped out one after another. Before the guy among the three who blocked the road in front took out the card collection book and said, "Use 'Steal'...", Jing Yang had already slapped the three of them on their jaws three times and knocked them away with three palms.

At the same time, three strands of death energy struck Jing Yang's heart.

Jing Yang was very sure that he just put a star on the jaws of the three people who blocked the road, and there was no way they would die.


Looking back, sure enough, the trio blocking the way in front of Xiaodi had turned into a group of six.

The three mental chainsaws in Xiaodi's hand swayed slightly, and quickly contracted and merged into her own aura. She looked back, her big purple eyes full of doubts: "What's wrong?"

Bisij didn't say anything. Jing Yang scratched his cheek, looked at the 3 extra points of death energy in the death energy panel, and said with a straight face: "What a waste, what if their collection card book has what our Aunt Bisiji wants?" Where’s the blue planet?”

"Ah, I'm sorry." Xiaodi woke up and bowed slightly to Si Ji.

"It's okay." Bisji waved his hand, then knocked Jing Yang away with a punch, and asked Xiaodi in confusion, "Has he always been so unbeatable?"

Xiao Didi said: "Maybe Jing Yang feels lonely all the time because he has no parents or elders."

Bisji smiled and said, "What about you?"

Xiaodi thought about it seriously and said, "I don't know either."

"Although those people are idiots, one thing they said is right." When Jing Yang and the others were about to go to the castle, a man appeared from nowhere at the foot of the hill, looking up at the castle and saying to them Said, "It's useless even if you go to this castle. If you go in empty-handed, you will only come out empty-handed. The conditions for passing the level of this game are very clear. If you collect 100 designated cards, you can pass the level. Otherwise, everything is free." talk."


Jing Yang and Xiao Di stared at this guy who suddenly appeared. This man was wearing a wizard's cloak like Gandalf and had a fake beard attached to his mouth - it wasn't really that Jing Yang had good eyesight, but that the beard was too fake and not professional at all.

Ignoring this person, Jing Yang and the other three jumped up one after another and headed towards the castle along the mountain road.

On the way, Bisji said: "Dim = Elek, he is actually here. That's right, he must be here."

"What?" Xiaodi was curious as he jumped.

Bisji said: "The man just now was a game hunter in the association, a two-star player. I haven't heard from him for a long time, and it turned out he ran here." She smiled: "It seems that this game, even He’s also very troubled…”


Just when Jing Yang and the others entered the main city, on a tree 10 kilometers away in the wilderness behind, behind the ring formed by the index finger and thumb, was an eye full of interest...

"How perceptive~" Hisoka smiled happily, "It seems that I have to be more patient until they act alone..."

Almost discovered...


Or has it been discovered?

The smile on Hisoka's face became more and more perverted. He seemed to enjoy the situation that was not conducive to him. The pleasure of walking on the edge of danger almost made him unable to help but ejaculate.

As for why he appears here, it's quite simple.

Chi Lu, who originally thought he had killed him casually, suddenly appeared alive again. It was difficult not to arouse Hisoka's interest... Of course, he didn't remember a passerby who he killed casually, but Chi Lu met him. At that time, the fear was too obvious, and it suddenly awakened Hisoka's memory.

Isn't this the kid next to him when he met his two nemesis in the hospital? He should have killed him conveniently after that, why didn't he die?

Once Hisoka becomes interested, Chilu is the unlucky one.

After some superb poker tricks, the magician knew that Chi Lu was indeed saved by the two nemesis, and he learned the whereabouts of the two nemesis from the frightened Wai Gua split Zao... They were one A place called Greed Island.

Hisoka had never heard of Greed Island, and he had no interest in newspapers, video games or anything like that. However, after a brief investigation, Hisoka quickly learned everything he could.

Greed Island…Hunter Test…

Hisoka stood on the tree, playing with a bunch of playing cards in his hand, looking out at the distant view of the main city where Jing Yang and the others entered.


"anyone there?"

Three people from lowest to highest walked in at the gate of the castle, and the tallest one raised his voice and shouted loudly inside.

Is there anyone... is there anyone... is there anyone...

The sound echoed through the castle halls.

"No one is there." Xiaodi looked around.

Bisji said: "It's very quiet."

Jing Yang said: "It's a little too quiet."

The three of them walked around the hall, going to the showroom, the living room, the study room, the entertainment room... But after walking everywhere, they didn't see a single person.

"The books in the study are neat and tidy, and it doesn't look like anyone has touched them." Xiaodi said.

“The sheets and pillows in the bedroom were clean, as if no one had ever lived there,” Bisgi said. “Moreover, there were no ingredients in the kitchen, and the tableware didn’t seem to have been used.”

"It's just a cover. No one has ever lived here?"

As Jing Yang spoke, he traced his fingers on the coffee table in the living room, and there was not a speck of dust visible.

It's so clean and tidy, it doesn't look like anyone has lived there.

The three of them looked at each other and quickly walked out of the door.

A few minutes later, Leiza pushed the door open with narrowed eyes and shouted: "Du'en, Li Site, did three people come here just now? Something bad is going on. If I admit it correctly, the little girl among them looks like , is the legendary two-star gem hunter who likes to play nice, the super-careful Aunt Bisiki! It would be terrible if you make her unhappy..."

"Is this guy threatening us?"

At the same time, in the castle living room where items, snacks, magazines, and game consoles were scattered all over the floor, Du En looked at "Leza" who was shouting loudly in the empty castle living room "in front of him" and said with a cold sweat on his head.

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