Although the ball of energy released by Jing Yang's right hand gradually took on a human form, after all, it was still a released Nian beast rather than an embodied clone, so it was still an Nian invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people.

However, Bisi Ji and Xiao Di naturally did not have such doubts. Even Xiao Di, whose eyes had been trained for a long time, became extremely transparent and clear with just a slight movement of his mind. He could clearly see what Jing Yang had condensed. The process of this human form gradually becoming clearer.

This humanoid figure has no facial features, and its entire face is the same color as jade, as if wearing a jade mask. Only the eyes have two bright red curves flying diagonally into the temples, as if the eyes are open and closed. She has long white hair, which is tied casually into a messy bun on the back of her head with a branch-like hairpin.

The hazy thought energy below the head also quickly solidified under Jing Yang's command. The overall height seemed to be about 1.8 meters like Jing Yang himself. Soon, even the clothes were clearly sculpted. It turned out that The reason why it looks thick and round is because this jade-faced humanoid is wearing a light blue robe. Apart from that, there are no other decorations on the body. The big sleeves are fluttering and standing alone, which can't help but make people feel... An indifference of independence from the world.

Bisji looked at the mind beast and said, "It's in the form of a woman!"

Jing Yang said: "Brother, even if I play games, I always only create female accounts. At least they are eye-catching!"

"Isn't Xiaodi eye-catching enough?" Bisji smirked.

Xiaodi had a question mark on her head. Jing Yang also said: "Auntie, please pay attention to your quality and don't be evil-minded and sow discord."

As he spoke, he examined the Nian Beast dressed as a Taoist nun in front of him. He always felt that this image seemed to be missing something. It would be better to do the face-shaping part at once... After observing for a while, he snapped his fingers, and the jade-faced Taoist nun dressed in On the plain white lapel of the light blue Taoist robe, two lines of ink words slowly appeared: Rivers flow outside the world, and mountains are in and out.

"Yeah! Done!"

Jing Yang nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and moved it in the air, as if playing with the holographic image. The jade-faced Taoist nun in front of him immediately spun on the spot, allowing him to watch it 360°.

Bisji asked: "Do you have a name?"

Jing Yang said: "Just call me Zhen Yuanzi."

"Huh?" Xiaodi was surprised. This was the alias Jing Yang used when he was in the Sky Arena.

"Huh what?" Bisji asked.

Jing Yang smiled and said: "I first started thinking about this mind beast when I was in the Sky Arena. At that time, I also thought of the basic ability it should have. But if I want to develop that ability, I need your help, Xiaodi..."

"What ability is it?" Bisji asked.

Xiao Di looked down at the bulging fish vacuum cleaner in his hand and said thoughtfully: "Oh, that's it."

"You two, don't talk to yourselves!" Bisji angrily threw left and right uppercuts, knocking Jing Yang and Xiao Di away. Of course, with the skills of these two people, and Bisji couldn't really exert any force, they just turned over lightly and landed lightly not far away. Jing Yang smiled distantly and said: "It's nothing, it's just a little trick called 'The Universe in the Sleeve'. In short, the mind beast has only taken a shape, and its specific abilities have to be slowly shaped..."

Not only the Qiankun in the sleeves, but also the ability in the concept that allows the jade-faced Taoist nun "Zhen Yuanzi" to act as his second brain must be carefully considered - so far, the ability framework Jing Yang has set for this telen beast, It is mainly based on these two abilities.

"It's a time and space ability." Bisji guessed it almost as soon as he heard the word "The Universe in His Sleeves", and nodded in approval, "It fits well with the attributes of the release system, not bad. You said you wanted Xiaodi to help - —Oh, her vacuum cleaner is also a similar type."

Jing Yang raised a finger, "So, the first rule of 'The Universe in My Sleeve' will be - 'Only living animals can be accommodated'."

Xiaodi stood by and was stunned. Her bulging-eyed fish can only absorb non-living objects. If Jing Yang's telekinesis ability is successfully developed, it will be very complementary to her vacuum cleaner ability!

Bisji smiled and said, "Don't be in a hurry, take your time."

There was really no rush. Anyway, it would take some time for the rock bird to fly around the entire coastline of Greedy Island. Jing Yang and the others just practiced with peace of mind. Xiaodi is practicing the bulging-eyed fish of the materialization system for a while, and the Nian Saw Chain of the transformation system for a while, while taking into account the basic training of Nian, while Jing Yang is temporarily focusing most of his energy on perfecting the Jade-faced Taoist Nian Beast. In terms of abilities, from time to time I would ask Xiaodi for advice on how to use the bulging-eyed fish, or simply activate the star mark on her body with Xiaodi's cooperation and possess her body for a "personal experience" from a first-person perspective...

As for Bisji, she sometimes reads magazines nearby, but sometimes she can't be found, and she doesn't know where she went to play. Based on her character, she was probably just pretending to be cute and teasing other players passing by... Finally, with Xiaodi here, they didn't need to worry too much about food. There was a considerable amount of food stored in the protruding fish all year round. Food and water. During this time of concentrating on cultivation, neither Jingyang nor Xiaodi paid attention to the enjoyment of food and drink, just filling their stomachs.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, when Jing Yang received a signal from Yanque, he would activate its star mark and project his possession over it. After boarding the "Jing Yanque", he would use Yanque's body to use the star mark ability to In the coastal town with a lighthouse where it was located at the time, it was marked with a star mark on players or wild animals that were passing by. After that, Jing Yang withdrew his consciousness and concentrated on developing and perfecting the mind beasts in his own hands. Go in.

Therefore, the rock bird procrastinated and flew around the Greed Island for another three or four days before finally completing the mission.

There are a total of eight fishing villages or small towns on the seaside, and the lighthouses can be seen near or far away. Therefore, "Jingyanque" has successively laid eight star marks in these eight towns, and seven of them look like stars. There are also some players who are not very smart passing by, and there is also a passing wild cat. In short, it can be used as a signal source for Jing Yang to locate and guide him. It doesn't matter.

Jing Yang let Yanque stay in the eighth lighthouse town to play by himself, and then withdrew the consciousness that had been projected in the past.

"Wait, Leza, come on, brother," he said. It's not that he is so narrow-minded, but that the card Leiza is responsible for is extremely rare. As long as he gets that card, he can easily trade with other players to the blue planet, and by the way, he can also talk to Leiza. Eye Dog has managed two tricks, so why not do it?

Not long after, a fierce tiger figure jumped out of the woods. It was Wu Er who had been letting loose in the woods for the past few days.


There was a sudden loud noise that startled Wu Er. When he turned his head, he saw that the movement was caused by Xiaodi waving a ten-meter-long telescoping saw chain and sawing off a huge mountain-like boulder in front of him.

Bisji stood on the top of the boulder. When the boulder sawed off the middle slipped, he jumped down slightly. He looked at the saw chain in Xiaodi's hand and said: "A sharp cutting saw chain... as a The power of change-type thoughts is really quite impressive! From my visual inspection, the blow just now, in terms of pure destructive power, was about four or five times as strong as your own strength!"

In other words, the current total energy of the droplet is about 24,000 qi, and the strength of "hardness" is about 2,400 qi. So according to what Bisji said just now, the chain of mental saws she wielded can break a 10,000-qi force. The "hardness" of an enemy whose strength is controlled by Qi - that is to say, at Xiaodi's current level, if he outputs from a standing position, he can completely break the defense of an enemy with a total energy of 100,000 Qi.

Bisji said: "But this is only the most ideal situation. Your saw chain obviously has a length limit, right?"

Xiaodi admitted: "Yes, the longest one is about 12 meters when there is only one. There can be 12 at most, with an average length of 1 meter."

Bisji analyzed: "Then if the enemy is fighting from a distance, the performance of your Nian Saw Chain will be very limited. And even if it is an enemy fighting at close range, even if your Nian Saw Chain has enough lethality, It will also be very dangerous if your speed of swinging the saw chain cannot keep up with the opponent's movements."

Xiaodi thought about it for a while and nodded with deep understanding.

"Where is that young master over there?" Bisji asked in a loud voice without looking back, "How is the development of your Nianju girl?"

"How old are you, why are you still telling dirty jokes?"

Jing Yang's voice came from behind, "Bisi Ji."


Bisji felt that Jing Yang released the mind beast and approached her. Just as she responded, everything in front of her suddenly turned black, as if she had fallen into the infinite void.

Xiaodi saw the jade-faced Taoist-robed Nian Beast approaching behind Bisiji, raising his left robe towards her. After Jingyang called out Bisiji's name and Bisiji responded, Bisiji's entire body melted on the spot. A ball of thought energy flew into the fluttering sleeve of the Taoist nun's left hand.

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