Bisji and Xiaodi followed Jing Yang and walked straight to the east edge of the town. This was a row of single-family residential areas with few pedestrians, and the buildings were weathered by the sea breeze. They looked very old, as if no one lived there. of.

"Here?" Bisji felt strange, but seeing Jing Yang's steps without hesitation, he continued to follow.

Under the dim ceiling light, the lobby of the single-family building was transformed into a bar-like gathering place. At this time, there were empty wine bottles all over the floor, with liquid dripping from the bottle mouths. There were not many bottles left on the shelves all over the wall. There were a few guys in front and behind the bar wearing clown hats and dressed as plainly as labor reform prisoners. They were drinking and talking loudly. Is that the thin guy with the pointed hat that Jing Yang met before? is among them.

"Hahaha, it's not me - huh?" Among them, the muscular fat man who looked the most conspicuous didn't know what they were talking about. He laughed twice and was about to drink. Suddenly he heard a sound coming from the door. He turned around and saw a tall and tall young leader. Two women pushed open the door and entered.

The young man's nonchalant look was annoying. The black-haired girl on one side was wearing a black sweater and a moon-white tiger skin skirt around her waist. She looked nondescript. As for the little blond girl next to him——

The muscular and fat man Po Bo Po Po Po Po said to Si Ji in displeasure, "Didn't I tell you, I've never heard of that damn Leza you're looking for!"

Bisji looked aggrieved and wanted to cry, "Don't be so cruel..."

Xiaodi asked curiously: "Since you haven't heard of it, how can you say he deserves to die?"

"I'm in a bad mood, why don't you think everyone should die?!" Pobopo smashed the bottle at Xiaodi. The wine bottle burst through the air and was about to hit the expressionless Xiao Di. Jing Yang gently reached out and grabbed the bottle in his hand. It seemed as if Po Bo Po Po was passing the bottle to him out of kindness. .

"Ah?" Pobo glared at Jing Yang unhappily. The people in pointed hats in front of and behind the bar also looked at Jing Yang.

Bisji also looked at Jing Yang.

Jing Yang weighed the wine bottle in his hand and said, "I'm looking for someone. There's a buddy with whom we had a pleasant chat. Maybe he knows the guy we're looking for, right?"

"Get out! There's no one you're looking for here!" The muscular fat man stood up and rolled up his sleeves, his arms full of trembling muscles.

The thin man with the pointed hat whom I had seen before said, "Wait a minute! It's okay to take them to Leiza."

"Buddha, this is against the rules!"

"This is different from what was promised!"

The others shouted, and Mo Fo Mo stood up and said, "Although they don't meet the conditions, this young man knows Leza. Since they are friends, it's okay to be accommodating." On his arm that Jing Yang had grabbed before, there was a shocking sign. There is an unassuming rose gold pentagram pattern.

Pobopo yelled: "You're so fucking lost your head! Even if you take them there -"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Fo Mo and Jing Yang looked at him. The next moment, the fat man's words suddenly stopped in his throat, along with the noisy discussions of all the pointed-hatted friends in the entire bar hall.

A few seconds ago, six mind ball bubbles containing five-pointed stars quietly approached their ankles, touched them lightly, and were imprinted with star logos.

Jing Yang was too lazy to be verbose and waved his hand, "Let's go, let's lead the way."

The fat man was shocked. His body refused to obey his orders, and he actually acted as this guy said. He walked towards the gate. Not only himself, but others as well, as if they were obeying this guy's words.

"What on earth did you do to us?!" The fat man yelled, but he kept walking. He went out with others to lead the way for these three guys.

"Shut up." Jing Yang said.

The fat man was horrified to find that he had indeed shut his mouth. No matter how hard he tried, his mouth seemed to not belong to him and there was no response.

"By the way, you come back first." Jing Yang waved to the fat man, and by the way, he released his direct control over the thin man with the pointed hat. In an instant, Mo Fo Mo regained consciousness and found that he was heading towards the lighthouse where Le Za was with the others. He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The fat man obeyed and walked back, his eyes filled with anger.

"Don't you like drinking?" Jing Yang weighed the bottle and poured it into the fat man's mouth. The remaining wine spilled all over the fat man's face, "Why don't you drink?"

"Didn't you tell him to shut up?" Bisji was speechless.

"Ah, open your mouth." Jing Yang said.

The fat man with a face full of wine immediately opened his mouth. Jing Yang casually inserted the mouth of the wine bottle and patted the fat man's chubby cheeks. "Let's go, continue to lead the way. Don't drop the bottle."

"You're quite vindictive."

Bisji said this while walking behind a group of leading party.

Jing Yang hummed and said with a smile: "Hehe, so don't offend me, Aunt Bi, maybe I have a book to hold grudges!"

Speaking of the grudge notebook, Bisji remembered something and asked Xiaodi: "That day in the back seat of Batra's special car, what were you doing writing and drawing in the notebook?"

Xiao Didi said: "I have compiled your instructions, Bisji, and plan to give them to another member of ours to learn from in the future."


"Aunt Bi, do you want to join?" Jing Yang said with a smile while blowing the sea breeze and walking towards the lighthouse, "We have established a small organization. Non-elites are not allowed to join."

Bisji sneered: "No non-elites are allowed to enter, does it sound so familiar? Oh yes, Hunter Association! I remember I am a professional hunter?"

Jing Yang asked, "We can show the knowledge points you taught us to our friends. Is that okay?"

Bisiji said generously: "It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't spread all over the place, you can just take care of it yourself."

She paused and glanced at the figures in pointed hats in front of her who seemed to be leading the way naturally, "The operating system is convenient, right? But how do you know that we don't meet certain conditions, and how are you sure that these people know Lei?" Where’s Zha’s?”

The way the thin man in the pointed hat spoke to the fat man in the pointed hat just now, it was obvious that Jing Yang directly controlled the situation, which means that what the thin man said at that time came from Jing Yang.

Jing Yang said casually: "I guessed it, but I accidentally got it wrong."

lie. Bisji made an intuitive judgment, and then thought: Even if this kid actually knew some of the key to finding Leizha, he could just tell it openly, so why would he lie? I don’t think this guy is the type to lie depending on his mood anytime, anywhere...

Not long after, the lighthouse arrived.

Said to be a lighthouse, it has actually been transformed into a small fortress. The role of defense is secondary, mainly to expand a lot of space for Lei Zha to spend time here.

Following a few pointed hats, they went straight into the fortress and pushed open a heavy iron door. Bright lights came out from the cracks in the door, and inside was a huge stadium-like place. But after a few pointed hats walked into the gate, something weird happened - they disappeared out of thin air.

"Huh?" Xiaodi was surprised. She walked to the gate and looked inside. The bright gymnasium was fully equipped. The overall layout was that of two basketball courts. There were two basket frames on each side, but there were still two basketball courts in the middle. There is a volleyball net, a vaulting table, and weightlifting barbells on the sidelines...

But apart from that, there is no other living person. Those few people just seemed to evaporate out of thin air as soon as they stepped into the sight of the stadium lights.

Bisji said: "That's it. It seems that the castle we were looking for before was actually in the right place."

Jing Yang walked straight into the stadium without a care, followed by Xiao Di and Bi Siji. Their footsteps echoed in the empty stadium, making it even more silent.

"Dual space." Jing Yang said, "According to Bisji, creating a unique space and giving it rules should be the field of the materialization system."

Xiaodi picked up a basketball and spun it quickly, "Are the people in another space looking at us now?"

"..." Leza held a volleyball under his arm, silently looking at Jing Yang and the other two people "close in front of him", and then looked down at a card in his hand, -007 "Sandbox": Game Management Members can use this card to create a mirror space that only those with permission can enter.

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