I'm very interested in telekinesis, Volume 1, The Oath Restriction, Chapter 56, Blue Planet. Two of my companions suddenly attacked me. Gan Shu was not a newbie, so why didn't he know something was wrong?

Someone's telekinesis must be causing trouble. However, after he narrowly avoided the sneak attack of his two companions, he used his own telekinesis ability "a pinch of gunpowder" to blast the two of them with his backhand. Before he had time to think about it, another person appeared next to him. A voice came:

"Why is your hand broken?"

"Is it possible that you have also challenged Leza?"

Gan Shu's face turned ugly and he looked around. Jing Yang, Xiao Di, and Bi Siji, who were still far away just now, had not only moved closer, but also divided into three groups to surround them. As for the only way out... ...The miserable moon tiger that had always followed them was squatting there.

Bisji looked at the other two bomb demons controlled by Jing Yang.

One of them had a broken arm, and she could tell it was a recent injury. How new is it? After being controlled by Jing Yang's telekinesis ability, the man's broken arm began to slowly heal on its own.

That’s outrageous!

The self-healing ability attached to Jing Yang's mark can actually regrow a broken arm... Bisiji now fully understands why this kid had to develop a healing telekinesis ability in the direction of strengthening.

The trio of bomb demons hunted the cicada and became a cicada, so they could only admit that they were unlucky. Gan Shu raised his hands to admit defeat and readily admitted that the three of them had indeed triggered a hidden mission a few days ago and challenged Leiza. Of course, the result was obvious: they failed.

"Leiza is too strong and is no match for him." Gan Shu shook his head and said, "I even suspect that he never wanted any player to pass the level..."

Jing Yang nodded. The three bomb demons found the star-controlled level breakers who were waiting under their orders in the town of Shoufu Rabbi, and then learned that there were some key clues here, and thus found Leiza's hidden level, and then I went to gather the number of people to try to pass the level, and then I was hit all over the head by Leza's volleyball, and I left in despair.

They did not leave immediately, but waited for Jing Yang and the others who were mentioned by the breakers to challenge Leizha. Unexpectedly, they received unexpected news that Jingyang and others had really succeeded in defeating Leizha. In the game against that monster, I got "one square of coastline". Gan Shu thought that relying on the experience of the three of them in this game, he could make a deal with Jing Yang and others, but who knew that as soon as he proposed a dialogue, the other party stepped on their faces unceremoniously...

There is no way, who gave Jing Yang a God's perspective and was so familiar with the details of the three bomb demons.

"Hand over all the cards." Jing Yang said casually.


Card No. 081, Blue Planet, rarity SS-5

Unique gems, the materials that make up gems are rare and rare elements in the universe...

On the small card, a bright and charming blue gem caught Bisji's attention.

Jing Yang and the other three were sitting on the street next to Rabbi Shoufu.

After the three bomb demons were stripped clean from head to toe, Jing Yang really didn't feel the urge to kill them deep in his heart. In order not to be backlashed by his vow to "go to poverty and fall to hell", Jing Yang sent Gan Shu to They kicked him away, and he returned to Shoufu Rabbi together with Bisiji Xiaodi.

As luck would have it, the "Blue Planet" that Bisi Ji wanted appeared from Gan Shu's card collection book.

Looking at the brief description on the card, "Rare elements in the universe", Jing Yang couldn't help but think deeply - since the Hunter World has the concept of the universe and has the ability to turn inner desires into reality, will it be possible? Have people with telepathy abilities broken out of the "earth" and flown into the depths of the universe to explore?

People were coming and going in the surrounding streets, and Jing Yang couldn't help but look up at the sky and feel a sense of tranquility.

"What are you thinking about?" Bisji asked, "Have you thought about how to get this gem?"

The current blue planet is just a game-specified card, not a rare gem that her old man can accept.

Jing Yang said: "GAIN."

With a "Peng" sound, the card in his hand burst into a cloud of smoke and turned into a blue crystal gem, as if flowing with the beautiful glare of a supernova explosion in the deepest part of the universe. Indeed a quite beautiful gem.

Then, Jing Yang stretched out his hand towards the open space aside, and a large ball of air flew out from his body, landing on the ground and transforming into a jade-faced Taoist nun.

The Taoist nun shook her green robe, revealing a Yin Nian sword with divine characters flowing from her sleeve, pointing at the blue gem in Jing Yang's hand.

Although there are many people on the streets of the town, most of them are NPC dolls. Even if a player passes by and sees Jing Yang's mind beast, it doesn't matter much.

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