I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 75 Although I feel very unhappy, I can’t find a reason to refute it.

Except for the stunned bald man Jie Bu Rong, there was really no one left outside the door.

"I'll blanch it, where's the person?"

Jing Yang was also dumbfounded. He was so surprised that he almost gave up his strength. The 16-ton gates on the left and right that he tried to open were almost pushed back again.

Jing Yang quickly calmed down, shouted, and pushed open the fourth trial door that weighed a total of 32 tons step by step. The more than two months of practice since I traveled through time were not in vain after all. The torturous torture in the second half of each "hard" practice is much more difficult and painful than simply pushing a big iron door.


The fourth trial door opened, and Jing Yang hurriedly ran out. Not long after, the heavy door behind him closed automatically, stirring up flying dust.

"You, this, I..." The sweat on Jiebirong's forehead was even more than that of Jing Yang at the moment. He looked at Jing Yang and then at the closed trial door. He didn't even know what to say for a moment. Didn’t you push open the two doors of trials and go in? Why did you open the door and come out again? And even more terrifying, it actually pushed open four doors! This is a total of 32 tons!

"Stop talking about this, it's yours," Jing Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook his sore arms, turned around and asked, "Where are those people? Why are none of them missing? I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Jiebu Rong was speechless, and then went to bring back the two fresh skeletons that Sanmao had eaten and wiped clean before showing them to Jing Yang.

Jing Yang was speechless. Has anyone been eaten by the watchdog who beat up the enemy Hakka?

I didn’t pay attention at all!

He thought carefully about it. When he pushed the door for the first time, he used only the strength of his muscles and bones and did not use the amplification of his mind energy. Therefore, when he tried his best to push open the second door that weighed a total of 8 tons, he had already He was in a state of excitement with blood all over his body and his heart pounding. In that state, I may have completely ignored whether there were two strands of death energy attacking my heart at that time...

"Forget it, just run away."

Jing Yang didn't pay attention. He was so tired that he just sat on the ground and rested for a while. He looked up at the closed trial door dozens of meters high and felt happy again.

In the comics, Killua believes that Gon, who can push open the first trial door, can use brute force to reach the 200th floor of the Sky Arena.

In fact, Xiaojie did so.

All by relying on a simple push of flying palm, Xiaojie reached the 200th floor.

Jing Yang couldn't say how much of this beautiful record was due to Xiaojie's not only brute strength, but also his outstanding fighting qualities.

But now I can push open the second door with brute force alone and enter the Sky Arena arena. Even if I don't use telekinesis before the 200th floor, my performance should not be worse than Gon's at that time, right?

In addition, with a total of 9,000 thoughts, I could barely push open the fourth trial door. Killua, who returned home after the Ant Chapter of the comic, opened five doors, totaling 64 tons! At that time, Killua had more than 20,000 thoughts in total. It would probably be easier for him to open five trial doors than it is for him to open four now...

While Jing Yang was evaluating his own strength, he also tried his best to use comic examples to measure himself and guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

All in all, he was satisfied with the results of his trip to the Trial Gate, and it was not in vain for him to come all the way.

Sky Arena, here comes my buddy!

Jing Yang stood up and dusted off his clothes, put on his peaked cap again, put on his shoulder bag, and turned around to leave.

Jiebrong was completely dumbfounded and asked: "Aren't you going in? You have such strength... why don't you go in and sit for a while?"

It’s rare to be a master who has pushed through two, no, four doors of trials!

If you are not interested in beating up the enemy Hakka, or you are simply an old acquaintance of this gentleman, then why are you here?

Isn't it really just to push the door to the trial?

When the young man opened the door and came out just now, the rich aura on his body really frightened Jiebu Rong.

With this young man's strength, I'm afraid he could kill him casually if he wanted to. Sanmao, the guard dog, is an extremely terrifying monster to him and ordinary people, but in front of a real human monster like this boy, he really can only be regarded as a relatively large wolf.

Being so young and having such strength, Jie Bu Rong couldn't help but think of those housekeepers who were like clouds of monsters and beat up their enemies.

Some young trainee housekeepers are also such monsters. Even if he is only in his early 10s, he can single-handedly hunt down hundreds of people without leaving a trace...

"What are you going in for? They want to keep me for lunch?"

Jing Yang waved his hand without looking back, "Forget it, I don't know anyone who beats up the enemy Hakka."

He walked away.

It was so numb, but the tour guides smoothed it out really quickly! There is no sightseeing bus on such a long mountain road, so you have to walk back by foot, right?

Looking at the young man walking away, Jie Bu Rong paused for a long time and sighed.

"Who is that boy?" The voice suddenly came from behind, startling Jiebu Rong.

Jiebirong turned around and greeted quickly: "Master Miji, Master Kete, those are tourists who are here for sightseeing..."

A fat 16-year-old man wearing a hoodie, holding a handsome 6-year-old boy, stood behind him at some point, but he didn't notice it at all.

The two of them are Miji, the second eldest brother, and Kete, the fifth eldest brother, of the new generation of the Beat Dike family.

Bu Rong had no way of answering Mi Ji's questions, because the young man never reported his family name. It was as if he came here just to open the door, and then left in a hurry. At first glance it seems very casual, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed very casual.

"Pushing away the fourth door?" Mi Ji was a little surprised when he heard this. He was called out by his younger brother Curt and did not see the follow-up.

Jiebu Rong said: "Yes. The young man is a telepathic person. He did not use Qi at first and pushed away two. Later he used Qi and pushed away four, and then left. Look at his appearance, It seems that he is very satisfied with the results..."

Mi Ji said nothing more. There are indeed not many people who can push open the door of the fourth trial, but when they beat the enemy and the guest family, they can just grab a lot of housekeepers, so it is not worth paying attention to. For the most marginal cleaning workers like Jiebrong, the minimum job requirement is to be able to open the first trial door independently...

He casually pushed open the first trial door with one hand and took his brother Curt back.

For a fat man, if he can only push the first door, he will never push the second... The force is just right. Mi Ji felt a little complacent in his heart, but remained calm on his face. As he walked, he asked, "Kurt, why do you care so much about whether Killua is back? Do you just miss him that much?"

Curt, who had a tendency to be raised as a daughter by his mother, looked very delicate and quiet, and replied: "If Killua comes back, my parents will also be very concerned about it."

Mi Ji couldn't help but smile, but it was a bit evil, "What you care about is whether Killua still remembers Alluka after he comes back, right? Hehe... If brother's pride is blown, see how I laugh at him."

"Brother Mi Ji, you don't dare to laugh at brother Yi Mi." Kurt said calmly.

Mi Ji felt a little unhappy immediately, but couldn't find a reason to refute. The younger brothers are less cute than the last, but the paper girl is more interesting.


On the other side, Jing Yang was running fast on the mountain road. His speed was comparable to that of a long-distance runner, but his expression was relaxed and comfortable. After running for dozens of kilometers and leaving the sea of ​​trees around Kukulu Mountain, he didn't even shed a drop of sweat.

He was still talking on the phone while walking, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's serious. Xiaodi, you can try it next time. See how many doors you can open... By the way, are you there?" "

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