"Jingdi" looked at the freshly opened pack of aunt's towels in her hand. This situation was something she had never expected.

I didn’t expect that I would be able to experience the feeling of being a aunt in my lifetime... It’s really amazing...

Jing Yang?

Xiaodi's own voice came from the depths of his mind.

"Jingdi" came back to his senses and coughed lightly, "Well, um, drink more hot water!"

A little bit of doubt seemed to pop up in my mind.

"I thought you were injured. When I came over to take a look, I didn't expect this to be the case." "Jingdi" smiled, "I don't know how to use this thing, so I won't disturb you. When you're done, let's chat on the phone .”

Okay... Xiaodi replied like this. Soon, she was squeezed into the depths of her mind by Jing Yang's consciousness, as if she had surfaced, regained control of her body, and her various senses were restored to their original state.

She was still sitting on the toilet, and her movements didn't change much. Jing Yang had already left her body.

Xiaodi quickly put away her personal problems, put on her pants, went back to her room, put on her B-ring, picked up her phone, sat by the bed, and called Jing Yang.

"Speaking of which, telekinesis users have stronger resilience than ordinary people. If you think about it this way, female telekinesis users would be in much better condition than ordinary women during their menstrual period, right?"

In the train compartment, after Jing Yang answered Xiaodi's call, they continued to chat on this topic.

"I don't know." Xiaodi said.

"You don't..." Jing Yang quickly understood what Xiaodi meant. She was already a telepathic user when she had her first menstrual period, so naturally she didn't know what other ordinary women were like.

Then again, the reason why women bleed during menstrual periods is simply because the lining of the body naturally sheds and flows out after the body's original preparations for pregnancy finally failed. If this physiological phenomenon recovers early, will it have any consequences? Jing Yang is not a doctor, but he thinks to himself that the standard of measurement for his star's healing ability does not seem to be simply "healing injuries."

Because obviously, the star sign has the effect of restoring physical strength and dispelling fatigue.

Jing Yang has been practicing for more than two months and has been able to benefit from the effect of this ability. Otherwise, he would not be able to practice such a high-intensity training without the companionship of Miss Cookie, who is better than his aunt, and he would have collapsed himself. Said, at least certainly not as efficient as him in practice.

Although the effect of the Star Mark to restore physical strength and dispel fatigue is not very strong, it is at least effective, and it is indeed much stronger than the recovery effect of a person with telekinesis abilities in their natural state, or even in the state of "absolute".

with stars

But can this also be considered "treatment"? It seems far-fetched.

Therefore, Jing Yang has a vague feeling that the healing effect of his star mark should be put another way. In essence, it is to "restore the body of the star mark bearer to a healthy state"...

"Jing Yang?" Xiaodi noticed that Jing Yang was silent for a while.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Oh, I was just thinking, maybe I can add another nickname, just call it Women's Friend, haha."

"Also, I think it is necessary to study the healing ability of the star." He said slowly, "Is there a limit to the degree of healing? Can poisoning be cured? What about mental disorder? Where does the power of healing come from, and what is the price? What, is it really the carrier’s qi? Will there be any sequelae if Xingbiao intervenes in your menstrual period recovery?”

Everything was fine before, but the truth of the last sentence made Xiaodi almost wince. She sat on the edge of the bed, thought about it, and said, "There shouldn't be any sequelae, right?"

Xiaodi touched her lower abdomen and then pressed to the base of her left leg, where the star mark was located on the skin.

"At least it feels better than before."

"Speaking of which, when did the star mark appear on you? Have we known each other for a month?..."

The two of them chatted until lunch time before hanging up the phone.

Jing Yang had a quick lunch in the carriage and returned to the box to continue practicing. There was nothing to do anyway.

According to the plan, this train would arrive at the station at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and he had to change trains several times, cross the river by ship, and wait for three or four days to reach the country and city where the Sky Arena was located.

It’s a long road...

Time passed bit by bit, and after Jing Yang remained firm for a full hour, the train slowly entered the station.

He opened his eyes and said to himself: "It will take at least an hour and a half before I can complete a complete "Jian" practice and consume all the energy in my body. Only in this way can I have the best practice effect. The total amount of this thought is getting better and better. The more you come, the longer it takes. When you are away from home, how can you spare two or three hours of practice anytime and anywhere?"

What's more... when you go out and don't have a partner to "protect the Dharma", how can you really use up all your mind energy? Doesn't this put yourself in the most dangerous situation?

"For martial arts masters, meditating and practicing can be used as a rest and sleep. The more you practice, the more energetic you will be, and the more you practice, the more energetic you will be. Hunters are not the best. Every time you practice, you have to drain yourself. I'm afraid there is no such thing as practice. The more enjoyable the situation... Although this is in line with the principle of equal exchange of one share of hard work and one share of progress, which is good, it is also too frustrating."

Jing Yang let out a breath, stood up, put his bags on his back and prepared to get out of the car.

When he picked up the phone, he discovered that there were several text messages from Xiaodi.

The first one is "I'm fine."

The second one is from 5 minutes later, "Is Jing Yang practicing?"

"Then I'll start practicing too."

Jing Yang sensed it, and sure enough, he could no longer sense the imprint of the star that belonged to Xiao Di in the far east. In other words, her star had finished automatically activating its healing function.

While squeezing out of the train along with the crowd, he typed a reply with one hand, "Yeah. But without Xiaodi watching, I don't dare to exhaust all my energy. It always feels very dangerous!"

Jing Yang thought about the various train transfers he would take in the future. It was expected that there would be three or four days left in the journey, and he actually felt a little irritable.

He put away his phone and prepared to leave the station.

Jing Yang planned to go around the area to see if there were any parachutes or other things for sale... It was a strange new city. Jing Yang got a map and looked through it while also searching on his phone. The noise of the busy traffic on the street turned a deaf ear, but suddenly he stopped and frowned slightly. Just now, a wisp of deathly air that was both cold and hot invaded his heart.

Did my buddy accidentally run to the door of the hospital?

Jing Yang put away the map and looked around. There was an ordinary commercial street nearby. He didn't see any hospitals or slaughterhouses... He followed the direction of the death energy he had just sensed. I walked past and walked around a narrow alley. Suddenly my ears twitched slightly, and some air gathered in my ears.

Some muffled words reached his ears from the corner alley a few meters ahead, and he could vaguely hear words such as "Ten Old Man", "Family", and "Lord Yin Beast".

Da, Jing Yang’s footsteps paused.

The whispers in the corner suddenly stopped, and someone immediately asked in a deep voice: "Who is it?"


Sansame Continent, ancient Ganyu Kingdom, a certain city.

Chrollo put down the phone beside his ear, turned around and said calmly: "Kubi is dead."

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