In 3 months, we have to win 8 games.

To be conservative, Jing Yang's tentative arrangement is to apply for one competition every week.

If you win every time, you will get 8 wins in 2 months.

Even if you are unlucky and occasionally overturn, you still have one month left. Otherwise, you will use the last month as a sprint to prepare for the game with Yungu.

Jing Yang made a plan, and Xiao Di followed him.

She originally walked out of Meteor Street because she couldn't find anything to do. She originally wanted to meet the Phantom Troupe, but unexpectedly met Jing Yang before that.

When Jing Yang practices, she practices with him.

When Jing Yang competes, she goes along to watch it.

Jing Yang wants to play, so she plays with him... Although it sounds like she doesn't have any opinions, and although it can't be seen from her usual demeanor, Xiao Di does find this kind of life very pleasant, at least very relaxing.

Of course, Kurapika will continue to practice Nen skills, and at the same time, when Jing Yang has competitions, he will go to watch them together to accumulate knowledge and experience.

Jing Yang taught him the four major practices of entanglement, jue, practice, and hair, as well as the application skills of condensation, firmness, Zhou, hardness, and flow... Jing Yang taught him.

Kurapika's understanding is very good. The most important thing is that he knows how to draw inferences from one example and is particularly proactive in learning. For example, when he was teaching "Condensation" about another major application of mind, "Yin". He immediately brought it up - since there are techniques to see through other people's thoughts, there should also be techniques to avoid being easily seen through.

It is true that we meet our opponents in chess and our comrades on the road. Jing Yang also has some opinions on the two remaining things that he has not yet mastered, "Yin" and "Yuan".

"Hidden" is an applied skill of "Absolute". It is used to hide the skill of "Hidden" to improve the concealment, so that the enemy can't see you sneak attack or quietly set up a trap.

For example, if Jing Yang can skillfully use "Invisibility", then he can use "Flying Star Bubble" to "invisible" him. As long as the enemy is not nervous and uses "Condensation" to observe the whole process, he will be completely invisible. I can't see the existence of "Flying Star Bubble"...

Jing Yang has always felt that this so-called "absolute" application skill is awkward. "Jue" means sealing the sperm pores all over the human body and locking the Qi in the body. Since "Hidden" is an applied skill of "Absolute", it can be used to create Qi with "Fa". It doesn't have any fine holes, so how can it be closed or locked?

The two discussed this again and again and always benefited a lot.

Jing Yang has a deeper grasp and understanding of Nian, and has more vivid ideas, while Kurapika has a brighter brain, quick thinking, and can always hit the key points and open up ideas.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that Xiaodi had listened to their discussion and mastered "hide".

Jingyang and Kurapika looked at the "empty" thing in Xiaodi's hand, silently used "Condensation", gathered energy in their eyes, and sure enough they saw the grinning "bulge" of the vacuum cleaner that Jingyang was used to seeing. Eye fish."

"Ah, it worked." Xiaodi said.

Jing Yang touched his chin and thought: "Is there any relationship between Yin and Ning's level suppression? If Yin is strong enough, Ning, who is not skilled enough, will not be able to see through it; if Ning is strong enough, no matter how much Yin is, he will be able to see through it at a glance. …”

Kurapika said unexpectedly: "So you are also a manifestation type."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Jing Yang couldn't help but wonder: "If you have anything to say, just say it. Tell me, your boss, are you having any difficulties in life?"

Xiaodi took the bulging-eyed fish back into a ball and said, "He probably wants me to provide some experience in cultivating materialized items."

"Well..." Kurapika nodded and admitted, "Is that okay?"

"Just teach me." Jing Yang snapped his fingers and said, "Xiao Di, tell Lao San, what are the rules of our Xiao organization?"

Xiao Didi said: "Listen to the boss."

"It's not this sentence. It's another sentence."

"Don't interfere with each other, help each other, and don't betray each other."

"Hey, that's right!" Jing Yang patted Kurapika's shoulder, "Help each other. I'll help you today and you'll help me tomorrow. Isn't that beautiful?"

So even if you replace the chain with a book, you must still keep the functional design similar to the ring finger soul chasing chain!

Just let Xiaodi add some private goods that Jingyang wants while guiding Kurapika, and guide him a little bit.

Kurapika pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Are the two rules of the organization contradicting each other?"

Jing Yang said: "Hey, why do you say this?"

"On the one hand, we have to listen to the boss, and on the other hand, we have to not interfere with each other. Isn't this a contradiction? It seems a bit strange not to interfere with each other, but to help each other."

"What's so strange? If an organization member asks for help, other members should try to help. If they don't want to be interfered with, the other members will not interfere." Jing Yang said seriously, "All the rules of the Xiao organization are based on the first one. Subject to that.”

"In other words, the final interpretation is yours." Kurapika sighed, "I understand."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "Boss, you are often empty-handed. I only have a grasp of the overall direction of the organization. For example - the Dark Continent must go. As long as you are a member of the organization, you must be united on this point and try your best to follow If you can't keep up with the team, you have to ask other members to help keep up. As for other matters, we don't have a strict structure, so we can discuss it."

1 week later. On February 22nd, at 3 pm, in the arena on the 211th floor, there was a similar crowd of spectators and a sea of ​​cheers.

"... Player Zhen Yuanzi has a current record of 1 win and 0 losses! On the other side is player Hu Youyou, with a current record of 5 wins and 2 losses! Who will be the winner of this game?"

In the referee's enthusiastic announcement as always, Jing Yang started his second game at the 200 level of the Sky Arena.

The opponent is a weirdo with a bandage on his face and a hood.

It is estimated that when he was baptized, he suffered severe injuries to his face or head, leaving him disabled.

After the referee announced the start of the game, the bandaged man on the opposite side immediately shook his wide-sleeved robe, and many crumpled paper balls came out from it.

"Waste paper?" Kurapika was surprised in the stands.

Yun Gu said: "As long as there is Qi blessing, even if it is a piece of paper, the power cannot be underestimated - Huh? Zhen Yuanzi and his opponent from the operation department are really destined..."

He said this because the balls of waste paper shaken out by the bandage monster on the ring were already moving, unfolding one after another, folding themselves, and quickly turning into paper airplanes one after another, like a dozen fighter jets flying over the bandage monster. Parading back and forth, and with a flick of his sleeve from the bandage weirdo, two "fighters" were dispatched, roaring and stabbing towards Jing Yang.

"Are you going to turn into fireflies too?"

Jing Yang dodged and jumped away, but he didn't expect that the two paper planes seemed to have tracking capabilities. They turned 360 degrees behind Jing Yang, rotated their bodies and rushed towards Jing Yang again.


Jing Yang released a large amount of Qi all over his body, forming a copper wall and an iron wall.

boom! boom!

Two paper planes collided with Jing Yang's body, and there was an explosion and fire like a plane collision, which shocked everyone.

However, the mini fire hadn't dissipated yet, and Jing Yang's unharmed hand had already reached out of the thick smoke and grabbed the bandage on the bandage monster's face.

The latter was startled and dodged backwards. At the same time, he swung all the dozen or so paper fighter jets around him towards Jing Yang.

Jing Yang gathered a certain amount of Qi in his hand, and then used the simplest and crudest way to wave at the dozen or so paper planes coming in front of him. The Qi was "released" in the roughest way, forming a wave of air.

This kind of very random and powerful release of energy waves will not cause much harm to those with a little bit of strength, even if they only use "entanglement" to defend themselves.

But it's just enough for a paper airplane that explodes upon impact.

boom! boom! boom! …

One after another, paper airplanes exploded in the air waves.

The bandage weirdo stepped on another huge paper airplane at some point and flew up to the ceiling. His exposed eyes were full of shock as he looked at everything that happened in the ring. The paper airplane he had worked so hard to make was so easily cracked?

Just as he was stunned, the smoke and dust on the ring dispersed, revealing Jing Yang who was pointing his finger at him.

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I might accidentally hurt the audience by running to the sky? Thank you!"


With a snap of his magical power, he popped out and turned into a beam of white light, shooting down the large paper airplane and the bandage monster that floated up to the ceiling...

2 wins!

The audience cheered loudly, and Yun Gu smiled and said: "Very solid basic skills."

Is it possible to concurrently cultivate the ability of release type?

3 days later. February 25th, 1pm, Arena on the 208th floor.

Jing Yang received a text message from Yun Gu, saying he had a game today.

"It seems that he plans to compete in 10 days." Xiaodi looked at the ring and said, "With 8 wins in 80 days, he is more confident of victory than you, Jing Yang."

Before Jing Yang could say anything, the game on the ring was already over.

There was not much to see at all. Yun Gu used his unshakable hard power to directly crush his opponent. When the opponent was not paying attention, he went up and knocked the opponent out with one punch, and won the victory without any suspense.

Amidst the applause of countless spectators, Yun Gu looked towards Jing Yang and Xiao Di on the stage.

Jing Yang gave him a thumbs up from a distance.

"Doraemon, let's go back and practice more! This week's goal is to reach a small level and get 15,000 qi!" Jing Yang turned around and left, "It's on fire, it's on fire!"

"What is burning..." Xiaodi followed into the passage and left.

The days continued to move forward calmly.

Within one month, Jing Yang successfully won 4 consecutive matches, totaling 5 wins and 0 losses.

Zhen Yuanzi's reputation became so great that it spread throughout the Sky Arena.

Others have gone to great lengths to gain the qualifications to challenge the original poster. Few people are willing to waste the 90-day battle preparation period that is reset after each competition. However, this guy was lucky. After more than a month of hard work, even Get 5 wins and the road to the poster will be halfway done easily.

However, Jing Yang himself is not in the Sky Arena most of the time, but lives in a rented apartment with Xiao Di.

On March 1st, Kurapika said that he was finally making progress in developing his abilities.

The three of them gathered in the living room of the apartment, and the two teachers, Jing Yang and Xiao Di, began to inspect the goods - er, inspect the results of Kurapika's training.

Kurapika did not hesitate, and concentrated on releasing a ball of energy from his hands. According to the "drawing" that he had mastered in his mind for the past month, he quickly constructed the ball of energy into a realistic substance.


A dolphin-shaped bookshelf held six neatly stacked small black books, floating quietly beside Kurapika.

What crazy clown... Jing Yang's first reaction was to think of Kate's abilities.

It is also a materialization system. The "Crazy Clown" developed by Kate under the guidance of Jin is also in a similar situation. A doll-like thing floats next to it. The difference is that Kate's Crazy Clown is a weapon arsenal, with different weapons randomly issued. It's for Kate, and Kurapika's is the dolphin bookshelf, which is used to unify his six books for easy access.

"Book Three, 'The Abyss'." Kurapika raised his hand and said.

The dolphin swam as if it had come alive. One of the six small black books in the bookshelf it was surrounded by flew out and fell into Kurapika's palm. There was a number "3" on the cover. .

Kurapika said: "This is the second roughly formed ability."

"The abyss..." he said calmly, "there is no place more suitable for those spiders than this."

"Is this the second ability to take shape?" Xiaodi asked curiously, "What about the first one?"

Jing Yang thought to himself: "The spider ranks second, and the one who ranks first can only be..."

Sure enough, Kurapika put away the third volume of "The Abyss" in his hand and said to the dolphin floating aside: "The sixth volume, "Resurrection"."

In response, the dolphin pulled out the sixth black book and floated it into Kurapika's hands. The number "6" was written on the cover.

"As long as the relevant body part is placed on the page, its owner's name will automatically appear and resurrect it." Kurapika introduced like this, showing a smile, "But the price is that the resurrected party was originally Whatever natural lifespan is left will be deducted from my life."

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