Others don't know, but Xiao Yijing knows it.

This agarwood tree is indeed quite old, but the reason why it has such a good quality is because of the spirit array she set up before.

This agarwood tree is not far from her spirit gathering array, so it will be affected somewhat.

Under the catalysis of aura, the quality and speed of the fragrance of these agarwoods are greatly improved.

If it was changed to another place, it would not have such a good effect.

But Xiao Yijing didn't expect that there would be so many agarwood trees here.

I don't know who kept it - but it's all hers now!

"These few trees can be picked!" Mu Congyue enthusiastically suggested, "These few trees look almost the same!"

These trees are obviously withered and yellow, and the fragrance inside should also be very good.

"Okay." Xiao Yijing nodded, "But I have to go back and find some tools."

Of course she could have taken it off with a wave of her hand, but she wasn't going to do that.

"I'll help!" Mu Congyue was particularly active.

Several people went to the bamboo weaving place to find some tools.

I have been doing bamboo weaving for a while, and the tools here are more and more professional.

Now, some old people don't do these things anymore, after all, they are not skilled and their interest is over.

The rest are those who like to make bamboo weaving, and the technology is getting more and more sophisticated, and the tools they buy are becoming more and more professional.

It's turned into a professional studio.

When Mu Congyue arrived here, he saw the old people making mats and watched for a while.

Fortunately, Chen Xiang captured all her thoughts, and after getting the tool, she ran away with Xiao Yijing.

The three of them had sex and cut down a few trees, and after removing the parts that did not bear incense, they dragged the part with agarwood back to the villa, and then began to pick out the wood outside with a knife.

Xiao Yijing ran away after working for a while, leaving Mu Congyue and Mo Yi'an to work hard.

The two of them carefully removed the white wood on the outside with a knife, leaving only the agarwood oil in the middle.

Especially Mo Yi'an, that's called being serious and cautious.

This is tens of thousands of grams of top grade agarwood! She shook her hand, and if she dropped a gram or two, it would be a loss!

Mu Congyue was also very serious, and the two of them worked hard.

After working for two hours, they finally got all the agarwood out before lunch.

Finally weighed it.

"2522 grams! More than five catties!"

Mo Yi'an cheered, more excited than anyone else.

Mu Congyue was also very happy, "The quality and weight are very good!"

In the agarwood garden she went to before, an agarwood tree about eight years old can produce half a catty to one catty of agarwood.

There are two trees here, but more than five catties of agarwood are produced, and the rate of producing incense is too high!

Moreover, this is the best agarwood!

When Mu Congyue removed the white wood just now, he also smelled the scent of agarwood more clearly.

She was already thinking about how to deal with the agarwood, the taste would definitely be better by then!

Sure enough, the taste of premium agarwood is different from ordinary agarwood.

Ordinary agarwood will have some earthy and rotten smell, even if the best agarwood has not been processed, it will still have a sweet and some floral and medicinal fragrance!

It's rare to meet such a good Chen Xiang, she will never give up!

At this moment, Mu Congyue had completely forgotten about her ex-boyfriend and ex-friend, and her mind was full of wanting to deal with these aloes.

She can't wait!

"Ah Jing, how much do you want to sell this for?" Mu Congyue asked eagerly.

"This..." Xiao Yijing rubbed her chin, "I don't know either. How about this, I'll ask someone first, and I'll tell you after I've made it clear."

"Okay!" Mu Congyue nodded immediately, "Then remember to ask!"

Such a valuable thing, of course, needs to be carefully thought out, and it cannot be sold so easily.

Although Mu Congyue, as a buyer, would be best if she can buy it cheaply, but she also hopes that both parties can win-win, so that the cooperation can last for a long time.

Moreover, Xiao Yijing still has a lot of top-quality agarwood, this is the best supplier!

Mu Congyue also found a supplier of agarwood before, and the other party also had top-quality agarwood, but the output was very small.

—Of course, agarwood is very rare.

The agarwood in the villa is of the highest quality, and the output is even greater!

One tree can produce more than two catties of agarwood! No one else can produce so much top-quality agarwood from one garden!

Xiao Yijing still has a lot of trees!

Therefore, she must not miss this opportunity!

"Okay, I will." Xiao Yijing nodded, "It's noon, let's have dinner together."

"Okay!" Mu Congyue responded immediately, "I just heard from An An that the food here is delicious, and I want to try it!"

Xiao Yijing put Chen Xiang aside casually, and took the two of them to the cafeteria.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Mu Congyue was very surprised, "Is everyone eating here?"

There are so many old people here!

However, these old people look hale and hearty, in good spirits, as good as those old people who made bamboo weaving before!

There is no trace of sorrow on their faces, only enthusiasm and love for life.

Mu Congyue felt that they were more energetic and energetic than before!

Apart from the elderly, there are quite a few young people here, and all of them look good.

Mu Congyue also had the same thought as other guests who came here for the first time—are all the young people staying here based on their looks?

"Come here!" Xiao Yijing greeted her, "Eat chicken today!"

Because of the appearance of these aloes, Xiao Yijing was in a good mood.

She didn't take the initiative to find expensive things such as agarwood, but it doesn't mean that she will be unhappy when these treasures appear.

Moreover, when these agarwoods suddenly appear, there is also a refreshing feeling of opening a blind box and digging out treasures!

So, to celebrate, she asked the kitchen to kill a chicken.

"Eat chicken!"

Mo Yi'an's eyes lit up immediately, "Great!"

She explained to Mu Congyue, "Let me tell you, the chicken here is really the best of the best! I have never eaten such a delicious chicken! Wife is delicious!"

Like everyone else, Mo Yi'an was easily captured by the chickens here.

She has eaten chicken from so many places, but she has never eaten such delicious chicken!

Therefore, she told Xiao Yijing before that if she kills a chicken, she must be notified, even if she is in the ends of the world, she will fly over!

Mu Congyue was also attracted by Mo Yi'an's description, "Is it really so delicious?"

"Of course! It's absolutely delicious!" Mo Yi'an salivated, "The chicken here feels like the meat has a floral fragrance!"

so exaggerated?

Mu Congyue was dubious.

However, after eating the chicken, she quickly changed her attitude.

——It’s so delicious!

Not to mention them, even other people who often eat chicken are equally excited.

No matter how many times you eat it, it is absolutely perfect!

Who doesn't like chicken!

——If they don't like it, then they must have never eaten the chicken in the villa!

After lunch, Mu Congyue wandered around the villa again, stopping from time to time to look at the flowers here.

Finally, she came up with the idea of ​​living here!

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