After Mo Yi'an sent Mu Congyue back to the hotel, he started handling the hotel's affairs at the front desk.

In the past few days, the operation of the hotel has been on the right track. Now, except for the two hotels in the city center, the other four hotels are full, and the hotel rooms are all booked for a few days.

Depending on the situation, the two hotels will be full sooner or later.

She also knew that the reason why the hotel had such a grand occasion was because of the flowers and ingredients that Xiao Yijing provided her.

It will take a lot of effort to keep the hotel in business.

Among other things, there are a few dings in the hotel that could take some work.

Before, there were no guests in the hotel, the income was not good, and everyone was not interested, so there were many damages in the hotel.

In the past few days, she has been running around in various hotels, and today is considered a day of relaxation.

Because some employees were fired, there were more things to do, and he went out for another day. After Mo Yi'an came back, he was very busy.

She began to wonder if she needed some help.

Just thinking about it, the elevator came down, and Mu Congyue came out of it.

"Ah Yue, are you going out?" Mo Yi'an raised his head and asked in doubt.

I just got back.

"Yes." Mu Congyue nodded.

"Where are you going? Do you want to see you off?" She asked casually.

"No, I'll go next door."

Mo Yi'an suddenly looked up, "Next door? Where is the next door?"

"It's the Shengxing Hotel next door." Mu Congyue looked normal.

Mo Yi'an frowned, "Where did you go..."

"Oh, Linda's mother is looking for me."

Mo Yi'an knew that Linda was Xue Liantao, but she never expected that Xue Liantao's mother would come to find Mu Congyue?

What was even more unexpected was that Mu Congyue agreed to go there?

Mo Yi'an opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting Mu Congyue not to go.

But she kept her mouth shut.

The relationship between her and Mu Congyue is not as good as what she said.

Besides, Mu Congyue didn't know about the grievances between her and Xue Liantao. If she made such a request, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?

"Well... just to ask, what did she ask you for?" Mo Yi'an had a weird expression, "Didn't you guys have a very unpleasant fight yesterday?"

"Yes." Mu Congyue nodded, "However, her mother said she wanted to show me something."


"She said she has a piece of top-quality agarwood, and she wants to see it for me." Mu Congyue didn't hide it either.

"Agarwood?" Mo Yi'an's eyes widened, "She also has agarwood?"

"Yeah." Mu Congyue nodded, "She said she wanted to ask me for an appraisal to see how the quality of the agarwood is."

Mo Yi'an had a weird expression, "You don't really believe her words, do you? She can always find other people to help identify it, right?"

Feng Jieshan's mother and daughter may not have many contacts, but Xue Zhenpeng still has them.

Besides, this is not a big deal, there is no need to find Mu Congyue.

"I know." Mu Congyue smiled, "However, I also want to see this piece of agarwood."

"Didn't you see a lot in the villa today?"

"Yes. But, it's good to know more."

Mu Congyue didn't think too much about it.

She didn't know the relationship between Mo Yi'an and Xue Liantao, she was just acting as a perfumer.

Although I encountered a lot of top-quality agarwood in the villa today, maybe the agarwood from other places is not bad?

As a perfumer, she also wants to see more.

Besides, no amount of top spice like agarwood is too much.

"Okay, I'm going over there."

Mo Yi'an sent her out, walked to the door, and saw Xue Liantao standing not far away.

Seeing Mu Congyue, Xue Liantao immediately cheered up, "Catherine!"

Mu Congyue frowned slightly, and quickly smiled, "Linda."

"Come with me, my mother is waiting for us!" Xue Liantao smiled brightly, unable to see the gloom and aggrieved yesterday.


Mu Congyue waved his hand at Mo Yi'an, "I'll go first."

"Okay." Mo Yi'an smiled.

Xue Liantao took two steps forward, trying to hold Mu Congyue's hand, but was dodged.

What happened yesterday still left traces in Mu Congyue's heart.

Xue Liantao's smile froze for a moment, and soon brightened again.

Before leaving, she looked back at Mo Yi'an and smiled provocatively at her.

When Mu Congyue looks at the spices they recovered, he will definitely cooperate with them!

Receiving her provocation, Mo Yi'an couldn't help squinting his eyes, and then suddenly said, "Miss Xue, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Mu Congyue stopped in his tracks, "What?"

Xue Liantao also stopped, her expression changed slightly.

Mo Yi'an smiled kindly, "It's nothing, it's just that Miss Xue's eyes were a little strange just now, and I'm a little worried."

"What look?" Mu Congyue was very puzzled.

"That's it."

Mo Yi'an acted out Xue Liantao's provocative eyes to her just now, imitating it perfectly.

As long as you are not blind, you can see the provocation and disgust hidden in this look.

Mu Congyue frowned immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xue Liantao said anxiously, "I, I am not like this!"

"Really?" Mo Yi'an frowned, "But you were indeed like this just now!"

"I didn't!" Xue Liantao almost jumped, and quickly explained to Mu Congyue, "Catherine, trust me, I don't have this expression! I don't need to!"

Mo Yi'an seemed to have been wronged, with a serious face, "But you really had this expression just now! Oh, by the way, I have surveillance cameras here, and I can take you to watch them!"

Xue Liantao's face immediately changed, why did he want to watch the surveillance again? !

Mo Yi'an and Xiao Yijing are indeed best friends, and they all operate in exactly the same way!

She raised her eyes to look at the bright surveillance camera, her face turned dark.

She felt that things had returned to yesterday's chaos, fearing that the plot would repeat itself, she hurriedly said: "Then, maybe I do have this expression, but I'm not targeting you, I just feel a little uncomfortable, so the expression is a bit strange."

Mo Yi'an suddenly realized, "That's right! I just said, we don't have any grievances, and I wouldn't make you look like this!"

She chuckled, with a joking attitude, "Besides, I should have put on this expression. After all, your hotel has poached so many employees from our hotel before and developed so many spies, which made us There are fewer and fewer guests in the hotel, and I didn't say anything!"

"Is there such a thing?" Mu Congyue's expression also changed, and she looked at Xue Liantao in surprise.

"No, no such thing!" Xue Liantao firmly denied, she really wanted to reprimand Mo Yi'an for talking nonsense, but when she met his smiling eyes, her breathing became tight.

Fortunately, a male voice saved her.

"Second Miss, Madam asked if you haven't brought the guests back yet?"

Feng Jieshan's assistant appeared with a smile on her face, and her words made people feel that they had returned to ancient times.

"Oh, let's go there now!" Xue Liantao quickly changed the subject, "Catherine, let's go there quickly!"

Seeing that she was about to run away, the corners of Mo Yi'an's lips curled up, and he stopped chasing and beating her.

Mu Congyue frowned, always feeling that the atmosphere between them was very strange.

"Okay, let's go first."

Happy New Year! It's a new year again. I wish you all good health, no disasters, no disasters, and success!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass! ! Try to do another chapter or two tonight! love you~~

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