Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Nineteen Eyes of the Demon King

Although Lin Feng saw the key point to break through the Red and Black Demonic Leopard Clan, Lin Feng also knew that this matter was not that easy, and he had to plan carefully in the future.

It’s not appropriate to say more about this matter now.

He did not continue to ask Xiao Hei about other things, but came to the trade fair with everyone.

The trade fair will be held in a hall.

Due to Situ Mingyue's special status, this trade fair attracted quite a few monks.

"I heard that Mr. Xuan found an ancient tomb not long ago and found a lot of good things in it. Are there any rare treasures from the ancient tomb at this trade fair?" Someone asked after seeing Situ Mingyue.

This topic attracts a lot of people's attention.

Situ Mingyue said, "That's right. My master did give me some good things. They were all unearthed from that ancient tomb and are rare in the world! It's worth looking forward to!"

Situ Mingyue's answer made many people very excited.

This is absolutely good news.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. No wonder so many people came. It is estimated that some forces had heard about the treasure in the ancient tomb before.

As for Elder Xuan, he should be Situ Mingyue's master. As Elder Xuan's beloved disciple, he sits in Yishui City.

It is normal for Mr. Xuan to support Situ Mingyue and gain fame for Situ Mingyue.

And don't underestimate fame.

Many monks in the cultivator world like to gain fame, not without reason. This involves luck.

Although luck is fleeting, it is closely related to many things, such as your talent, origin, strength, fame, etc. It is actually closely related to it.

Just like Lin Feng, his luck has been improving crazily. Because of Lin Feng's astonishing improvement in strength and his background, he has organized many large-scale battles over the years, and his reputation has gradually spread among the four universes. Although many People sneered at Lin Feng, thinking that Lin Feng was pushed out by the people behind him, and that many things were not done by Lin Feng. However, these people were actually somewhat envious, jealous, and hated Lin Feng.

To put it bluntly, they were jealous of everything about Lin Feng, including his luck.

Without the support of strong luck, it is very difficult to break through some extremely high-level realms. For example, if a certain monk's luck is not enough to support him to break through to the level of the universe boss, it is possible that all other conditions are mature. If you can't break through, even if you are lucky enough to break through, you may suffer disaster later. This is the mystery of luck.

As for Situ Mingyue, now is the time to accumulate luck. As Situ Mingyue's master, Mr. Xuan is quite good to Situ Mingyue. He is willing to give out good things and let Situ Mingyue hold a trade to increase Situ Mingyue's reputation and accumulate luck. , if you meet some selfish masters, it would be good if you don’t ask for things from your disciples. Isn’t it whimsical for the disciples to still want to ask for things from their masters?

Lin Feng and others found a place to sit down and waited patiently. Since the previous conflict with the Red and Black Demonic Leopard Clan attracted a lot of people's attention, even though Lin Feng and the others were quiet, there were still many people watching secretly. Lin Feng and others were also guessing about their identities.

Lin Feng was not worried that their identities would be exposed.

First, because this is the Western Universe, there are almost no people who know them. Even if someone does know them, they are the strong ones from outside forces. Those strong monks from foreign forces who know them may not necessarily come to the Western Universe to meet them. It's not that easy.

The second reason is that because Lin Feng and the others have changed their appearance, aura, etc., even external forces and monks who have seen them can't figure out who they are.

Therefore, Lin Feng and others did not panic at all.

Feel free to explore and discuss as you please.

It is estimated that the final result is that Lin Feng and others may come from a certain hermit force outside. After all, after many eras, there are still some powerful hermit forces outside, and they are also born at the end of this special reincarnation. Maybe Lin Feng and others This is the origin of such a force. Half an hour later.

There were three to four hundred people sitting in the living room.

Situ Mingyue said, "Everyone, our trade fair has officially begun. This trade fair is divided into two links. In the first link, I will bring out some good things. If you are interested in Taoist friends, you can bring out the treasures with them. If it matches, I will also make a choice!".

"In the second step, after I have brought out all the good things here, everyone can also take out their unused treasures and exchange them with other fellow Taoists for what they want!"

Everyone nodded. Such a high-end trade fair would not use fairy stones to measure the value of items.

Basically it's all about bartering and choosing the best.


The first transaction item was taken out.

The first transaction item was a gem. This gem was not simple. It was called the Eye of the Demon King.

Contains extremely terrifying power.

It is suitable to be inlaid on some special magic weapons. If some special magic weapons are inlaid with this gem, then the power of the Eye of the Demon King can be integrated with the magic weapon.

The power of the magic weapon will increase dramatically.

"Good stuff!".

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up slightly. After all, Lin Feng had to forge a new magic weapon later.

This Demon King's Eye can be completely integrated into it to enhance the power of the new magic weapon.

There was quite a commotion at the venue, because the first trade fair made many people jealous.

"For this trading item, I need to trade the Nine Heavens Spiritual Stone, or something similar to the Nine Heavens Spiritual Stone!". Situ Mingyue said.

"What is the Nine Heavens Spiritual Stone?" someone asked.

"It is an extremely special spiritual stone born from within the Gate of Eternal Life. It is said that this spiritual stone can allow the finalized magic weapon to complete a huge transformation, and the potential will be greatly increased. At the same time, it can also increase the level of the finalized magic weapon quickly. After being upgraded by two or three levels, the value of this thing is unimaginable!" someone said.

Many people took a breath of cold air. This Nine Heavens Spiritual Stone is indeed an amazing thing.

But no one said anything at the scene. Obviously, no one has such a treasure as the Nine Heavens Spiritual Stone.

Even if someone owns it, the other party may not necessarily trade with it. After all, the other party may not necessarily need the Eye of the Demon King.

At this time, a monk shrouded in black robes said, "I have a piece of Purple Green Immortal Stone here. The effect is very similar to that of the Nine Heavens Spirit Stone. Although it is not as powerful as the Nine Heavens Spirit Stone, it should still be as powerful as the Nine Heavens Spirit Stone." The effect of the spiritual stone is 40% to 50%, do you want to change it?"

"Huh? This person is a strong man in Zhu Laodian." Lin Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He was too familiar with the aura of the monks from the Zhulaodian Temple. Although the other party hid it well, after careful sensing, he still couldn't escape Lin Feng's eyes.

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