Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1385: Enchanting demon!

"Rivenlor actually caught up!"

Seeing the appearance of Li Wenle and others, Mo Qingyun's brows frowned and she was very surprised at their arrival.

What struck Mo Qingyun the most was that Le Wenle summoned so many people to follow him in such a short time.

Today, the number of people on Levina's side has reached hundreds or thousands, which is not a good phenomenon.

If Mo Qingyun was alone, he wouldn't care about Li Wenle and others, he could use the teleportation door to leave.

But he is now with Chen Qing and others, and he has some trouble if he wants to leave. He must take Chen Qing and others together.

Glancing at Li Wenle and others, Mo Qingyun stood up slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Li Wenle, your courage is not small, but you dare to continue to catch up, aren't you afraid that I will call the ghost again?"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Le Wenle's expression was obviously drawn, showing a look of fear.

Mo Qingyun's remarks now are clear-cut and directly poke him at the crux.

The ghosts summoned by Mo Qingyun before existed in his heart, and almost killed him.

"Brother Chen, let's go!"

Seeing Li Wenle's scruples on his face, Mo Qingyun and Chen Qing and others slowly moved towards the valley exit.

However, as Mo Qingyun and others were about to leave the valley, Leviner suddenly sank, and yelled, "Stop their way, don't let them escape."


Hearing Le Wenle's orders, those who followed him immediately besieged Mo Qingyun and others.

Soon, the exit of this valley was blocked by those people.

Seeing that the valley was blocked, Mo Qingyun's expression instantly gloomed, and a murderous intention erupted.

"Since you're determined to die, I'll do it for you."

Seeing these people blocking their way, Mo Qingyun's cold light flashed in his left eye, blasting out a horrifying soul force.

These soul powers exploded and turned into a chain of thunder, blasting into the sea of ​​knowledge of those people.

Then, the wave of people blocking Mo Qingyun's way became conscious.


The souls of those who blocked the road were banned, and Mo Qingyun was the first to kill them.

With Mo Qingyun's advice, Chen Qing and others did not hesitate, and quickly killed the group of people.

Bang bang ...

In the face of Mo Qingyun and others' shots, these people who blocked the road were immediately massacred.

Mo Qingyun slaughtered the people who were close to the small half of the road. Mo Qingyun did not go to war and quickly explained to Chen Qing and others: "We withdraw!"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's account, Chen Qing and others did not hesitate, and immediately followed Mo Qingyun to leave.

"We chase, we must leave them!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun and others escaping the valley, Levinle's face was somber and eclipsed, and they quickly followed the crowd.

However, when Li Wenle and others came to the exit of the valley, a group of gray figures suddenly appeared at the exit of the valley.

These are all ghosts, and Mo Qingyun summoned a group of ghosts again.

"Quick, kill these ghosts!"

Looking at the hundreds of ghosts in front of him, Leviner immediately twitched, and panic and fear developed in his heart.

Now that the exit of this valley is blocked by these ghosts, they can become the babies in the middle.

"Happy, really happy, this is enough for Li Wenle and others to drink a pot."

"Facing the attacks of these ghosts, even if Levina and others were lucky to save their lives, they were most likely disabled."

"They deserve it. I want to see how they are arrogant next."

"The next time they dare to commit crimes, Brother Mo will summon ghosts to kill them."


Seeing the situation of Li Wenle and others, Chen Qing and others smiled cheerfully, and the mood suddenly rejoiced.

Compared to the elation of Chen Qing and others, Yuan Kang's mood was much worse, and his face was somber and muttered to himself: "The guys like Levenor are really a group of rice buckets and waste. Such a good opportunity can make Mo Qingyun escape. "

Yuan Kang reluctantly put up with the anger in his heart and continued to move forward with Mo Qingyun and others, ready to find another opportunity to calculate Mo Qingyun.

A few moments after the crowd left, they came outside a quiet garden.

The garden also has beautiful views, including gazebos, bridges, and ponds, giving a very peaceful feeling.

After seeing this scene, Mo Qingyun looked around carefully and led the crowd into the gazebo, saying: "Everyone rests in this courtyard for a while, and then we will continue to explore the inheritance palace."

As Mo Qingyun's words fell, he walked into a gazebo and continued to suppress the charm of poisonous poison in his body: "After a while, I shot, the erosion of charm of poisonous poison seems to have become more serious."

"So, if you fight with people, it will cause the erosion of the charm and poisonous incense to increase!"

When he discovered that his own state was wrong, Mo Qingyun's understanding of the charm and poisonous incense became more thorough.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun began to think about how to avoid the erosion of charm and poison.

"If I let Momo replace me, the deity will enter the five-sided tower, so that I can avoid fighting with people."

After a short thought, Mo Qingyun had a solution in his mind, and said with a smile: "The erosion of the charm and poisonous incense is not exacerbated. As long as you give me enough time, I will have a way to force it out."

Now Mo Mo has studied the inheritance of Tianmu. In addition to his inability to perform various magical powers, his strength is not much different from that of his deity.

Therefore, Mo Qingyun asked Mo Mo to replace him, but did not worry too much.

As for why Mo Ziye is not allowed to replace, the main reason is that Mo Ziye's blood power is too strong, it is easy to make people doubt.

Mo Qingyun thought of a solution in his heart, so he didn't want to delay time, and stood up to explain to Chen Qing and others: "Brother Chen Qingqing, stay here first, I'll go around."

"it is good!"

Chen Qing and others nodded and continued to sit and adjust their breath on the spot.

A few words of advice to Chen Qing and others, Mo Qingyun walked towards the courtyard, and had an opportunity to exchange his identity with Mo Mo.

After a while, Mo Qingyun and Mo Mo exchanged their identities and entered the five-party tower to cultivate the poison.

Mo Qingyun entered the Wufang small tower, and he went to the place where Murong Qingyou practiced, to see the practice of Murong Qingyou.

What Mo Qingyun didn't expect, Murong Qingyou was shocked when he saw him: "Qingyun, have you been poisoned by the charm of poisonous incense?"

"How did you know?"

Mo Qingyun was puzzled by Murong Qingyou's discovery, and couldn't help asking.

In his memory, he was poisoned by the charm of poisonous incense and did not seem to have told Murong Qingyou.

However, now Murong Qingyou has discovered that this is a bit abnormal.

Seeing that Mo Qingyun's face was surprised, Murong Qingyou didn't hide it, with a serious expression on his face: "The phantom blood of my phantom in my body originates from the blood of the charm of the demon. Therefore, I have some understanding of the charm of the demon. I understand the charm of poison. "

"So it is!"

Hearing Murong Qingyou's words, Mo Qingyun's face showed a clear expression, and a decision was made in her heart: "So it seems that this inheritance palace is suitable for Qing You, it seems I need to help her get the inheritance."

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