Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1427: rescue

After a few hours.

Mo Qingyun and others came to the ever-changing home and saw other forces coming to congratulate him.

"Brother Xi Ping, it's been a long time, don't come here!"

Seeing the arrival of the Ghostmoon homeowner, some people familiar with it came to greet them.

"Oh, you guys haven't seen you for a long time!"

Looking at the crowd who greeted himself, the owner of the ghost moon showed a bright smile, and soon became a confession with the crowd.

At the same time, the rest of the Guiyue clan talked to people they knew.

Seeing the actions of the Guiyue family, Mo Qingyun gradually separated from them and was going to find the Guiyue in the inner house of the ever-changing family.

"Min Gong, trouble you to take care of Chu Xin for me. Let me do something."

Mo Qingyun came to the side of Guiyuemin and explained that he was taking good care of his grandson Sun Chuxin.

"Brother Mo, in the ever-changing government is heavily guarded. You better not walk around."

Seeing that Mo Qingyun was going to enter the inner government of the ever-changing government house, Guiyuemin immediately expressed his expression and hurriedly stopped Mo Qingyun.

After hearing Guiyuemin's words of reminder, Mo Qingyun smiled lightly and shook his head: "Don't worry, I just walk away, it will not attract the attention of the ever-changing family.

"Well, if you get in trouble, tell them my name."

Seeing Mo Qingyun say so, Gui Yuemin's expression eased a bit, and he reassured Mo Qingyun.


Mo Qingyun nodded, lifted his feet and walked towards the interior of Guiyue Mansion, separated from Guiyuemin.

As Guiyue Min said, the ever-changing family guards are very strict.

Before Mo Qingyun went far, he was stopped by several guards.

"Stop, this is not where you should come, leave right away."

Several guards of the ever-changing family showed a cold expression, and moaned harshly at Mo Qingyun.

Seeing the actions of these guards, Mo Qingyun rarely talked to them and raised his hand directly to them.

Bang bang ...

When Mo Qingyun quickly shot, the guards did not respond, they were pinched by Mo Qingyun.

Zhan Mo Qingyun killed these guards, his footsteps continued, and he went deeper into the inner house of the ever-changing government.

When Mo Qingyun entered the inner house of the Ever-changing Mansion, he released the power of the soul and sensed the location of the Ghostmoon Lady.

It's just that there are a lot of formations in the ever-changing mansion, which hinders Mo Qingyun's soul induction and makes his finding a person difficult.

Mo Qingyun found that the formation method in the ever-changing mansion blocked the penetration of his soul power, and he knew that this method would not work.

"It seems that only by asking some people to inquire about the position of Guiyue."

Mo Qingyun thought silently, and began to look for some people with identity, and wanted to ask the position of Guiyue from their mouths.

Soon, an enchanting woman became Mo Qingyun's target.

This woman's strength is not weak, Xiu has reached the point of a small star, can also be regarded as a master.

Soul prison!

Having managed to hold this woman's practice, Mo Qingyun was ready to start off, and immediately released her soul prison.

A horrible soul force exploded from Mo Qingyun's left eye, turned into a chain of souls, and blasted into the woman's sea of ​​knowledge.

After being attacked by a blow to the soul prison, the woman immediately buzzed her head, and the whole person was stuck in place.

The magic pupil is fascinating!

Imprisoning this woman's soul, Mo Qingyun exhibited her talents and devoured each other's memory.

A deep glimmer of light burst out from Mo Qingyun's left eye, and a domineering blast into the sea of ​​women's knowledge.

Under the impact of this gloom, a gray figure with a terrified expression slowly flew out of the woman's heavenly spirit.

This gray figure is the soul of this woman.

"No ... don't kill me!"

The woman's soul flew out of her body, she begged, and quickly asked Mo Qingyun for mercy.

But Mo Qingyun begged her for mercy, but chose to turn a blind eye and refine her memory information.

Under Mo Qingyun's refining, all information in the woman's mind was read by Mo Qingyun little by little.

As Mo Qingyun read the woman's memory, his expression became more and more strange, and he felt an urge to give up.

This woman's life style is really unsightly.

She actually exchanged with nearly a hundred people of the ever-changing family in that respect, and she could be described as a war-fighting and experienced.

A quarter of an hour later, under Mo Qingyun's forbearance, he finally digested the woman's memory.

Fortunately, Mo Qingyun's fortune was wasted. He knew the position of Guiyue from the memory of the woman.

She is in a secret room of the ever-changing family, and is guarded by four little stars who are the strongest in the top.

"It seems that if you want to save the ghost moon in the ever-changing province, it will be difficult to remain silent."

From the memory in the woman's brain, Mo Qingyun couldn't help sighing about the current situation of Guiyue, and said, "If you do this, let me deal with the ever-changing Jinfeng earlier and destroy the ever-changing family earlier. "

Hidden Door!

Mo Qingyun made a plan in his heart, he released the door of hiding, and immediately went to rescue the ghost moon.

Half an hour later, after Mo Qingyun turned left and right, he came to the secret room under house arrest on Ghost Moon.

Like the woman's memory, at the entrance of the back room, there are four little stars who are at the top of the guard.

"Give me out!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Mo Qingyun summoned several ghosts directly to help him deal with these people together.

Although Mo Qingyun is not afraid of the ever-changing family, but now the strong families in the ever-changing family gather and can save the ghost moon first, which is naturally the best result.

The momentum of the peaks of the big stars immediately appeared beside Mo Qingyun.

"Big ... Big star strong!"

Feeling the momentum of the ghosts, the four goalkeepers were suddenly shocked and caught off guard by the change.

However, before the four of them reacted, they were overwhelmed by a group of ghosts.

As the ghosts dealt with the four men, Mo Qingyun came to the front of the Chamber of Secrets, observing all the formations outside the Chamber of Secrets.

"Hurry ... must be fast!"

When Mo Qingyun watched the secret room array, his heart was full of eagerness, and he wanted to break the secret room array before the other members of the ever-changing family came.

Time passed by a little bit.

With the constant observation of Mo Qingyun, his research on the method of close room array has become more and more thorough.

In the process of Mo Qingyun's study of the secret room array method, the four strong stars guarding the secret room all died in the hands of ghosts.

After a cup of tea.

After Mo Qingyun's full research, he finally found out the formation method in the dense outdoor, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It was the Four Elephant Lock Fairy!"

The Four Elephant Lock Fairy is not a powerful array, but a fourth-level elementary array.

However, it has one characteristic. If it is guarded by four strong men at the same time, it can withstand the attack of the strong men in the two higher realms.

That is to say, in the case of the four little star powerhouses defending, even the star powerhouses can't break.

Unfortunately, before the four gatekeepers responded, they were slaughtered by ghosts.

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