Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1437: Forbidden Skills.

"Give me out!"

As Mo Qingyun's words fell, he summoned a ghost and prepared to merge with him.

Soon, a momentum comparable to the peak of the big star appeared next to Mo Qingyun.

A ghost in the realm of great stars!

Feeling the momentum emitted by the ghosts, everyone around them twitched, and looked at Mo Qingyun in shock.

"Then ... the ghost in the big star realm, was it summoned by Mo Qingyun?"

"Okay ... seems to be true. I didn't expect Mo Qingyun to have this means. No wonder he would be so fearless."

"This Mo Qingyun is too mysterious. It's a great mistake to offend him.


Looking at the ghost next to Mo Qingyun, everyone around him was shocked and looked at Mo Qingyun's eyes.

At this moment, Mo Qingyun felt like they were covered with a dark mist, giving a mysterious and weird feeling.

"Ghosts at the peak of the big star? Mo Qingyun can summon these fiends?"

Guiyue Junping saw this scene, his eyes widened instantly, and his expression was full of incredibleness.

Mo Qingyun's current performance really scared him too much, completely beyond his tolerance.

The strong stars with the highest star position, even in the entire Yongnan Xian domain, also belong to the ranks of the top strong.

A strong man of this level is now under the control of a fairy infant junior, which is too counterintuitive.

Of course, while shocking Mo Qingyun's ability, Gui Yue's remorse also became stronger.

It seems that this time, they really did something wrong.

"The big star is a ghost in the pinnacle realm, this Mo Gongzi really deserves it."

Seeing the ghost beside Mo Qingyun, Chu Qingsong showed an excited expression, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

He knew that he was making a lot of money this time!

With Mo Qingyun's current performance, even if he does not talk about the forces behind him, that is a terrible power.

Their Chu family can have such a strong asylum, and their status in Yongnan Xianyu must be promoted at least several levels.

"A ghost built from the peak of a big star, you have some means and ability."

Looking at the ghost next to Mo Qingyun, the ever-changing feather altar was also shocked, and his expression became a little dignified, saying: "You want to defeat the old man with a ghost, you still want to be too naive, such as low-mind , You can not exert the same level of combat power. "

From the perspective of the ever-changing feather altar, even if the ghost is even more powerful, due to its low intelligence, its combat power is far less than that of humans.

"Who told you, I want to let the ghost fight you?"

For the self-guessing of the ever-changing feather altar, Mo Qingyun dismissed his lips and sighed that this old guy would imagine.

Mo Qingyun's words fell, and he didn't talk to the ever-changing feather altar, so he showed the door of fusion.

The door to fusion!

A ray of light gate quickly condensed in front of Mo Qingyun.

The Fusion Gate is condensed. It splits into two beams and envelopes Mo Qingyun and the ghost.

Then, Mo Qingyun and the ghost's body began to merge together.

When Mo Qingyun merged with the ghost, the strength of the momentum he radiated grew stronger and stronger.

After a while, the momentum of Mo Qingyun's body reached the peak of the big star position.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's performance, the people around were stunned again, and felt that the brain was not enough.

What powerful means is this?

Star Fist!

When everyone was shocked by Mo Qingyun's means, Mo Qingyun's figure quickly moved towards the ever-changing feather altar.

About ten thousand meters away from the ever-changing feather altar, Mo Qingyun arrogantly blasted his right fist, bursting out a horrible golden punch.

The golden boxer's attack speed is extremely fast, and in an instant, it reached the front of the ever-changing feather altar.

"Good star power, what kind of star position is this boy condensing!"

Feeling the power of Mo Qingyun's fist, the expression of the ever-changing badminton shuddered, and immediately put down his contempt for Mo Qingyun.

At this moment he found out what a horrible existence this kid, who seems to have only been repaired in immortality.

Fairy. Burning soul offering God!

A strange Baoding was taken out of the ever-changing feather altar, and one soul flew out of it, looking at the ever-changing feather altar with trembling body.

Before these souls had time to beg for mercy, they were swallowed up by a horrible force and transformed by this force overbearingly.

After a while, these souls condensed into a huge figure, exuding an outrageous and gloomy momentum.

Sensing the momentum of the huge figure, everyone around them changed color, showing a panic and panic expression.

"Isn't this forbidden. Refining soul determination? Unexpectedly, the ever-changing feather altar practiced this skill."

"If you want to successfully practice this technique, you must slaughter billions of souls and collect their souls as a guide. This ever-changing feather altar has a very hot heart."

"Because of this, this" Legacy of Refining the Soul "will be listed as a prohibited technique, and I don't want it to reappear again."


At this moment, everyone looked at the ever-changing feather altar, and immediately became a little more afraid and hostile.

People like the ever-changing feather altar must not be tolerated.

Otherwise, once it has made him climate, it will definitely be a scourge on the barren continent.

Bang bang ...

When everyone was shocked, the star fist and the huge figure collided fiercely.

Under the collision of the star fist and the huge figure, a horrible storm erupted immediately, which made the world and the sky change.

Seeing the emergence of this storm, the surrounding people quickly retreated, for fear that they would be involved.

With their strength, if they were caught in the storm, they would probably have died a lifetime.

Kakaka ...

After being bombarded by a star punch, a huge crack began to appear on the huge figure in the air.

After seeing this scene, the ever-changing badminton altar immediately changed its expression and was terrified: "No ... it is impossible, even if the kid uses external force to make Xiu reach the peak of the big star position, he cannot control this kind of combat power . "

Tianhun Fengtianquan!

Looking at the ever-changing feather altar, Mo Qingyun chuckled and punched him again.

Soon, a huge black fist fell from the sky above the ever-changing feather altar.


Facing the bombardment of Tianhun Fengtianquan, the ever-changing feather altar was too late to dodge, and he was boxed by Tianhun Fengtian.

Immediately, the body of the ever-changing feather altar was banned by a force and lost its power of action.

"What ... what magic power is this?"

Finding himself banned by a force, the ever-changing Feather Altar was suddenly shocked, creating a sense of fear.

Mo Qingyun's methods are really weird, each has a unique ability, making him feel invincible.

In the heart of the ever-changing feather altar, Mo Qingyun's figure moved and killed him in front of the ever-changing feather altar.

Big demon finger!

Mo Qingyun came to the ever changing feather altar, and his attacking power kept on, and he pointed to the ever changing feather altar without hesitation.

Suddenly, a horrible dark fairy spirit power gathered above the ever-changing feather altar and blasted towards the ever-changing feather altar below.

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