Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1488: Get out

Sealed Door!

Mo Qingyun sighed angrily, and he displayed the gate of the seal, blocking the willpower that eroded his consciousness.

Facing the attack of the Seal Gate, Xuan Xiao's willpower was immediately suppressed, and it was instantly weakened by several levels.

"What magical power is this? It has a powerful banning power!"

Finding that his willpower was banned, Xuan Xiao's projected expression was startled, showing a sense of surprise and curiosity.

Looking at Mo Qingyun curiously, Xuan Xiao's projection showed a sneer, Shen said: "In this way, there should be a lot of secrets in this boy's body."

As Xuan Xiao's projection groaned, he eroded the willpower of Mo Qingyun's consciousness and was forced out by Mo Qingyun.

After pushing out the willpower of Xuan Xiao's projection, Mo Qingyun regained control of the body.


Regaining control of his body, Mo Qingyun did not dare to hesitate, and immediately displayed the portal.

Immediately, a swirling light gate was formed in front of Mo Qingyun.

Seeing the completion of the teleportation door, Mo Qingyun rushed into the portal quickly.

The moment Mo Qingyun entered the portal of teleportation, the portal of teleportation quickly shrank and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Ran away?"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's disappearance, Xuan Xiao's projected expression froze, but did not expect that Mo Qingyun had this means of escape.

However, he did not show any disappointment for Mo Qingyun's escape.

On the contrary, when he saw the magical power of Mo Qingyun, his curiosity about Mo Qingyun became stronger.

"From the perspective of the two supernatural powers just now, they should belong to the same type of supernatural power. This kid has big secrets."

Comparing the door of the seal with the door of the teleportation, Xuan Xiao immediately came to a result, showing a firm and indifferent expression, "boy, no matter what your origin and identity, since you are left with a shadow to kill the seal, then You cannot escape my palm. "

Mo Qingyun escaped?

Seeing that Mo Qingyun's figure disappeared, Qingyuan and others were shocked, and were very surprised at the situation.

You know, even the projection of Xuan Xiao's willpower is comparable to the existence of Jin Wonderland.

Taking Mo Qingyunxian's infancy as a repair, under the help of a golden fairyland strong man, he could even retreat from the whole body.

This ability is enough to make him proud!

"There are so many ways in this Mo Qingyun, once grown up it is absolutely terrible."

"A person who has cultivated as an infant during his childhood escaped from Jinxianjing. Mo Qingyun was the first."

"If it weren't for today's changes, I'm afraid it wouldn't take a hundred years for Yongnan Xiangong to rise."


Seeing Mo Qingyun's current performance, Qingyuan and others all showed emotions, admiration appeared in their expressions.

They think that with the cultivation of others and others, they can't retreat from the whole body in the face of Xuan Xiao's projection.

"The ghost summoned by the boy is still here, presumably he may come back to collect it."

Looking at the hundreds and thousands of ghosts around, Xuan Xiao's projection surface sneered and sat down directly on the spot.

Seeing what he looks like now, it seems that he intends to stand still.

Seeing Xuan Xiao projection's move, Qing Yuan and others next to him did not dare to hesitate, and walked to Xuan Xiao projection.

When he came to Xuan Xiao projection, Qing Yuan and others saluted respectfully and sat down beside Xuan Xiao projection.

At this moment, while everyone in Qingyuan was waiting.

In a mountain forest not far away, Mo Qingyun's figure was revealed, his face was covered with Yu's expression.

"Huh! Good danger!"

Mo Qingyun exhaled deeply. If he hadn't acted decisively just now, he might really not be able to leave.

After calming down the fear in his heart, Mo Qingyun showed hesitant expression, and said to himself, "The ghosts have not yet been collected, are they collected now? Or are they left to die on their own?"

Thinking of the realm of those ghosts, Mo Qingyun immediately made a decision and said to himself: "The realm of those ghosts only has a big star position, which has little effect on me, so there is no need to risk going back to collect them."

Mo Qingyun knew very well that he could escape from Xuan Xiao Projection this time because of his luck and surprise.

The next time, Xuan Xiao Projection has the precautionary heart, he will not be so lucky.

Mo Qingyun glanced around, he knew his position, and Shen said, "According to Captain Lu, as long as I cross the Longquan River to the west, I can enter the Protoss site."

Mo Qingyun thought of this, he no longer hesitated, immediately summoned the golden crown snake feather hawk.

Summoning the Golden Crowned Snake Feather Eagle, Mo Qingyun and Mo Ziye exchanged identities and entered the five-square tower for cultivation.

After the incident of Xuan Xiao just before, Mo Qingyun deeply understood that his current cultivation is still too low.

Realizing that his cultivation was insufficient, Mo Qingyun was ready to hurry to cultivate and strive for his own cultivation.

Mo Qingyun entered the five-sided tower. He first sought Lu Yanghu and others to arrange their cultivation problems.

"Brother Mo, how is the situation outside?"

"Brother Mo, have you got rid of those people?"


Seeing Mo Qingyun entering the five-sided tower, Lu Yanghu and others looked nervous and asked about Mo Qingyun's situation.

Upon hearing the inquiries from Lu Yanghu and others, Mo Qingyun smiled lightly and responded: "Don't worry, I have got rid of those people, now you can just practice with peace of mind and wait to enter the sphere of influence of the Protoss. I will let you Leave the Pentagon Tower. "

"it is good!"

After hearing Mo Qingyun's narrative, Lu Yanghu and others expressed a loose expression and practiced under the arrangement of Mo Qingyun.

After settling the practice of Lu Yanghu and others, Mo Qingyun went to look at the practice of Chu Yunzhu and others.

When Mo Qingyun found Chu Yunyu, he found that Chu Yunyu's cultivation also broke through to the real fairyland.

"Yun Yun's cultivation has also broken through!"

Found that Chu Yunxun's cultivation was a breakthrough, Mo Qingyun expressed a heavy expression, and sighed in secret: "Everyone's cultivation has broken through to the real fairyland. It seems that the collection of incense power needs to be accelerated again."

Mo Qingyun sighed, and he found a place to start practicing, and let his cultivation go further.

Immediately, a piece of immortal stone was placed beside Mo Qingyun.

The Devouring Door!

Mo Qingyun took out the immortal stone, and he exhibited the gate of devour, absorbing the immortal spirit power in the immortal stone around.

With the absorption of the Devouring Door, strands of fairy spirits are drawn out and fly like a thin line to the Devouring Door.

These magical powers were transformed into Mo Qingyun's body after being transformed by the Devouring Door.

Sensing the immortal power crossing the body, Mo Qingyun no longer hesitated, and began to refine the immortal power in the body.

As Mo Qingyun refined the magic power, the concentration of magic power in his body immediately increased at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In just a few days, the magical power contained in Mo Qingyun's body has been improved several times more than before.

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