Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1639: Cut ears (three more)

"Xing Peng, you ..."

Upon hearing Xing Peng's words, Huang Yushang immediately expressed anxiety and looked at Xing Peng with an angry look.

This guy is so mean!

He is now clearly trying to kill Mo Qingyun.

"Girl Yushang, just a kid in a star place, you don't need to bother him."

Before Huang Yushang spoke, Xing Peng interrupted her and blocked her behind her.

"Since you don't know, it's easy."

When Wan Feng heard Xing Peng's answer, a sneer appeared on his face, and Mo Qingyun had a killing intention.

From his mind, it was natural to hear that Xing Peng's words were not true.

The reason why Xing Peng said so was that he could not use his hand to get rid of the kid in front of him.

Although Xing Peng is known to be using him, considering his relationship with Xing Peng, there is no need to worry about these.

As Xing Peng's cousin, it was normal for Xing Peng to get rid of an enemy.

"This guy killed me!"

Feeling the indifference of Wanfeng, Mo Qingyun's heart shook, and his figure flew away from the place immediately.

When Mo Qingyun left the place, a hidden Jian Mang passed by the place where he had just stood.

"so close!"

Seeing the hidden Jianmang in the breath, Mo Qingyun's heart was shocked, and he immediately became afraid.

If it wasn't for the alertness in his heart, a swordman cut by Wan Feng would be enough to make him different.

Although this level of attack may not be able to kill him on the spot, but it is enough for him to drink a pot.

For at least a few years, his cultivation could no longer be advanced, and he could only spend it during the practice of healing.

"It is worthy of being a strong man in Zhuan Taiyi Xuan Wonderland. It really can't be glimpsed."

While Mo Qingyun sighed in his heart, he did not dare to stay in place for a long time, but the figure flashed out of the place.

At the moment when Mo Qingyun's figure flickered, Wan Feng's attack came again, and he was avoided by danger.

"Hidden again?"

Everyone was shocked to see Mo Qingyun's performance. It was incredible.

In the case of two big realms, Mo Qingyun even avoided Wanfeng's attacks one after another.

This is a coincidence once, and it is still the same twice, it is definitely not a coincidence.

This shows that Mo Qingyun does have extraordinary ability.

The shadow is gone!

Ben Lei Wind Road!

Phantom Void Reality!

One after another to avoid Wanfeng's attacks, Mo Qingyun no longer retains his strength, and displays several methods in succession.

With the blessing of several forces, Mo Qingyun's moving speed instantly improved to a new level.

As Mo Qingyun's movement speed increased, the next few attacks of Wanfeng were again avoided by him.

"This ... how is this possible? This kid is not in the realm of the star place, but he can avoid the attack of Wanfengxianzun."

"Wan Fengxian Zun's attacks can't even be avoided by me. This kid can actually avoid them. It's weird."

"This is a star person, should you have the ability?"


Everyone was shocked to see Mo Qingyun's performance, and said an incredible sentence.

"This **** boy is so mysterious, he can avoid the attack of his cousin."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's performance at present, Xing Peng's somber expression on his face made Mo Qingyun's killing intention stronger.

At this moment, he felt a strong threat from Mo Qingyun.

If Mo Qingyun is not removed, he wants Huang Yushang's heart, it is impossible.

"He turned out to be so powerful, it seems that Yu Chang didn't tell lies."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's extraordinary performance, Bai Qian's expression was startled, and she believed what Huang Yushang said before, worried: "Although his means are extraordinary, Wan Fengxian Zun is a quasi-taiyi xuan fairyland powerhouse. Wan Fengxian Zun's men are alive, I am afraid it is still very difficult. "

"It turned out that in the last test, he also concealed some strength."

Looking at Mo Qingyun's amazing performance, Huang Yushang glared with a pair of beautiful eyes and a self-blame expression, worried: "It's all because I didn't think about it well enough. I knew Xing Peng would follow me. stand up."

At this moment, Huang Yushang looked at Mo Qingyun's eyes, full of concern and worry.

If you look closely, you can see that Huang Yuchang's nails have been deeply embedded in the flesh.

Seeing Huang Yushang's expression, Xing Peng's jealousy of Mo Qingyun suddenly became a lot stronger.

The young master of the dazzling Qinglong Jinpeng clan can't even compare to a star-rated boy, which is really ridiculous.

Hidden Door!

When everyone looked at Mo Qingyun, a strange light door enveloped Mo Qingyun instantly.

Then, Mo Qingyun's figure disappeared, and even the breath fluctuations disappeared.

That kid is gone?

When everyone saw Mo Qingyun's figure disappeared, everyone was shocked and surprised at the scene.

This situation was beyond their expectations.

"The kid is gone? Even the breath has disappeared. This is really weird."

"What kind of magic power is this? Even the breath can be hidden."

"What a weird boy, what is his origin and how can he understand this magical power?"

"The realm of star-level places can be escaped from the Zhuntaiyi Xuanxianjing strong, he is unique."

"Yeah, if this boy doesn't die, his achievements in the future will certainly be ancient and modern."


Seeing Mo Qingyun's performance, everyone's evaluation of him had some changes again.

"Not even breathing?"

Unable to sense the presence of Mo Qingyun, Wan Feng's face was gloomy, exuding a horrific killing intention.

A boy in the realm of star places actually escaped from his hands, this is the greatest shame in his life.

He really cannot accept such a thing.

However, in this situation, it seems that he does not accept it.

"He did hide his hole cards. It seems I still underestimated him, and I knew that you would not be killed so easily."

After seeing Mo Qingyun's performance, a slight smile appeared on Huang Yushang's pretty face, and said: "It is such a nasty guy, it always looks like this, and I do n’t tell people every time, causing people to worry. For a long time. "

When Huang Yushang showed surprise, Bai Qian next to her stared, with an incredible expression on her face: "Originally, he still has such a method. No wonder Yushang trusts him so much, this guy is really better than Xing Peng is much better. "

"Then ... that kid, escaped from his cousin?"

Xing Peng's expression was dull, and he couldn't believe it was true.

He thinks that with his half-step strength in Luojin Wonderland, he can't escape in the hands of Wanfeng.

At this moment, when Xing Peng's expression was sluggish, a dagger rushed at him very quickly.

When Xing Peng sensed the attack of Dao Mang, he immediately became frightened, and quickly turned his head to the side.


Xing Peng quickly hid his head. Although he avoided the vital parts, his right ear was cut off.

The right ear was cut off, and a painful pain came from the side of the ear.

"Ah! My ears, my ears!"

Feeling the pain from the ear, Xing Peng couldn't help screaming, and yelled, "Who is it? Who hid in the shadows? Get out of me immediately."

"Huh! Count on your alertness to save your life, but you won't be so lucky next time."

Shortly after Xing Peng's words fell, Mo Qingyun's voice came from the dark and entered everyone's ears.

That kid hasn't left yet?

After hearing Mo Qingyun's words, the crowd was shocked again, and stunned by Mo Qingyun's actions.

This guy's courage is so daunting that he faces the killing of Jun Taiyi Xuanxian Realm. He even dare to hurt others.

"Boy, you're hiding here!"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Wan Feng flickered immediately, killing towards the source of the sound.

A fierce Jianmang was suddenly cut from Wanfeng's sword, causing the space to shake constantly.

Unfortunately, under the sweep of his swordman, Mo Qingyun's figure still did not appear.

In other words, before he started, Mo Qingyun had already left here.

"This **** kid!"

Seeing his full blow, he was once again avoided by Mo Qingyun, and Wan Feng was so gritted.

At this moment in his heart, he had a feeling of being humiliated, and felt that he was being teased by Mo Qingyun.

"The strong man in the quasi-taiyi Xuan fairyland actually attacked the stars, you are really amazing!"

Mo Qingyun's voice came out again, with a strong satire in his words, indicating a disdain for Wan Feng.

Wan Qing was ridiculed, and Mo Qingyun's words kept on, and he whispered to Wan Feng again: "The friendship of your lord today, I will remember it, and I will return it ten times in the future."

"You don't have this chance!"

When he heard Mo Qingyun's words, Wan Feng was moving, chasing towards the source of the sound.

Unfortunately, he still could not find Mo Qingyun, causing fatal injuries to Mo Qingyun.

Wanfeng's repeated attacks failed, making his face more and more ugly, his body's intention to kill was getting stronger and stronger, and he screamed angrily: "Boy, don't hide if you have the ability, just stand in the light of Honor before."

Wan Feng's words fell, and there was silence all around, no one dared to make a sound.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, everyone immediately understood that most of Mo Qingyun was really gone.


Seeing that Mo Qingyun was really gone, Huang Yushang's expression became loose, and her hanging heart finally let go.

When Huang Yushang was in a loose mood, there was a shaking in the phantom abyss, and the dispersed smoke gradually dissipated.

Bang Bang Bang ...

A deafening sound came from the phantom abyss, shaking everyone's ears.

At the same time, the cliffs of the Phantom Abyss began to collapse one after another, falling to the bottom of the abyss.

There are no more than a few hours.

The sound stopped gradually, the ground no longer continued to shake, and everything was calm.

At this moment, an immense remnant appeared at the bottom of the great abyss of the phantom.

Seeing such a scene, everyone looked excited and flew towards the ruins quickly.

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