Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1661: None of you are that kind of person

Bang bang ...

Bombed by Mo Qingyun, Qian Xuankong slammed into a row of houses and made sounds.

At the same time, these collapsed house ruins also buried Qian Xuankong.

Seeing that Qian Xuan Kong was bombarded by Mo Qingyun, Qian Xuanming and others immediately expressed shock and ran towards Qian Xuan Kong.

"This boy, has grown to this step!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's performance at this moment, Qian Qiuqiao was shocked, and her chest was rising and falling.

This was the first time she saw that Mo Qingyun showed her current strength.

Before long, under the action of Qian Xuanming and others, Qian Xuan was dug out.

"Qian Xuan Kong, how are you doing?"

The crowd lifted Qian Xuan Kong, showing a tense expression, and asked about Qian Xuan Kong.

It can be seen that Qian Xuankong's arm was abandoned by Mo Qingyun just now.

"Brother Hyun Eagle, this boy has lost Hyun Ming and Hyun Kong, you must not spare him."

"Yes, this boy is so arrogant that he must teach him some lessons."

"Even if his strength is strong, he is not an opponent of the Eagles."

"That's, the Hyunhae brother is my genius who has seen Xuan Ling a thousand years ago."


Seeing that Qian Xuankong's arm was abolished, some helpers that Qian Xuanming had found aroused the hands of Qian Xuanying.

Their strength is about the same as Qian Xuan Kong. Since Qian Xuan Kong lost to Mo Qingyun, they are naturally the same.

Now, the only person who can deal with Mo Qingyun is Qian Qianxuan Ying.

The strength of Qianxuan Ying is good, and it is similar to that of Lian Hong, and it is not far from Zhuan Taiyi Xuan Wonderland.

Hearing the words of the people around him, Qian Xuanying hesitated, thinking about whether to shoot.

Qian Xuankong and Qian Xuanming's life and death, he was not interested to pay attention to it, even if both died.

What he was worried about was whether his identity would be exposed after he fought with Mo Qingyun, which would affect their family's plans.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Qian Xuanying came forward slowly and glanced at Mo Qingyun: "Boy, I was disdainful to do it to you, but you dare to hurt my dazzling spirit. I had no choice but to give a big commandment to let you understand that there are some people you can't afford to offend. "

After some consideration, Qianxuan Ying still decided to take a shot.

His current status is the first genius of Xuan Ling's pulse, and he can't see the tribe injured.

If he doesn't react at all, it may affect his reputation in Xuan Ling.

"Sorry, neither of you are of that type."

Mo Qianyun didn't care about Qian Hyunying's words, and refuted a sentence.

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's rebuttal, Qian Hyunying's face sank, exuding a powerful momentum, and said, "Boy, you have succeeded in angering me, this is very unfortunate news."

Under the pressure of Qian Hyunying, everyone's expressions immediately sank, and they felt a strong depression.

"The bloodline of this thousand-hyun eagle is so strange, it doesn't seem to be the bloodline of a true thousand fantasy family."

Sensing the momentum of Qianxuan Eagle, Qian Qiuqiao's expression shook, showing a color of doubt, saying: "His bloodline feels like a person, although it is not so pure, but it is better than the bloodlines of the ordinary Qianhua family. , More powerful, aggressive and overbearing. "

In a short period of time, Qian Qiuqiao discovered Qianxuan Eagle, which is different from the ordinary Qian fantasy family.

But the specifics are different, she can't tell for a while.

When Qian Qiuqiao was in doubt, Mo Qingyun sensed the bloodline of Qianxuan Ying, and in his heart set off a terrible wave, and said in secret: "This ... this blood power seems to be ..."

That's right, the blood power of Qian Hyunying now gives Mo Qingyun the same feeling as Xuan Xiao and others.

That is to say, Qianxuan Eagle is likely to be a Dark Demon.

In this way, it does not indicate that the palms of the Dark Demon Clan have reached into the Thousand Fantasy Clan.

This discovery scared Mo Qingyun.

Unexpectedly, when Mo Qingyun was about to forget the dark people, they actually had such a big move.

If that's the case, it's really dangerous that Long Hanyan stays with the thousand fantasy family.

He must take Long Hanyan away as soon as possible for him to really feel relieved.

Eagle eyes peck soul!

Qian Xuanying gazed at Mo Qingyun, and in his eyes there was a flash of black light, and a terrifying soul force erupted.

This soul power erupted, and it turned into a black light, and instantly blasted into Mo Qingyun's heavenly spirit.

Seeing Qian Xuanying's shot like this, everyone was shocked, and his heart was tense immediately.

Qian Xuanying's shot now seems to be nothing, but it is overbearing and fierce.

If Mo Qingyun couldn't carry it, he would probably be directly dispelled by the bombardment of Qian Xuanying.

Sealed Door!

Facing the soul attack of Qianxuan Eagle, Mo Qingyun did not dare to retain his strength and immediately banned the attacking soul.

Under the attack of the Sealed Door, Qianxuan Ying's soul power was weakened immediately, and his momentum became less severe.

At the same time, Qian Hyunying's face was also drawn, and some cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and his momentum began to weaken.

Seeing the performance of Qianxuan Ying, everyone couldn't help but look shocked, showing a sense of shock.

Judging from the current situation, Qian Xuanying's attack on Mo Qingyun not only failed to please the people, but also seemed to have suffered a lot.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Mo Qingyun still looked calm and counterattacked the soul attack of Qian Xuanying.

When Mo Qingyun fought back, a horrific momentum emanated from him.

Enveloped by this momentum, everyone around him was trembling, producing an impulse to worship.

"Holy ... holy power! He actually has holy power!"

Sensing the power of Mo Qingyun, Qian Qiuqiao's expression was shaking, and the whole mind was completely flustered. He said, "No ... it is impossible. He is only a person on the continent. How could there be a power of God? What happened to him in the course of the year? "

At this moment, Qian Qiuqiao's heart was full of doubts, and she was curious about Mo Qingyun's experience.

Under the crushing power of Shengwei, Qian Xuanying's soul strength was reduced again, and was soon killed by Mo Qingyun.

Demon Soul!

The spirit of Qian Hyun Eagle was dispersed, and Mo Qingyun did not stop there, and immediately counterattacked the Qian Hyun Eagle.

A horrible soul power formed in the sky above Qianxuan Eagle, condensing into a huge eye.

The formation of this eye gave off a horrible engulfing force, devouring the soul of Qianxuan Eagle.


Encountered by a huge eyeball to devour the soul, Qianxuan Ying screamed immediately and his expression became distorted.

Seeing the tragic situation of Qian Xuanying, the people around him immediately trembled, and they were in awe of Mo Qingyun.

Although this boy is not high, his means are really scary.

"The strength of Mo Qingyun's soul power is comparable to that of the Divine Strong."

Qian Qiuqiao's expression trembled, she felt a little unbelievable, and felt that Mo Qingyun was even more strange.

At this moment, Mo Qingyun, who she once remembered, is completely gone.

Now Mo Qingyun feels to him like a genius wrapped in mist, mysterious and evil.

"This boy is now dealing with the brothers of Qianxuan Eagle, and he must not be distracted to care for others. You must attack him."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's hands on Qian Xuan Eagle, Qian Xuanming's expression became cold, and he explained to Qian Xuan Kong next to him.

Upon hearing Qian Xuanming's words, Qian Xuankong's expression changed, and he thought that Qian Xuanming's words made sense.

Immediately, Qian Xuankong and others no longer hesitated, and immediately started to work on Mo Qingyun.

"you guys……"

Seeing the excitement of Qian Xuankong and others, Qian Qiuqiao's expression became cold, and he was very dissatisfied with the actions of Qian Xuankong and others.

Mo Qingyun and Qian Xuanying competed alone. They even took advantage of the danger and attacked Mo Qingyun.

At this moment, no one can wait for Qian Qiuqiao to intervene.

A horrific momentum broke out from Mo Qingyun's body, crushing away towards Qian Xuankong and others.

At the moment when this momentum erupted, a horrible fairy power turned into a huge palm, and instantly captured Qian Xuankong and others.

Bang bang ...

Under the bombardment of this giant palm, Qian Xuankong and others were instantly bombarded, falling to the ground with serious injuries, spitting blood.

"Too ... Taiyi Xuanxian Realm is strong, he is surrounded by Taiyi Xuanxuan Realm."

Qian Hyun Kong and others fell to the ground with serious injuries, and they were shocked and uttered a frightened word.

This situation was beyond their expectations.

"Fell to the ground and forget this!"

Hearing the words of Qian Xuankong and others, Qian Qiuqiao's pretty face changed, and she showed a natural color.

When he was in Qianqiu, he felt a momentum of Taiyi Xuanxianjing from Mo Qingyun's body.

It is for this reason that she did not dare to take action against Mo Qingyun, and made many patience with Mo Qingyun.

Mo Qingyun asked Ao Li to take a shot and blasted Qian Xuan Kong and others, and he dealt with Qian Xuan Ying with all his heart.

Under the engulfment of huge eyes, the spirit of Qianxuan Eagle became weaker and weaker, and his breath became more and more disordered.

Not only that, but at the same time that Qianxuan Eagle's breath was disordered, his bloodline began to become complicated.

This situation, like an original bloodline, was forcibly suppressed by a force.

Now this power is out of control and no longer suppresses his original bloodline. His original bloodline must resist the general.

Seeing such changes in Qian Hyunying, everyone around them was shocked, and gradually found something wrong.

If Qianxuanying's bloodline is abnormal, even if his bloodline becomes disordered, other bloodlines will not dominate.

Obviously, some kind of blood in Qianxuanying's body is most likely to be obtained later.

Judging from the current situation, the blood of Qianxian Family in Qianxuan Eagle should be forcibly integrated in the later period.

"The blood of the Qianxian family of Qianxuan Eagle was forcibly merged in the later period. Is he ..."

Realizing that Qian Xuanying's bloodline was not right, Qian Qiuqiao immediately surprised and realized a possibility.

The true identity of this thousand dazzling eagles is likely to be the Dark Demon Race.

With this in mind, Qian Qiuqiao no longer hesitated and immediately took Qian Xuanying down, feeling Mo Qingyun's face exposed: "Mo Qingyun, this time you have helped the thousand fantasy family a lot, I now bring Qian Xuanying Leave, and I will come back to thank you again. "

Qian Qiuqiao's words fell, and before Mo Qingyun nodded, she left with Qian Xuanying.

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