Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 1954: It's you guys again!

"Nothing is impossible, it's just your shortsightedness."

Mo Qingyun responded indifferently, his face slowly indifferent, and asked: "I finally ask you one more question, do you want to submit to me, or let me send you to accompany the ocean?"

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Yu Dehai immediately looked at him, his face began to look cloudy.

He is a strong man who has cultivated his divine realm and surrendered to a person in Taiyi Xuanxian Realm. It is too shameful to say such things.

However, when he saw Gong Pingyang and the Seven Songs, he was relieved again.

In fact, the strength of Gong Pingyang and the seven Qingqings is not weaker than him. Since they can surrender, why can't he surrender.

Seeing Yu Dehai's indecision, Mo Qingyun wasted his time with him, and his face gradually became indifferent. He said, "Elder Yu Dehai is too senior. If you don't want to, I have to hand you over to the seven young men Snack. "

Mo Qingyun's words fell, and he flew towards De Hai, ready to kill De Haig directly.

Anyway, for him, there was no loss in killing Yu Dehai, but in a short period of time, there was only one lesser sacred place.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's hands on De Hai, Gong Pingyang and the seven young men immediately followed and killed Yu Dehai together.

"I ... I surrender!"

Looking at the fast approaching Mo Qingyun, Yu Dehai immediately turned white and begged with a look of horror.

He could see that Mo Qingyun was not joking with him, but really planned to kill him.

Although there were many fears in his heart, Yu Dehai didn't want to die, so he had to surrender to Mo Qingyun.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate to this degree, and he cannot guarantee that he can still achieve this step by rebuilding himself.

"Release your knowledge of the sea."

Seeing Yu Dehai's willingness to surrender, Mo Qingyun didn't move anymore, and ordered indifferently.

Under the order of Mo Qingyun, Yu Dehai showed a bitter expression and released his knowledge of the sea.

"Meet the master!"

After a while, Yu Dehai was planted with a soul mark and knelt down to Mo Qingyun with a horrified expression. He said, "The subordinates had a lot of disrespect to their masters before, and I also hope that the masters will forgive their subordinates and give them the opportunity to make up. "

"Don't worry, soon you will have a chance to perform."

Seeing Yu Dehai's actions, Mo Qingyun smiled satisfactorily. The old man was very knowledgeable.

He vowed not to die the other day. Now when he surrenders, he immediately shows his loyalty.

"You all adjust your interest for a while, and then we will kill Yuntian City."

As for a few people in Dehai, Mo Qingyun took out an elixir and handed it to Yu Dehai. He said, "This is a black jade wood deshengdan. You have refined it. The injury should be very fast. Will be restored. "

"Holy ... Holy Pin!"

Looking at the elixir Mo Qingyun handed in, Yu Dehai's expression shook, and a strong startle appeared in his eyes.

Although he is a master of Jiuxing Elixir, he wants to make the holy product of elixir, but he still doesn't know when he will go.

Not to mention that he was in Dehai, no one in the entire Danshi Sanctuary could refine the holy medicine.

Of course, old monsters like Dan Mo's ancestors and Santa's towers cannot be counted in this rank.

He handed the elixir to Yu Dehai, and Mo Qingyun stepped aside and sat down to adjust his interest rate to restore the consumption.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's interest rate restoration resumed, several people in Yu Dehai did not hesitate to sit down and resume their interest rate adjustment.

In a blink of an eye, after a few hours.

After several hours of interest rate adjustment, Mo Qingyun recovered several people, only Yu Dehai had not reached the peak.

However, his injuries also recovered to 878, which did not affect the next battle.

"I'm going into the city to investigate. I'll send you to the continent first."

As for a few people in Dehai, Mo Qingyun sent them to the fortune continent and flew to Yuntian City alone.

When he came outside of Yuntian City, Mo Qingyun displayed the door of hiding and entered Yuntian City silently.

Mo Qingyun entered Yuntian City, and he went directly to the city's main mansion, and continued to search for the Danfang that made Nirvana for nine days.

After several explorations, Mo Qingyun already knew Luo Batian's place of residence and the location of Luo Batian's hidden things.

The first place where Mo Qingyun went was Luo Batian's residence. It happened that Luo Batian was not here.

When he came to Luo Batian's residence, Mo Qingyun was not polite with him, and immediately found it in the room.

Luo Batian's house is very simple, only one bed, one desk, several cabinets and several stools, can be seen at a glance.

It didn't take long for Mo Qingyun to turn it over, but he could not find the Danfang that made Nirvana for nine days.

"At present, it is impossible for Dan Fang to be here."

After rummaging through several cabinets, Mo Qingyun came to a conclusion without the shadow of Dan Fang.

Since there is no Danfang here, no accident, it should be placed in the secret library by Luo Batian.

Of course, one possibility is not ruled out, which is to be carried by Robatian.

"I hope that Dan Fang, who created Nirvana in nine days, was not brought on by Luo Batian."

Mo Qingyun thought silently that he would no longer hesitate and immediately rush to Luo Batian's secret library.

The secret storehouse of Luo Batian's collection of things was not far from his residence, and Mo Qingyun arrived soon.

Mo Qingyun glanced at the secret library, he found that outside the secret library, many advanced array methods were arranged.

"With my current formation ability, I am afraid that it is impossible to break these formations."

After a brief glance at the array, Mo Qingyun immediately realized Mingwu and did not intend to break the array a little bit.

Because it was too time-consuming, Qian Linglong could not wait.

"Understanding that the formation method is not working, I have to storm it."

Mo Qingyun thought for a moment, he had a decision in his mind, and was going to forcibly break the formation

Immediately, Mo Qingyun summoned Gong Pingyang, Yu Dehai, and the seven green cymbals to his side.

"Go all out right away and follow me through this formation."

Gong Pingyang was summoned to the side, Mo Qingyun explained to them, and used the door of the combination to enhance the combat power.

When everything was ready, the four of Mo Qingyun exchanged a look and attacked Luo Batian's secret library together.


A loud noise suddenly came, shaking the whole city of Yuntian, as if Yuntian City was about to collapse.

A corner of the formation was immediately blasted out of a gap by the four of Mo Qingyun's joint attack.

"The solution works!"

Seeing that the formation was blasted by a corner, Mo Qingyun immediately expressed his joy and urged several people in Gong Pingyang: "We speed up the attack speed, and before the arrival of Luo Batian, they will destroy the formation of the secret library. . "

Mo Qingyun's words fell, and he and Gong Pingyang together bombarded Treasury's formation again.

Because the movements of Mo Qingyun were too loud, they quickly attracted Luo Batian's attention and brought them over.

Luo Batian came out of the secret library and saw several people in front of Mo Qingyun. His face was immediately darkened and angrily shouted, "It's you guys again, my husband must not spare you this time."

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