Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2053: That's because you are ignorant!

"What kind of blood is this? Under the power of this blood, my blood seems to have coagulated."

"King ... King-level bloodlines, unexpectedly his bloodline grade, has actually reached the level of king-level."

"The king level? Jin Tiantao's blood vein grade is the king level, his blood pressure is much weaker than Mo Qingyun."

"According to what you mean, isn't Mo Qingyun's bloodline grade reaching the ancient level?"

"Ancient class? Maybe an ancient class, or it may have reached the ancestral level."



Under the pressure of Mo Qingyun's blood veins, everyone widened his eyes and shocked Mo Qingyun's blood vein grade.

When they inferred that Mo Qingyun's bloodline grade may be above the ancient grade.

They were all dull, which was too scary for them.

For nearly a million years, those who have reached the level of nine stars in the blood ranks belong to the category of super geniuses.

There is no such thing as a king-level bloodline for hundreds of thousands of years, and each one is cultivated by various ethnic groups.

As for the ancient bloodlines, none of them have appeared in nearly a million years, and they belong to the extinct category.

Nowadays, Mo Qingyun's blood level of the Tianhun Demon has surpassed the ancient level, which is a bit scary.

"Ancestor blood, your blood vein grade is actually an ancestor!"

The blood grade of others is low, and Mo Qingyun's blood grade cannot be sensed, but Jin Tiantao is different.

The grade of his blood veins was king, so Mo Qingyun just sensed the blood as soon as he urged the blood veins.

Knowing Mo Qingyun's blood grade, Jin Tiantao immediately changed his expression and couldn't accept this display.

He has always been proud of his bloodline talent, and now in front of Mo Qingyun, he has become like garbage.

This huge psychological gap made him feel uncomfortable, as if a fishbone stuck in his throat.

"Ancestor ... Ancestor, Mo Qingyun's bloodline grade, is really an ancestor."

"It's terrible. How did this guy do it? Does he have an infinite bloodline?"

"On the basis of bloodline talents, Mo Qingyun is already invincible."


After hearing Jin Tiantao's words of surprise, the crowd's expression changed again, and they completely served Mo Qingyun.

They are very clear that as long as people like Mo Qingyun do not die, they are bound to move the world.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Mo Qingyun's momentum suddenly changed, and instantly became more severe.

Another powerful bloodline was urged by him at this moment, emitting stronger bloodline pressure.

"Why ... what? In addition to the blood of the Tianhun Demon, Mo Qingyun has other powerful blood."

"The level of this blood power is obviously not reaching the level of the king, and the blood pressure is even stronger than the Celestial Demon Clan."

"There is only one possibility. The level of this blood vein is stronger than the blood of the Celestial Demon."

"It is stronger than the blood of the Tianhun demons. Is it the blood of Shengwei tribe, or the blood of Corruption tribe?"

"The characteristics of the blood of Shengwei tribe and Corruption tribe are very obvious. It is definitely not the blood."

"This ... This is the first blood vessel created, and Mo Qingyun has the first blood vessel."

"Hisse! It's so wicked, this guy is not human!"


Feeling that Mo Qingyun's blood was created in the first place, everyone's eyes widened, and his brain couldn't react.

They didn't expect that there was a stronger vein in Mo Qingyun's body.

The power of this kind of blood is even a huge step away from the blood of Tianhun Demon.

"Too early to make blood!"

The crowd sensed that the blood was created in the beginning, and Jin Tiantao felt the same, with expressions full of jealousy.

He could not accept that Mo Qingyun had the blood of the ancestor Tianhun Demon Clan, but he also had the blood of the quasi-king Taichi.

God is too eccentric, and gave good things to Mo Qingyun alone.

"Even if your talent is high, in the face of absolute strength, all talents are in vain."

Seeing that the talent had been lost to Mo Qingyun, Jin Tiantao gritted his teeth and yelled, and then started to Mo Qingyun again.

Jin Tiantao's body jumped up and flew directly to the altitude of 10,000 meters, wielding the Jinwu magical gun to cut Mo Qingyun below.

Tianwu destroys the world!

Jin Tiantao's spear burst into a horrible flame under the wave of Jin Tiantao, wrapping Jin Tiantao's body.

Followed by, Jin Tiantao cut through the sky like a flame Jinwu, and killed Mo Qingyun with a gun in an instant.

Looking at Jin Tiantao that came like a falling meteor, Mo Qingyun's body did not flinch, and he greeted Jin Tiantao with his fist.

Holy magic broken star fist!

Mo Qingyun punched out with a fist, restrained, as if ordinary people were punching.

But this ordinary punch gave people a sense of speed and danger, which made people's heart beat.

"Mo Qingyun, I've heard that your body is strong, but my Jinwu magical weapon is a Chinese holy weapon."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's actions, Jin Tiantao sneered on his horse, his expression filled with pride, saying: "I Jin Tiantao is so big, I have never heard of anyone whose body can compete with the holy weapon."

"You haven't heard that, because you are ignorant."

In response to Jin Tiantao's pride, Mo Qingyun responded with a smile, and his fist met the Jinwu magic gun.


A loud noise came out.

Jin Wu's magical gun was blocked by Mo Qingyun, creating a powerful wave of divine power, sweeping around.

When this wave of holy force came into being, Jin Tiantao's body stopped and he couldn't move any further.

Seeing such a side, Jin Tiantao immediately narrowed his pupils, and his eyes widened.


His full blow was blocked by Mo Qingyun!

"How ... how could this be?"

Looking at this situation, Jin Tiantao's heart trembled and his expression became a bit crazy.

Mo Qingyun's physical strength really reached the point where it was comparable to Chinese holy artifacts.

This is simply not human, and the body of the monster is not so abnormal.

Kakaka ...

When Jin Tiantao was shocked, a crisp sound suddenly came out from the Jinwu magic gun.

Followed by, he saw small cracks appearing on the Jinwu magic gun.

Seeing such a scene, Jin Tiantao was instantly sluggish, and his brain lost his ability to think.

Jin Wu's magical gun shattered. Was this blown by Mo Qingyun?

Jin Tiantao is not sure, because he has never heard of such a thing.

Who can rely on the flesh and blood to blast the Chinese holy artifact with one punch, even if the sanctuary is completed?

"Break me!"

When Jin Tiantao's Jinwu Magic Gun was cracked, Mo Qingyun sighed angrily, and his fist suddenly surged.

A horrific force broke out from Mo Qingyun's fist, shattering the Jinwu magical gun.

The horrible boxing force smashed the Jinwu magic gun, and its attack strength remained undiminished. He continued to bombard Jin Tiantao and blasted him out.

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