Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2120: Is that the coward?

In the next few days, everything will be calm and calm, and nothing will happen.

Because of this, it feels like a storm in Qianyucheng.

In a blink of an eye, five days later.

After five days of planning, Qianyufu was back on track, and a new patriarch was also elected.

Qian Yulong became the new patriarch, and he quietly took a group of elders to Huayu Restaurant to see Mo Qingyun.

"Qing Yun, Qian Yulong and others are here!"

It was found that Qian Yulong and others came, and Qian Linglong came outside Mo Qingyun and whispered to Mo Qingyun.

After hearing Qian Linglong's words, Mo Qingyun opened his eyes and retreated from the practice. He said, "The efficiency of the work is quite fast, so that's good, you can control Qianyu City earlier."

"At the current pace of cultivation, it should take another month to break through the nine-day Xuanxian dual realm."

After retreating from the cultivation, Mo Qingyun sensed the cultivation and analyzed the cultivation gains in recent days.

Mo Qingyun whispered a few words to himself, he put away all the medicine crystals, raised his hand and opened the door.

Then, Qian Linglong and others came in and greeted Mo Qingyun.

"Mr. Son, Qianyufu is back on track. What's next?"

Qian Yulong entered the room, and he showed respectful expression, and asked Mo Qingyun to salute.

After some previous contacts, Qian Yulong and others saw that the real decision was still Mo Qingyun.

Upon hearing Qian Yulong's words, Mo Qingyun's eyes sharpened immediately, exuding a majestic momentum, saying: "Since this place is called Qianyu City, it is naturally that everything is left to Qianyufu. How can we let others The force is beyond control. "

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qian Yulong and others were shocked and immediately guessed Mo Qingyun's thoughts.

Looking at Mo Qingyun's stance, he seems to be working on the Golden Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Blood Corpse, and let these strengths bow to the court.

Qian Yulong thought of this, and his expression was tense, and he quickly said, "Mr. Son, what do you mean by this, is it possible to do something to the forces in the city?"

"Shouldn't this be done?"

For Qian Yulan's question, Mo Qingyun did not answer, but asked a question back.

When asked by Mo Qingyun, Qian Yulong's face was a little dark and he said, "Mr. Mo, before we came here, a group of people from the Golden Criminal Palace went to Qianyu Palace, letting us bring the benefits of Qianyu City , Divided into 40% for the Golden Palace. "

"Dividing them into 40%, the appetite is not small."

Upon hearing Qian Yulong's remarks, Mo Qingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a cold tinge.

Then, Mo Qingyun looked at Qian Yulong again and smiled meaningfully: "You promised them?"

"That's not true!"

Qian Yulong shook his head, showed his attitude, and then appeared embarrassed, and said, "The Golden Penal Palace is now very powerful and surpasses Qian Yufu faintly. I did not dare to argue with him rashly. Ask Mo Gong and the Virgin. "


After hearing Qian Yulong's words, Mo Qingyun nodded with satisfaction and approved Qian Yulong's approach, saying: "So, you can ask them to go to a place. When that happens, I will go and talk to them in person. See See what they want. "


Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qian Yulong immediately gave a happy expression, and quickly nodded to Mo Qingyun.

After talking about the Golden Palace, Qian Yulong's brows frowned, and he reported to Mo Qingyunhui: "Mr. Mo, not long ago, I got the news that the news of Zi Gang and others being killed has passed to Qianyue City. The dark demons in Qianyu City have sent people to Qianyu City. "

"The news spreads fast!"

Mo Qingyun was not surprised by Qian Yulong's report. This was expected.

After reporting the news of Qianyue City, Qian Yulong and others left and contacted the people at the Golden Criminal Palace to meet.

"I was thinking about how to get rid of the forces of the Golden Penal Palace. I never thought I would take it to the door."

When Qian Yulong and others left, a smile appeared on the corner of Mo Qingyun's mouth, thinking about how to deal with the Golden Palace.

Mo Qingyun said to himself, he did not practice anymore, he got up and walked outside, and said, "Go, let's go to the bird language Huaxiang Zhenbao Pavilion to see how Zheng Ping's progress is."


Qian Linglong nodded, and left with Mo Qingyun.

After a while, Mo Qingyun and the two arrived at the Bird's Wings Floral Treasure Pavilion, and went to Zheng Ping.

At the moment, the Bird's Whispering Flower Treasure Pavilion is considered to be full of enthusiasm. In addition to some people who buy things, there are also some people who apply.

Hearing that Mo Qingyun was going to open a branch, Zheng Ping immediately posted a solicitation for enlightenment and screened the people of the Bird's Whisper and Flower Treasure Pavilion branch.

Seeing such a situation, Mo Qingyun nodded with satisfaction and walked into the Bird's Wings Floral Treasure Pavilion.

In the current situation, everything is going well with the opening of the Jumbo Pavilion branch.

When Mo Qingyun entered the treasure hall, he found Zheng Ping and asked about the specific progress of the matter.

At this moment, there was a crowd of arrogant people outside the Bird's Whispering Flower Treasure Pavilion.

A small golden axe was embroidered on the shirts of this group of people, which was a sign of their power.

"Go ... Go away, don't stop here!"

Looking at the people outside the door of Huayuhuaxiang, the group immediately sank and screamed at the crowd.

When they heard the scolding of these people, everyone was afraid, and immediately gave way to them.

"Jin ... Jingming Palace, that guy is the young master of Jinxing Palace, Jinwei."

"It is said that although this Jinwei is rampant, his cultivation talent is superb, and he has reached the quasi-sacred land after only 3,000 years of cultivation."

"If he wasn't lazy in cultivation, he might have broken the holy realm!"

"Be quiet, Jin Wei's temperament and moodiness, don't let him hear it."


When everyone saw the arrival of the Golden Palace, they all retreated and whispered quietly.

Regarding the performance of the crowd, Jinwei nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the Birdspeaking Flower Treasure Pavilion, saying, "A small treasure Pavilion has made such a big battle. It is too arrogant to be a man. Today, Master Ben taught Teach him to be a man. "

Jin Wei's words fell, and he raised his head, and wanted to walk into the bird's scent of flowers and treasures.

Seeing Jinwei ’s move, a middle-aged man next to him immediately tightened his expression, saying: "Young Master, this bird-speaking flower fragrance treasure house is already Mo Qingyun's property, and that Mo Qingyun is very overbearing. Let's not provoke him. "

"Mo Qingyun? Is that coward?"

Hearing the words of the people around him, Jin Wei's mouth flickered, showing a strong disdain.

Obviously, Jin Wei also heard some rumors about Mo Qingyun.

Jin Wei's words fell, and he ignored his followers and walked into the Bird's Whispering Treasure Pavilion.

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