Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2152: Just kill it!

"Right now there is still time, we will rescue the owner first."

After discussing with Qian Yuezi and others, thinking that Qian Yueguan was still in custody, Mo Qingyun suggested to everyone and laughed: "It is so important for the homeowner not to participate in such an important event as holding a great ancestor."

In Mo Qingyun's eyes, Wu Ziheng is not a homeowner, just a white-eyed wolf.

"Then there is Ramor."

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qian Yuezi immediately expressed her joy and became excited.

As a daughter, how could he bear to watch, his father has been tortured.

The main reason why she didn't make a shot was that she was worried, so she would irritate Wu Ziheng.

Now with Mo Qingyun's help, the situation is completely different. Don't worry about Wu Ziheng's ruthlessness.

At that time, even if Wu Ziheng was angry, Mo Qingyun could take measures to check him.

"Girl Zi, lead the way."

After discussing with Qian Yuezi, Mo Qingyun was unwilling to waste time and immediately signaled to Qian Yuezi.

Then Qian Qianzi took Mo Qingyun to the cell where Qian Yueguan was detained.

Qian Yueguan's cell was not far away, and the crowd arrived shortly after.

Perhaps the strength of Qian Yueguan was very strong, and his cell was kept under strict custody. There were actually three middle-term sacred powers here.

The arrival of Mo Qingyun and others immediately caught the attention of the three and attracted them.

"Madam, the homeowner specifically explained that no one can see the old homeowner in the last three days."

Seeing the arrival of Qian Yuezi, one of the three stopped her with a cold face.

"The owner of Qianyuefu has only one person, and that is my father Qianyueguan."

Seeing that his way was blocked, Qian Yuezi's cheeky face chilled, yelled at the other party, and said, "Wu Fanchen, I have to visit my father. Who dares to stop and try?"

Qian Yuezi's words fell, she was constantly walking, a posture to be forced to break through.

Regarding Qian Yuezi's move, Wu Fanchen seemed to have expected something, and a sneer appeared from the corners of his mouth, saying, "Ma'am, we are also obedient. I hope you don't embarrass us, otherwise we will have to offend and treat you Entrust it to the owner himself. "

Wu Fanchen's words fell, and he no longer hesitated, releasing the momentum of the middle of the holy realm.

Under the pressure of Wu Fanhen's momentum, Qian Yuezi's body immediately shocked, and she was shocked to recede in succession.

"Ma'am, offended!"

Qian Yuezi shook back with momentum, Wu Fanhen arched his hand, turned to look at Mo Qingyun and yelled, "You are still thinking about what to do, and you will not bring your wife back soon."

Seeing Wu Fanchen's move, Qian Yuezi and others frowned and looked at Mo Qingyun.

Looking at their performance, it seems that Mo Qingyun wants to make a decision, and everything is based on Mo Qingyun.


Discovering the abnormal performance of Qian Yuezi and others, Wu Fanchen's eyes also looked at Mo Qingyun.

Immediately, they became curious about Mo Qingyun's identity.

Who is Mo Qingyun who can make Qian Yuezi and others so respectful.

"Since it's coming to jail, why bother sneaking in and just kill it."

Seeing everyone to himself, Mo Qingyun grinned and said something unabashedly.

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qian Yuezi and others were shocked, and instantly became excited.

Domineering, too domineering!

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, the three of Wu Fanhen immediately became angry, yelling at Mo Qingyun and yelling, "Boy, you just said ..."

Before the words of Wu Fanhen were finished, a huge black palm rolled down towards him.

Following this, Wu Fanhen was shrouded in black giant palms and crushed directly onto the ground.


The black giant palm fell to the ground and immediately made a loud noise, which stirred up a raging dust mist.

Seeing such a scene, the surroundings were quiet all of a sudden, everyone's eyes widened.

"Mr. Mo, really powerful and overbearing!"

"Even if Wu Ziheng is in front of him, I am afraid he will be thrown away from Jiujie Street."

"That sentence is true and true, with strength and willfulness, without strength!"

"With the help of Mo Gongzi, this time he will certainly rescue the owner."


After a brief shock, Qian Yuezi and others showed ecstasy, one by one with excitement.

Compared with the surprises of Qian Yuezi and others, the two of them together with Wu Fanhen were frowned.

At this moment, they finally understood that Qian Yuezi was a bad visitor this time.

"Wu Guoyi, immediately go and notify Master Ziheng and tell him that a strong person is coming to jail."

"You won't be able to stop him alone tomorrow morning, we will evacuate here first."

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing the power of Mo Qingyun, Wu Fanhen and the two of them did not stay stupid.

After the two discussed, they no longer hesitated, and were ready to leave here immediately.

"None of you can go, get me back!"

Looking at the two Wu Guoyi who were about to escape, Mo Qingyun's expression was cold, and he raised his hand and grabbed at them.

Mo Qingyun probed out with a palm, and the power of fortune on the palm immediately turned into two huge palm shadows.

The formation of these two palm shadows cut through the sky and captured Wu Guoyi in a blink of an eye.

"Get back!"

Capturing Wu Guoyi, Mo Qingyun swayed his arm and pulled the palm shadow to pull them back.

Then, under the control of the palm shadow, Wu Guoyi and the two fell to the ground fiercely.

Boom ...

After two loud noises came out, two large pits appeared on the ground, and the whole Qianyuefu shook a bit.

Under the help of Mo Qingyun, Wu Guoyi and the dead pigs were lying motionless on the ground like dead pigs.

Seeing such a scene, Qian Yuezi and others shivered, and looked at Mo Qingyun again.

They found that they had underestimated Mo Qingyun's fighting power, and he was stronger than he thought.

"The fighting just now should have alarmed Wu Ziheng. Let's go to save people first."

After solving the three of Wu Fanchen, Mo Qingyun explained to everyone and went straight forward.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's actions, Qian Yuezi and others quickly followed, and followed Mo Qingyun into the dungeon.

In the process of entering the dungeon, although there were some obstacles, they were all broken by Mo Qingyun.

The strength of these people is far inferior to the three of Wu Fanhen, and even Mo Qingyun couldn't resist it.

Soon after, under the overbearing path of Mo Qingyun, Qian Yuezi found Qian Yue official.

"Dad, I'm here to save you!"

Seeing Qian Yueguan in his cell, Qian Yuezi showed an excited expression and hurried towards Qian Yueguan.

Then, Qian Yuezi opened the prison door, rescued Qian Yueguan, raised her finger to Mo Qingyun and said, "Dad, this is Mo Gongzi, this is a delicate girl. They are here to help us. The two of them helped each other, and the ancestral ancestors will surely be held smoothly. "

Along the direction of Qian Yuezi's fingers, Qian Yueguan saw the two of Mo Qingyun. When he saw Qian Linglong, he was caught in the spot directly.

He recognized Qian Linglong.

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