Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2205: Hot Sky

"Holy ... Sacred Star Cluster, he condensed the Saints Cluster?"

"No ... it's impossible. He was only nine days into the Six Realms of Xuanxian. How could he consolidate the Saint Star Cluster?"

"Taking my practice in the middle of the holy realm and condensing only eleven Holy Power clusters, he has one more than me."

"This kid is so wicked, it really looks exactly like the rumor."


The sacred powerful men beside Tengjiang all showed shocked expression.

Teng Xiao also showed a shocked expression when he saw the Shengli star cluster outside Mo Qingyun, like the strong man next to him.

"No ... impossible, this must not be true."

Teng Xiao looked a little crazy, with an unbelievable expression, and stunned: "Taking my quasi-sacred situation as a practice, only condensed the prototype of a Saint Star cluster, how could he condense twelve complete saints? Lixing Cluster? "

At this moment, Mo Qingyun's performance had a big impact on Teng Xiao.

At this moment, Mo Qingyun's destruction on him has gone from the body to the spirit.

Teng Xiaoben thought that this time he could surpass Mo Qingyun, but he was still crushed by Mo Qingyun.

This huge psychological gap is really unacceptable to him.

"Let you know our gap, and you can die too."

As for the performance in Teng Xiao's heart, Mo Qingyun didn't bother to pay any attention, and blasted him with mercy.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's shot to himself, Teng Xiao immediately frightened a spirit, and quickly resisted Mo Qingyun's palm.

Thunder Dragon Exterminator!

Under the wave of Teng Xiao, the spear immediately burst into a bright silver awn and turned into a huge thunder dragon.

When the thunder dragon's gun shadow was formed, it turned into a silver streamer, welcoming towards the black giant palm above.


A loud noise came out.

The thunder dragon slammed into the black giant palm, blocking the black giant palm's offensive and stopping it in mid-air.

Just a short while later, cracks appeared on the top of Thunder Dragon's gun.

Immediately afterwards, the Thunder Dragon Gun Mang fell apart and reverted into a Thunder Holy Power.

The black giant palm defeated the thunder dragon's pistol, and its offensive continued unabated, and it continued to crush to Teng Xiao.


There was another loud noise.

Under the crush of the black giant palm, Teng Xiao couldn't even dodge, and was blasted directly into the ground.

Seeing such a scene, everyone took a sigh of relief, and their expressions were full of shock.

"This boy's strength is so powerful that I am afraid he is no longer his opponent."

Seeing the displayed strength, Tian Zhong's face appeared shocked and produced a strong emotion.

I haven't seen it in just over ten years. At that time, the young tiger in his eyes has grown sharp minions, and has become a strong side.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's astonishing performance, the sword-slayer artisan's expression of excitement uttered good words one after another.

At this moment, in addition to using good words, he can't find any other words that can describe his mood.

As for the next man Yan and others, the mood was the same as that of the sword-slayer master, and his face was full of excitement.

With one palm, Teng Xiaohong lay down, Mo Qingyun didn't want to waste any more time, and waved at Han Liyou and others, saying, "Han Liyou, some of you shot and cleaned up a few of them."


Hearing Mo Qingyun's account, several people from Han Liyou answered and walked towards Tengjiang.


Seeing the actions of Han Liyou, Tian Zhong's expression changed immediately, and he yelled at them.

Under Tian Zhong's shout, Han Liyou stopped and looked at Tian Zhong with a puzzled expression.

"Leave that kid to me!"

For the puzzlement of Han Liyou and others, Tian Zhong didn't explain, just raised his finger to Tengjiang.

Han Liyou and others agreed to Tian Zhong's request without hesitation, and no longer ignored Tengjiang on the side.

"Boy, you can't think of it, you will have it today!"

Tian Zhong picked up his plaque, the figure flashed, and came to Tengjiang.

"Tian ... Tian Zhong, Tian Zhong ancestor, there is ... something to say!"

Looking at Tian Zhong who was in front of him, Tengjiang immediately became frightened and begged for mercy.

He was very clear that Tian Mingming was going to pack him because of something.

"Come over and die!"

For Tengjiang's begging for mercy, Tian Chongma directly chose to ignore it, sneer waved the plaque, and arrogantly toward Tengjiang.

Tengjiang is just the triple realm of Jiuxian Xuanxian. Facing Tian Zhong's shot in the midst of the holy realm, he has no resistance at all.


Under the twitch of Tian Zhong, Tengjiang was immediately pumped out and fell to the ground.

A plaque flew over Tengjiang, Tian Zhong did not stop, and immediately flew to Tengjiang.

When he came to Tengjiang, Tian Zhong didn't talk nonsense with him, again waving the plaque to draw Tengjiang.

Don't mention how violent he looks!

"Boy, let you pee me, you can continue peeing!"

As Tian Zhong waved the plaque, he muttered something in his mouth to vent his anger.

After hearing Tian Zhong's words, Mo Qingyun finally understood why Tian Zhong came.

Dare, he and Tengjiang have such hatred.

"You pee, why don't you pee now?"

He severely hit Tengjiang a few times, and Tian Zhong didn't seem to feel addicted, and went to greet Tengjiang's little brother.

Seeing Tian Zhong's move, Mo Qingyun reluctantly shook his head and re-understand Tian Zhong.

This godly temper is really hot.

However, Mo Qingyun also understood Tian Zhong's mood, and no one could swallow that breath.

After all, it was impossible for Tengjiang to pee with Tian Zhong's identity.

Soon, under the help of several people from Han Liyou, the strong man in the sacred realm of Tengxi was slaughtered.

As for Teng Xiao and Teng Jiang, Mo Qingyun and Tian Zhong have become like dead dogs.

Looking at the half-dead Teng Xiao, Mo Qingyun was not in a hurry to kill them, they could not run away anyway.

"Let's go!"

After clearing up Teng Xiao and others, Mo Qingyun explained to the crowd and walked outside the prison.

The burnt sword artisans and others are not so injured, you need to take time to heal them, there is no need to delay too much time here.

"Go to Tianzhong Palace."

Out of jail, Tian Zhong explained to everyone and asked Mo Qingyun and others to go to Tian Zhonggong.

The residence of the sword-burning artisan has been destroyed and is obviously not suitable for everyone to live in.

"it is good!"

Hearing Tian Zhong's arrangements, Mo Qingyun did not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

After a while, the crowd came to the Temple of Heaven, and Mo Qingyun healed the sword-setter and others.

With the help of Mo Qingyun, the injuries of the sword-setters and others were immediately stabilized.

Having stabilized the injuries of the sword-setter and other people, Mo Qingyun went to Tianzhong to prepare to rescue the others in the prison.

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