Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2268: Leaving the Slayer Mountain!

In the eyes of Qin Tumo, Mo Qingyun took out a jade bamboo slip and raised his hand to his eyebrow.

Followed by a flash of golden text, shot from Mo Qingyun's eyebrow, covering the jade Jane in his hand.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, Qin Tumo's expression became even more excited, and the color of anticipation in his eyes became even more.

Shao Qing, Mo Qingyun stopped his hand and handed the jade in front of Qin Tumo, saying: "Senior, Qin Hong's extraterritorial tactics and magical powers, I have printed it into the jade."

"Thank you!"

Looking at the jade bamboo slips handed down by Mo Qingyun, Qin Tumo's expression was somber and nodded solemnly to Mo Qingyun.

At this moment, in addition to the word "thanks", Qin Tumo could not find any other words to describe his feelings.

For Qin Tumo's gratitude, Mo Qingyun waved his hand unconsciously, and told Qin Tumo: "Senior, I can see from Qin Hong's memory that there are many dangerous places on the Xinghe Road. If you want Entering the Star River Road, it is best to consolidate the Sanli Star Cluster first. "

"okay, I get it!"

After hearing Mo Qingyun's reminder, Qin Tumo immediately nodded in response, and he naturally knew the danger of the Xinghe Road.

If it wasn't for his luck, once he entered the Xinghe Road, there would be no chance to escape.

After talking about the exercises, Mo Qingyun glanced at Qin De and others, and continued to Qin Tumo: "Senior, the fortune-making Fairy Palace has established a foothold in Prison Bull City. I decided to relocate the gate after a period of time. You're in trouble during this time in Prison Bull. "

"You going to leave?"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Qin Tumo immediately shook his face, and his face was full of surprise.

He knew that the Fortune Fairyland would not stay long, but he did not expect that Mo Qingyun would leave so soon.

After a brief shock, Qin Tumo released his heart and cast a grateful look on Mo Qingyun.

As the so-called mountains do not tolerate two tigers, the strength displayed by the Fortune Fairy Palace clearly threatens the status of the Tujing Temple.

If you continue, the true master of the Tu Mo Mountain may become the Fortune Fairy.

At this time, Mo Qingyun chose to leave, so as to remove the worry from the people who slaughtered the demon shrine. This is really rare.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's decision, Qin De and others were ashamed, and they used their villain's heart to measure the gentleman's belly.

If Mo Qingyun really has the intention and wants to occupy the Tumor Mountain, they worry that it is useless.

"Qing Yun, the old man will not say anything if he is grateful. He will use our place in the future and speak to me as soon as possible."

Hearing Mo Qingyun's remarks, Qin Tumo showed a moving expression and expressed a promise to Mo Qingyun, saying: "There has been such a change in the Temple of the Devil. I need to go back to rectify it and stop staying. Come down. "

"Senior, please!"

After hearing Qin Tumo's words, Mo Qingyun nodded, and did not retain Qin Tumo.

Then, Qin Tumo took Qin De and others away from the Fortune Fairy Palace.

"Qing Yun, do we really want to leave the Tumor Mountain? Go to Prison Bull City to rebuild the gate?"

After Qin Tumo and others left, Qian Linglong showed a solicited expression and asked Mo Qingyun's thoughts.

Upon hearing Qian Linglong's inquiries, Mo Qingyun nodded at her and said: "The strength of the Fortune Palace has been completely exposed. Other forces will inevitably cast jeopards and never dare to provoke us again. This has helped the gatekeepers to exercise It's not big, it doesn't make sense to stay. "

After listening to Mo Qingyun's analysis, Qian Linglong and others nodded, feeling that Mo Qingyun's consideration was right.

"Linglong, explain to everyone and let them prepare everything. We will move to Prison Bull Town in a few days."

After telling her thoughts, Mo Qingyun explained to Qian Linglong and asked her to inform everyone of the transfer.

After hearing Mo Qingyun's explanation, Qian Linglong immediately got up and left, conveying Mo Qingyun's explanation.

After Qian Linglong left, Mo Qingyun explained something else, and he let everyone go.

"Xue Long, Wen Yue, Yin Peng, the three of you stay."

When everyone left, Mo Qingyun called the three Xue Long and explained: "Since you are going to leave here, it will be useless for Huzong to stay. The three of you now go and remove it."

The fortune guards of the Fortune Palace have consumed a lot of rare materials and cannot be wasted.


Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's orders, the three Xue Long immediately responded and went to remove the Huzong array.

When everything was arranged properly, Mo Qingyun's eyes were filled with anticipation, saying: "According to the memory in Qin Hong's mind, the real advent time of the Xinghe Road should have more than four months left. Enough for me to arrange things. "

Mo Qingyun murmured to himself, he didn't stay any more, and left from the hall.

After a while, Mo Qingyun returned to his residence and took Qin Hong's body out.

"Riding a few days before leaving, and sacrificing Qin Hong's body, there is no need to waste time."

Taking out Qin Hong's body, Mo Qingyun stopped thinking about it and immediately sacrifice it.


A burst of civilized fire broke out from his palm and wrapped Qin Hong's body.

Because the fire of civilization was too powerful, Mo Qingyun did not fully urge, but only used part of his power.

Under the tempering of the fire of civilization, some impurities in Qin Hong's body began to be tempered away a little bit.

As Qin Hong's body was tempered, the breath emanating from the body became more and more refined, and the body became more and more brilliant.

After a few hours.


Seeing that Qin Hong's body was quenched, Mo Qingyun took out some refining materials and smelted the refining materials.

Under Mo Qingyun's smelting, the material of the smelter was immediately melted into a flaming solution.


Seeing that the material of the smelter was smelted, Mo Qingyun quickly scooped out one handprint and fused it with Qin Hong's body.

During the process of merging the two, Mo Qingyun continued to punch out his handprints and penetrated into Qin Hong's body.

As these handprints penetrated Qin Hong's body, the repulsion between the material of the refiner and it weakened rapidly.

This process lasted for a few hours before Mo Qingyun completed it successfully.

Integrating the material of the refining device with Qin Hong's body, Mo Qingyun did not stop, but described the formation method on it.

In this way, Mo Qingyun stopped the movement in his hands a few hours later.

When Mo Qingyun stopped, a terrifying momentum broke out from Qin Hong's body.

At the same time, a horrible multicolored light also bloomed from Qin Hong's body.

Mo Qingyun's sacrifice was successful!

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