Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2363: Dare!

"court death!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's attitude, the residual spirit sighed angrily and began to attack Mo Qingyun's Yuanshen.

Diablo Gate!

With the wrath of the remnant, the soul power it divided into a whirlpool black door.

When this whirlpool black door appeared, it released the horrible devouring power, swallowing Mo Qingyun's soul power and the Yuanshen.

"I want to swallow my soul power and primordial spirit, it's not so easy, for me to practice!"

Facing the devouring of the remnants, Mo Qingyun was not afraid to refine the soul power of the remnants.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, Can Ling had some surprises, and then smiled scornfully: "Boy, with your ant-like strength, you even want to refine my power. Is it a little whimsical?"

"If you are at full strength, I may not be an opponent, but I am a little bit uncertain now."

Mo Qingyun was unmoved by the contempt and disdain of the spirit, and responded indifferently to it.

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, the offensive displayed by the residual spirits has weakened significantly.

Obviously, Mo Qingyun's words now speak of its weakness.

Most of its energy is now used to deal with the red beetle, and it is impossible to allocate more energy to deal with Mo Qingyun.

It is for this reason that it used Huairou's methods to coax Mo Qingyun to give up the body.

Otherwise, with his powerful strength in Xinghe Realm, Mo Qingyun can be forcibly taken away with a crushing posture.

"Looks like it's got me hitting, are you powerless now?"

Seeing the remnant silent, Mo Qingyun's expression was a little relaxed, and he made a sneer at the remnant.

Although the Remnant did not give a positive answer to his words, its actions have already been shown.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun worked even harder, refining the power of the residual spiritual differentiation.

Of course, Mo Qingyun's ability to refine the remnants of spirits is mainly to stimulate the door of fortune.

The devouring power on the Residual Spirit is very powerful and pure, and it is most suitable for devouring the gate of creation.

The gate of nature has devoured its power, and it will certainly become more saturated, or it will complete the reorganization.

Buzz ...

As Mo Qingyun continued to refine and refine, the gate of nature immersed in the body gradually had some reactions.


Feeling the reaction of the gate of good fortune, Mo Qingyun's expression was a joy, and his mood became excited.

After a while, a dark light gate phantom appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of Mo Qingyun.

This dark light gate phantom appeared, releasing a horrible devouring force, absorbing the power of remnant differentiation.

"What a horrible devouring power is above me."

Sensing the devouring power of the Gate of Revelation, the remnant was immediately frightened and said, "So powerful and overbearing devouring power, in my Dark Heavenly Gate clan, only the people in the bloodline Bandai can possess, this boy What's the origin? "

Hearing the words of the spirits, Mo Qingyun's heart also raised a sense of shock.

According to the meaning of Canling's words, before this giant life, the blood power belonged to outside Bandai.

It also means that the blood power he possesses has been diluted at least 10,000 times.

A person whose blood power has been diluted 10,000 times can have such terrible strength, but how powerful his ancestors are.

At this moment, Mo Qingyun's estimation of the strength of the Dark Heavenly Holy Tribe immediately improved.

When Mo Qingyun's heart was shocked, the dark light gate in the sea became illusory, and her appetite became stronger.

"How ... how can this be? What exactly is that dark light gate?"

Discovering the power of differentiation, let the dark light gate devour quickly, the remnants are almost crazy.

This change makes it very difficult to accept.

The lingering spirit of the mighty Dark Heavenly Sect's powerful man, even ate such a big loss in the hands of a nether ants.

Such a thing is a great shame to it.

When the spirits roared, his divided power was devoured a little bit.

"No ... I am a strong man of the Dark Heavenly Clans, how can I be defeated by a nether ant ..."

Even if the remnant is extremely unwilling, but the power of its differentiation, finally let the dark light gate phantom devour.

After swallowing up the power of the remnant's differentiation, the dark shadow of the light gate in the sea also disappeared.


Seeing that his crisis had resolved, Mo Qingyun exhaled deeply, letting down his suspended heart a little.

Fortunately, the portal of good fortune has been reorganized, possessing extremely terrifying devour, otherwise he will be in danger this time.

"What is the origin of the gate of good fortune?"

Thinking back to the words of Canling, Mo Qingyun's doubts intensified immediately.

It seems that the origin of the Gate of Creation is more mysterious than previously thought.

"Perhaps, when I reach the heavens in the mouth of Canling, I will know the origin of the gate of creation."

Mo Qingyun thought silently in his heart, he raised strong expectations, and wanted to take a look at this heaven.

While thinking in Mo Qingyun's mind, the battle between the residual spirit and the red beetle entered a fiery stage.

As for Mo Qingyun, who was long forgotten by the remnants, he couldn't divide Mo Qingyun psychologically.

Presumably it also knows that Mo Qingyun is guarded by the gate of good fortune. Now it can't help Mo Qingyun.

As the ghosts and the red armored monsters began to enter a desperate state, injuries began on both sides.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Qingyun's mouth smiled slightly, expecting: "Following this trend, the two sides will kill another hour, and I can **** blood crystals."

Mo Qingyun murmured to himself, and he looked at Tian Ni to destroy the poisonous swarms, and wanted to see how the battle was over there.

The strength of the venom-footed poisonous insect swarm is not as good as those of the red armored monsters, but they are numerous, and they have gained some advantages over time.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Qingyun felt a little relieved, and his previous concerns were put down.

Knowing the current situation, Mo Qingyun stayed aside, waiting for the best shot.

While waiting for Mo Qingyun, half an hour passed quickly, the fighting power of the residual spirit and the red armor monster weakened again.

The strength they can show has fallen to the late stage of the Nebula Realm. Seeing Mo Qingyun's eagerness in his heart, he said, "It's not the time, just wait."

In this way, Mo Qingyun waited for a while.

Right here, Mo Qingyun's eyes suddenly flashed, and he was pleasantly surprised: "The opportunity is here."

Mo Qingyun's words fell down, and he immediately rushed to the blood crystal when he moved.

Mo Qingyun's figure flickered a few times, and he went to the blood crystal and raised his hand against the blood crystal.

"Boy, dare!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, the residual spirit immediately roared, a look of guilty expression.

The crystal of blood that Mo Qingyun snatched is its source of power, so it must never be contaminated by anyone.

The remnant's words fell, it abandoned the red armored monster and bombarded Mo Qingyun.

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