Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2491: Still weak like a maggot!

"Even if your practice breaks through, in front of me, it's still weak like an ant."

Looking at the wind and snow in front of him, Mo Qingyun dismissed his lips and turned his face cold gradually, saying, "Avoid you to bother me again in the future, I will solve you today, and I will be quiet."

As Mo Qingyun's words fell, he flickered and rushed towards the wind without snow.

Although Feng Wuxue was repaired, it was only in the late stage of Xinghe Realm, not Mo Qingyun's opponent at all.

Mo Qingyun's figure flickered several times, then came to Feng Wuxue's body and blasted out with a punch at him.

"So fast!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's shot, both the Tianniu Mountain Sect and the two cases were shocked.

When everyone was shocked, Mo Qingyun's fist came to Feng Xuexue.

Facing the onset of Mo Qingyun's fist, Feng Wuxue was immediately shocked, her face panicked, and said in secret: "I did not expect him to have made a breakthrough in this period of time. This time I have some doubts. Big. "

The wind is rising!

The wind and snow were in a hurry, and a magical power was quickly displayed to resist the attack of Mo Qingyun.

The wind and snow waved quickly with both palms, blasting out a powerful divine power, turning into black clouds.

Booming ...

The formation of these black clouds exudes a violent momentum, shining with arcs of thunder.

Then, these black clouds swallowed Mo Qingyun.

When Mo Qingyun was engulfed by black clouds, a powerful hurricane formed around the clouds.

Immediately Mo Qingyun endured, a powerful wind blade, and a violent thunderbolt.

"too weak!"

Facing the bombardment of lightning and wind blade, Mo Qingyun was not injured at all, and said a word of disappointment.

As Mo Qingyun's words fell, he was holding his fists and shaking his arms, and a violent force broke out in his body.

Bang bang ...

Under the impact of Mo Qingyun's power, the surrounding clouds and hurricane were scattered in an instant.

The surrounding clouds and hurricane scattered, and Mo Qingyun's body rushed out quickly and came to the wind and snow.

This time, Mo Qingyun didn't give Feng Wuxue a chance to escape, and hit him directly with a punch.

Because the two sides are too close, it is too late to avoid the wind and snow, and can only choose to compete positively.

Frost Shadow Fist!

The wind and snow-free fists were shaken, and the fist quickly condensed into a layer of frost, which turned into an ice crystal glove.

Then, the wind flicked his fist at high speed to resist the shadow of fist that Mo Qingyun blasted out.

In the wind and snowless fists, one by one, transparent shadows blasted out of his fists.

Facing the bombardment of these fist shadows, Mo Qingyun felt a sense of dizziness, as if falling into an ice crystal fantasy world.

"Somewhat interesting, this magical power has psychedelic power. It can be too weak."

Feeling his own situation, Mo Qingyun grinned, and his expression on his face became more indifferent, saying: "You show my soul power to me, if I don't pay homage to you, it is too much to say.

Yin and Yang are separated by pupils!

As Mo Qingyun spoke, two powerful pupils were blasted out of his eyes.

Tongli Guguang's attack speed was extremely fast, and Feng Wuxue hadn't responded yet, so he hit the sea of ​​knowledge.


Suffered by Hitomi's eye light, Feng Wuxue immediately turned pale, and spit out blood.

At the same time, the consciousness of wind and snow is also chaotic, and his eyes become a little empty.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Qingyun's figure moved and punched in the wind without snow.

Facing Mo Qingyun's fist, Feng Wuxue had not been sober yet, and was hit by Mo Qingyun's punch.


Under Mo Qingyun's punch, Feng Wuxue was directly bombarded and her chest sunk.

One punch punched the wind without snow, and Mo Qingyun did not stop, and continued to chase him up.

"No snow is dangerous, we will save him immediately!"

Seeing the situation without wind and snow, the other two of Fengyun Tianzong immediately joined the battle circle.

Fengyun Tianzong joined the battle, and the two of them immediately released an amazing momentum.

"Not good, Feng Yuntianzong's Feng Wuzhen and Feng Zhengyang have shot. Should we help Mrs. Mo go to the elders?"

"The strength of Feng Wuzhen and Feng Zhengyang are both the peak of Xinghejing. How can we stop them with our strength?"

"If we do it, it will drag Mrs. Mo to the elders, and let's be honest."


Seeing the shots by the two windless men, the Tianniusongzong people talked for a while, and still chose to look on.

When Mo Fengyun and the two men struck, Mo Qingyun gave them a cold look and shouted, "Huh! Because you two also want to stop me, it seems to take themselves too seriously, get out of me . "

Mo Qingyun's words fell, and he rushed towards the two with a more vigorous posture.

Seeing such a move by Mo Qingyun, the two members of Feng Wuyi were shocked and could not think of Mo Qingyun so crazy.

Mo Qingyun was not afraid of injury, but the two of them couldn't do it, and they were immediately forced to step back.

They just rescued the wind and snow, and did not want to take their own lives.

As the wind Wuyi backed up, Mo Qingyun moved in front of Feng Wuxue.


Mo Qingyun's fist blasted off, his face showed a cold color, and released a strong intention to kill.

Feeling Mo Qingyun's intention to kill, the people around him shivered, there was an illusion like an ice cellar.


Mo Qingyun's fist blasted out, again blowing the wind without snow, his breath quickly weakened.

With a punch of flying wind and snow, Mo Qingyun kept moving and continued to chase towards the wind and snow.

"What? We're afraid we can't stop him."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, Feng Zhengyang looked dark and asked about Feng's intentions.

Hearing Feng Zhengyang's question, Feng Wuyi hesitated for a moment, then made a difficult decision, saying: "This boy's fighting power is too strong. With our current strength, we can't hurt him at all. Put yourself in danger, first enter the inheritance continent to seek opportunities, and wait for repair to break through the starry realm, and then deal with him to take revenge for Wuxue. "

"it is good!"

Hearing Feng Wuyang's suggestion, Feng Zhengyang nodded immediately and flew towards the interior of the inheritance place together.

Seeing that Feng Wuyang and Feng Zhengyang left, the three of Qingyun Jianzong did not continue to stay.

Seeing such a scene, the Tianniu Mountain Sect was dumbfounded, and the wind and snow were just abandoned.

When people were surprised by this result, they felt helpless for a while.

At the time of the calamity, the so-called brotherhood and Zongmenyi were so vulnerable.

Not long after, the wind and snow were not willing, and died under the fist of Mo Qingyun.

Killing the wind without snow, Mo Qingyun raised his hand and took his body away.

Taking Xinghe's later cultivation as the wind and snowlessness, if he is made into a maggot, it will still have some effect.

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