Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 2503: Sting and pond fish!

"The overall strength of these five people is even stronger than those of Tie Balong. I can't compete with them at present."

Seeing the shots of the five old men of Jin Guangshan, Mo Qingyun had a clear understanding of the strength of the five of them.

Knowing the strength of the five people, Mo Qingyun was in a heavy mood and felt a tremendous pressure.

It's not easy to get rid of these five people.

Most importantly, staying with the five people for too long will not guarantee that night long dreams will not happen.

In Mo Qingyun's thoughts, the time passed little by little, and the battle gradually ended.

Faced with the overbearing counterattack of the five people of Jinguangshan, all the ghost crying baby eagles that had struck all fled and fled.

The Ghost Cry Devil Incarnation was repelled, and the five old men of Jinguangshan looked a little tired. Obviously, the fighting just now was not easy.

"This kind of monster that is almost extinct can even run into it, and luck is too bad."

"Second Brother, your apprentice's luck is beyond anyone's reach."

"This boy's luck is not bad, if he was not with us, he would be dead."

"Stop talking, take a break and continue on your way."


When they came to Mo Qingyun, the five old Jinguangshan sighed, and they sat down and practiced.

When Wu Lao Pan sat down, Mo Qingyun wasn't idle, and he started to obtain the magical powers before practicing.

Now that there are five guardians of the Jinguang Mountain, he will not be in danger. It is best to cultivate magical powers.

"Cultivate which one first?"

Thinking of the magical power he obtained, Mo Qingyun thought about it, thinking about which one to cultivate first.

Mo Qingyun pondered for a while, and a decision was made in his mind, and he planned to practice "Xuanming Heaven Demon Extermination of the Palm" first.

Mo Qingyun strode together, his palms were in front of him, and the divine power was quickly running, converging between the palms.

Suddenly, a sharp icy holy force gathered on his palm.


Mo Qingyun's gaze quickly cleared out a handprint, condensing the power of the palm of his hand.

The shadowy palm shadows, after condensing on Mo Qingyun's palm, flew outside his body.

In a short while, nine palm shadows were flying around Mo Qingyun's body.

"The limit has been reached!"

Operating nine palm shadows, Mo Qingyun sighed in her heart and did not continue to condense.

In his opinion, the amount of palm shadow condensing and unmanageable manipulation are meaningless.

When he stopped condensing the palm shadows, Mo Qingyun controlled these palm shadows and attacked freely.

Under the control of Mo Qingyun, the body distances of the nine palm shadows gradually became farther and farther.

Ten meters,

100 meters,


As far away as the shadow was thousands of meters away, Mo Qingyun's control over them was significantly weakened.

"It seems that I am now exhibiting Mystic Palm, and I can only control the area within a kilometer."

Thinking about this in Mo Qingyun's mind, he had a clear understanding of the power of Xuan Ming Palm.

Knowing his own situation, Mo Qingyun did not stop, but continued to practice.

I don't know how long, the five old Jinguangshan Veterans who had adjusted their interest rates withdrew from practice.

"This kid is really hard, but in our practice of regulating breath, we must hurry to cultivate magical powers."

"Although luck is a little bit worse, with this hard work, there is bound to be something to do in the future."

"His magical power is very good. His grade has reached the level of stars. He should cultivate the first style."

"Taking the practice of his nebula as an example, he can cultivate star-level magical powers.

"That is of course. If it was a wine sack and a rice bag, how could the old man look at it."


Watching Mo Qingyun exercise magical powers, Jin Guangshan's five elders all expressed their appreciation and recognition.

Feeling that the five old masters of Jinguangshan stopped practicing, Mo Qingyun was reluctant to practice any more and immediately waved forward with both palms.

With the waving of Mo Qingyun's palm, nine powerful palm shadows blasted towards a void.

To the surprise of Mo Qingyun and others, after nine palm shadows blasted out, he actually touched a hidden taboo.

Bang bang ...

A loud sound came out.

Bombed by Mo Qingyun's palm shadow, the taboo bloomed immediately, showing in the eyes of Mo Qingyun.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Qingyun and others were all dumbfounded, staring at each other.

This kind of thing can also be encountered. I don't know if we should say good luck or bad luck.

"Second Brother, you apprentice's luck, I don't know how to describe it."

"Will this taboo be so secretive, will it be an ancient secret."

"Hiding a fart, that's the old nest of the ethereal array beast, this boy's luck is really bad."

"The star ... the astronomical psychic beast, there are still as many as twenty-three heads. Quickly ... run away."


Watching a transparent monster appear, the five old Jinguangshan panicked immediately, taking Mo Qingyun desperately to escape.

In a blink of an eye, the six of Mo Qingyun escaped thousands of miles, and quickly escaped the imaginary beast.

To be precise, the six of Mo Qingyun were driven away, and the psychic beast returned by itself.

"Huh! Fortunately, the psychic beast does not like fighting, otherwise we are in danger."

After getting rid of the ethereal array beast, San Lao exhaled deeply, exposing the expression of the rest of his life after the disaster.

Hearing the three olds was afraid of the words, the other olds were also loose, and looked strangely at Mo Qingyun.

"Boy, don't show your magical powers in the future, or the old man will be rude to you."

Thinking of the situation just now, the second old man also had a worried expression on his face, and warned Mo Qingyun by speaking.

Listening to the second old man's words, Mo Qingyun suddenly felt wronged. He knew he would know this.

Seeing the second old man's actions, the fifth old man was a bit unbearable, so he persuaded the second old man and said, "Second brother, you can't blame him for this matter. The old nest of the ethereal fantasy beast did not even find us. As you may know, this is a complete coincidence. "


The expressions of the other people immediately became weird when they heard the word "Wu Lao".

This is not a coincidence at all, or Mo Qingyun's luck is too bad.

"Well, let's move on."

The elder confessed to several people, he turned and flew forward, and continued to take them along.

After hearing the explanation from the elder, a few people stopped talking and took Mo Qingyun to continue their journey.

Just one hour passed.

The mutation happened again, and saw two peak monsters in the starry realm killing in front of Mo Qingyun and others.

"The two horror monsters on the top of the star field, we go around and don't be spread to the fighting area."

Glancing at the two monsters in front of him, the old man immediately made a decision and was ready to take everyone around.

Before Mo Qingyun took a few people to avoid the road, the mutation suddenly occurred.

I saw that the two top monsters in the front of the star field struck and approached them.

Seeing such a scene, the Jinguangshan five olds suddenly vomited blood, which is about to hit the pond fish.

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