Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 298: Dilapidated map (nine more)

After a little surprise, Mo Qingyun smiled slightly with a satisfied expression on his face.

From this point of view, it was a very normal choice for him to let Li Mao and Yan Yuan manage Song Dingcheng.

Later, Mo Qingyun asked the guard about the situation of Mo Feiyu and Wang Zishu.

Knowing that they were protecting them during the retreat, Mo Qingyun was not in a hurry to find them.

"I wonder how Brother Li and Brother Yan made the auction house?"

At this moment, Mo Qingyun had some curiosity about Li Mao's auction house. Immediately, he instructed the guard: "Take me, Li Mao, their auction house!"


Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, the guard immediately showed respect, and took Mo Qingyun to the auction house built by Li Mao and the two.

The reason why Mo Qingyun wanted to go to the auction house was to look at the achievements of Li Mao and the two.

On the other hand, he intends to dispose of some martial arts, weapons and other personal items on his body.

Of course, in addition to this, Mo Qingyun also asked Li Mao and the two if they had any information about the eye devil.

The auction house is not far from the city's main house. Under the guidance of the guard, half a quarter of an hour later, Mo Qingyun came to the auction house.

"Qingyun Auction House!"

Seeing the auction house's name, Mo Qingyun smiled bitterly, feeling helpless in his heart.

Li Mao and Yan Yuan opened the auction house, even using his name as the auction house name.

Of course, at the same time, Mo Qingyun felt helpless and moved.

This shows that the hearts of Li Mao and Yan Yuan are more respectful to him.

After glancing at Qingyun Auction House, Mo Qingyun no longer hesitated and went directly to the auction house.

After entering the auction house, Mo Qingyun quickly found Li Mao and Yan Yuan under the leadership of the escort.

"Brother Mo, you are back!"

Upon seeing the arrival of Mo Qingyun, Li Mao and Yan Yuan immediately showed surprise and greeted Mo Qingyun.


After hearing the words, Mo Qingyun nodded and smiled at the two of them: "It seems that the two of you are born to be the masters of the city. This Song Dingcheng is under your management's order."

"Brother Mo, you have won!"

After hearing Mo Qingyun's words of praise, Li Mao and Yan Yuan were a little ashamed and embarrassed: "We can manage Song Dingcheng smoothly, mainly by using the deterrence of the predecessors of the brute. If there is no predecessor of the brute, we will not No ability to manage Songding City well. "

After hearing the words from Li Mao, Mo Qingyun nodded and agreed with their words.

In terms of abilities, let alone the practice of the two of them alone is not enough to deter some of them. Yuandan Realm is more powerful than five.

Later, Mo Qingyun and Li Mao talked to each other and asked about the specific situation in Songding City and how the several pieces of information he promulgated are progressing.

After some conversation, Mo Qingyun's heart had some details, which made Mo Qingyun a little disappointed, and no one provided the information of the eye devil.

"Brother Li, I have some weapons, armor, martial arts, and so on. Please take a chance and dispose of them."

After Mo Qingyun and Li Mao talked for a while, they took out a Qiankun bag from their arms and threw it towards Li Mao.

After hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Li Mao and Yan Yuan opened the Qiankun bag and checked the contents inside.

After just a glance, the two of them were dumbfounded.

This Qiankun bag actually contained nearly 10,000 weapons, tens of thousands of jewels, and tens of thousands of martial arts.

Immediately after such discovery, Li Mao and Yan Yuan didn't know what to say, but looked at Mo Qingyun with shock and stun.

At this moment, their eyes are undoubtedly thinking whether Mo Qingyun ransacked the entire battlefield of a hundred nations.

Seeing Yan Yuan's expressions, Mo Qingyun smiled lightly and shook his head: "After you slowly deal with those things, now you take me to the auction house."

"it is good!"

Upon hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Yan Yuan and the two immediately woke up and took Mo Qingyun to visit the auction house.

After a while, the three Mo Qingyun came to the auction floor. At this moment, the auction table was selling an advanced martial art of local products.

Seeing the emergence of ground martial arts, everyone in the auction room immediately competed.

In the end, the local martial arts was sold for three million yuan.

Compared to the price of the local martial arts sold by Mo Qingyun in Lianyungang, this is a lot cheaper.

Perhaps it is because, in the battlefields of the hundred nations, the martial arts of local products are relatively common, so its price is relatively low.

As the ground martial arts were auctioned, another item was taken up.

This item looks broken, like a broken map, and it can't see its original appearance.

"Everyone, the next item to be auctioned is a map of ancient ruins ..."

The auctioneer boasted for a long time, and described the map as a mess, and finally quoted: "This ancient ruins map has a starting price of one million yuan, and the price increase must not be less than 10,000."

"That map ..."

Upon seeing the map in the auctioneer's hand, Mo Qingyun's expression changed immediately, and he had a feeling of acquaintance.

After a brief hesitation, Mo Qingyun immediately moved in his heart and knew the origin of this map.

This broken map seems to be with the map he got before.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun showed surprise and showed a surprise: "This map seems to be with the map I got. I never met here."

Immediately after discovering this, Mo Qingyun had a plan in his heart, and he had to get this map.

"You don't have to accompany me. I'll take a look at the auction house."

Explaining to Li Mao and Yan Yuan, Mo Qingyun walked to the auction floor and found a place where no one was sitting.

"it is good!"

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Yan Yuan and the two responded, and left the auction house.

"I give out 1.2 million spirit stones!"

"I have a million-dollar spirit stone!"

"I gave out 1.51 million spirit stones!"


As Mo Qingyun walked into the auction floor, the quotations were one after another. It seems that the flicker of the auctioneer is still quite good.

At this moment, everyone feels that once you get this map, you can find the treasure and get countless treasures from the treasure.

As everyone knows, this map is not only a remnant, but it also looks like a treasure trove by name.

Then, over time, the quotation gradually slowed down.

It seems that the current price has exceeded the psychological limit of many people.

"Five million yuan spirit stone!"

At this moment, another person spoke and quoted his price.

After the person quoted, the surroundings quieted down immediately, and no one spoke again.

If nothing else, this map remnant will be taken away by him for five million yuan.

However, at this time, when everyone thought that the remnant was the one, another person offered a quote.

"Six million yuan spirit stone!"

The person who made the offer at this moment was Mo Qingyun who entered the auction house.

With Mo Qingyun's quotation, there was an uproar in the auction floor.

In the eyes of everyone, the price of five million yuan of spirit stone is already very high, but unexpectedly someone unexpectedly added another one million yuan of stone.

Suddenly, Mo Qingyun became the focus of the auction, and everyone was watching.

For the eyes of everyone, Mo Qingyun didn't bother, but smiled, waiting for the auctioneer's response.

At this moment, when the auctioneer Mo Qingyun and others dropped the hammer, the person who had previously quoted 5 million with an unhappy expression again said: "Seven million yuan spirit stone!"

As soon as the man's words came out, there was another uproar in the auction house.

Obviously, the price of the seven million yuan spirit stone far exceeded their expectations.

"Ten million yuan spirit stone!"

However, at this time, it was not for everyone to change their minds, and another quoted word was introduced into their ears.

As this word came to their ears, everyone in the auction hall immediately became shocked.

"What? We're not mistaken, that person quoted 10 million yuan worth of spirit stones!"

"Is this kid crazy? A broken map bids 10 million yuan for the spirit stone, in case it is useless, isn't it a loss?"

"Hehe, this is what a prodigal boy looks like. He's trying to catch the eye. This kid is the most mentally disabled."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe’ve since if you have a brain damage, it ’s not a weak background.


After seeing Mo Qingyun's offer, everyone in the auction room looked at him and whispered.

"Boy, do you know who I am? Do you dare to fight with me?"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's offer of 10 million, the young man who had previously quoted a price of 7 million immediately became gloomy.

"Who are you? Does it matter to me?

After hearing the other person's words, Mo Qingyun's expression changed, and he smiled disdainfully: "If you don't have money, just go away and don't affect my auction."

"Boy, since you're looking for death, I'll do it for you."

After issuing a word of indifference, the Fan Tong looked gloomy, and said coldly, "11 million yuan spirit stone!"

"Fifteen million spirit stones!"

Immediately following Fan Tong's words, Mo Qingyun requoted with a look of indifference, and did not seem to take Fan Tong's threatening words at heart.

"Fifteen and one hundred thousand yuan Lingshi!"

Mo Qingyun's quotation this time almost reached Fantong's tolerance limit, so that they could no longer increase their prices excessively.

"Just one hundred thousand?"

After hearing Fan Tong's quotation, Mo Qingyun smiled disdainfully: "20 million yuan spirit stone!"

20 million!

As soon as Mo Qingyun's words came out, a heat wave broke out in the auction room.

A dilapidated map sold for 20 million yuan worth of spirit stones. I am afraid no one would have thought of this result.

Seeing that Mo Qingyun bid 20 million yuan for Lingshi, Fan Tong had to give up, and the price was beyond his range.

Fan Tong no longer quotes, and the final winner of the dilapidated map is Mo Qingyun.

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