Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 3045: Huge cracks in the air.

"After this battle, the Dark Demons should converge."

Seeing the Dark Devil's men and horses retreating, Zuo Qinglong's expression relaxed, and he waved at the crowd, saying, "Everyone should recover their injuries as soon as possible. Once we reorganize the good people and horses, we should launch a counter attack."

Listening to Zuo Qinglong's words, Lin Qingxun and others nodded, thinking the same way.

Immediately, everyone stopped talking and went back to their places of residence.

"Mother, let's go back."

Seeing that everyone was spreading out, Anchen didn't want to stay, and signaled to Lei Muwan, and said, "The master doesn't have to worry about it, my master's soul induction is still very stable. It seems that the master has not In danger. "

"That's good!"

Knowing the current situation of Mo Qingyun from An Chen's mouth, Lei Muwan's expression was relaxed.

At this moment, when Lei Muwan and others were about to leave, a scene that shocked them appeared.

I saw the space crack in the air, suddenly stopped contracting and recovering, forming a huge gully.

Within that gully, a continent can be seen faintly, exuding a vicissitudes of vicissitudes.

"What's going on? How could a crack appear?"

"That is Qibao glazed rock, or the very old one. Where is the opposite of the crack, and there is such a thing."

"I don't know if I can get past it. If we can get past it, we will really make a fortune."


Seeing the scene across the crack, Zuo Qinglong and others were shocked, creating a sense of greed.

Immediately, some people flew towards the crack and tried to enter the opposite side of the crack.

"Let's go and see."

Seeing everyone flying towards the crack, Lei Muwan's pretty face changed slightly, and she was ready to follow up.

Listening to Lei Muwan's thoughts, Anchen shook her head at her and said, "Mother, if I guess well, the opposite of this crack may be a dangerous place in heaven."

"Taking our current practice and not saying whether we can go in, even if we go in, it will be the end of our lives."

After listening to An Chen's words, Lei Muwan's face shuddered.


Lei Muwan was shocked, and it wasn't the first time she heard about heaven.

She didn't expect that the opposite of the crack in space at this moment actually connected to heaven.

When Lei Muwan talked, Zuo Qinglong and others came to the crack, and someone began to fly into the crack.

Uh ...

As soon as a few people entered the crack, they were bombarded by a terrorist force, and were instantly wiped out.

Seeing such a scene, Zuo Qinglong and others were shocked, showing a scared expression on his face.

Fortunately, they did not go in, otherwise, they would surely die.

"Let's go back."

Seeing the cracks, Lei Muwan didn't want to stay any more, and lifted her feet to rush to the place.

Although there are many treasures on the opposite side of the crack, their strength can be obtained without any means.

Anchen and others nodded to keep up.


Inside the endless void.

A purposeless flow of purple light lit up the darkness around, like the stars in the night.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a young figure inside the purple light.

This figure is Mo Qingyun, who was sucked into the cracks in the space, hiding in the purple clock.

"where is this place?"

Looking at the dark nothingness around him, Mo Qingyun's face was full of astonishment, and he looked around curiously.

Flying aimlessly for a distance, a huge light attracted Mo Qingyun's attention.

"There is light there, it should be an exit."

Looking at the light not far away, Mo Qingyun's expression was a joy, and he controlled the flight of the Purple Thunder Fengtian Clock.

About Mo Fei half an hour later, Mo Qingyun came to the front of the light and saw what it looked like.

This is a huge gully, as if heaven and earth were split.

"A lot of heaven and earth spirits!"

Through the gaps in the gully, Mo Qingyun saw a tree of spirits growing in an ancient mountain range.

Seeing this, Mo Qingyun was no longer hesitant, manipulating Zi Lei to seal the sky and fly close.

Booming ...

As Mo Qingyun entered the gully, he clearly felt that a horrifying force was bombarded on the Purple Thunder Fengtian Bell.

Fortunately, the Purple Thunder Fengtian Bell is strong enough to withstand such force bombardment without any sign of damage.

After a violent shaking, Mo Qingyun entered the ancient mountains and saw many strange treasures.

"This is Qibao Liuliyan, this is Vientiane Yantianyu ..."

Looking at the strange treasures in front of him, Mo Qingyun recognized them and carefully collected them.

At this moment, when Mo Qingyun started collecting, a horrible breath enveloped him.

"So strong, surpass the coercion of the imperial realm!"

Feeling the overwhelming pressure on his body, Mo Qingyun's expression shook, and a strong shock appeared in his eyes, saying, "Where is this place?

When Mo Qingyun was frightened, he didn't hesitate at all and immediately fled for his escape.

Soon, a two-winged Holy Power Pegasus formed under Mo Qingyun.

Mo Qingyun's figure flashed on his two-winged Holy Spirit Pegasus and disappeared from its place.


Mo Qingyun just disappeared, and a loud roar came from behind him.

Bearing the impact of the roar, Mo Qingyun's chest surged with blood, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"too strong!"

After getting rid of that coercion, Mo Qingyun rose for a while and was afraid, and his back was sweating coldly.

He knew very well that if he was caught by the other party, he would definitely be dead.

Mo Qingyun's figure flashed several times, and he was sure he was safe before he stopped.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun looked vigilantly and looked around carefully.

After Mo Qingyun's glance, he found that the surrounding trees and trees were extremely old.

"If only I met someone."

Mo Qingyun was looking forward in the middle of his heart, while walking carefully in the mountains.

As for the place just now, he dare not go again.

Although there are many heaven and earth, there is no way to grab it because of his current cultivation.

He was able to approach before, mainly through the cracks, and did not enter in the normal way.

"The flowers are open to this side. The light on the front side is better. This should be the road to the periphery."

Mo Qingyun observed the growth of flowers and grass, he had a direction, and knew that it was time to walk there.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun was in no hurry and walked towards the outside of the mountains.

On the way, Mo Qingyun felt it again, and a lot of strong breath scared him to the extreme.

Fortunately, these powerful existences did not bother him too much.

It seems that Mo Qingyun is too weak in their eyes to attract their interest.

In this way, Mo Qingyun trembled all the way and came out of the mountains.

After coming out of the mountains, Mo Qingyun saw some palaces standing in the air not far away.

Seeing these palaces, Mo Qingyun made some expressions and flew towards it immediately.

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