Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 733: Where is Mo Tianhun now? (Four more)

Inside the trial ground.

There was no movement on the portal, and suddenly a dazzling light bloomed, and two figures emerged from it.

These two figures are Yang Lei and Ran Tong who came out of Xueya.

Yang Lei and Ran Tong came out of the snow cliff without any pause at their feet, and immediately walked to Xuan Ao and others.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Yang Lei and Ran Tong coming out of the portal.

"The first person to cross the snow cliff was not Bai Lin, Mingya, and Lu Yuezhong?"

"These two people only have the highest state of Danfu, and they are seriously injured. How could they be the first to break through Xueya?"

"This is really weird? Are they both stronger than Bai Lin, Mingya and Lu Yue?"


At this moment, in the hearts of everyone around him, a strong confusion and doubt arose.

In this way, Yang Lei and Ran Tong came to Xuan Ao and others under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Yang Lei, why didn't Tianhun come out with you?"

Seeing that Mo Qingyun didn't come out with Yang Lei and the others, Xuan Ao faced a tense expression and hurriedly asked Yang Lei.

"The ancestors don't have to worry, Brother Mo is not in danger."

Seeing Xuan Ao and others asking about Mo Qingyun, Yang Lei showed respectfulness and quickly reported to the crowd: "The two of us can come out of Xueya, but we opened the way by Brother Mo to kill the ice monster. After the brother sent us out of the snow cliff, he went on hunting and killing the ice monster. "

"Continue hunting the ice monster again?"

Hearing Yang Lei's words, Xuan Ao's faces appeared incomprehensible.

Now that Mo Qingyun has beheaded the Ice Monster, and has come to the exit leaving Xueya, why should he continue to hunt the Ice Monster?

Seeing Xuan Ao and others bewildered, Ran Tong immediately understood their thoughts and puzzled them: "Yes, because the ice monster in the snow cliff is helpful to Master Mo's practice, so , He intends to continue hunting the ice monsters for cultivation. "

Upon hearing Ran Tong's words, the incomprehensible face on Xuan Ao's and others' faces immediately turned into shock.

It is unheard of to hunt and kill the ice monsters for cultivation, but this is the first time they have heard.

"Okay, okay, this little guy, Tianhun, really can't be regarded as an ordinary person."

After a brief surprise, Xuan Ao's face showed a bright smile, and his expression was filled with comfort and joy.

If it was true as Yang Lei said, then at this moment, Mo Qingyun brought them a surprise.

Looking at Xuan Ao and others with surprises in front of her eyes, Ran Tong and Yang Lei frowned, with expressions of hesitation.

Both of them were hesitant to report Mo Xingyun's murder of Lin Mang and others to Xuan Ao and others.

"Yang Lei, do you have anything to hide from us?"

Seeing Yang Lei's eyes flickering and erratic, his face was covered with embarrassment, and Elder Xuanying asked him immediately.

After hearing the words of Elder Xuanying, Xuan Ao and others turned around, waiting for Yang Lei's answer.

Seeing the elders all looked to themselves, Yang Lei's expression became more flustered and he didn't know how to speak.

No way, Mo Qingyun's beheading of Lin Mang and others was really trembling.

Knowing that the master of the palace strictly gave an explanation, he could not kill his disciples in the battle of the peaks, but he resolutely decimated Lin Mang and others.

Not to mention the punishment of the palace master, just the revenge of Haichaofeng, Yelangfeng, Luoshuangfeng, and Babingfeng may remove the roller shutter peak from then on.

You know, the sea tide peaks, Yelang peaks, and Frost Peaks are among the top thirty in the strength ranking among the 72 peaks.

The roller shutter peaks are no more than inferior peaks. How can they withstand their anger?

"Yang Lei, you've been in trouble for a long time, what's going on without saying a word?"

Seeing Yang Lei sulking for a long time and not talking, Elder Xuanying immediately turned off his face and said coldly, "Did you just say what you just made?"

In the view of Elder Xuanying, at the moment Yang Lei's guilty conscience obviously had something to hide from them, making him unconsciously suspect Yang Lei's words.

It's really hard to accept who Ran Tong's words are.

"Huh! Elder Xuanying, what we just said is true, but there is one thing we didn't say ..."

Hearing Elder Xuanying's questioning words, Ran Tong exhaled deeply, preparing to tell the story of Mo Qingyun's beheading of Lin Mang and others.

"Look, Bai Lin, they came out of Xueya!"

However, at this time, Ran Tong could not wait to speak, and a shocking word came out.

With the voice coming out, Xuan Ao and others' attention was drawn to the past, and they looked at the portal in the trial ground.

Then, everyone saw Bai Lin, Mingya, and Lu Yue, and stepped out of the portal.

As soon as he walked out of the portal, Bai Lin showed a cold expression and arched to Ling Kai: "Gongzhu, the disciples have something to report."

"Bai Lin has something important to report? Is there a major event in Xueya?"

"It is very likely, otherwise, with the strength of Bai Lin and others, how could it not be the first one to come out?"

"I don't know what happened in Xueya, causing Bai Lin and others to fall behind and report to the palace master as soon as they exit."


As soon as Bai Lin's words came out, everyone around them suddenly changed their expressions, with a curious expression on their faces.

When Ling Kai heard Bai Lin's words, he immediately frowned and showed some curiosity. He said, "What's your report, but it doesn't matter."

"Return to the palace master, only in the snow cliff, a disciple of Curtain Peak madly smashed, killing twelve disciples of Haichaofeng, Yelangfeng, Luoshuangfeng and Babingfeng ..."

Seeing Ling Kai nodding in acquiescence, Bai Lin showed a cold smile, pretending to be sad and angry: "I saw that disciple's cruel means, and I tried to stop it with the dentist, but how strong that disciple was, we couldn't stop the tragedy. happened."

Immediately after Bai Lin's words fell, he showed an expression of anger and knelt down to Ling Kai, and said, "The disciples cannot stop the Curtain Peak murderer and are willing to accept the punishment of the palace master, but I hope the palace master can enforce the law impartially. In one move, the disciples on the shutter curtain should be severely punished, and the dead teachers and disciples should not be blinded. "


Bai Lin's words fell, and the trial room suddenly burst into an uproar, all of them were shocked.

"What! The disciples of the roller shutter peak actually killed my disciples of the Haichaofeng, it is really too much!"

"Gongzhu, you must not let go of that kid, you must put him to death to make a difference!"

"Yes, such unruly and brutal murderers must not condone him!"


Suddenly, various cynical words came from the mouths of those around him.

Upon hearing Bai Lin's indignant report, Ling Kai's face immediately became cold and angrily, "Bold, this palace only ordered the peak's disciples to kill each other in the battle between the leaders. He ignored the strict order of the palace. This palace must be severely punished. Where is Mo Tianhun now? "

Originally, Mo Ling's collision only made Ling Kai's heart feel a fire. Now how can he bear such a thing when he hears such a thing again.

To put it bluntly, Mo Qingyun's beheading of Lin Mang and others was directly hit by the muzzle.

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