Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1201: Meet the Sword Master

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

If Fang Chen is here, he will certainly be surprised.

Because this person is no one else, it is the master of the Tianyun House in Moyun Prefecture.

At the beginning, when he joined Tianjian Mansion, he had an intersection with the master of the mansion.

Later, because of the reason that the soul killed the door, he was relatively low-key in Tianjian Mansion.

Sky Sword House Lord is the murderer who slaughtered souls and killed hundreds of souls.

The reason why he can become soul repair is entirely because of the soul repairer.

After accepting the heritage, he once promised to avenge his soul.

But when I came back, I went to Tongtian Island.

"Leave a trace on the island owner's pearl?"

The Lord Tianjian recognized Princess Xin.

Looking at the island, I am afraid that no one does not know Princess Xin.

Looking at Princess Xin's eyes, there was a hint of greed.

Unfortunately, Princess Xin is very strong.

I can't fully control this meteorite array method.

However, what I have is time, which can be consumed all the time.

"Princess Xin, you can't break the shackles of meteorite formation."

Outside of the meteorite formation method, the master of the Tianjian Palace grumbled.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged and continued to understand the mystery of the meteorite formation.

At the same time, at the other end of the Meteorite Valley, Fang Chen is comprehending the meteorite formation method.

The meteorite array method is extremely mysterious.

It cannot be measured by the general level of the outside world.

Fang Chen's mind is filled with a lot of formation perception, and as time goes by, his perception of formation is also rising.

Together, the formation is extremely vast.

The formation is like the ocean, and Fang Chen is a small wooden boat floating alone in the ocean.

It is possible to be sunk by rough waves at any time.

He was wandering carefully in the boundless ocean.

The little mouse and the demon beetle guard Fang Chen with all their strength.

At a certain moment, Fang Chen's mind oscillated.

Immediately, the purple soul rose instantly.

Directly into the meteorite array method.

Wow ...

Fang Chen opened his eyes, his eyes glowed with golden light, and at a glance he saw the mystery of the meteorite formation.

"It turns out so."

The five huge meteorites have an internal force that is diametrically opposed to the power of Gang Yuan. After this force is converged, a meteorite array will be formed.

Realizing through the meteorite formation method, Fang Chen was very happy.

At the same time, his formation level has also been upgraded to a two-star level.

Two Star Array Master, although it is nothing outside.

But Fang Chen was so young when he was young.

There is no limit to future achievements.

"Break through."

Fang Chen said to himself.

Immediately, his figure flashed, stepped on the meteorite array method, and then began to break the array.

Fang Chen's breakup technique is very tricky.

In a blink of an eye, the meteorite array method was cracked, and five huge meteorites were instantly drilled into the soil.

Ahead, all the way flat.

Fang Chen smiled, took the little mouse and the magic beetle, and continued on.

It has been a while since I entered the Meteorite Valley, but I have never encountered danger.

This made Fang Chen relax his vigilance.

However, beyond Fang Chen's expectations.

Originally, he believed that there would never be a safe place in danger, and encountered the biggest crisis since entering Meteorite Valley.

A three-foot stone man is attacking him.


The stone man's attack was too powerful, and Fang Chen couldn't resist it.

The second floor of Xuan Tianfeng's magic was just shattered when it was just exhibited.

Heavenly Demon Swords, Starry Heavens, are all invalid.

"Boss, let me try."

The little mouse exhibited a supernatural talent and penetrated extremely.

The scary purple spear stabbed fiercely on the stone man.

Click ...

The purple spear broke, but there was a crack in the stone man's body.

Fang Chen's heart shook.

The extreme penetration of the little mouse did not dare to confront the strong stars.

The stone man shattered the purple spear abruptly, with only a slight scar, which was terrible.

"How to do?"

The mouse is also anxious. The defense and attack of this stone man are very arrogant.


In a blink of an eye, Shiren came to Fang Chen.

The perfect sword body was pushed to the extreme, protecting Fang Chen's body.

However, with a bang, the stone man's fist hit Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, the sound of broken bones came out.

Fang Chen's body directly flew out, the defense formed by the perfect sword body, fragmented.

Thump ...

Fang Chen spit out blood and stood up suddenly, shouting, "Go."

Immediately, show the true meaning of time and space, travel through time and space, and escape from this place.

Huh ...

Under the real impulse of time and space, Fang Chen's speed is very fast, and the ordinary star realm can't resist.

After a while, the stone man was thrown away.

Fang Chen was relieved.

"Boss, the stone man is very slow, it seems to be only a stupid blow." Said the little mouse.

Fang Chen nodded, and he also found that the Stone Man had no offensive skills, and every time it was a huge fist bombardment.

However, the strength of the stone man is too strong, the perfect sword body can not resist.

Fortunately, the stone man's speed is very slow, can not catch up, otherwise it will really be over.

"so close."

It was not until this time that Fang Chen realized that he underestimated Meteorite Valley.

The Meteorite Valley, which can change the colors of the stars in the realm of the stars, is extraordinary.

You must be careful, maybe one day you will fall here.

Although the stone man didn't chase after him, Fang Chen didn't dare to stop.

The true meaning of time and space is displayed at will, and the speed becomes faster and faster.

However, just as Fang Chen randomly traveled through the void, suddenly the space was disordered and he fell out of a void.


The body directly hit the ground with heavy pain.

"I go……"

Fang Chen couldn't help but swear.

How could the empty void be suddenly unstable.

He got up, patted the dirt on his body, and looked at the little mouse and devil beetle beside him.

These two partners seemed very calm.

Fang Chen was a little surprised to see how the Devil Beetle pleased the little mouse.

Any demon, who has been with the mouse for a long time, will bow down to him, which is really wonderful.

Devouring the God Rat, is there a leader bloodline born?

Fang Chen shook his head, no longer thinking.

"Let's go." Fang Chen said.

One person, one mouse and one insect, walking side by side.

Suddenly, Fang Chen looked up and saw a huge meteorite in front of him.

Then he took a step and continued to watch, but there was nothing.

"Is it an illusion?"

Fang Chen shook his head vigorously and continued to watch.

At the same time, the domineering purple-level souls instantly spread out.

Suddenly, a large amount of void was enveloped.

This view directly stunned Fang Chen.

First, he found Princess Xin trapped in the meteorite formation method, and he was secretly happy.

Then he found the master of Tianjian House.

"Why is he here?"

Fang Chen's heart shook.

How could Lord Tianjian House be here, and with his strength, how did he survive?

Needless to say, it seems that the Master of the Sword Master has mastered the secrets of the meteorite formation method, using the meteorite formation method to trap Princess Xin.

Despite the doubts in his heart, Fang Chen moved forward quickly.

At this time ...

The Sword Master, sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hahaha, so it turns out."

After these few days of enlightenment, I finally thoroughly understood the mystery of the meteorite formation method.

Now, he has been able to control the meteorite array as he pleases.

The meteorite array method is extremely mysterious.

The Lord Tianjian moved with a heart, and suddenly the meteorite formation method restrained Princess Xin, so that the latter could not move.

Seeing the proud figure of Princess Xin, the turmoil in the mind of the Master of the Heavenly Sword House was turbulent.

If it's usual, she doesn't dare to look at Princess Xin.

However, in Meteorite Valley, he is fearless.

Even the owner of the island did not dare to dabble in it easily. His greed ** was exposed.

Wow ...

Once again into the meteorite formation method, Princess Xin was not attacked.

Princess Xin struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"My father will not let you go." Princess Xin's eyes coldly said.

"I really want to know, what is the scene of the high princess, kneeling down under my crotch." Tian Jianfu's eyes flashed golden light.

"You never have that opportunity."

A cold voice came.

Immediately afterwards, the Void tears, and a sword light rushes out.

From a tricky point of view, he got into the meteorite formation method and approached the Lord of the Sword.

"not good."

Sky Sword House Lord screamed badly, and immediately controlled the meteorite formation to resist this sword light.

Suddenly, Princess Xin regained her freedom and launched a strong attack on the Lord of the Heavenly Sword House.

Click ...

The meteorite array is very powerful, cracking this sword light.

Seeing that Princess Xin was about to rush, the Master Tianjian's heart moved, and the meteorite formation method once again imprisoned Princess Xin.

"I am king in the meteorite formation."

Shen Jianfu, the main voice, said.

He grabbed Princess Xin's small white hand and prepared to tear Princess Xin's clothes.

However, another sword light struck again.

The Lord of the Heavenly Sword House was furious and used the meteorite array to resist Jianguang.

Click ...

Several successive sword lights delayed the time, and Fang Chen finally arrived in time and space.

"Master Tianjian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Chen stood outside the meteorite formation method, his face showed a bright smile.

In the meteorite array, Princess Xin was overjoyed when she saw Fang Chen, and her face was full of smiles.

"Fang Chen ..."

"Princess Xin, I'm here, don't be afraid." Fang Chen said.

Princess Xin's heart is warm.

"Huh, it's such a fatal guy." Tian Jianfu said coldly.

At the beginning, he also knew the news of Fang Chen's death.

I didn't expect him to be a fake death, but what if he did?

"You can't even decipher the meteorite formation method, and it's ridiculous to want the hero to save the beauty."


In the shock of Lord Tianjian, Fang Chen easily deciphered the meteorite formation method, and five huge meteorites penetrated into the sand.


The Master of the Sword Master shook in his heart, and there was a trace of fear.

"How are you?"

Lord Tianjian is very puzzled.

"It's unexpected, isn't it? The more unexpected thing is still behind."

Fang Chen hit the Sky Sword House Master with a punch.

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