Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1203: The origin of Meteorite Valley

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Meteorite Valley, in front of the main hall.

Fang Chen and Princess Xin stared at the hall.

The main hall in front of you is exactly the same as the previous main hall.

"This is the second hurdle?" Fang Chen said slightly.

A ripple appeared in the sky, and a figure appeared.

This time it was an old red-haired man who looked very majestic.


However, when talking to Fang Chen, the old man with red hair was very gentle.

"Senior." Fang Chen arched.

"Being able to pass the first level and being a warrior in Tiangang Realm can only explain one thing. You are fast." The eyes of the old redhead stared at Fang Chen and said.

Fang Chen was stunned and immediately admired the red-haired old man.

"Senior, don't know this second hurdle, what is the test?" Fang Chen asked.

"The test of the second hurdle is actually very simple, cracking the meteorite array."

After talking, the red-haired old man waved his palm, and Fang Chen was caught in the formation.

This meteorite formation method is composed of nine huge meteorites, which is obviously much stronger than the previous five meteorite condensed formation method.

"Crack the array?"

Fang Chen sat cross-legged and began to study the formation.

Fortunately, I have done some research on the meteorite array method beforehand.

Ten days, half a month, one month ...

Two months later, Fang Chen thoroughly studied this meteorite array method.

At a certain moment, he stood up, waved his palm, and suddenly meteorite formation method, cracked down.

"Not bad."

The old man with red hair chuckled and said, "Two months to crack the formation, you are fast enough."

"Senior, are the juniors cleared?" Fang Chen asked.

The old redhead nodded.

"Then ... can the junior ask a question?"

"Just ask."

Perhaps no one has been here for a long time, and the old red-haired man is bored.

"Who is the guardian of the first hall?" Fang Chen asked.

"He? It's also a cup. His deity is a very powerful warrior. Even the owner of the archipelago will be afraid. But now he is suppressed in the depths of the Meteorite Valley." The old redhead smiled.

Fang Chen heard his words, and his heart shook.

"Suppressed? Then why his avatar can still walk in the Meteorite Valley?" Fang Chen puzzled.

"He has three avatars, one of them is outside, the second is the guardian of the first pass, and the third is to feel the nature of heaven and earth in the Meteorite Valley, hoping to one day be able to save the deity." Redhead said.

Fang Chen knew it, so it turned out.

It seems that the avatar of Tianjian Mansion is still at ease.

"The deity is so strong, why is the avatar so weak?"

"Condensed avatars are very expensive, and the condensed avatars will be very weak at first, and need to be conceived. This person's avatar is suppressed before it can be conceived, so the avatar is weak."

The old man with red hair explained a lot, and Fang Chen finally understood.

At the same time, it also felt more and more unfathomable.

"Senior, does Meteorite Valley have a master?"

Hearing Fang Chen's inquiry, the red-haired old man nodded and shook his head.

Fang Chen is puzzled, what exactly does this mean.

The old man with red hair sighed: "Actually, all of us gatekeepers have strayed into the Meteorite Valley and were trapped here. There were many people who entered the Meteorite Valley. We survived, and everyone else died."

A few of them survived and became gatekeepers.

Therefore, he will always be trapped here, unable to see the sun again.

"Strictly speaking, there is no owner in Meteorite Valley. Each island has its own will. This is the will of heaven and earth, and its power is unmatched. And all the operations of Meteorite Valley are controlled by the willpower of the Leaving Island. . "

"Meteorite Valley is the core place to maintain the normal operation of the rule of Tianjian Island."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

Unexpectedly, Meteorite Valley is so big.

No wonder that even the strongest stars in the Star Realm are afraid to enter the Meteorite Valley.

It turns out so.


Fang Chen's face changed, a little worried.

"Boy, although Meteorite Valley is dangerous, it also has a ray of life. Nine halls and nine checkpoints, as long as you break through, you can go out safely. If you fail, you will die."

No wonder, after entering the Meteorite Valley, Fang Chen felt that the rules of the world are much more complete than the outside world.

Moreover, the running trajectory is very clear and can be felt faintly.

Now, I finally understand.

It turned out that this is the core of the rule operation of the world of Liujian Island, where the power of the will of Liujian Island lies.

The Meteorite Valley is like the Tsutenkuji Pond on Tsuten Island.

It's just that there is no danger in the Tongtianshenchi, and there are dangers everywhere in the Meteorite Valley.

It seems that the world has underestimated Meteorite Valley.

Recognizing the horror of Meteorite Valley, Fang Chen bid farewell to the old man with red hair and teleported to the third level.

Fang Chen's heart is extremely heavy.

I learned from the old man with red hair that there are no dangers in the first six levels. The real danger is that in the last three levels, countless strong men throughout the ages have fallen into the last three levels.

"Fang Chen, what's wrong?" Princess Xin held Fang Chen's big hand and smiled.

Fang Chen shook his head, the expression on his face converged, and then a smile appeared.

"Nine checkpoints, we have already surpassed two and proceeded to the third." Fang Chen said.


When Fang Chen broke through, the outside world was also surging.

For several months, the Ou Family had been accumulating strength and wanted to give Tianjianzong a fatal blow.

The atmosphere of Tianjianzong is very dignified.

The viper is retreating and is fully aware of the inheritance of the poison.

And leaving the island owner and medicine to the master, it is the overall situation.

As for Qinghou, the death penalty is not over.

Although the Ou Family has not waged a full-scale war these days, the disciples under the door have been in little friction with the Tianzong Sect.

From time to time smashes the industry of Tianjianzong.

Despite leaving traces in the house, the smoke was filled.

Other states are as calm as ever.

Devil Cloud State, Tianjian Mansion.

Lord of the City Palace, Lord Tianjian House's complexion was somber.

"Damn Fang Chen."

The lord of the sword sword smashed the next table with a slap.

The doppelganger in the Meteorite Valley was the freedom that I exchanged with the power of will.

One day, if you can understand the rules of the heaven and earth in the Meteorite Valley, you can let the deity return to freedom.

And now, he was actually beheaded by Fang Chen, and his heart was full of hate.

As for the avatar that guards the gate, because of the rules, it cannot be shot, nor can it leave the hall, nor can it understand the rules of heaven and earth in the Meteorite Valley.

"This avatar is too weak to use Trans-Island Teleportation Array. The road is far away and dangerous. It is impossible to go back to help."

Sky Sword House Lord became more and more angry.

He wanted to break Fang Chen's body into pieces, but there was no way.

He now has only one idea in his heart, that is, to pray for Fang Chen to die in Meteorite Valley.

"My deity will definitely come out."

Shen Jianfu, the main voice, said.

From this day, the Master of the Sword Sword disappeared mysteriously and never appeared again.

The dragons of the Tianjian Palace are headless, and they fall into chaos.

However, after receiving the news, Moyun Prefecture immediately dispatched a strong man to take over the Tianjian Mansion and re-supported a master.

At this point, the era of the Master of the Sword Sovereign completely ended.

No one knows why the mysterious sky swordsman disappeared mysteriously.

Only he knew that he was worried that Fang Chen would come out of the Meteorite Valley, just in case, he hid in the dark and waited for the opportunity to enter the Meteorite Valley, to perceive the rules of the world and save the deity.


The third level is easy to lift.

The fourth level is easy to lift.

In this way, Fang Chen went all the way to the seventh checkpoint.

This level of difficulty greatly increased, and Fang Chen's footsteps also stopped.

"The seventh pass, the test is to control the true meaning." The gatekeeper said. "Breakers must have seven real intentions and reach the level of the third grade."

Fang Chen heard that his face twitched, no wonder the red-haired old man said that the test of the last three levels was very difficult.

If you are not careful, you will die.

"I want to make it clear that you have only seven years. If the time passes, you will not be able to complete the level, and you will be distracted."

After that, the gatekeeper disappeared, and Fang Chen's body appeared a meteorite formation.

"Do not worry."

Seeing the worry on Princess Xin's face, Fang Chen comforted.

Immediately, he no longer wasted time and began to realize the true meaning.

Fortunately, he now has four real intentions, as long as he is comprehending three real intentions.

Among the four true meanings, the real state of the sword is the highest, reaching the realm of seven grades.

The true meaning of time and space is the highest grade, but it is the true meaning of peerlessness, and it has reached the realm of five grades.

The true meaning of darkness reaches the third grade, and the true meaning of ice also reaches the third grade.

Only after three real intentions can customs be cleared.

To understand the true meaning, the premise is to understand the mood.

Among the many artistic concepts realized by Fang Chen, he finally chose the artistic conception of fire.

In terms of flames, Fang Chen still has some advantages.

The golden heart is fused with the blood of the undead bird.

Ancient immortal beasts are immortal birds. They are good at the flames, especially when the undead blazes. They burn the sky and are very domineering.

And his own black flames are gradually evolving towards immortality.

These conditions are beneficial to oneself.

Moreover, time can also be saved.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen filled with black flames all over his body, and began to understand the true meaning of fire.

Understanding the true meaning is not too difficult for the warriors in Tiangang Realm.

However, that also varies from person to person.

Some people, stuck in a real sense, can't break through in a lifetime.

And some people, realizing the true meaning is only a moment.

Blazing flames, covering the whole body, Fang Chen devoted himself to the flames.

The blood of the undead bird in the golden heart is gradually released.

Through the meteorite formation method, Princess Xin was able to feel a trace of palpitations.

"What a terrible flame."

Princess Xin said secretly.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Fang Chen in the meteorite array, and she was very curious.

What did this guy experience?

Why are you so successful at this age?

Compared with Fang Chen, her pearl on the palm of the island owner was also overshadowed.

Fang Chen is too dazzling, and he is destined to become the hegemon between heaven and earth in the future.

In Princess Xin's mind, Fang Chen was filled with anger to avenge herself.

It's beautiful in my heart.

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