Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1205: Night God Blood Flower

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Meteorite Valley, the eighth hall.

Fang Chen and Princess Xin stood quietly, their faces dignified.

"What's the test this time?" Fang Chen frowned and said to himself.

From the seventh level, the test becomes extremely dangerous. If you are a little careless, you will die here.

He wants to go out, not to die.

Therefore, customs can only be cleared as much as possible.

The gatekeeper appeared. He glanced at Fang Chen, and then smiled: "Little guy, I didn't expect you to be able to get to this step, it's really amazing."

The gatekeeper knows best how powerful it is to get to this point.

The test in the Meteorite Valley is very dangerous and varies from person to person.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the test.

And now, the test that Fang Chen accepts is nothing but the test of the level of heaven.

"Senior, what is the test of this level?" Fang Chen asked.

"Look ahead."

The gatekeeper's finger pointed to the front, and suddenly dense stonemen appeared on the vast expanse of wasteland.

These stone men came rushing towards here with great force.

"All you need to do is to kill ten stone men." The gatekeeper smiled.

Fang Chen shook, and at a glance, tens of thousands of stone men, not to mention ten statues, even one statue, it was difficult to kill.

Fang Chen still wanted to speak, but the gatekeeper had disappeared.

"Fang Chen, I'll help you." Princess Xin said.

Along the way, she has been standing behind Fang Chen. Until now, Princess Xin is unwilling to let Fang Chen face the difficulties alone.

At this time, the little mouse and the magic beetle also came out.

Fang Chen's heart warmed, focusing on the head.


With a roar of Fang Chen, he and Princess Xin entered the stone crowd instantly.

These stone men were weaker than Fang Chen expected, but even so, Fang Chen was at a disadvantage for an instant.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The number of stone people is too much, they don't understand the secret method, only know to use brute force.

However, even so, Fang Chen and Princess Xin were also beaten.

The little mouse exhibited a talent for supernatural penetration, barely able to defeat the nearby stone man.

The Devil Beetle is helpless in this campaign.

Its corrosive power is very strong, but in the face of these stone men, there is nothing they can do.

The stone man's defense is too strong, almost invincible.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen and others were besieged.


Can't be surrounded by stone men, Fang Chen shouted loudly.

Suddenly, under the cover of the little mouse and the magic beetle, Fang Chen and Princess Xin retreated quickly.

The stone man's speed is slow, but the number is too large, and the chase comes after the mighty.

The rules of this level are not stipulated, and no escape is allowed.

Right now, Fang Chen can't kill the stone man, he can only run away.

Swish swish ...

Fang Chen and Princess Xin fled aimlessly.

"What should I do? The stone man will definitely catch up." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen flashed in his mind, thinking hard about how to deal with it.

However, at this moment, the golden heart beat quickly.

Seems to guide Fang Chen.

"follow me."

Fang Chen snorted, took Princess Xin's small hand, and fled quickly.

There are too many stone men, and little mice and demon beetles can't resist.


In a face-to-face meeting, the little mouse was blasted away, and he simply fled with Fang Chen with the help of the anti-shock force.

The devil beetle also turned into a streamer and disappeared into the stone crowd.

Without obstacles, the stone man's speed is faster.

The headed stone man issued a roar in the sky, and the arm formed by the meteorite was waving continuously, and the ground was trembling.

"Boss, the stone man is coming."

The little mouse shouted anxiously.

Fang Chen pushed the real intention of time and space to the extreme, and hurried forward.


The golden heart was beating faster and faster, and it seemed to be approaching its destination.

Fang Chen's words just fell, and suddenly a mountain appeared in front of him.

Fang Chen did not hesitate into the mountains.


Upon entering the mountain range, the golden heart burst into a dazzling light, and a breath of destruction was instantly released from the golden heart, and the entire mountain range instantly became extremely embarrassed.

The stone man also entered the mountains.


Fang Chen led the way and traveled in the mountains with complicated terrain.

After a while, the golden heart stopped beating.

Because, Fang Chen came under a rock.

Fang Chen's face was a little shocked.

Under this rock, an old man sat cross-legged.

The old man's clothes are already worn out.

"Are you still alive?"

Fang Chen stepped closer to the old man in ragged clothes.

"Young man, you are finally here."

Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes.

In an instant, Fang Chen felt as if he was caught in an illusion.

"Who are you?" Fang Chen asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, do you know who you are?" The old man grinned.

Fang Chen shook his head hard, his head a little confused, as if he was going to pass out.

"What do you want to do?" Fang Chen said with difficulty.

"Give me your golden heart, I can help you through this disaster." The old man smiled.

"Do not."

Fang Chen was alert and stepped back.

"How do you know my golden heart?"

Fang Chen set off a stormy wave in his heart.

The golden heart has always been its own secret, why can this person know?

Who is he? What identity? Friend or foe?

Seeing Fang Chen's nervous face, a strange smile flickered on the old man's face.

"The stone man came immediately, you are dead, the golden heart is still mine." The old man is still emphasizing the golden heart.

Fang Chen's eyes flickered, he was guessing the identity of the old man.

call out……

While Fang Chen was not paying attention, the old man waved his palm and a golden light flashed.

Fang Chen was terrified in his heart. This golden light breath was exactly the same as his golden heart.

"who are you?"

The perfect sword body urged, and immediately resisted the golden light attack.

Seeing the old man, his face dignified a bit.

Then, no longer attack Fang Chen.

Staring at Fang Chen for a long time, he sighed: "I even have the perfect sword body, it seems that you have completely controlled the golden heart."

The old man's words made Fang Chen more puzzled.

Golden heart, perfect sword body, this is his secret, why this person is so clear.

Is it ...

In Fang Chen's heart, he thought of a possibility.

The old man seemed to see through Fang Chen's mind.

He grinned and turned into nothingness.

"With a golden heart, in the future it is destined to become the top powerhouse in this world. However, in the process, you will encounter countless dangers, and you can stand on the peak in the past."

The old man left such a sentence and disappeared.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's head was startled.

Immediately, he opened his eyes and looked around.

Under the rock, empty, nothing.

"What about the old man?"

Fang Chen shook his heart, why the old man suddenly disappeared.

"Princess Xin, what did you just see?" Fang Chen asked.

Princess Xin shook her head with some doubts on her face.

"What's wrong? Fang Chen?"

Princess Xin asked.

Fang Chen frowned, turning to look at the little mouse and the demon beetle.

Both said that nothing was seen.

"Is it an illusion? Why is it so real?"

Fang Chen was a bit skeptical. Everything he just saw was an illusion.

But it's a bit different.

In this world, who knows that he has a golden heart?

Is it ...

Fang Chen thought of a horrible thing.

This made Fang Chen's face more embarrassed.

"Did someone manipulate the world in secret, this golden heart is just one of his pieces?"

The more I think about it, the more shocked Fang Chen's heart is.

"Fang Chen, are you okay?"

Seeing Fang Chen's body shaking, Princess Xin hurriedly supported him.

Fang Chen shook his head, no longer thinking about these messy things.

Anyway, I can have my current achievements because of the golden heart.

Without a golden heart, you might have been struck by lightning on the earth, and you might have already died.

It is even less likely to be reborn in this way.

For him, as long as the golden heart is harmless to himself, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen was relieved.

"I'm fine."

She smiled slightly at Princess Xin.

"Boss, the stone man is coming."

The little mouse said anxiously.

Fang Chen's face changed, and she ran with Princess Xin.

However, what Fang Chen didn't see was the place where the old man disappeared under the rock.

There was a drop of golden luster flashing. When Fang Chen left, this drop of golden luster merged into the golden heart.

Some restless golden hearts gradually calmed down.

This point, Fang Chen did not know.

This mountain range is quite special, like a maze.

Fortunately, Fang Chen has some attainments in illusion and can walk freely.

After about half an hour, Fang Chen finally got rid of those stone men.

However, it cannot be taken lightly.

They were carefully in the mountains.

"Boss, is there any time limit for this level?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen shook his head.

If there is a time limit, who can survive?

So many stone men, even if they have the fighting power to match the mid-level of the starry realm, they cannot complete the mission in a short time.

"So what should I do? I can't always consume it like this?" Princess Xin asked.

"According to me, you should continue to consume it. When the boss and Princess Xin break through to the stars, and the bugs have recovered to their peak, we can join forces together to complete the mission." Little Mouse said.

Fang Chen shook his head.

He is still young, there are still many things left unwilling to be trapped here for a long time.

"Thinking about it," Fang Chen said.

As he spoke, suddenly the afterglow of his eyes saw a towering tree in the distance.

"That is……"

Fang Chen's eyes lit up, his figure flashed, and he came to the towering tree.

"Boss, what did you find?" The little mouse asked, jumping into the tree.


Fang Chen pointed to the main trunk of the towering tree with a yellow flower.

This flower, with three leaves, looks very ordinary.

"Boss, what is this?"

"Dark night **** blood flower." Fang Chen said joyfully.

"Dark Night Blood Flower?"

Obviously, Little Mouse and Princess Xin have never heard of it.

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