Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1228: second round

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

Bi Qingqing is the pearl of the Bi family. From small to large, she is very dazzling.

If she stays on Qingyi Island in these years, the Eight Great Pride will definitely have her seat.

Unfortunately, she ran away from home many years ago and went to Tongtian Island.

However, even without the strong support of the Bi family, he still stepped into the stars, enough to see how strong Bi Qingqing's potential is.

However, the Bi family now has major hidden dangers and has to marry the Zhou family.

As long as Bi Qingqing and Zhou Hong are married, they can completely tie up the Zhou family.

At that time, the difficulties of the Bi family may be resolved.

Since Bi Qingqing returned to Qingyi Island, she has not seen her effect, and usually does not speak to people.

Now, the head of the Bi family sees Bi Qingqing not only with a smile on his face, but also dancing.

The head of the Bi family was very happy, and finally saw her daughter smile.

"Qingqing, what's so happy about? Tell me to share?"

Between the speeches, the head of the Bi family walked into the courtyard and asked with laughter.

Seeing his father coming, Bi Qingqing stopped dancing, and the smile on his face converged slightly: "You will know later."

"Oh? Qingqing actually sells the key with me?" Bi family head smiled.

Bi Qingqing shifted the topic, beautiful eyes flashed and asked: "Father, in the first round, are there any better martial artists?"

Hearing Bi Qingqing's active inquiry, the head of Bi's family was overjoyed, thinking that Bi Qingqing wanted to open.

Hurry to say: "Don't you say, this first round really has an excellent warrior, that guy named Fang Chen, actually a four-star array magician, easily defeating Yuwen Tianhe."

"Fang Chen? Is it amazing?"

Bi Qingqing pretended to ask that she already knew that Blood Sword Saint was just Fang Chen's pseudonym.

The head of the Bi family nodded and said: "This is really powerful. If the fourth-order array method is arranged, I am afraid that even if Zhou Hong matches, it is very difficult to win."

"However, the warriors who can be ranked among the eight great arrogances are all celestial wizards, and Fang Chen has a very low odds against them, unless his combat effectiveness is as terrifying as the realm of formation."

Bi Qingqing's beautiful eyes flashed, listening to his father complimenting Fang Chen.


At the end of the first round, three hundred people advanced and all the remaining martial artists were eliminated.

More than 500 people fell into the mountains.

Among them, the biggest shock was that Fang Chen took the first place in the first round with an extremely dazzling posture.

Moreover, in the battle with Yuwen Tianhe behind, he showed extremely strong line strength.

Such a young four-star array magician, once the news was released, instantly caused a sensation.

The major gates want to win Fang Chen.

Such a wickedness, the future achievements in the formation of the formation must be extraordinary.

If one day you can step into the realm of the Nine Star Array Master and stomp your feet, the entire Guhua Islands will be broken.

While Fang Chen hadn't grown up yet, it was a good time to get together at this time.

In the Xuhai City Mansion, Yuwen Tianhe had already left.

Because of the resistance, only ten of the virtual sea city warriors, including Shangchen Chen, advanced to the second round, and most other warriors fell.

The Master of Xuhai City was very helpless, but whenever he thought of Fang Chen's outstanding performance, he was quite excited.

He is even fantasizing that maybe Fang Chen will become a dark horse that shocks everyone.

After the first round of performance, the host of Xuhai City was also very polite.

Outside the mansion, there are a large number of martial arts martial arts princes, who want to see the Chenchen.

However, all were rejected by Fang Chen.

He will not stay too long on Qingyi Island and does not want to waste time.

Fang Chen can't be seen, but Xuhai City Lord can't.

He kindly met with the messengers of the major schools and expressed his meaning.

After a night of rest, early in the morning the next day, all the martial arts gathered in the square.

There will be a second round of competition today.

The eight Tianjiao were not present.

They can directly advance to the finals, which is the honor of Tianda.

Countless warriors are envious and do not need to fight for places as they do.

On the podium, the head of the Bi family looked down, and then said in a deep voice: "Today, there will be a second round of competition. Before that, I had discussed with the owner of the 36th City, this second round of competition, The test is the will. "

If martial arts go all the way, it is impossible to go too far without perseverance.

This is to recruit the son-in-law of the Bi family, so the head of the Bi family takes it very seriously.

Bi's son-in-law must be excellent in all aspects.

Therefore, this second round of will test, he attaches great importance.

"The land where the will is tested is my land, and you follow me."

The head of the Bi family waved and brought three hundred martial arts into the Bi family mansion.

Go through the front hall and enter the Houshan Forbidden Land.

After ascending the Houshan Forbidden Land, all the talents found that after the Forbidden Land, there was no other way.

Surrounded by a powerful formation, outsiders simply cannot enter.

Even the strongest stars in the realm of stars can't force the formation without the command of Bi's family head.

"This is the ancestral land of my family. There are eighteen statues in it. Each statue represents a generation of strong people in my family. When you enter, I will activate the majesty inside the statue and hone your will. If you ca n’t persevere, just give up in silence and I ’ll take you out. ”

The head of the Bi family urged.

"Do n’t be brave. Eighteen stone carvings, each of which is the existence of a period of suppression in the history of my family. Although the endless years have fallen, the statue still contains strong and extreme coercion. If it is brave, it must be Will die violently. "

The head of the Bi family told the three hundred martial arts the consequences of the incident.

Everyone nodded, and no one flinched.

The ancestral land of the Bi family, this is the most famous ancestral land of Qingyi Island.

How many strong people want to enter the Bijiazu land but cannot.

Now, with such an opportunity, who would give up?

"Eighteen people went in each time." The head of the Bi family waved, and eighteen people in the crowd were instantly sent into the ancestral land.

Within the ancestral land, there are eighteen statues, each of which is extremely tall.

The eighteen people who stood inside stood in front of the eighteen statues.

Suddenly, horrible coercion surrounded them.

Buzz ...

The heart-pounding breath invaded their minds.

"I give up."

In less than three seconds, a warrior shouted miserably.

Wow ...

The next moment, the warrior was sent out.

Outside, the eyes of the Bi family head and others fell on the martial artist.

The warrior seemed to be greatly frightened, his lips were pale.

"too strong……"

This warrior, Mu Ne's whisper, his body trembling.

"Eight warriors in Tiangang Realm, can't hold on for even three seconds?"

Many warriors exclaimed.

The statues in Bijiazu are too coercive, right?

Some people have already started to retreat.

And some people are curious.

After a while, the third batch of martial artists entered.

Among the two batches of warriors before this, the one who insisted on the longest was only holding on for three minutes.

"Feng Bing has entered. Should he be able to persist for at least half an hour?"

"That's not necessarily, no one knows what is going on in Zudi."

"Li Tang also seems to have gone in. I don't know which of them is better."

In the crowd, there was much discussion.

Headed by the head of the Bi family, supplemented by the masters of 36 cities, standing in the forbidden area of ​​the back hill, overlooking the ancestral land below.

After the third batch of warriors entered, one martial art after another was eliminated from the game.

Three minutes later, only Li Tang and Feng Bing were left in Zudi.

These two are also seed players.

Among the seed players, there was Yuwen Tianhe, but the latter was eliminated.

Under the eight major arrogance, it is already very good to be a seed player.

After a quarter of an hour, Feng Bing couldn't keep coming out.

"Feng Bing insisted for a quarter of an hour, it was too powerful."

"His will is strong, he sharpened between life and death."

Feng Bing came out, but Li Tang hadn't come out yet, he was still holding on.

Fang Chen looked at Zudi silently, with a hint of curiosity in his heart.

"Every statue represents the existence of suppressing an era in Bijia history?"

Fang Chen secretly said.

Suppressing an era, although a bit exaggerated, but also from the side highlights the fighting power of the stone carving strongman in the ancestral land.

Fang Chen likes this method of tempering his will.

After half an hour, Li Tang came out.

His forehead was covered with sweat beads, his face was pale, and his clothes were soaked.

At first glance, it has reached the extreme.


When Li Tang came out, he was relieved, and he remembered the coercion just now and was afraid for a while.

"too strong."

Li Tang secretly said.

"Li Tang, insist on half an hour, so far ranked first." Bi family head said.

Immediately, the fourth batch began.

Over time, groups of warriors entered the ancestral land.

But with the exception of Li Tang, no one can stick to half an hour.

After the fifteenth batch ended, it was the sixteenth batch.

Everyone looked at them in unison.

Because, in this batch, there is the strongest seed player Wang Kui.

"You go in."

The family head Bi waved eighteen people into the ancestral land.

"How about Wang Kui of Fang Chen?"

"Can you persist for more than half an hour?"

"What a joke? What I should think now is how long Wang Kui can persist, as long as it exceeds Li Tang, should I still ask?"

Most warriors believe that Wang Kui must be able to surpass Li Tang's time.

Even the thirty-six city lords agree with this view.

After all, Wang Kui's strength is much stronger than Li Tang's.

One minute, two minutes, quarter hour, half an hour ...

In an instant, an hour passed.

When the hour ended, everyone's heart was very shocked.

Li Tangcai persisted for only half an hour, and Wang Kui actually doubled it directly.

"Wang Kui came out, he really insisted for an hour."

"God, Wang Kui is too strong, well deserved first."

After an hour, the exit of the ancestral land flashed, and Wang Kui came out of it.

He smiled and enjoyed the cheers of everyone.

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