Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1235: crisis

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Three days later, the Bi family went to the upper and lower jurisdictions, and the lanterns were very lively.

Throughout Qingyi Island, all the strongmen came to Daoxi.

Today is a happy day for the Bi family. Bi Qingqing, the pearl of the Bi family, married Fang Chen, a peerless Tianjiao.

Moreover, the wedding was presided over by the ancestors of Bi Family.

The ancestor of the Bi family is a strong man in the chemical environment, and he is extremely powerful.

Looking at Qingyi Island, there are only two people who can be as long as Bi Family Ancestor.

One of them was a freelancer, did not join any forces, nor did he have any disciples.

The other is the ancestor of the Zhou family.

The three strongest fighters are already the pinnacle of fighting on Qingyi Island.

However, because the three of them were old and their blood was a little dry, they could not go further, so they did not go to the Guhua Islands, but stayed on Qingyi Island.

The ancestor of the Bi family announced to himself that they were married today.

The high-ranking powerhouses of Star Realm came to congratulate.

The head of the Bi family and others are happily welcoming the distinguished guests.

And Bi Qingqing waiting in the boudoir was very upset.

There are some contradictions in her mind.

After a long time, Bi Qingqing shook his head vigorously, the thoughts in his mind disappeared instantly.

She was reluctant to think more and took one step at a time.

After all, this is a fake marriage she negotiated with Fang Chen.

After she got married, she would ask Grandpa to let Fang Chen leave and go to Guhua Islands.


In Bi Qingqing's heart, there was some guilt.

At this time, Fang Chen in another courtyard seemed extremely peaceful.

He has figured it out, this time just to save Bi Qingqing's fake marriage, and he is worthy of his wife Xingyue.

Bi's family is the largest family on Qingyi Island, and the power is so impressive.

A wedding was held, spreading across the island.

However, what surprised everyone was that at Bi's wedding, some people dared to make trouble.

Moreover, the troublemakers are not ordinary people, but the ancestors of the Zhou family.

Rumble ...

Fang Chen was thinking, and suddenly felt a strong breath, and instantly locked it.

Immediately, he was vigilant in his heart, showing the true meaning of time and space without hesitation, and wanted to escape.


Suddenly, Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. The newcomer actually sealed off the space. Without thinking about it, he must be the Zhou ancestor.

Only the strongest forged characters can lock the void in such a short period of time.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen cursed and struggled desperately.

In the sky, a large hand protruded and shone directly towards Fang Chen.

In the front yard of the Bijia Mansion, the Bijia ancestor who was welcoming guests from all walks of life suddenly felt something was wrong, his face changed suddenly, his anger shouted, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"What's going on? Who's making trouble?"

Many warriors shook their hearts, who dare to come here to make trouble?


Immediately afterwards, a deafening voice resounded through the sky.

"Old Monster Zhou, do you want to die?"

Above Fang Chen's courtyard, an angry roar from Bi's ancestor came.

Suddenly, many warriors who came to the wedding understood in their hearts that the person coming was the ancestor of the Zhou family.

The two great fortune-tellers confront each other in the sky.

Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. The Bi ancestor was here, and he was finally safe.

"Bi Laojie, I'm going to kill him, you can't stop it." Zhou's ancestor said coldly, as if preparing to tear his face with Bi's family.

"Today is the day when my Bi family is overjoyed. If you come to make trouble, you will be the enemy of my Bi family. From now on, my Bi family and your Zhou family will never die."

If the opponent is not a strong character, he slaps to death.

My granddaughter's big marriage, Zhou Laoguai is messing up in the face of the world, is this not a face?

The ancestor of the Bi family was completely angry. His words spread like thunder to the ears of everyone.

Bi Jia went up and down, quickly formed a warning, and evacuated everyone.

Once the strongest characters in the chemical fortress battle, the Bijia mansion will become a ruin.

In the sky, the ancestor of the Zhou family heard the words of the ancestor of the Bi family and chuckled: "Bi Laowei, I want to kill him, I can't help it. He will die today."

The ancestor of the Zhou family pointed to Fang Chen below, with a firm attitude.

"I'm going to see, what do you have to do with Zhou Weiguai, kill people under my hands." Bijia old man said coldly.


The palm of the ancestor of the Zhou family waved, and a powerful star power suddenly poured down.

"court death."

The ancestor of the Bi family shot, blocked the sneak attack of the ancestor of the Zhou family.

"Elder Zhou, since you want to fight, then I will fight with you."

The old man of the Bi family said in a deep voice, and immediately came to the front of the ancestor of the Zhou family.

The two great fortune-telling powerhouses were in an instant battle.

"Go to battle."

The ancestor of the Bi family said that after his figure flashed into the sky.

The Zhou family ancestor followed.

They all know that once the war starts, it will definitely cause great losses to Qingyi City.

Rumble ...

Above the Nether Clouds, the two great fortune-tellers went to war.

So far away, the breath that escaped from it all made everyone below feel a little suffocated.

"Is this the strength of the strongest chemical environment?" Someone exclaimed.

Those who are strong in the chemical environment are really too strong.

"Hahaha, Bi Wei, you are nothing more."

In the clouds, the laughter of Zhou's ancestors came out.

The battle has entered an intense stage.

Fang Chen below, his face changed.

"Fang Chen, are you okay?"

Hearing the arrival of Zhou's ancestor, Bi Qingqing was very worried and ran as soon as possible.

Today's Bi Qingqing, dressed in a red dress, is very beautiful.

There is a touch of worry in the beautiful eyes, staring at Fang Chen, the white little hand holding Fang Chen's arm.

"I'm fine." Fang Chen smiled brightly.


There was a deafening voice in the void clouds.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou's ancestor spoke.

"You haven't shot yet?"

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the Zhou family, everyone suddenly panicked.

Immediately, a figure similar to the ancestors of the Zhou family appeared out of thin air.

"Lao Mo, do you want to be against my family?"

When the ancestor of the Bi family saw it, they suddenly threw a punch, forcing the ancestor of the Zhou family to flash back and land on the ground.

Opposite him, there is an old man dressed in grey cloth.

This person is impressively the three major fortunes of Qingyi Island.

"Trusted." Mo Lao said with a smile.

The situation suddenly became extremely complicated.

Ancestor Bi's face was gloomy, if only Zhou's ancestors could, he could handle it.

Now, Mo Lao Dao is here.

Even if the two great fortune-tellers join forces, even he cannot compete.

He glanced back at Fang Chen, and at the same time he saw an anxious Bi Qingqing.

"Bi Laojie, as I said, you can't stop me today." Zhou's ancestor came down from the clouds and laughed coldly.

In order to move Mo Laodao, his Zhou family paid a heavy price, this time Fang Chen must die.

"Mo Lao Dao, what benefits the Zhou family has given you, my Bi family can double it for you, as long as you don't blend in today's things." Bi Jia Laozu said.

Mo Lao Dao shook his head and said: "I'm Mo Lao Dao, the credibility is still there, since I promised Zhou Laoguai, so sorry, my task is just to stop you."

Hearing Mo Lao Dao's words, the Bi family ancestor was very angry.

"Mo Lao Road, stop me."

The ancestor of the Zhou family flashed, and wanted the other party to shoot.

How can the Bi family ancestors sit idly by and wave their hands directly, blocking the way forward of the Zhou family ancestors.

Hearing the words of Zhou's ancestor, Mo Lao shot.

Mo Lao Dao resolved the attack of Bi Family Patriarch, and then appeared in front of him.

Xiao Yingying said: "Bi Laowei, why bother me?"

"You are embarrassing me. My old bizarre finally found such a young genius. Being my son-in-law, you have to help Old Zhou."

The ancestor of the Bi family no longer spoke much, and launched an aggressive and aggressive attack.

The ancestor of the Bi family, blocked by Mo Lao Dao, could not care about Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was ready to flee here with Bi Qingqing, but was blocked by the Zhou family ancestor.

"Boy, blame you for being so good."

The ancestor of the Zhou family sneered, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"If the old thing Demon Sword Emperor knew that I had beheaded such an excellent disciple, I wonder if it would go crazy."

The thought of the Celestial Sword Emperor, Zhou's ancestor was a laugh.

At the beginning, his Zhou family and Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor had great grudges.

However, due to the strength of Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor is too strong, even he can not stop.

Finally, the Emperor Sword Emperor was left.

A few years later, he could actually meet the heirs of Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor.

This is cause and effect.

Today, beheading the heirs of the Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor is considered revenge.

"Is the chemical environment shot against me in a tiangang environment?"

Fang Chen's face was full of sneers.

However, Zhou's ancestor did not care.

He walked step by step towards Fang Chen, his breath rose sharply.

"Boy, whatever you say, you will die today."

"Are you sure you can kill me?"

Fang Chen stopped and no longer backed away. He pushed Bi Qingqing behind him, his face dignified and Shen Sheng asked.

Wen Yan, the ancestor of the Zhou family hesitated for a moment.

I thought that Fang Chen had any followers, but after a little thought, I was relieved.

The opponent is just a warrior of the Tiangang Realm, and even if there is any back hand, it is impossible to threaten him.

"go to hell."

The ancestor of the Zhou family shot, Thunder big hands, immediately pressed Fang Chen.

The ancestor of the Bi family who was fighting against Mo Lao Dao in the distance issued a roar that looked up.

He wanted to rescue Fang Chen, but he couldn't get away.

"Lao Zhou, if Fang Chen is dead today, I swear I will kill you no matter what the end of the world is." The Patriarch of the Bi Family shouted angrily.

Rumble ...

The strongest attack in the chemical environment is too strong.

Fang Chen felt his body tremble for a while, his face dignified, and I don't know when, the **** feather fan appeared in his hand.

"Do not……"

Bi Qingqing appeared in front of Fang Chen and wanted to resist the attack of Zhou's ancestor for Fang Chen.

"Fang Chen, go away."

Bi Qingqing shouted loudly.

Fang Chen pulled Bi Qingqing behind him, and then urged Shenyu Fan before Thunder's big hand landed.


A terrifying breath, shot from inside the Shenyu fan, suddenly hit the Thunder big hand.

Click ...

Thunder big hands, instantaneous fragmentation.

This scene shocked Bi Family Patriarch and Mo Lao Road.

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