Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1243: Step into the stars

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The original Fang Chen had accumulated enough, and the scorching breath in the pool was quenched.

At the same time that Xingchendan's medicinal effect has turned into effect, the power of the Gang Yuan within Qihai has been madly integrated into every corner of the body.

In a blink of an eye, the sea of ​​air was already empty.

If it is normal, the sea of ​​qi is dry, and Fang Chen will definitely shake.

However, now there is no fuss.

Because, he is breaking through.

Buzz ...

The hot breath in the pool continuously poured into the sea of ​​air.

At the same time, the power of the stars between heaven and earth was crazy absorbed by Fang Chen.

Fang Chen's breakthrough spread to seven other people.

The first to discover the abnormality was Murong Bing. On her pretty face, there was a trace of surprise. She immediately closed her eyes and continued to practice.

"It is worthy of breaking the extreme genius, Brother Fang Chen is really powerful." Man Long smiled.

Among the eight, except Fang Chen, it is the easiest dragon.

His physical defense is too strong to resist the attack of the burning breath.

Tie Yizun and others also opened their eyes one after another and looked as if enviously.

Unexpectedly, it was only an hour, and Fang Chen was about to break through.

It is a very slow process to break through the Tiangang Realm to the Star Realm.

During this period, the Qihai must absorb enough star power.

Moreover, the flesh must digest the power of the gang element in the previous Qihai.

However, Fang Chen is considered to have accumulated a lot of money.

The most difficult step has been taken, and the rest is only a matter of time.


Fang Chen also felt his own changes. The power of the stars was tempering his body, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Then he closed his eyes.

On the shore, Brother Chen was surprised when he saw this.

"This ... is only an hour, is it too exaggerated?"

Although it is known that Fang Chen has a star pill, but under the refining of the hot breath of the pool, it can be broken into the star realm in three days, which is already a genius. However, Brother Fang Chen actually completed it in one hour.


At this moment, Brother Chen also had to admit that this brother, too abnormal.

In the pool, in the air of Fang Chen, the rich star power is condensing the star tower.

The symbol of the Tiangang realm crossing into the star realm is the condensed star tower.

Each time the star realm rises, the star tower will increase by one layer, and finally it will become a nine-story star tower. This is the source of strength of the star realm.

After another hour, Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

In Qihai, the star tower has been completely formed, providing endless power.

The pores around the body are open, always absorbing the power of the stars between heaven and earth.

Fang Chen inspected himself, and found that his body was stronger.

Wow ...

Fang Chen came out of the pool, he felt full of strength.

"Now I, under one fist, bombarded a Star Warrior Quadruple Martial Artist, shouldn't it be?" Fang Chen said to himself.

"Senior Brother's potential shocked Senior Brother." Senior Brother Chen walked to Fang Chen and said with a laugh.

"Brother Chen laughed." Fang Chen smiled awkwardly.

"Since Brother Fang has broken through the stars, I will take you to a place." Brother Chen laughed.

Fang Chen glanced at the seven people in the pool and followed Brother Chen to leave.

On the way, Fang Chen finally suppressed his curiosity and asked Brother Chen.

"Brother Chen, why is it so quiet in this first heavy day?"

"We are in the demon world, only recruiting elite disciples, so the number of disciples is not much. So far, our first most important disciples are only more than 300 people." Brother Chen said.

Fang Chen's heart shook.

The disciples in the first heavy day are all geniuses who can cross the board to the stars in the time of the sky.

These geniuses alone have more than 300 people.

What about the second and even ninth heaven?

Imagination feels terrible.

"However, there are a lot of people who go out to perform tasks, and really stay in the demon world to practice, but not many." Brother Chen explained.

Fang Chen nodded, and finally understood.

This first heaven is huge, but it is quiet and strange.

"Brother Chen, where are you taking me?" Fang Chen asked.

"After stepping into the Star Realm, every disciple must perform the mission. This is the test of the Demon Realm to you." Brother Chen said: "I will take you to the mission palace."

After a while, the two came to the mission hall.

"Novice task."

Brother Chen said to the elders in the mission hall.

The elder of the mission hall smiled, and then threw a token to Brother Chen.


After Brother Chen saw the token, he was a little surprised.

"Brother, change a task." Brother Chen said.

The elder of the mission hall shook his head and said, "Brother Chen, this is the young Master's account, and it is specifically reserved for Brother Fang."

Fang Chen was surprised, too.

Of course, what surprised him was not what the mission was, but the elders in the mission hall, who were also of his class.

Seemingly knowing Fang Chen's doubts, the elder of the mission hall smiled and said: "Brother Fang, you don't know. In my demon world, except for the high level, the rest are all worthy of the brothers. You will get used to it later."

"It turned out that Brother Qing explained."

Senior Brother Chen handed the token to Fang Chen, and then told him, "Brother Fang, your mission this time is a bit more difficult. Be careful."

Fang Chen took the task and was dumbfounded at first sight.

"This ... Isn't the novice task of the demon world disciples so difficult?" Fang Chen asked.

Senior Brother Chen shook his head and said: "No, their tasks are very simple and can be completed almost easily."

"Then I ..." Fang Chen couldn't help crying.

Is it because you are a genius who breaks the extreme, and you treat it specially?

Sure enough, Brother Chen nodded. "If you want to come, it should have something to do with your identity, but since Brother Qing has given you this task, you must be quite sure."

Brother Chen patted Fang Chen on the shoulder, and then said: "I will take you away."

After talking, the two left the mission hall.

Came to the teleportation array of the first day.

"There are thirty-six teleportation arrays in the Voldemort Realm, which can be teleported to the thirty-six islands in the vast universe. Your mission in the Guhua Islands, go in." Brother Chen said.

Fang Chen was very shocked in his heart. The more he touched Fumo Realm, the more he felt that Fumo Realm was too mysterious.

"After completing the task, activate the identity token and be able to return to Voldemort. Remember, you must complete the task. If the task fails, there will be punishment." Brother Chen said.

Fang Chen nodded and entered the teleportation array.

At the next moment, the white light flashed and Fang Chen disappeared.

Wow ...

In the sky, a figure appeared, who was the person in charge of the first heaven, Brother Qing.

"Brother Qing." Brother Chen said hello. "This task is very difficult, in case ..."

Brother Qing shook his head, his eyes faint, and said softly: "He is a genius who breaks the extreme, and he cannot be cultivated in the same way as ordinary people."


Fang Chen opened his eyes and found himself appearing out of thin air.

His body was falling fast, his mind was full of thoughts.

"This is Tianhua Island?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

Below, somewhere on the plain.

Two warriors with a heavy starry realm are fighting.

"Little Five, you are not my opponent."

"Humph, I don't believe it."

The two little guys are fighting, and with a sudden bang, their fight is forced to stop.

Next to them, a big pit appeared.

"What's going on? Has the sky fallen into treasure?" The guy called Xiaowu stopped fighting and gleamed with golden light.

When the two warriors approached the big pit, Fang Chen slowly climbed up from the big pit.


The two were shocked. Did this person fall from the sky?

Fang Chen moved his muscles, crawled out of the big pit, and saw two martial artists, who were looking at themselves with strange eyes.

Cough ...

Fang Chen explained a little embarrassingly: "Cultivation, you don't control the power ..."

"So it turns out, you must have been excited when you first entered the Star Realm?"

"Brother, we can understand that we came from you like this."

The two warrior old gods were there, as if they were coming over, preaching Fang Chen.

Fang Chen scratched his head in embarrassment. If the two guys knew what he said, a punch could smash their heads, not knowing what they would think.

"Two, I came here for the first time, I don't know where this is?"

"This is the Tianlei area of ​​Tianhua Island."

Fang Chen chatted with the two for a while, and finally left in a hurry.

Fang Chen took out the mission token, and the mission was impressively listed.

"The only disciple who killed the Dark Devil Ancestor."

This is Fang Chen's task this time. If it is to simply kill the disciples of the Dark Devil Ancestor, it will be very easy.

According to intelligence, the disciple of the Dark Devil Ancestor is a warrior in the Tiangang Realm. For Fang Chen, he can get it with one punch.

However, the difficulty is difficult for the Dark Devil Ancestor.

The disciples of the Dark Devil Ancestor are inseparable from him.

It is almost impossible to find a single order. In this case, if you want to complete the task, you will definitely alarm the Black Devil Ancestor.

Fang Chen was not confident and was able to escape under the hands of the Dark Devil Ancestor.

The Black Devil Ancestor is a warrior with seven layers of stars.

Although Fang Chen stepped into the Star Realm, he did not have the confidence to resist the anger of the high-level powerhouse in the Star Realm.

"It takes a long time to discuss." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task, you can think about the countermeasures carefully.

Tianhua Island, the Tianlei area, is an area close to the void ocean.

The Black Devil Ancestor dived on a mountain peak in the Thunder area.

Fang Chen came to a city in the Tianlei area and entered the inn.

For information, the easiest place is naturally the inn.

Fang Chen found the biggest inn here, where dragons and snakes were mixed.

"It's worthy of being the core of the Guhua Archipelago. There are star warriors everywhere." Fang Chen said secretly.

Tiangang Realm is not enough to see here.

Fang Chen drank leisurely while listening to the movement in the inn.

After a while, Fang Chen heard a piece of useful news.

"Have you heard? Three days later, the disciples of the Black Demon Ancestor will fight against the disciples of Bing Xingjun. By then, the Black Demon Peak will be open to the outside world for everyone to watch."

"Is the Dark Devil Patriarch trying to build momentum for his disciples?"

"Don't the Black Demon Ancestral move make you afraid of hitting your face? What if the disciples of Bingxingjun win?"

Fang Chen, who was drinking in the corner, was secretly happy.

"After three days, will Dark Demon Peak open to the outside world?"

This is an opportunity.

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