Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1246: Blood Relic

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At this time, in the first heavy day, a hidden place.

Brother Qing stood with his hands down, behind him, Brother Chen.

"Brother Qing, Fang Chen has completed the novice task." Brother Chen said slightly.

Brother Qing nodded, he already knew.

"Brother Qing, what are you going to do next?" Brother Chen asked.

Senior Brother Qing said slowly: "There is a ruin in the Tianlei area of ​​Tianhua Island, which was opened a month ago, let them a few little guys, go and experience the ruins.

After hearing this, Brother Chen's face changed greatly.

"Brother Qing, are they too weak to enter the ruins?"

Brother Qing shook his head and stopped talking.

When he made this decision, he naturally had his ideas.

When Brother Chen saw this, he didn't ask too much, focusing on his head.

Then, quickly went to find Fang Chen and others.

After Brother Chen left, Brother Qing's eyes seemed to see through the void and saw the two before Shenglongtai.

"Those who break the extreme martial arts need to be tempered by the methods of different ordinary people."

Fang Chen's strength is very strong, he ranked second in the first time on the Dragon Dragon Terrace, he is very optimistic about Fang Chen.

The demon world attaches great importance to the genius who breaks the extreme.


Brother Chen called the eight.

"There is a ruin opened in the Tianlei area of ​​Tianhua Island. The task of the eight of you is to enter and experience it." Brother Chen said.

"Brother Chen, are there any mission requirements?" Tie Yizun asked.

"Come out alive." Brother Chen said. "Okay, you tidy up, then enter the teleportation array."

Everything is arranged.

The eight people looked at each other and then packed up.

Half an hour later, the octopus entered the teleportation array.

Wow ...

The white light flashed and eight people disappeared.

At the next moment, eight people appeared in the Tianlei area of ​​Tianhua Island.

"Inquire first." Tie Yizun said.

Eight people came to Purple Thunder City, and after a little inquiries about the news, they knew where the ruins were.

This ruin has limitations, and only Star Martial Artists can enter it.

Although it has been open for a month, some people still enter the ruins from time to time.

Eight people of Fang Chen entered the ruins smoothly.

On a mountain peak, eight people of Fang Chen stood quietly.

"The air here is so depressing," said Man Long.

"Be careful, look at the situation in the ruins first," said Tie Yizun.

However, before waiting for others to speak, they were in danger.

Rumble ...

On the plain in the distance, there are three figures, and eight people of Fang Chen are found.

"The Star Realm is so important that it dares to enter the ruins. It's really death."

These three men are three brothers, evil martial artists, who specialize in practicing the flesh and blood of the martial artists.

Therefore, for them, the flesh and blood of the low-level warriors in the Star Realm are the most delicious.

"Little guys, you can only blame you for being too weak."

Three figures, shot separately.

"What should I do?" Tie Yizun asked.

"Really we are soft persimmons?"

The eight are all geniuses. Although they are facing the mid-level martial artists in the Star Realm, they are not afraid.


With the roar of Tie Yizun, the eight immediately launched a powerful and overbearing attack.

Tie Yizun teamed up with Barbarian Dragon to deal with one of them, Fang Chen teamed up with Murong Bing to deal with another person.

The remaining one is dealt with by the other four.

Bang Bang Bang ...

As soon as they fought, the three felt that they had encountered hard stubble.

"Brother, the idea is a bit hard," cried the man who played with Fang Chen.

"Afraid of anything, the Star Realm is only low-level, kill them." The warrior known as Big Brother is resisting the violent attack of the barbaric dragon.

All the time, Murong Bing is not a good speaker, but Fang Chen is very curious about her.

This is the first time to join forces with Murong Bing. Although the latter is a female referee, his attack power is very domineering.

In Murong Bing's hand, a dagger appeared. Her body was so perplexed that even Fang Chen couldn't catch it.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen decided to contain this person and create opportunities for Murong Bing.


The violent force erupted instantly.

Fang Chen's fists clenched tightly, bursting wildly.


The person who was fighting was caught off guard by Fang Chen.

"Damn, a low-level warrior in the Star Realm, how can it be so strong?"

Boom Boom ...

This warrior kept resisting Fang Chen's double fist attack and ignored Murong Bing.

At a certain moment, Murong Bing found an opportunity, a ghostly figure appeared behind the warrior, a white hand waved, and suddenly the dagger penetrated the warrior's head.

He widened his eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief.


Immediately thereafter, a miserable cry came out of his mouth.

With a bang, his head exploded and fell here.

"The third boy."

Seeing the third son fall, the boss and the second son were furious.

However, after solving one with Murong Bing, Fang Chen quickly helped.

Soon, the second child died.

In the end, only the boss remained.

The eight teamed up and hit the boss hard, and then captured it.

When the barbarian was about to make a punch, he was stopped by Tie Yizun.

"Don't kill him first, ask about the situation in the ruins."

After hearing this, the barbarian closed his fists.

"You will all die." The boss said scarlet, crazy.


Iron struck one sword at the boss's leg, and the boss suddenly kept silent.

"Now, your life is in our hands, if you want to live, just answer our questions honestly." Tie Yizun said.

The boss is ugly, and he can't wait to crush a corpse of iron, but he is very reasonable.

"As long as you let me go, you can answer any questions." The boss finally compromised.

"What is this relic?" Fang Chen asked.

"Remains of blood."

"How much do you know about the ruins?" Barbaron asked.

"I once heard a strong man in the fortune-telling world say that this **** relic is the place where the bloodthirsty and demon blood clan once lived. Although they later defeated the human race, many descendants of the two large clan still remain. This The relics of the second blood were opened, on the one hand to sharpen the warriors of Tianhua Island, on the other hand to completely exterminate the aftermath. "The boss answered truthfully.

The bloodthirsty tribe, the demon blood tribe, are the enemies of the once human tribe.

"It turns out so." Everyone nodded.

"What else do you know?" Tie Yizun asked.

"My strength is too weak and I have limited knowledge, but this blood relic seems to be divided into the outer periphery, the inner periphery, and the core. The mid-level martial arts in the Star Realm has little danger in the outer periphery. No danger. "

"As for the core area, it is said that there are the bones of the ancestors of the two major races, which is very terrifying. Even the peak warrior of the Star Realm, they dare not enter it easily." Lao Avenue.

"The star warriors at the peak of the stars do not dare to enter it. How to completely kill the two races?" Barbaron asked.

"It is said that among the warriors who entered the ruins of the blood this time, there are the nine star kings of Tianhua Island." Lao Avenue.

After hearing this, eight people moved.

Known as the Star King, that is the strongest fighting power in the Star Realm.

The nine star kings of Tianhua Island are recognized as the strongest fighting power in the entire Starland of the Ancient China Islands.

Being able to rank among the star kings, that kind of combat power is very imaginable.

"Nine Star Kings have come in?" Fang Chen asked.

"It seems so." The boss nodded.

"What else do you know?" Tie Yi threatened.

The boss was a little scared and hurriedly said: "Three hundred miles away from this place, there is a strange place, where I used to see the core rock berries."

"Geocentric rock berry?"

After hearing this, eight people were shocked.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the ruins, I learned about the geocentric rock berries.

Worthy of being the remains of blood, and other precious fruits such as geocentric rock berries can be seen everywhere.

"However, there are strong guardian monsters at the center of the earth's rock berries. I didn't dare to act lightly." Old Avenue.

Next, Tie Yizun asked about it, but could not find anything.

In the end, the barbaric dragon punched the boss.

"Brother Tie said he wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say it."

This kind of evil warrior is the most hated by human race warriors, and it is a pity to kill.

"Will you go?" Tie Yizun asked.

The eight people looked at each other and finally decided to go and see.

"The ruins of blood are destined to be very dangerous. All we have to do is to improve our strength. Only when we are strong can we go out alive."

After the eight people reached an unanimous decision, they quickly followed the boss's words and went to the place where the berries of the earth core rock appeared.


Fumo Realm, the first heavy sky.

Brother Qing sat cross-legged and was practicing.

Suddenly Gu Gu hurried over.

"Brother Gu Chong, why is it so panic?" Brother Qing asked, opening his eyes.

Gu Chong is the third heavenly disciple and has a higher status than Brother Qing.

"Brother Qing, what about the eight of them?"

"Go out to practice." Brother Qing said.

"Where did you go?" Gu Chong asked anxiously.

"Remains of blood."

"Sure enough ..."

Gu Teng heard that his face was full of helplessness.

"Brother Gu Chong, what's the matter?" Brother Qing asked, puzzled.

"Just got the news, the blood remains have changed, and the danger has increased greatly. The original nine deaths and life, now directly turned into ten deaths and no life, even the nine star kings may fall in it." Gu Chong said in a deep voice.

"What? What's going on?" Brother Qing shouted in silence.

"The remains of blood are automatically closed. It seems that something unclear happened inside. Some of the strongholds of Tianhua Island have already rushed to see what happened. I am also worried that you will send Fang Chen to the remains of blood, so Let me remind you, I never thought it was too late. "Gu Chong said.

"Ten dead, no life, does that mean ..."

Brother Qing was very regretful. If anyone else died, he would die, but Fang Chen broke the extreme state. This kind of genius, dying, is a great loss to Fumo Realm.

"Now there is no other way but to pray that they can survive the disaster safely." Gu Chong said in a deep voice.

The nine star kings are likely to fall into it. Can Fang Chen's strength be alive?

"All blame me." Brother Qing blamed himself.

"Brother Qing, this is not your fault."

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