Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1258: Release

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The gold beasts are gathering more and more, and the fourth-order array method is also somewhat irresistible, shaking.

Fortunately, Fang Chen's attainments in formation are very powerful, and he can easily arrange a fourth-order formation.

Otherwise, it is really dangerous.

"Boss, what should I do?" The little mouse's face was somber, and if they went on like this, both of them would die in the veins of Liujinshi.

"Can you dig into the ground?" Fang Chen asked.

The mouse nodded, and then said: "Although it is a bit laborious, it can still be done."

"I suspect that behind these gold beasts, someone is manipulating, go and see." Fang Chen said.

The mouse nodded, and then plunged into the ground.

The mouse's teeth were very hard, and after burrowing into the ground, he quickly dug into the cave and swept deep into the veins of Liujinshi.

At this time, Fang Chen is in full control of the fourth-order array method.

He sat cross-legged above the central control of the formation, and a strong breath appeared around his body.

In the Qihai, the star tower was suspended, and the power of the rich stars suddenly appeared.


The attack power of Liujin Beast is getting stronger and stronger.

However, Fang Chen is still desperately resisting.

After a few minutes, the little mouse came back.

"Boss, there are two bloodthirsty tribes, controlling the Liujin Beast."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's face was somber.

"Being able to control the Liujin Beast, the strength of these two bloodthirsty people must be very strong. You shouldn't act rashly and frighten the snake." Fang Chen Chuanyin said.

"What about that?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen had a lot of thoughts in his head, thinking quickly.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Fang Chen's mind, and immediately said: "The gold beasts gathered here are almost the first and second ranks, there is no third rank, maybe, the third rank of gold beasts They ca n’t even control it. "

"If we can find the third level gold beast and control it, we can defeat it."

In fact, Fang Chen is also betting that the two bloodthirsty races cannot control the third level of gold beasts.

Unlike the little mouse, if you can find the third-level gold beast, with the little mouse's control of the pseudo-ancestral stone, you should be able to control it temporarily.

"Boss, I know."

When the little mouse heard the words, she was overjoyed, and immediately went to look for the third level gold beast.

After the little mouse swallowed the pseudo-ancestral stone, it had a deep feeling of convective gold stone.

In Liujinshi's veins, Fang Chen's Yuanshen could not be fully opened, and the mouse's senses were not restricted.

Deep in the veins of the Liujinshi mine, two bloodthirsty tribes join forces to refine the magic disc.

There are complicated patterns on this disc.

"Blood Brother, this recipe is too difficult to refine." The thin bloodthirsty cried.

"What do you know? This is the recipe for controlling the third-level gold beast. Once we refine it, the third-level gold beast will be controlled by us." Blood Brother sneered.

Obviously, in his view, the first and second level gold beasts can not be compared with the third level gold beasts.

"However, Liujin Beast will not be able to deal with that human race for a while and half, or let me take it and behead it, so as not to cause trouble." The thin bloodthirsty clan said.

"It's okay to beheaded, you just catch it." Blood Brother laughed.

"Huh?" The thin and bloodthirsty were a little puzzled.

"You idiot, that human race is obviously a strong formation. If we can capture and refine the spell plate for us, wouldn't it be easier for us to control the third-level gold beast?" Blood Brother saw the thin bloodthirsty clan, Explained.

"But what if the human race secretly mischiefs?"

"If you are stupid, you still don't believe it. I use force to suppress it. What can he do?" Blood Brother said.

Hearing that, the thin and bloodthirsty nodded, and then left the depth of the Liujinshi mine.

Only the blood brother was left, refining the recipe.

Under the ground, the little mouse can clearly feel that his body is getting closer and closer to Liujin Zushi.

The flow of gold is getting stronger and stronger.

"The third level gold beast should be just below."

Wow ...

Where the little mouse was, a cave appeared, and then he swooped and jumped down.

Below, there is a pool filled with rich gold water.

"It's very corrosive."

Exclaimed the little mouse.

The same is the water of gold, the gap between the original ancestor stone and the fake ancestor stone is too big.

The little mouse was surrounded by purple luster, and entered the golden water.

Heran discovered that there were a lot of gold beasts in the water of gold.

These golden beasts are absorbing energy from the golden water.

And they are the third level gold beast that the mouse is looking for.

"Boss, I have found the third-level Liujin Beast." The little mouse hurriedly transmitted the sound to Fang Chen.

But the latter did not return.

"What's going on? Is the boss in trouble?"

The little mouse frowned and thought.

Immediately, he urged the false ancestor stone in his body to try to communicate with the Liujin Beast.


In the middle of the Liujin stone vein, Fang Chen sat cross-legged in the formation, resisting the attack of Liujin beast.

However, suddenly a more intensified attack suddenly roared.

Click ...

The fourth-order array method split instantly, and the bloodthirsty tribe appeared in front of Fang Chen.


Fang Chen frowned, staring at the bloodthirsty.

"Human, do me a favor, I can spare you forever." The bloodthirsty clan said coldly.

"What is busy?" Fang Chen asked quietly.

"Help me refine the recipe." The thin, blood-thirsty clan finished, palming out, trying to suppress Fang Chen.

Fang Chen had been prepared for a long time, and the time and space were truly displayed, and his body was hidden in the void instantly.

call out……

When he appeared again, it happened to be behind the thin and bloodthirsty.

The fourth-order Divine Soldier Star Hidden Sword, carrying the violent emperor's sword energy, stabbed into the body of the bloodthirsty.

The thin, blood-thirsty clan noticed Fang Chen's attack and hurriedly evaded.

But it was too late, and his arm was still hit by Fang Chen.

Thump ...

The blood spattered into the sky, and the thin bloodthirsty cried out in rage.

"Human, you angered me."

The thin, bloodthirsty roared with rage, clenched his fists, and his body was full of breath.

"go to hell."

The thin and bloodthirsty tribe is a five-tier warrior in the Star Realm, fighting alone, Fang Chen really does not fear him.

The seventh layer of Xuan Tianfeng Magic is on display. The horrible sword net instantly envelopes the thin bloodthirsty.

At the next moment, the killer phantom Phantom Sword is on display.

call out……

The terrifying sword light, ignoring any defense, directly penetrated into the body of the thin bloodthirsty.


The body of the skinny bloodthirsty exploded directly, and blood mist spewed out.

The thin and bloodthirsty tribe died on the spot, and the gold beasts around them got rid of control.


They screamed in the sky, venting their anger.

Taking advantage of the turmoil, Fang Chen fled into a hidden place, out of the siege of Liujin Beast.


Come to the hidden place, Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he see the message from the little mouse.

"how about it?"

After a while, the little mouse echoed.

"Boss, I have controlled three third-level gold beasts, let them support you first."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen secretly rejoiced.

It seems that the power of the pseudo-ancestral stone is also strong enough.

In fact, Fang Chen's worry is also unnecessary.

After a while, three third-level Liujin beasts found Fang Chen.

With the order of the little mouse, the three golden beasts have been following Fang Chen.

Their task is to protect Fang Chen's safety.

"Look at how you resist me?"

Fang Chen's face was full of confident smiles, and he calmly walked out of the hidden land.

Suddenly discovered by Liujin Beast.


With the roar of a golden beast, other golden beasts roared in an instant, directly surrounding Fang Chen.


However, at this moment, the three third-level Liujin beasts roared with rage and directly retreated the Liujin beast that surrounded Fang Chen.

Those gold beasts of the first and second ranks were full of panic on their faces and kept receding.

The gold beasts of the third level are kings in their eyes, and kings that cannot be provoked.

"It is worthy of the third level of gold beast." Fang Chen grinned.

The other Liujin beasts did not dare to block Fang Chen and retreated.

Under the protection of three third-level Liujin beasts, Fang Chen swept deep into the Liujin stone vein.

At this time, in the depths of the ore veins, the blood brother who was refining the Fa disc changed slightly.

"What's going on? Why did I suddenly lose all contact with Faban?"

Blood Brother looked at the Falun in disbelief in disbelief.

The complex patterns on the Dharma disc are constantly flashing, but why has the connection with his previous disappeared completely?

"what happened?"

At this moment, Blood Brother sensed the death of his companion?

"Damn man."

Blood Brother's eyes were scarlet, and his whole body exuded a vast murderous intention.

He stood up violently, preparing to shoot himself.

However, Fang Chen has come.

"Bloodthirsty." Fang Chen said.

Seeing the three third-level gold beasts beside Fang Chen, Blood Brother's face changed greatly.

"No, it's impossible. How could you control the third-level Liujin Beast?" Blood Brother exclaimed.

"Are you surprised?" Fang Chen grinned.

"It's impossible, you don't have a magic disc, you can't control it, this is fake." Blood Brother did not believe it.

Swish ...

When Blood Brother exclaimed, the little mouse got out of the ground.

"Do you think only Fapan can control them?"

The mouse's face was full of disdain.

One after another the golden beasts broke out of the ground and stood behind the little mouse.

After a while, deep in the ore veins, densely packed, they are all third-level beasts of gold.

Seeing this scene, Blood Brother's heart trembled.

"How could this be?"

The blood brother kept retreating, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

He worked hard to control the first and second level gold beasts.

As for the third-level gold beast, it must be thoroughly refined to control it.

He has been refining the recipe for more than half a year, and he has not succeeded.

And they succeeded.

"I'm not reconciled." Blood Brother shouted.

The third-level gold beast is extremely powerful.

Blood Brother has not reported any hope.

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