Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1262: Guangyun Zheng

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Inside the remains of blood.

Fang Chen and the little mouse left the Liujin stone vein.

Because the Liujin stone vein collapsed and the vibration was very large, it attracted some martial arts people who were looking for opportunities nearby.

Only one person and one mouse walked for about a hundred miles, so he was stopped by man.

"Boy, are you coming from the front?" A man in armor stopped Fang Chen and asked Shen Sheng.

Fang Chen stopped and nodded.

"Then the sound of shaking in front of you, what is going on?" Asked the man in armor, Shen Sheng.

"I do not know."

Fang Chen replied with his hands spread.

"You do not know?"

The armored man frowned, and his face showed a terrible color, and said with a cold voice: "I suspect the movement in front of you is related to you."

"So what?" Fang Chen asked back.

"The movement just now must have been the birth of the treasure. To be honest, did you get the treasure?" The armored man asked.

Fang Chen is bored.

"You know what happened in front of you, and you said I got the treasure? What logic is this?" Fang Chen sneered.

Hearing the words, the armored man's face was somber, and he whispered something to the few warriors beside him.

Several warriors left quickly, and the armored man waved his hands. Many disciples behind him surrounded Fang Chen.

"Boy, I have sent disciples to watch. You can't leave without investigating the matter." The armored man said.

Fang Chen was furious in his heart, and immediately said: "Huh, it's ridiculous. When members of the Demon Blood Clan and the Bloodthirsty Clan came out to slaughter the human race, where were you?"

"How many human races lay down their lives to fight against the two races, and you guys? They will only hide behind others and take action against the same kind, I am really shameful for your rush."

Hearing Fang Chen's sarcasm, the armored man was extremely angry.

"Boy, what kind of thing are you? When will my Lightning Gate take your turn?" The armored man jumped thunderously and immediately asked the other side to shoot.

"Guangleimen? I haven't heard of it. Not long ago, I met Zileimen." Fang Chen laughed: "They also have a bad heart and want to shoot me, but in the end I was suppressed."

"Zi Lei Men? Boy, if you can suppress Zi Lei Men, I will try to punish them."

Obviously, the leader of Lightning Gate didn't believe Fang Chen's words.

In fact, Fang Chen also knows more about Guangleimen.

The Light Thunder Gate is the same as the Purple Thunder Gate, and it belongs to the Sky Thunder area.

The light cloud competition of Guangleimen is not much different from Zileimen's Ziyu in strength, and they are all the arrogance of Tianlei area.

Guangyun Zheng felt that the power of the stars in Fang Chen was fluctuating, and decided that Fang Chen was a weak warrior without any background, so he wanted to force it down.

As Fang Chen spoke with Guangyun, the martial arts who had left before returned.

After they said a few words to Guang Yunzheng's ear, the latter's face changed suddenly.

Immediately, his gloomy eyes stared straight at Fang Chen.

"Boy, also said that it has nothing to do with you? The treasure in front is definitely taken away by you." Guangyun scrambled to show his fierce face and said coldly. "If you are too thick now, I can leave you a whole body."

"You are playing with fire **." Fang Chen said.

Guangyun struggled to ignore Fang Chen's threats, sneered, and his whole body was surging, ready to force shots.

"You garbage, don't deal with the bloodthirsty and devil blood clan, but come to deal with my boss, I am embarrassed for you." The little mouse jumped on Fang Chen's shoulder, said a little speechless.

"Boss, why do you talk to them nonsense, kill them directly." The little mouse said impatiently.

Between speaking, prepare to shoot.

Fang Chen nodded, the little mouse's breath surging around, and with a whizz, he directly rushed to the nearest Light Thundermen Warrior.

Click ...

The small mouth opened and directly bit off the warrior's neck.

"Damn, dare to kill me Guangleimen disciple, you are looking for death."

Guangyun scrambled to see the situation, shouted in anger, and immediately waved his big hand. All the disciples behind him suddenly attacked.

Thump ...

The mouse's teeth are too hard, and his speed is fast.

The disciple of Guangleimen could not capture his body at all.

In a blink of an eye, many disciples were killed by little mice.

Any disciple who is bitten by him will instantly die and his soul will fly away.

Seeing this scene, Guangyun yelled angrily: "A bunch of waste, kill me for me."

The warriors of the Lightning Gate fell one by one in the pool of blood.

Guang Yunzheng was very anxious. His face was fierce. A thunder ball appeared in the palm of his hand. After his breath rose to the extreme, he waved his hand suddenly. The thunder ball suddenly thundered into the mouse.

Swish ...

The body of the little mouse evaded in an instant, the thunder ball of light fell, the explosion exploded, and suddenly a scream came out.

Disciple of Guangleimen, nearly half dead.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you." Guangyun fights to vent all his anger on Fang Chen.

However, at this moment, there was a sound of breaking air in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a black silhouette appeared.

Fang Chenjiao looked around, and the person headed by him was the Purple Thunder Gate Purple Emperor who had spared his life before.

"Disciple of Zileimen."

Guangyun scrambled to see him, and his face was overjoyed.

"Zi Yu Brothers, you just happened to help me to light the door once, and I am owing you a favor."

In a blink of an eye, Zi Yu took the disciple of Zi Lei Men to the side of Guangyun.

His eyes swept over Guangyun Zheng, and then fell on Fang Chen.

"Brother Zi Yu, this kid has a grudge against you, Zi Lei Men. How can we join forces to kill him?" Guang Yunzheng said.

"Join with you?" Zi Yu heard the words, frowning slightly.

"I'm the Lightning Gate and your Purple Ray Gate, this is the Alliance ..."

Before Guang Yunzheng's words were finished, he saw Zi Yu walking straight towards Fang Chen.

Seeing this, Guangyun scrambled over his face.

Earlier, I heard that he had conflicts with Zileimen, and he didn't believe it.

Now that I saw Zi Yu's solemn expression, I believed it.

"Huh, what's the use of your spiritual pet?" Guangyun said secretly in his heart.

Seeing Zi Yu approaching, the little mouse prepared to shoot, but was blocked by Fang Chen.

He stared at Zi Yu, motionless.

Zi Yu walked towards Fang Chen, a dignified smile on his dignified face.

"Brother Fang Chen, don't come unharmed."

"Don't come unharmed." Fang Chen said.

The sudden change made the smile on Guangyun's face converge instantly.

"Zi Yu, what are you doing?" Guangyun yelled.

"Brother Fang Chen, what do you give me next?" Zi Yu asked.

Fang Chen nodded, Zi Yu was showing his attitude to him, he did not refuse.

After getting Fang Chen's nod, Zi Yu turned his head, his smile converged, and looked at Guang Yunzheng.

"Guang Yunzheng, Brother Fang Chen is a distinguished guest of Zileimen. You shot him, you are hitting me in the face of Zileimen."

"Zi Yu, for a garbage, you have to shoot me?" Guangyun contention is very puzzled.

"Guang Yunzheng, Fang Chen brothers are not garbage." Zi Yuhan said with a bit of anger in his words.

"Okay, very good, Zi Yu, are you doing this, are you not afraid of causing the two great schools to go to war?" Guangyun sneered.

Guangleimen and Zileimen have the same strength. If Guangleimen goes to war, Zileimen will also be afraid.

He didn't believe that the Purple Thunder Gate would fight against the Light Thunder Gate for an unknown soldier.

However, he was wrong.

"Go to war, go to war. I'm afraid of you."

As soon as the words fell, Zi Yu shot.

Zi Leitian's palm was displayed in an instant, and the violent palm imprint contained a tyrannical force and roared.

"Zi Yu ..."

Seeing this, Guangyun yelled in anger.

He really didn't expect that Zi Yu would shoot him for this person.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me."

Guang Yunzheng's face was cold and there was a thunder ball in his palm.

This is Guang Leimen's mastery and his killer.


Thunder's palms were bombarded fiercely on the Thunder's ball of light, and suddenly exploded.

Zi Yu competes with Guangyun for the same strength, and it is difficult for him to win or lose.

call out……

The bodies of the two quickly receded.

Guangyun scrambled to stabilize his figure.

"I have long heard that Zi Lei Tian's Zi Lei Tian is unprecedentedly domineering, and today he is a leader." Guang Yunzheng sneered.

"Guang Leimen's uniqueness is nothing more than that." Zi Yu said.

Guang Yunzheng smiled, his face cold, his hands held up, two silver horror thunder light balls, appeared instantly.

"Zi Yu, since you are going to be in front of this person, then you must be aware of death."

As soon as Guangyun's voice fell, his figure flashed, and the thunder ball in his hands suddenly slammed into Ziyu.

And Zi Yu, also exhibited the last move of Zi Leitian.


Fang Chen, who had been watching the battle, whispered and found something wrong.

Immediately, his face changed slightly.

"Thunder's light sphere contains the blood of bloodthirsty people." Said the little mouse.

"Zi Yu is in danger." Fang Chen's words fell, and time and space were truly displayed, and instantly appeared before Zi Yu.


At this moment, two thunder **** hit Fang Chen's body.

The perfect sword body shrouded, resisting the attack of the thunder ball.

However, even so, Fang Chen's body is somewhat embarrassed.


Sudden changes made Zi Yu also startled.

"Good strength."

In his heart, after a while, he was afraid that if Fang Chen didn't take the shot, he would suffer a blow if he didn't die.

He looked dumbfounded at Guangyun.

"How can it be?"

Guangyun's fierce and aggressive trick was easily cracked by Fang Chen.

"Your defense ..."

At this moment, there was a trace of panic in Guangyunzheng's heart.

Fang Chen stood up in the air, the golden luster surging around him, and he walked towards Guangyun step by step.

"As a human race, in order to improve your strength, actually refine the blood of bloodthirsty people?"

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Guangyun scrambled for the golden light, killing all aspects.

"Boy, you know too much."

After all, Guangyun fights against Chen Chen to attack.



Light clouds are falling.

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