Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1267: Save Du Xin

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The origin of the demon sword is anything but ordinary.

However, with Fang Chen's current strength, it is impossible to detect the true origin of the demon sword.

He only needs to know that the demon sword will not hurt him.

A group of people escaped the broken ruins and came to a safe place, and everyone was breathless.

Zi Yu and others looked at Fang Chen in shock.

Their minds are full of the shadow of Fang Chen's demon sword in his hand.

Too strong, it is simply God of War.

At the moment Du Xin and Bing Ling wanted to laugh wildly.

Your choice is too wise. If you are against this person, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Brother Fang Chen, are you okay?" Zi Yu asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said it was okay.

Every time you use the demon sword, the star power in the Qihaixing Tower will be evacuated. Now he needs time to supplement the star power.

"You help me find a piece of news." Fang Chen looked at Du Xin and Bing Ling.

Du Xin glanced at Bingling, then looked at Fang Chen and asked, "What news?"

"I have several companions, one of them is Tiejian Wushuang Iron One, and the other is Barbaric Island Barbaric Dragon, and Murong Bing, you can help me beat them." Fang Chen said.

"Iron Sword Warriors?"

Hearing the words, Du Xin and Bingling moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen actually looked at Tie Yizun.

Speaking of them, they are also familiar with Tie Yizun, but they are just not familiar.

"Good." Du Xin nodded, and then turned and left Bingling.

However, just a few steps away, Du Xin stopped and turned to look at Fang Chen and asked seriously: "Aren't you afraid that we will take the opportunity to escape?"

"You know, the ruins are vast, even if you are powerful, it is not easy to find us," Bingling added.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his head and said: "Don't you already make a choice?"

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Du Xin grinned with Bingling.

Immediately, turned and left.

Zi Yu on the side, looking inexplicably, a little puzzled.

However, Fang Chen sat cross-legged and ignored him.

"Guard Brother Fangchen."

Zi Yu ordered, suddenly, many disciples of Zi Leimen surrounded Fang Chen one after another.

Fang Chen's body absorbs the power of stars between heaven and earth very quickly.

After half an hour, the power of the stars in the star tower has been full again.

At a certain moment, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

"Brother Fang Chen, have a rest?" Zi Yu asked.

Fang Chen nodded.

Just when he was about to speak, there was a broken sound in the distance, and then a shadow came hurriedly.

Everyone looked at it and it was Bingling.

"Fang Chen ..."

Bingling's face was dignified. He came to Fang Chen and shouted.

"Did you hear the news?" Fang Chen asked with a bright eyes.

Bingling nodded and said: "I heard, but ..."

"But what?"

"In the process of inquiring about the news, we encountered some troubles. I desperately brought the news back, and Du Xin was in danger." Bingling's face was solemn, and he was very worried about Du Xin's safety.

"Detail." Fang Chen frowned.

"When I finished the news with Du Xin, and was about to return, I met the men of Jialong Xingjun, a guy with six stars in the Star Realm, who shot us both, we lost ..."

After Fang Chen heard the news, his face changed slightly.

"take me to."

Hearing that Bingling was overjoyed, he immediately took the lead and took Fang Chen to the place where Du Xin was.

Huh ...

Half an hour later, Fang Chen and others came to a wasteland.

At this time, above the wasteland, Du Xin was in a state of embarrassment, with blood stains everywhere. His face was pale, but he kept insisting.

"Du Xin, it's useless. When you meet me, you're dead." The Sixth Martial Artist of the Star Realm stands in the sky, looking down at Du Xin, protruding his palm, and immediately suppressing Du Xin.

Thump ...

Du Xin was directly suppressed.

"Damn ..."

Du Xin was furious and immediately took out the red blood withered dragon grass from his arms and swallowed it directly into his belly.

Buzz ...

Suddenly, Du Xin's body atmosphere rose sharply, and his cultivation ability directly crossed to the sixth level of the Star Realm.

Click ...

Du Xin broke away from this person's repression, and suddenly stood up, violently attacked, and burst out instantly.

"Red blood dry dragon grass?" This person saw it, frowned slightly, and said immediately: "It seems that I underestimated you."

However, this man's figure flickered, constantly wandering in the void, playing against Du Xin.

If he swallowed the Red Blood Dry Dragon Pill, Du Xin's strength must be able to improve.

It is a pity that this is Red Blood Dry Dragon Grass, and its medicinal effect is not as powerful as Red Blood Dry Dragon Pill.

However, even so, it is enough for Du Xin to fight one.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The two kept banging, and as time went on, Du Xin felt that the power in his body was passing away.

It was at this time that the Sixth Martial Artist of the Star Realm suddenly launched the most violent attack.

"Du Xin, what can you do now?"

As soon as the person's voice fell, the strongest attack erupted in an instant, directly punching Du Xin.

Click ...

In Du Xin's body, the sound of broken bones was heard.

He fell heavily on the ground, spitting blood in his mouth, and his face was extremely pale.

The person walked towards Du Xin step by step, his face covered with gloom.

Although Du Xin is the young Tianjiao of the Binglei Gate in the Tianlei area, he has an armor dragon star behind him, and he is not afraid of Binglei Gate.

"You mean villain."

Du Xin was very angry. The person's name was Zhang Quan, who was under the armour of Dragon King Xingjun. He was mean and shameless.

In the outside world, he had some holidays with him, but at that time, Zhang Quan swallowed his breath because of Bing Leimen.

And now, while the elders of Bingleimen are no longer, he actually gave him a hard hand.

"Du Xin, no one can save you, you will die today." Zhang Quan smiled eeriely.

Du Xin's face grew paler. He simply lay on the ground and ignored Zhang Quan.

In the distance, Fang Chen and others hurriedly came to see this scene.

Fang Chen's sense of consciousness is very strong, and he immediately realized that Du Xin had swallowed the red blood dry grass.


Seeing that Zhang Quan was going to shoot Du Xin, Fang Chen shouted loudly.

Wow ...

Fang Chen took the lead, followed by Bing Ling and Zi Yu and others.

"Oh? Bingling, is this the rescue you moved in? It's just that." Zhang Quan sneered.

The big hand is still out, and the power of the stars is in his palm.

With this palm, Du Xin will die.

"call out……"

The little mouse exhibited the extreme penetration of talented supernatural powers, and the horrible purple spear, carrying a shocking penetration force, pierced into Zhang Quan's palm with a sudden thunder.


Stabbed by the extreme penetration, Zhang Quan made a miserable cry and hurriedly withdrew his hand.

The palm of his hand was instantly eroded by blood, and Zhang Quan's face was fierce and furious.

"Haven't you heard what my boss said?" The little mouse shouted coldly with his paws on his hips.

"court death."

Zhang Quan was furious and endured the pain in his palm and shot at the mouse.

"Xuan Tianfeng Magic."

The little mouse and Zhang Quan fight together, Fang Chen shot to help.

Inside the Xingyin sword, the sound of Jianming came out, and the powerful sword net spread out instantly.

It directly enveloped Zhang Quan, and the two talents of the little mouse were supernatural and used crosswise.

In an instant, Zhang Quan was beaten by one person and one rat, and he was defeated.


Xingyin Sword shot a terrifying sword light, pushing Zhang Quan back.

The latter took a deep breath after stabilizing his body, his face very dignified.

"Do you really want to make a start for Du Xin?" Zhang Quanhan asked.

"Isn't that nonsense? Fighting dogs depends on the owner, not to mention Du Xin is the captive of my boss, and you shot Du Xin to provoke my boss." Little Mouse said arrogantly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Quan frowned.

This spirit pet's strength is much stronger than he imagined.

Especially his talents, he couldn't avoid it.

For a time, Zhang Quan fell into a dilemma.

Bingling had already put Du Xin aside, Zhang Quan thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "My goal is Du Xin, as long as you hand over Du Xin, this matter will end."

"Impossible." Fang Chen directly refused.

"For a Du Xin, do you really want to be an enemy with me?" Zhang Quan's eyes widened.

"Du Xin I must protect, and you, I will also beheaded." Fang Chen grinned.

"court death."

Zhang Quan heard the words and suddenly urged the strongest attack.

Fang Chen communicated with the mouse.

Seeing Zhang Quan's offensive, the little mouse took the lead to display the talented supernatural power to devour, briefly imprisoning Zhang Quan's body.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth-order array method spread out instantly.

Zhang Quan was trapped in the formation.

"Slash and kill prey." Fang Chen smiled.

Immediately plunged into the formation.

In the fourth-order array method, Fang Chen headed, the little mouse, the magic beetle, and the three lord pets of the Dark Night Mother, standing quietly behind Fang Chen.

One person, three skinny, looked at Zhang Quan with a smile.

"Boy, dare to spoil my Zhang Quan's business. I want you to die."

After that, Zhang Quan thunder shot.

It's a pity that what he encountered was perverted Fang Chen.

If he fights alone, Fang Chen is definitely not his opponent.

However, with the help of little mice, devil beetles, and the Queen Mother of the Night, it would be different.


In the fourth-order array method, the battle suddenly became one-sided.

The little mouse, the devil beetle, and the queen of the night, took the lead and launched a crazy attack.

Thump ...

Zhang Quan's arm was bitten off by a little mouse.

Buzz ...

Zhang Quan's eyes were pierced by the demon beetle.

But Zhang Quan's body was surrounded by dense night corpses, unable to move.


Zhang Quan miserable shouted, he was terrified in his heart and wanted to break free, but to no avail.

Thump ...

Zhang Quan's head exploded.

"Why?" Zhang Quan shouted.

The Xingyin sword in Fang Chen's hand pierced Zhang Quan's chest fiercely.

"Keep your eyes open for the rest of your life, don't follow the wrong master."

After talking, Fang Chen pulled out the Xingyin sword, Zhang Quan's body, and fell to the ground softly.

The Devil Beetle and the Queen of the Night looked at the little mouse as if they were asking for help.

"All right, one drop per person."

The little mouse cut his finger and gave them a drop of blood.

Suddenly, the Devil Beetle jumped up and down with the Queen of the Night.

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