Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1271: Destroy the old nest

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"Humans, surrender to my demon blood clan, otherwise kill without amnesty."

Members of the Demon Blood Clan shouted loudly.

Murong Bing also discovered the Demon Blood Clan, and sneered after seeing the three men as low-level martial artists in Star Realm.

"It's ridiculous, my human race and your demon blood race, life and death enemies, let me surrender and dream."

A wave of Murong Bing's palm suddenly burst into violent power.

Click ...

Her big hands directly suppressed the three demon blood clan.

"No, the human race is too strong."

Members of the demon blood clan shouted.


In the face of the Demon Blood Clan, Murong Bing didn't feel soft at all. With his big hand pressed, he instantly shattered the bodies of the three Demon Blood Clan.

However, when the three Demon Blood Clan was dying, the news was sent back to the base camp.

In an instant, the base of the Demon Blood Clan shook.

"What? The human race commits it?"

"Damn people, dare to kill our base camp."

"Don't you lie to me?"

The people of the Demon Blood Clan were all angry and sent out one after another.

For a moment, the people of the Demon Blood Clan came upstream and surrounded Murong Bing Tuan.

"Human race, die."

The person headed by the Demon Blood Clan is a star warrior of the sixfold martial arts, and his whole body exudes a terrifying breath.

Murong Bing looked calm, without fear.

There was a wave of waves all around her.


The people headed by the Demon Blood Clan shouted, and hundreds of Demon Blood Clan suddenly shot out.

Murong Bingshi exhibited his unique skills and fought with the demon blood clan.

Bang Bang Bang ...

However, a quarter of an hour later, Murong Bing's body showed scars.

There are too many demon blood tribes, and Murong Bing alone cannot cope.

"Kill the human race."

The demon blood cries shouted.

The battle over the river is very fierce.

Although Murong Bing is only double in the Star Realm, it is really fighting, comparable to the Five Star Realm, very arrogant.

Murong Bing's speed is very fast, constantly dodge the attack of the Sixth Demon Blood Clan in the Star Realm, and he is fully attacking the weak Devil Blood Clan.

Under the cliff, the cry shook the sky.

Fang Chen, who was originally far away from here, also attracted them.

"Senior Fang Chen, there seems to be a fighting voice in front?"

The barbarian asked in doubt.

Tie Yizun is also a little curious.

The three quickly came before the cliff.

Originally thought that it was an internal strife between human races.

However, when they saw the beautiful woman in a white dress and covered in blood over the river, the hearts of the three were instantly angered.

"Damn demon blood clan, I fight with them."

The barbarian shouted in anger.

Fang Chen frowned, and Murong Bing at this time was already somewhat irresistible.

"Go down."

Fang Chen snorted and swung into the air with real intention, first two people took a step and swooped down.


After a moment, Fang Chen came under the cliff.

At this moment, Murong Bing was blown away by the demon blood clan.

Fang Chen was on tiptoe, came to Murong Bing and hugged Murong Bing's body,

Being embraced from behind, Murong Bing's body shuddered obviously.

Immediately, she knew it was Fang Chen.

However, even with her fellow brothers, she felt a little embarrassed and her face suddenly turned red.

"Are you all right?"

Fang Chen asked Murong Bing down.

Murong Bing lowered his head, his hair blocked the blush on his face, shook his head, and said softly, "Thank you."


At the same time, the barbarian came with Iron One.

Seeing them, Murong Bing was very happy.

Especially when Fang Chen appeared, Murong Bing was shocked.

Wasn't he slammed into the melting pot of heaven and earth by the dragon? How would it appear here?

However, now is not the time to ask these things.

"Are there three more to die?"

The head of the Demon Blood Clan, who looked down on the top, looked down at the four Fang Chen, sneered.

Fang Chen glanced around and found that the people of the Demon Blood Clan, the strongest is only the sixth level of the Star Realm, the rest are the middle ranks of the Star Realm, and the low-level martial arts.

"Are you interested in playing a big one?" Fang Chen turned to look at the barbarian dragon and asked Tie Yizun.

"Everything I listen to Brother Fangchen." Man Long said.

Fang Chen nodded, and then said: "The six-strength warrior of the Star Realm of the Demon Blood Clan will be given to me, and the rest will be given to you, how?"

"Okay, that's it." Tie Yizun said.

"Kill them all." The barbaric dragon said.

Opposite, the people of the Demon Blood Clan are already ready to move.

"Kill me all these human races."

The person headed by the Demon Blood Clan shouted.

Suddenly, hundreds of demon blood races rushed into the battlefield one after another.

Fang Chen took the lead and directly arranged the fourth-order array method.

In an instant, the six bloodthirsty tribes headed by the Star Realm were trapped by the formation.

Immediately, he arranged several fourth-order arrays in succession, trapping the six strongest of the Demon Blood Clan.

Afterwards, he got into the formation, and with the little mouse, the devil beetle, and the queen of the night, began to slaughter the six-layered people of the demon blood clan Star Realm.

And the outside world, led by Murong Bing, the three men battled against the other blood races.

There was a loud noise over the entire river.

The battle was fierce, but Murong Bing and the three of them coped with it more than enough.

All three are people in the demon world. Anyone can easily cross-level combat.

Thump ...

One after another, the demon blood clan fell into the pool of blood.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen beheaded a six-folded person in the Star Realm of the Demon Blood Clan.

Goal, next.

Based on the fourth-order array method, it trapped the six-fold demon blood clan in the Star Realm, and then the little mice, the night queen emperor, and the devil beetles all shot together, and they could easily be killed.

Of course, unexpected effects can only be obtained without knowing it.

If it is to the brothers of the same class in the upper demon world, the effect is not good.

In this way, Fang Chen alone, entangled the most powerful six people, and the rest of the Demon Blood Clan, the strength is much weaker, not worth mentioning.

When Fang Chen killed five powerful blood-blood clan, the hundreds of blood-blood clan members in the outside world were all slaughtered by Murong Bing.

"Murong, your strength is really strong." Tie Yizun smiled.

The barbarian dragon on the side is also envious. It seems that Murong Bing should have a big harvest. Her strength has improved a lot.

Especially the kind of ripple exercise method, one move, the world is shocked.

Murong Bing nodded at the two of them, and then looked at the last fourth-order array method.

At this moment, Fang Chen is within the formation.

Rumble ...

Within the array, a deafening voice came out, and Fang Chen seemed a bit difficult.

"We go in to help him." Murong Bing said.

In an instant, the three entered the formation.

At this moment, the head of the Demon Blood Clan was covered with blood.

"Human race, if our clan is here, you will die miserably."

"Unfortunately, they are no longer."

Fang Chen chuckled.

In the end, under the cooperation of the brothers and sisters, the person headed by the Demon Blood Clan was beheaded.


The fourth-order array method shattered, and the four Fang Chen looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"Senior Fang Chen, your strength is getting stronger and stronger." Manlong smiled.

"It's worthy of being the warrior who broke the extreme. Let's join the Voldemort Realm together. It took only a long time for you to open such a big gap with us." Tie Yizun is also sighing.

There was no expression on Murong Bing's face, and her hair covered her face, and she didn't know what to think about.

"How come there are so many demons here?" Fang Chen asked suddenly.

"Unclear, is this the base of the Demon Blood Clan?" Said Man Long's eyes.

"Go, go down and see." Tie Yizun said.

"If it is really the blood blood base camp, it will be very dangerous." Murong Bing reminded.

After hearing this, Fang Chen smiled.

"Relax, if this is really the base of the Demon Blood Clan, it will be safer."

Murong Bing was puzzled.

The barbarian on the side explained: "The days when we were looking for you, the Nine Great Star King and the blood demon clan started fighting."

"The high level of the demon blood clan has all joined the war, and it is still in a fierce battle with the nine star kings." Tie Yizun said.

Murong Bing heard the words and said no more.

A group of four people followed the river to the lower reaches.

"Sure enough, this is the base camp of the Demon Blood Clan." Man Long smiled.

"I don't know what good things are in the base camp of the Demon Blood Clan."

The four came to the base of the Demon Blood Clan, which is a valley, lush.

At the entrance of the valley, there is a river.

Follow the river and enter the valley.

"Boss, look."

The little mouse said suddenly.

Fang Chen turned his head to look around, and suddenly found that there were some corpses under the cliff rock formations of the valley.

These corpses contain a dark atmosphere.

"What is this?" Barbaron asked.

"Is this a powerful plan for the Demon Blood Clan Resurrection Clan?" Tie Yizun shouted aloud.

Fang Chen heard a sly smile on his face.

"You said, we will destroy their plan to work hard, what will happen to them?"

After all, the four shot together.

There are thirty-six corpses under the cliff rock.

Each one represents a powerful person once used by the Demon Blood Clan.

Now, thirty-six bodies have been destroyed by four people.

"Hahaha, it's really happy."

The barbarian laughed, if it was really completed by the demon blood clan, it would be troublesome.

The four Fang Chen didn't even know, because their actions directly led to the total defeat of the Demon Blood Clan.

The remains of blood on the battlefield.

The Nine Great Kings led a large number of high-level warriors in the Star Realm and are fighting against the Devil Blood Clan.

It has been fighting for a long time, and it has been evenly matched.

However, at a certain moment, the top level of the Demon Blood Clan suddenly shook.

"damn it."

The top level of the Demon Blood Clan roared upward, with a terrifying look.

"Someone destroyed our base camp."

Suddenly, the demon blood clan on the battlefield, like the ants on the hot pot, was anxious.

Thirty-six corpses are really important to them.

But now, all of them are destroyed, which is a huge blow for the Demon Blood Clan.

"Who is it? I'm destroying my demon blood plan." The demon blood executive, looking up at the sky, was not reconciled.

"Fight back."

After discovering the anomaly of the Demon Blood Clan, the Nine Star King ordered the Human Race to launch a full counterattack.

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