Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1280: Shirahone Castle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

Before heading to purgatory, Fang Chen must earn enough pandan, so that he can persist long enough in purgatory.

The Wandudan obtained by completing the task before has been used up by Fang Chen.

On this day, Fang Chen came to the mission hall and chose the mission again.

It seems to know that Fang Chen is about to enter purgatory, so the requirements of Fang Chen in the mission hall are much lower.

Moreover, the realm commander, for each task, as long as Fang Chen can complete, add an extra poisonous pill.

Fang Chen took the task crazy.

Although he was blood poisoned and tortured every day, he didn't give up and kept insisting.

His fighting power is also becoming more powerful.

In just one month, Fang Chen completed 25 missions and got 50 Wandudan.

However, Fang Chen is still not satisfied, he still has to do the task.

When you have enough one hundred poisonous pills, you can go to purgatory.

However, on this day, Poisonous Immortal came from the seventh heaven to the second heaven and found Fang Chen.

"Brother Fang, I want to make some transactions with you."

"I don't know what Brother Xidu wants?" Fang Chen asked.

Fang Chen had a good impression of Poison Zhongxian, who was also very good to him.

As long as I can do it, I will certainly help.

"Brother Fang, you also know that I specialize in poisoning the Tao, and I am very curious about all the poisons in the world. And you are poisoned by blood, although I can't treat it, but I want to study." Poison Zhongxian smiled.

If he can thoroughly study the blood poison, he will surely be famous in the vast universe.

At that time, the human race will not have to fear anything against the bloodthirsty race.

"You give me some blood, and I will give you a hundred million poison pill." Poison Zhongxian said.

Fang Chen heard the words, but he was shocked, and he immediately focused on the head.

I definitely made a profit from this sale.

"Thank you, Brother Drugs." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

He knew that the reason why Poison Fairy was so willing was to take care of himself.

The Poison Immortal heard the words and waved his hand, saying: "You and I each take what we need."

Wow ...

The Poison Fairy waved his hand and handed one hundred million poisonous pill to Fang Chen.

"The one hundred poisonous pill is enough for you to stay in purgatory for a year. I want to use your strength, as long as you are not lucky, you should be able to gather military merits and return successfully." Poison Zhongxian smiled.

Fang Chen nodded, then scratched his finger, and suddenly blood flowed out.

Seeing the poison, the eyes were straight.

Quickly took out a small jade bottle, and put the blood on Fang Chen's finger into the jade bottle.

"Haha ..."

After getting Fang Chen's blood, Du Zhongxian was very happy. After saying goodbye to Fang Chen, he turned and left.

As for Fang Chen, he was very excited to see one hundred poisonous pill.

In addition to the fifty panacea he obtained before, there are a total of 150.

As the poison Zhongxian said, there is nothing wrong with persisting for a year.

As for a year later, wait until then to talk about it.

Wan Du Dan was ready, and after Fang Chen had cleared up a little, he was ready to go to purgatory.

Fang Chen found Brother Wu.

"Brother Wu, I am ready, and now I can go to purgatory." Fang Chen said.

Brother Wu nodded and said: "When you arrive in purgatory, remember to be careful."

Brother Wu told Fang Chen, the latter focused on the head.

Later, Brother Wu took Fang Chen to the teleportation array.

Huh ...

Gu Cang is here.

"Brother Fang." Gu Chong exclaimed.

"Brother Gu Chong."

Fang Chen felt warm when he saw Brother Gu Teng hurried over.

Since entering the Demon World, Brother Gu Chong has been very kind to himself.

And now, it's time to send myself again.

"Brother Fang, I'll send you away." Gu Chong smiled and said: "Our teleportation circle of the Demon Realm can be directly sent to the entrance of the purgatory. After the test, we can enter the purgatory.

"Thank you Brother Gu cutting for reminding."

Under the watch of Senior Brother Gu and Senior Brother Wu, Fang Chen entered the teleportation array.

Wow ...

The white light flashed over, the teleportation array turned on, and Fang Chen disappeared.

Looking at the disappearing direction of Fang Chen, Gu Chong and Brother Wu glanced at each other, but shook their heads helplessly.


Fang Chen felt that the surrounding space was all twisting, as if he had entered into endless darkness.

Open your eyes and it's dark all around.

"It hurts."

Fang Chen felt that his body was in pain, as if he had come to the depths of the universe.

This feeling lasted for half an hour before finally disappearing.

In an instant, the white light flashed in front of my eyes.

Fang Chen looked closely, the teleportation array opened, and he walked out of the teleportation array.

"Is this the entrance to purgatory?"

Fang Chen said slightly.

He looked around and found himself in a city, which is very lively and full of people.

"Boy, are you new here?" Suddenly, a voice awakened Fang Chen.

"Good." Fang Chen nodded.

"Are you going to purgatory?" The person asked.

Fang Chen nodded, and the person continued: "Purgatory is not something that ordinary people can go in. Although you may be the pride of a certain force in the outside world, you still need to pass the test if you want to enter purgatory.

"Dare to ask Xiongtai, what is the test?" Fang Chen asked.

The man smiled and said, "This city is called Bone City, and the entrance to Purgatory is inside this Bone City."

"All the warriors in the Bone City you see now are the warriors of the Star Realm level. Some of them come from the outside world and want to enter the purgatory. Others come from the battle in the purgatory."

"Many warriors, in order to gather military merit, often come out to supply and then go in."

"Xiongtai, what's the use of this military merit?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"The military power is very useful. Every martial artist who comes here comes for military power." The person said slowly: "Military power can be exchanged for many treasures. The more military power, the better the treasure exchanged."

"Redeem to treasure?"

Fang Chen seemed to hear from Brother Gu Chong before, but it was not clear.

"Your newcomer, naturally don't know." This person explained: "Everyone's pursuit is different. Some warriors want strong strength, so they earn military merit and exchange for powerful weapons; while others need rare. Materials, or whatever, can be exchanged for military merit. "

"The most important point is that enough military power can be used to make the realm, and even the emperor of life and death to take action for himself."

"Can the military merit be exchanged for the antidote to blood poison?" Fang Chen asked quickly.

"Of course, provided you have sufficient military power." The person nodded.

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart, if the military power can be exchanged for the antidote of blood poison, then can the blood poison in his body be relieved?

"Forget it, tell you that you don't understand this, and you will understand it later."

The person waved his hand, and then said: "You go through the assessment first and then say."

Fang Chen said goodbye to this person and turned to leave.

At first glance, this man was an enthusiastic person. As soon as Fang Chen left, he found another newcomer to explain everything in Bone City.


Fang Chen was nagging in his heart.

After a while, Fang Chen came to the main palace of Bone City.

"Boy, are you going to purgatory?" Someone asked before the main palace.


"Okay, try your best to make a punch on this stele." The person in charge said.

Fang Chen nodded, came to the stone tablet, exhausted all his strength, and punched with a punch.

Suddenly, his fist bombarded the stone monument.

To Fang Chen's surprise, the stele did not shake.

If it were in the past, Fang Chen's punch, the stone tablet is not broken, and it will shake violently.

"It's hard." Fang Chen said secretly.

He took his palm away and suddenly discovered that three finger marks appeared on the stone tablet.

"Three finger marks, barely passed, you can enter purgatory." The person in charge checked the stone tablet and said aloud.

"Thank you."

Fang Chen clenched his fists.

"Boy, I advise you to think about entering the purgatory. With your strength, entering the purgatory is the bottommost existence. Entering is also death." The person in charge reminded.

"I have decided." Fang Chen said.

The person in charge saw no more words and gave Fang Chen a badge.

"Boy, this badge is carried on the body, and when it encounters the human race, it can be automatically sensed. This is also the proof of your identity. If the badge is lost, even if the human race encounters you, it will kill you."

Fang Chen took the badge and looked at it. This badge was specially made and very hard.

Within the badge, there is a faint breath.

Just wearing the badge, Fang Chen found a lot of familiar breath.


Bring a badge, you can clearly sense the similar human races around.

"Wait for a moment, every time the portal opens, you have to gather ten people," the person in charge said.

The person in charge gave Fang Chen a booklet, and Houchen walked to an open space, sat cross-legged, and checked the booklet.

The contents of the booklet are all about Bone City and Purgatory.

In purgatory, there are two kinds of people, one is an ordinary soldier and the other is a commander.

Being able to become the commander is basically the strongest of the extreme stars.

Other warriors are ordinary soldiers.

The badges of the two are different. A badge of command is more precious than the badge of an ordinary soldier.

"Even if the leader badge is conservative, let's be conservative and see if we can meet some weaker aliens." Fang Chen said to himself.

Flipping through the brochure at will, Fang Chen was completely shocked when he turned to see a certain page.

"Bilong Blood Pill, needs 10,000 military merits."

An ordinary soldier badge has only a little military merit, and a command badge has 10,000 military merits.

"Is this too difficult?" [^ *]

Fang Chen couldn't help frowning.

Just in front of Fang Chen thinking, the person in charge shouted: "People who enter purgatory, come here to line up."

Suddenly, there were more than thirty people lining up at the gate of the city's main palace.

Fang Chen also came to the team.

"What you are about to enter is the most dangerous and cruel purgatory in the universe. In purgatory, only life and death, facing the aliens, must not be soft-hearted. If you don't kill the aliens, the aliens will kill you."

"In the endless years, the Wan people have always wanted to invade the territory of our human race. Over the years, they have cultivated their spirits and continuously sent elites to enter the purgatory to stop our human genius."

"The purgatory is lost, my human territory is in danger."

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