Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1336: Red glass sword

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Fang Chen was very uncomfortable looking at the old Yuan family.

It was as if the secret in my heart was seen through.

Fortunately, the old Yuan family, did not seem to find their anomalies.

Originally it was just a joke, I didn't expect Gu Yu to take it seriously.

A few days later, Gu Yu found Fang Chen with 10,000 sword sources.

"Fang Chen, ten thousand sword sources are ready, do you agree with my challenge?" Gu Yuhan said.

Seeing the source of the sword in Gu Yu's hand, Fang Chen was also stunned and immediately nodded.

"Since you want to send me Jianyuan, how can I refuse it." Fang Chen smiled.

Jianyuan is very important to Jianxiu.

With the sword source, the cultivation speed can also be improved.

However, for the time being, Fang Chen should not start with Gu Yu.

"I need to prepare for a battle after half a month." Fang Chen said.

Despite Gu Yu's displeasure, he still agreed.

After getting Fang Chen's reply, Gu Yu grinned and left the Kendo faction.

Soon, Jianwuhong came.

"Fang Chen, why did you promise to fight Gu Yu?" Jian Wuhong asked anxiously.

"Don't you believe me?" Fang Chen asked with a slight smile.


For a time, Jianwuhong was speechless.

After spending time with Fang Chen for a long time, Fang Chen feels more mysterious.

The strength has improved very quickly and is unmatched.

"The tenth strongest player in the Tianhua Rankings has a lot of strength." Jianwu Red Road.

"I know." Fang Chen said: "But for now, I need your help."

"What's busy?" Jian Wuhong asked.

If you owe Fang Chen a favor, as long as Fang Chen's request is not too outrageous, he will certainly agree.

"I need a magic soldier, preferably a sixth-order magic soldier." Fang Chen looked at Jian Wuhong and said.

"No problem." Jian Wuhong nodded without hesitation. "Is there anything else?"

Fang Chen shook his head.

Jianwuhong left.

She is such a character, resolutely popular.

After Jian Wuhong left, Fang Chen returned to the courtyard, sat cross-legged, and began to enlighten Hunyuan to kill the formation.

The deity and the avatars can share the Hunyuan Killing Array.

Because the doppelganger does not have a war sword, the sword array cannot be arranged.


Star ruins.

After a period of self-cultivation, the injury of the little mouse was almost healed.

Now, Fang Chen and the little mouse are quickly going to the inner circle of the ruins.

According to the route advised by Iron Armor, Fang Chen has been walking for more than ten days, and still has not reached Neiwei.

Along the way, although also encountered many dangers, but Fang Chen can be easily lifted.

Soon after, nearing the inner periphery, Fang Chen discovered an amazing scene.

In the ruins of the stars, other people came in.

"Boss, there are footprints on the ground." The little mouse exclaimed.

Fang Chen's face was solemn, his eyes staring straight at the footprints on the ground.

Although these footprints are very shallow, Fang Chen's consciousness is so powerful that he can clearly see the footprints on the ground.

"These footprints are left by human warriors." Fang Chen thought to himself.

"Boss, is there anyone else entering this place?" The little mouse said in a deep voice.

Fang Chen shook his head, he did not know.

"be careful."

The closer you get to the inner periphery, the more you feel that the air is extremely depressed.

After a while, Fang Chen and the mouse finally came to Neiwei.

Crossed the outer edge and entered the inner periphery.


As soon as he entered the inner circle, he heard the horrible cry of the monster monster.

Fang Chen screamed badly and fled in a panic.

Time and space are truly displayed, and the figure is instantly hidden in the void.

There was a shock in the air.

Wow ...

Fang Chen, who was moving in the void, suddenly felt something was wrong.

The space is distorted, and his body is gradually disappearing.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen shouted loudly.

However, to no avail, no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free.

His body seemed to be swallowed by the void.

"Do not……"

Fang Chen shouted and exposed the green muscles on his forehead.

call out……

When a ripple appeared in the void, Fang Chen's figure disappeared without a trace.


Fang Chen struggled desperately, suddenly felt his body fell on the ground, a white light in front of him.

"This is where?"

Fang Chen was a little shocked, wasn't he swallowed by the void? Why did you come here?


When Fang Chen was surprised, the ground trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a bull-headed monster with a hill-like laugh appeared in front of Fang Chen.


The bull-head monster made a very rough voice.

"What is this place?"

Fang Chen looked at the bull-head monster and shook his heart.

"This is the island of time and space. The owner once ordered that outsiders break into the island of time and space and kill without amnesty." The big head of the bull head monster shook, and Fang Chen felt that the whole ground was shaking.

"Kill no amnesty?"

Fang Chen was frightened.

The breath from the Minotaur was too arrogant.

Moreover, the rules of this area are different from the outside world.

Fang Chen's breath was greatly oppressed here.

"Seniors, juniors inadvertently entered here, and hope that the seniors will show mercy." Fang Chen said hurriedly.

He didn't want to die unexplained.

Although there is still a doppelganger, if the deity falls, it will cause great damage to the doppelganger.

"Hahaha, humans, you don't have to worry, although Space Time Island does not allow outsiders to come in. But it is not absolute." The bull-head monster beast laughed.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen frowned, staring tightly at the bull-head monster.

Wow ...

The bull-head monster opened his mouth, spurting a blaze, and shot towards Fang Chen.

Fang Chen subconsciously caught the fire, and suddenly discovered that it was a file.

"Boy, you are a star warrior, so as long as you can understand the time-strangling technique within a year, you will not die." The bull-head monster was finished, lying directly on the ground and falling into a deep sleep.

"Remember, you only have one year." Fang Chen's mind heard the voice of the bull-head monster.


Ancient Chinese League, Kendo faction.

In the courtyard, Fang Chen, who was comprehending Hunyuan's killing, suddenly opened his eyes.

A look of helplessness appeared on his face.

"In a year, understand the time and space strangulation technique?"

The deity inadvertently entered the island of time and space and was trapped in it.

If you can't understand the time and space strangulation technique within a year, you will definitely die.

The tauren monster is too powerful, it is too easy to kill his deity.

"Enlightenment together."

Fang Chen made the decision directly, and the deity and the avatars can learn together, which can save half of the time.

Moved by his heart, the deity passed on the time and space strangulation technique.

Fang Chen looked into his mind and learned in detail the information of the time-space strangulation technique.

Space-time strangulation is a high-level secret method.

Because it involves the true meaning of time and space, it is very esoteric and much more complicated than the ordinary best secret method.

"If you want to understand the time and space strangulation technique, it seems that you can only start with time and space." Fang Chen said to himself.

Immediately, close your eyes and start to understand.

On the seventh day, Jianwuhong sent a sixth-order soldier.

The blade is red, the blade is black, and the blade is sharp.

Fang Chen saw the extraordinary of this sword at a glance.

"To you." Jian Wuhong handed the Shenbing to Fang Chen.

After Fang Chen took the Divine Soldier with both hands, he felt very heavy.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the Divine Soldier, excited.

"Is this made from Void Mithril?"

"Void Mithril is only auxiliary material." Jian Wuhong whispered, "The main material is Liu Yanyan."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen felt even more shocked.

As a refining master, although it is only a Samsung refining master, he still knows a bit about refining.

Void Mithril is a very precious material.

Under normal circumstances, it is only used when refining the sixth-order magic soldier.

Moreover, all the **** soldiers who can use the Void Mithril as the main material are the top of the sixth rank **** soldiers.

For the Six Star Refining Master, Void Mithril is also a very precious material.

The material used for this long sword is actually the main material of glazed iron, and the auxiliary material of Void Mithril.

Glazed flame iron, that is the material needed for refining the seventh-order **** soldier.

"This ... these materials, did you take them out?" Fang Chen took a deep breath and looked up to Jianwuhong and asked.

Jianwu red nodded and did not speak.

Fang Chen was very moved. He didn't expect Jianwuhong to come up with this precious material and refine his magic soldier for himself.

"Thank you very much." Fang Chen thanked.

"No need, I owe you a favor." Jian Wuhong said softly. "This sword has no name, you get one."

The sword is red, and it is made of glazed iron.

Fang Chen almost blurted out and said a name.

"Red glass, just call it red glass."

Jianwu nodded her head and then said: "I'm going first, the inheritance of Qinglei Emperor, I'm about to accept it. I will retreat this time.

Looking at Jian Wuhong's back, Fang Chen had a complicated look.

Holding a red glass sword in his hand, Fang Chen was very excited.

"Try the power of the red glass sword."

The power of the stars surges, and the Thunder Sword Juice is displayed.

Suddenly, the mighty Thunder Jianguang suddenly roared.


The earth is shaking.

Put away the red glass sword, Fang Chen was very excited.

"Although it is a sixth-order magic soldier, its sharpness is comparable to that of a seventh-order magic soldier." Fang Chen said secretly.

The power of the red glass sword has surpassed that of the Xingyin sword.

Since then, this sword has been his own partner in battle.

With the Red Glass Sword, defeating Guyu, there is basically no suspense.


Boxing faction.

Somewhere in the courtyard.

Gu Yu sat on the stone bench, opposite him, is the chief disciple of the boxing school, known as the Dragon Boxing.

As for his real name, people have long forgotten.

I only know that when he punches, it will be accompanied by the sound of Long Yin. Over time, the title of Long Quan will be known to the world.

Dragon Boxing is very strong and is the first person recognized as a boxing school.

"Brother Dragon Fist." Gu Yu said.

"I heard that you are going to challenge an official disciple of the Kendo faction?" Long Quan asked.

Gu Yu nodded, with endless anger in his eyes. "That kid is very close to Jianwuhong. I want to teach him."

"When fighting, pay attention to a few cents. It is said that the kid is a genius who breaks the extreme, and the Kendo faction takes him very seriously."

Gu Yu's eyes flickered with golden light and sneered, "Come on, I won't kill him."

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