Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1396: Initial control of Xiandong

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After cleaning up irrelevant warriors, only a few warriors remained on the mountainside. Eight + ∧ reading + ∧ book, ※. → br & nbb is eligible to enter the cave. & nb "Take all the tokens out," Tsing Yi old man said. & nb Suddenly, all the warriors threw the tokens into the sky. & nb is the Thirteen Temple tokens, which quickly gathered together to form a black token. Afterwards, the Qifu token was merged into a golden token. & nb Finally, the black token merges with the gold token and turns into a two-color token. & nb In the eyes of everyone, the two-color token got into the stone gate of Dongfu. & nb dong ... & nb The earth was shaking, the stone gate of the cave house was slowly opening. & nb Wisps of fairy air escaped from it. & nb "A strong breath." & nb is even slightly moved even if he creates the Martial Artist. & nb These shocking scenes are indeed beyond everyone's expectations. & nb blinked, the stone door opened completely. Surrounded by immortal air, the cave house swallowed up the glory. & nb "Go in." & nb As the three old men in Tsing Yi entered, other warriors swarmed in. & nb Fang Chen three people, and finally entered the cave house. & nb Cave House is not too big, there are dozens of yellow futons on the ground. & nb Surrounded by these futons, there is a fairy atmosphere. & nb "Welcome everyone to the real Panyue Xiandong." & nb Suddenly, a deafening voice came. & nb Everyone was shocked. & nb "All the treasures of Panyuexian Cave are all on the dozens of futons on the ground. You can choose the futons freely, but please note that once the futons are selected, they cannot be changed, and you cannot **** others' futons." After speaking, the voice disappeared. & nb Suddenly, countless warriors stared at dozens of futons. & nb swish ... & nb first rushed into the futon is the three strongest forces. & nbAfter the three of them selected, the others also chose. & nb Fang Chen's eyes flickered, he didn't know how to choose. & nb Just when he hesitated, suddenly his heart moved slightly and his mind was concussed. & nb "Huh?" & nb Fang Chen turned to look at a certain futon on the left, feeling uneasy. & nb "What's going on?" & nb Fang Chen was puzzled. & nb thought for a moment, he walked straight to the futon and sat cross-legged. & nb can only select the futon by luck. & nb Fang Chen also has no way. After sitting on the futon, Fang Chen suddenly scorched a breath from the futon into his body. & nb followed, his perfect sword body, actively exudes. & nb "This is?" & nb Fang Chen felt that the futon was absorbing the breath of the perfect sword body. The next moment, Fang Chen lost consciousness. Before losing consciousness, Fang Chen vaguely heard that a vicissitudes sound came from his mind. & nb "Unexpectedly, after an endless period of time, I can still see the familiar breath." & nb ............ & nb The outside world, the sea monster who entered Panyue Xiandong, attacked in a big way. & nb had a fierce battle with the human warriors. & nb The battle was very fierce, and both sides suffered heavy losses. & nb However, the numerous warriors in the cave house did not know at all. & nb does not know how long it has passed. & nb Fang Chen felt that he had a strange dream. & nb dreamed that he had become a named disciple of Panyue Zhanxian, and after the latter let him step into God Realm, he went to find him. Suddenly, Fang Chen woke up from his sleep. & nb His forehead was covered with beads of sweat. & nb "Sleep?" & nb Fang Chen looked around and found that the warriors sitting on the futon, all fell asleep. & nb has only the three strongest fighting powers to stay awake. & nb "Strange dream?" & nb Fang Chen said to himself. & nb However, at this moment, a strange voice came. & nb "You and I are destined to accept you as a disciple of disciples. Later in God Realm, you can become my official disciple." & nb's voice is very old, as if it came across a long river of time. & nb Fang Chen shook his heart and set off a storm. & nb's dream come true? & nb "That dream is true? You have become a disciple of Panyue Zhanxian?" & nb Fang Chen could not believe his ears. & nb However, when he saw the inky token appearing in his hand, he finally believed it. & nb's own shed, selected an important futon left by Panyue Zhanxian, and became a named disciple of Panyue Zhanxian. & nb this token has a battle word written on the front. On the contrary, Fang Chen didn't understand what a complicated pattern was drawn. & nb simply watched it, Fang Chen put away the token. The token & nb is a symbol of his identity and cannot be lost. & nb "Unexpectedly, so easily became a named disciple of Panyue Zhanxian. But it seems that there is no benefit." Fang Chen said with a lip. & nb, although stepping into God Realm, can become the official disciple of Panyue War Immortal. & nb is equivalent to having a strong backer. & nb But now, nothing seems to be getting. & nb Is this really the case? & nb Obviously not. & nb, because not much time, a lot of information, got into his mind. After carefully sorting out, Fang Chen was shocked to find that after becoming a disciple of Panyue Battle Immortal, he was able to control the entire Panyue Cave. & nb That is to say, as long as the Zhenfu Stone Tablet of Panyuexian Cave can be refined, Panyuexian Cave can be controlled at will. & nb "This ..." & nb Fang Chen was excited, this is a great thing. & nb But soon Fang Chen was not happy. The town stele of Panyuexian Cave in Panyue has experienced endless years, wasted by time, and can no longer function actively. & nb wants to refine, it must be allowed to run actively. & nb The only treasure that can make it work is called Crystal Dragon Scale Stone. & nb "Crystal dragon scale stone." Fang Chen read. & nbAccording to the information, the crystal dragon scale stone is in the deep sea of ​​the sea among the Krakens. & nb wants to get it, it's harder than climbing the sky. & nb "This ..." & nb While Fang Chen was thinking, many warriors woke up one after another, and then walked out of Panyuexian Cave. & nb Everyone has a good harvest and is unwilling to let others know what they have inherited. & nbSo, leave very tacitly. & nb With the return of many strong men, the Krakens are completely defeated. & nb Eventually, they were forced to flee. & nb Panyue Xiandong's strongest inheritance was obtained by everyone, and it was a waste of time to stay. Many warriors gradually left. & nb "Brother Fang, let's go too." Bai Wuwang said. & nb "You go first, I still have some things." Fang Chen whispered. Slightly puzzled on Jian Wu Hong Qiao's face, she shook her head and turned to leave. The helm of the Kendo faction also asked Fang Chen, and then left. & nb "Fang Chen, what happened in the future, come to us three old immortals." & nb "Yeah, in the four major islands, the three of us talk, there is still some weight." & nb "Little fellow, practice well, we I'm optimistic about you. "After going through this matter, the three strong men have opposite attitudes towards each other. & nb Obviously, they were in the cave house and got what they wanted. & nb before leaving, did not forget to say hello to Fang Chen. & nbIn a while, Panyuexian Cave was empty. After confirming that everyone had left, Fang Chen quickly came to a hidden palace according to the map in his mind. & nb Then, his hands tied with the French seal, a complex light flashing in the palace. & nb Suddenly, a stone monument broke out. & nb This is the Zhenfu stele and the control center of Panyuexian Cave. & nb Fang Chen dripped blood on the stone tablet, and suddenly a breath burst into his palm. Afterwards, Fang Chen felt that if he moved his heart, he could discover everything in Panyuexian Cave. & nb "Although I can see everything in the fairy cave, I can't control it." & nb Fang Chen pouted. & nb has no crystal dragon scales and cannot refine Zhenfu stele. & nb Fang Chen found that the tribe of the Kraken family was hiding in some hidden places to heal. & nb "First grab a Kraken to ask." Fang Chen said secretly. & nb Immediately, with the help of the Zhenfu stele, he instantly teleported to a sea monster. & nb bang ... & nb hadn't waited for the Kraken to react, so he grabbed the Kraken's head. & nb "Where is the crystal dragon scale stone?" Fang Chen asked. & nb "I don't know." Siren said in a hurry. & nb "Huh?" & nb Fang Chen pressed his palm hard, and the Kraken made a miserable cry. & nb "I really don't know." & nb clicks ... & nb After crushing the Kraken's head, Fang Chen continues to look for the next Kraken. After searching for dozens of Krakens in succession, & nb finally captured a Transformer Kraken. , & Nb, the Kraken was seriously injured in the previous battle, resulting in his inability to fight and was won by Fang Chen. & nb "I will ask you what you answer, otherwise, you will be killed by me." Fang Chen said in a deep voice. & nb "What do you want to know?" & nb "Where is the crystal dragon scale stone?" Fang Chen asked. & nb heard that the Kraken was shocked. & nb, he shook his head frantically. & nb "You can't get it. The crystal dragon scales are in the crystal palace. You have no hope at all." <

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